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[Page 86]

Szombathely Orthodox Community Leaders, 1928

Surname First name Title or occupation
BENEDIKT Márk M. main Rabbi; member of the Orthodox Rabbinic council
EINHORN Ábrahám Rabbi
STEINER Ede Congregation president; timber merchant
EILAND Lipót Congregation Vice-president, tropical fruit merchant
WEINER Jenő Treasurer, haberdasher
HEIMLER Jenő Dr., lawyer, Supervisor
FISCHER Márk community leader, clothing merchant
FREY Sámuel community leader, landowner, 100th anniversary committee member
GÜNSBERGER Jenő community leader, lumber merchant
HOLCZER Márton community leader, mill owner
HOLLÄNDER Márkusz community leader, sack merchant
NEUSTADT Dávid community leader, confectioner, 100th anniversary committee member
PASCHKUSZ Ignác community leader, Talmud-Torah president, tenant
NEUSTADT Zsigmond community leader, dry goods



Surname First name Title or occupation
ADLER F. needlework
BAUER Lajos clothing merchant
BENEDEK Imre baker
BENEDIKT Mayer furniture merchant
BLAU Mihály men's clothing/haberdasher
BLAU Náthan men's clothing/haberdasher
BODÁNSZKY Dávid men's clothing/haberdasher
BRAUN Dávid textile merchant
BRESNITZ József textile merchant
BREUER Mór broker/business agent
BUCHINGER Elek grocer/produce
BUCHINGER Zsigmond spice merchant
BURGER Mrs. Mór shoe merchant
CSILLAG Adolf men's clothing/haberdasher
DAVIDOVITSCH Simon spice merchant
DEUTSCH Mrs. Jakab glass/china
DEUTSCH József textile merchant
DIRNFELD Lipót milk/dairy
EILAND Jenő tropical fruits merchant
EILAND László tropical fruits merchant
EHRMANN Salamon spice merchant
ENGELMANN Jenő glass/china
ENGELMANN Károly glass/china
FELLNER Manó paint dealer
FISCHER Bernát shoemaker
FISCHHOF Adolf furniture merchant
FISCHOF Manó furniture merchant
FLEISCHER Fülöp broker/business agent
FLEISCHMANN Simon broker/business agent
FRIEBERT József glass/china
FÜRST Jakab broker/business agent
GALANDAUER Ábrahám yeast or leaven merchant
GEIST S. haberdasher
GESTETNER Sándor sodawater plant
GEWÜRTZ Lipót umbrella merchant
GOLD Jenő livestock merchant/butcher
GOLDBERGER Sámuel men's clothing/haberdasher
GOLDMANN Jenő dry goods
GOLDSCHMIED E. grocer/produce
GOLDSCHMIED Gusztáv pots and pans merchant
GOLDSCHMIED Gyula livestock merchant/butcher
GOLDSCHMIED Jenő livestock merchant/butcher
GOLDSCHMIED Salamon blacksmith
GOLDSCHMIED Zsigmond blacksmith
GOLDSTEIN Dávid pots and pans merchant
GÖTZL József men's clothing/haberdasher
GÖTZL Lajos men's clothing/haberdasher
GÖTZL Ödön broker/business agent
GROSZ Dávid book dealer
HABERFELD Pinkász shoe merchant
HEIMLER Gyula leather goods
HEIMLER Samu clothing merchant
HEIMLER Simon leather goods
HEITLER Simon leather goods
HIRSCHENHAUSER Sándor landowner
HOFFMANN Alfréd leather goods
HOFFMANN Jenő spice merchant
HOFFMANN Mihály leather goods
HOFFMANN Mór broker/business agent
HIRSCH S. men's clothing/haberdasher
HOLCZER Bernát spice merchant
HOLCZER Ignác innkeeper
HOLLÁNDER József sausage merchant
HOLLÁNDER Mór rubber stamp merchant
KALLUS Vilmos paint merchant
KASZER Eliás broker/business agent
KLEIN Ignác broker/business agent
KOCH Jenő textile merchant
KOHN Fülöp tailor
KOHN Károly blacksmith
KOHN László blacksmith
KOSZTELITZ Adolf fish merchant
KOSZTELITZ Izrael landowner
KOSZTELITZ Jakab timber merchant
KOSZTELITZ Samu leather goods
KOTH Mór leather goods
KRAUSZ Ignác livestock merchant/butcher
KUGLER Nándor shroud maker
KURZ Mrs. Mór needlework/embroidery shop
LATZER Lipót tailor
LEICHTER Manó clothing merchant
LIPSCHÜTZ Vilmos leather goods
LÖBL Izidor gentlemen and ladies' fashions
LÖWINGER Vilmos livestock merchant/butcher
MARTON Dávid gentlemen and ladies' fashions
MARTON Ede dry goods/haberdasher
MERMELSTEIN József fish merchant
MARKOVITS Hugó paint merchant
MOSKOVITS Hermann spice merchant
MÜLLER Salamon broker/business agent
NEUMANN Bernát spice merchant
NEUSTADT Dávid, Jr. dry goods
POLLÁK Dávid textile merchant
PORGESZ Lipót baker
RAGENDORFER Jenő paint merchant
RAGENDORFER Lajos paint merchant
REHBERGER Jenő broker/business agent
ROSENBERGER Jakab broker/business agent
ROSENSTINGL Károly antique dealer
ROSENTHAL Miksa tenant
SAUER Sándor iron/steel merchant--metal shop
SCHÖNBERGER Samu broker/business agent
SCHIMMEL Mór shoemaker
SCHWARCZ Albert land holder
SCHWARCZ Benő leather goods
SCHWARCZ Dezső sack merchant
SINGER Dániel gentlemen and ladies' fashions
SPIEGEL Henrik textile merchant
SPITZER Albert landowner
SPITZER Mrs. Sámuel landowner
STADLER Izidor leather goods
STARK Márton broker/business agent
STARK Mózes dry goods
STEINER Henrik dry goods
STEINER Lipót lace trimming factory
STEINER Mrs. Salamon dry goods
STERN Jakab dry goods
STERN Mór dry goods
UNGÁR Miksa landowner
UNGÁR S. landowner
UNGER Izidor book dealer
WACHSLER Ignác broker/business agent
WELLER Jakab pots and pans merchant
WEINER Gyula men's clothing/haberdasher
WEISZ Dávid bodega
WEISZ Imre soap/candles
WEISZ Mrs. Sándor spice merchant
WILHEIM Sándor men's clothing/haberdasher
WINKLER Dávid tenant
WINKLER Mór Doctor
WITTMANN Sándor broker/business agent
WOSNER Mrs. János gentlemen and ladies' fashions


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