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Translated by David Fielker
ABELSON Yehoshua, wife Vitel
ABELSON Avraham-Yoel, wife Chanah and three children
ABELSON Sheinka, husband of Menachem Eliezer from Polotniza and three children
ABELSON Yechezkiel, wife Itah
AISENBERG, Joseph, wife Chanah
ORMAN, Chayah-Itel, Feivel, Blumah, Moshe, Ephraim, Chanah, Bahrel, Joseph, wife Chayah and five children
BERMAN Fraydl, her daughters Feigel and Suniah and son Zelig
BOROVICK B’sil, son Nathaniel and daughters Rivkah and Yehudith
BOROVICK Chayah and son Yechiel
BOROVICK Yechiel, wife Chavah and daughters Dinah, Liphshah and Chasiah
BOROVICK Chayah Devutiah
BOROVICK Jonah, wife Chavah and daughter Chanah
BIGON Yitzchak, wife Tamar
BOROVICK Rachel, daughter Sarah-Tamah
WEISMAN Sheindel and her two daughters
BOIM Tzvi, Rivkah, Moshe, Eliezer
BITZIK Asher, wife Soniah and children
BEIGEL David, wife Peih, children Manes? and Zeldah
GELMAN Yitzchak-David, wife Malkah
GELMAN Feivel, wife Beilkah, daughters Shoshanah and Esther, son Sender
GOLDSTEIN Chayah, daughter Esther and son Shlomo
GOLDBERG Yitzchak, wife Itah, daughter Shoshanah
GOTTLEIB Aharon, daughters Miriam and Nachmah
GUTMAN Asher, wife Rachel, daughter Feigel and son Yitzchak
GOLDMAN Avraham, wife Sarah Minka, son Israel
GENDZEL Yitzchak, wife Esther
GENDZEL Cheike (Dombrovitza)
HORTZIN Arieh, wife Tzipah, son David
HARITZON Chayah (Horodniya)
WACHS Gisen, wife Chava, son Arieh
WACHS Jakob, wife Gniah and two children
WACHS Zev, wife Sarah-Pearl, sons Elihu, Tzvi and Baruch, daughters Prumkah, Miriam, Rivkah and Chanah
WACHS Hershel, wife Susil two children
WACHS Prumah
WACHS Nisan, wife Yentel, daughter Haniah and her family, son Jakob
WACHS Haniah, husband Moshe, two children
WIDER Moshe, wife Rachel, sons Hersh-Lieb, Bezalel and Jakob
WASSERMAN Nachman, wife Rachel
WINNICK Shmuel, wife Breindel
WINNICK Joseph, wife Rivkah, children Shmuel, Tzirl and Haniah
WERKEL Berel, wife Sarah (daughter of Shlomo Koldni), son Gdaliah
WINNICK Aharon, wife and four children
WASSERSTEIN Zeivel, wife Pesiah Rachel Tzofrik (Shadlitz)
ZULIAR Aharon, wife Sarah, Son Yehudah
ZULIAR Berel, daughters Chayah and Esther
CHAZANTZUK? Chavah, son Aharon
CHUBER Mordechai, wife Chayah, children Chasiah, Zalman, Devorah and Sheindel
CHUBER Chinah, son Yehudah-Nachman
CHUBER Reuben, wife Miriam, children Nisan, David and Nishkah
CHAZANTZUK? Aharon, wife Tziporah, son Chaim and his wife and daughters
CHUBER Mordechai, wife and two children
CHBER Simchah (Nirtzach Bsrny)
CHORFEK Israel (Sarny), wife Chayah (daughter of Shlomo Kolodni) and daughter Peninah
TAKTZ Baruch, wife Chavah, children Jonah and Gitel
TERGER Berel, wife Sarah
TERGER Sheinah-Hudel
TERGER Moshe, wife Chanah
TERGER Shmuel, wife Tziporah
TERGER Yehezkiel, wife and two children
TASHNOTE? Michal, Sarah and Moshe (Rokitna)
TURKNITZ Pesach, Chayah, Chaskah, Nach, Meir, Chaim, Aharon (Toman)
YODELMAN Mordechai, wife Esther
YACHNOYK? Yitzchak, wife Feivel, children Feivel, Eidel and Nisan
KATZ Moshe, wife B'sil and daughter Sarah-Miriam
KATZ David, wife Tziporah
KATZ Sprintzah, son Ephraim
KATZ Shlomo, wife Chayah and two children
LOFTAH Arieh, wife Malkah, sons Zalman and Moshe
LOFTAH Meir, wife Rachel, son Nathaniel and his wife and daughters
LOFTAH Jakob (son of Eliezer), wife Chayah, children Eliezer and Malkah
LOFTAH Nachum, wife Feigel, children Zalman, Ben-Tzion, Rivkah and Tzvi
LOFTAH Kalman, wife Tziporah, children Gitel and Aharon
LOFTAH Feige-Mirl
LOFTAH Berel, sons Yitzchak, ... , daughter Nishkah
LOFTAH Joseph, wife and four children
LOFTAH Mendel, wife Peiah, sons Nisan, Shmuel and daughter Shevah (Litinitz)
LOFTIN Zeidel, wife Devorah (Loninitz)
LOFTAH Jakob (son of Zalman), wife Rachel, children Shulamith, Sheindel, Zalman and Yehudah (Stolin)
LOFTIN Aizik, wife Gitel (Rovno)
LOFTIN Itah, husband Joseph Sefir and son Nisan (Lodo)
LOFTIN Sosil (Dombrovitza)
LIEBERMAN Leibush, wife, children Sarah-Pessel and Hershel
LIEBERMAN Asneth Goldah, husband and children (Rovno)
LEPINSKY Chaim, wife and three children
LEPINSKYAsher, wife Goldah Rachel
LEPINSKY Chayah and husband
LECHMANTZOK Moshe Aharon, wife Reizel
LECHMANTZOK Bezalel and Yekir
LECHMANTZOK Aharon, wife Sarah
LECHMANTZOK Hershel, wife Rachel, children Sarah and Peretz
LICHTENGOLD Loftin Chanah, daughters Chayah and Beilkah
LICHTENGOLD Bruniah and Yochavar (Loninitz)
LIEBERMAN Nathan, wife Leah
LIEBERMAN Arieh Tzvi, wife Menuchah (Toman)
LINN Malkah, husband Tudras and his son Joseph
LIEBERMAN Chaim Asher (Zidin)
MEIZEL Beinush, son Asher and his daughter
MEIZEL Hadasah, husband Pinchas and two children
MINTEL Yehudith
NACHFAN Joseph Lieb, wife Freidel, daughter Tirtzah and son Israel
NACHFAN Gershon, wife Chayah, son Israel and daughter Rachel
NACHFAN Asher, wife Goldah and daughter
NACHFAN Israel-Chaim, wife Reizel
SOSNICK Chaim, wife Chayah and two children
PEARL Nachman, wife Malkah, children Sender, Yitzchak and Rivkah
PEARL Chayah and child
POTROCH Hershel, wife Devorah, children Tziporah and Aharon
PRINKEL Aharon, wife and two children
PEARLMAN Dobroshkah
PICKMAN Joseph, wife Sosul and children
FISHMAN Sarah, husband Zelig and children Merl, Leah, Nachman and Aizel (Dombrovitza)
FELDLEIT Joshua, wife Devorah
FELDLEIT Miriam, children Rivkah, Perdil, Fraydl? and ...
FELDLEIT Etil, husband and child (Dombrovitza)
FIBOBIZ Esther and daughter Chayah-Yentel
FIBOBIZ Feivel, wife Moskah, son Shlomolah and daughter Beilah
FIBOBIZ Yerachmiel (Rovno)
FELDMAN Miriam, daughters Freidel, Berachah, Zeldah, Breindel
FELDMAN Asher, wife and children (Warsaw)
PEARLSTEIN Issachar, wife Gitel
FELDMAN Hershel, wife and two children
FELDMAN Jakob, wife Pessel, daughter Yichah
FIALKOV Anshel, daughters Tiebel and Feigel and son Aharon-Shnuel
FURMAN Yitzchak, wife Esther and children Freidel (Wilna), Leah and Motel
PURMAN Sarah and two daughters
PURMAN Feigel and Arieh and son Aharon-Zev
PEARLSTEIN Pesach, wife Rivkah, three sons and a daughter
TZOPRICK [tzade-vav-peh-resh-yad-kof] Aharon, wife Tamah, son Yechiel Ber and daughter Menuchah
TZIRKEL Shlomo, wife Malkah
TZIRPEL Sarah, husband and son
TZ'TZIK Goshah, son Israel and daughter Rachel (Horodnuya)
KURTAN Lieb,wife Rivkah, daughter Chayah
KURTAN Nachman, daughter Tziporah
KULMAN Simeon, wife Freidel and three sons: Yoshah, Pesach and Aharon-Shmuel (Stolin)
KOLODNI Shlomo, wife Pesiah
KOLODNI Gershon, wife Dinah, son Hershel
KRASIN? Shneider, interior decorator (Dombrovitza)
KAVIAR Meir-Hersh, wife Beilah-Rachel
KAVIAR Michal, Rivkah, Peniah, Elkah
KAVIAR Eliezer, wife Beilah and two children
KAVIAR Moshe, wife Itkah and two children
KISEL Hinkah (Stolin)
KAFTAN Sender, wife Freidel, sons Boaz and Nisan
KATZKAH Dovel and children Aharon, Michal David and Aitzel (Dombrovitza)
RESNICK Beilah-Gitel
RESNICK Chaim, wife and five children
RESNICK Chantz'ik, husband, son Yitzchak and daughter Nishkah (Stolin)
RESNICK Chavah, husband and children (Warsaw)
RESNICK Reizel, husband and children (Pinsk)
RIZI Yechiel, wife Itkah and children
ROIAN Hershel, wife Sarah and three childen
REICHMAN Jakob, wife Sarah and daughters Goldah and Chayah-Mirl
RICHOTSKI Berel, wife and three children
RICHOTSKI Yitzchak, wife Reizel and two children
ROTENBERG Yehudah, wife Heinke and children Yehiel, Mordechai Avraham and Reizel
SHOFTAR Shmuel, wife Leah and daughter Tziporah
SHOFTAR Shlomo, wif Gitel and son Yehudah
SHEINBEIN Chaim, wife Rachel and daughters Mindel, Chanah, Miriam and Rivkah
STOFAR Dvid, wife Elkah and daughters Batiah and Rivkah
STOFAR Chesiel (Loninitz)
SCHNEIDER Moshe, wife Zlotkah and two children
SCHNEIDER Hersh-Ber, wife Hudel and three children
SCHNEIDER Mordechai, wife Feigel and daughters Risiah, Esther and her children
SCHNEIDER Benjamin, wife Rivkah and son Baruch
SCHNEIDER Jonah, children David and Aizel (Pinskl)
SCHNEIDER Aharon, wife Meriel and daughter Tziporah
SCHNEIDER Moshe and children Merl, Ephraim and Aizel (Dombrovitza)
Shamas (?) ZISSEL, daughters Simah and Malkah and son Leibel
SHEINMAN Chikel, wife Esther, two daughters
SHLIAFEK [shin-lamed-yad-aleph-peh-kof] Joseph, wife Reichel and two children
SHOFTAR Sarah-Mirl and daughter Leah
STOFAR Moshe, wife Sprintzah and three children
SHEINMAN Cheikel, wife Beilah and three children
SHEINMAN Hershel, wife Genesiah and daughter Gitel
SHEINMAN Aharon, wife Chavah and four children
STOFAR David (ben Shlomo) and son Avrahamlah
SHER Yitzchak, wife Devorah and children Chaim-Aharon, Jonah, Rivkah and Freidel
SHER Benjamin
SHER Berel, wife, two daughters and son Chaim
SCHUSTER Feivosh and two sons
SHABASHI Freidel and son Yitzchak
SHVETZ Migdal, wife Latziah and daughter Shulamith
TSERPITZNICK Joseph, wife Etel and sons Asher-Aharon and Yitzchak
Those from Ozari who died in Visotsk
LICHTENFELD Yehudah and Freidel, children Chasel and Jakob
WINIAR Nachum, wife Roza, children Chaim and Hantzik
KRISTAL Avraham (husband of Maniah Lichtenfeld) and child Beilah
KAGAN Moshe, wife Esther and five children
KAGAN Dachel and son Boaz
WINIAR Tirkah and children Chayah-Sarah and Tzvi
WINIAR Aharon and wife Benutiah
GOJFRIK? Joseph, wife Zeldah and daughter
FREKLISKY? Hasel, Prumah
GENZEL Peretz and two children
SEFIRA Brushkah
SEFIRA Mordechai, wife Chayah and three daughters
SEFIRA Esther (wife of Shmuel)
ADLER Zev, children Joseph and Hasel
MOTORIN Doniah and three sons
GUMPEL Miriam and three daughters
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