The Town Volozhin Martyrs of Hitler's terror

Transliterated from Cyrillic to Latin characters by M. Porat

1 Alperovitsh Haya Alperovitsh Haya, daughter of Shloyma
2 Alperovitsh Hayim, son of Shloyma
3 Alperovitsh Shloyma
4 Berman Dobka
5 Berman Leyba
6 Berman Mula, son of Leyba
7 Berman Rykla
8 Berman Feyga, daughter of Leyba
9 Berman Khaya, daughter of Leyba
10 Berman Shmuel
11 Berman Shoola
12 Berman Elka
13 Brudno Vula, son of Hayim, born: 1930
14 Brudno Mihael, son of Hayim, born: 1928

Prominent but humble woman Mrs. Beyla, daughter of Rabbi Alter
Virtuous but simple man Mr. Fayvush Shraga, son of Rabbi Naftali Herz
Peace to Their Soul
(The above text is translated from Hebrew)

15 Brudno Pesia daughter of Hayim born: 1901
16 Brudno Hayim son of Ele born: 1906
17 Bunimovitsh Vulf
18 Bunimovitsh Danie
19 Bunimovitsh Mikhla
20 Bunimovitsh Pinkus
21 Bunimovitsh Roza daughter of Pinkus born: 1890
22 Girzen Beyla daughter of Meyer born: 1932
23 Girzen Genia daughter of Itsek born: 1910
24 Girzen Itsl daughter of Mayer born: 1935
25 Girzen Meyer son of Ausey born: 1890
26 Girzen Yudess daughter of Berka born: 1899
A verse placed inside the martyrs list
(Translated from Belarus)

On the Volozhin Tombs

Upon the old tombs, not a tree.
From afar only ruins are visible.

Not a shadow upon them
Burdensome is the fate of the buried there.

A white horse, two goats and three lambs
on the scarce autumn pasture.

Like the Bible sheep, horse and goat alike,
were driven here by Shagal
to reheat the cold dungeon
to pinch the grass growing from the ashes.

The Jews of Volozhin,
Beneath the menorah and King David's Star
Buried under broken gravestones.
Would they rest in Peace!
27 Girzon Abram son of Girsh
28 Girzon Girsh, son of Mikhl
29 Girzon Malka
30 Girzon Pola, daughter of Hayim, born: 1923
31 Girzon Sora, daughter of Hersh, born: 1890
32 Girzon Hayim, son of Leyba, born: 1890
33 Girzon Yankel, son of Hayim, born: 1928
34 Gishman Hanna, daughter of Ivan
35 Gurevitsh Sayka daughter of Oysel born: 1904
36 Zissel Zhanna
37 Kovalski Raya
38 Kovalski Yudoshka
39 Kovalski Yanina
40 Kaganovitsh Dobrushka
41 Kaganovitsh Yosif
42 Kaganovitsh Sonia, daughter of Yosif
43 Kivilevitsh Shneyer, son of Mikhal, born: 1910
44 Kirzen Arye, son of Avcey, born: 1893
45 Lipovitski Rakhela, daughter of Berka, born: 1939
46 Lipovitski Sareksa, daughter of Itska, born: 1897
47 Lipovitski Sora, daughter of Berka, born: 1922
48 Lipovitski Berka, son of Efrayim, born: 1900
49 Lipovitski Yeroya, son of Berka, born: 1918
50 Lipovitski Lazar, son of Berka, born: 1928
51 Lunin Israel, son of Mora, born: 1890
52 Lunin Nakhama, daughter of Israel, born: 1915

52 names of Jews murdered in Volozhin, names recalled by some old Belarus peasants. 52 names of about 3000 killed. See the list of Volozhin Kdoshim to see a large number of the names.
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