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[Pages 439-449]

Partial List of the Holocaust Martyrs
of Turek, Rychwal & Tuliszkow

Translated by M. Shubinsky

Edited by Ada Holtzman

Remember! Do Not Forget!

In this book we did our best to tell the story of our city and our loved ones, but we could not, despite our best intentions, tell the story of all of them; our tongue is not rich enough and our strength ebbed away.

We cannot, for certain place tombstones on our martyrs graves, the victims of the holocaust and so we decided to make a list of our people who died during the holocaust, in our town in the “kolonia”, heidmilla and the death camps - Chelmno, Auschwiz and in ghettoes and camps. We talked to many of our townspeople to update the list but we are not sure that despite all our best efforts, some names had been omitted. If that is the case than “A good thought, the Lord makes into a deed”.

Let the list of our martyrs with the names of those we know of and those we do not, be a monument and a “Yad Vashem” as it is written in Yeshayah (56; 5)

“Even unto them will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons and daughters;I will give them an everlasting name, that shall not be cut off”


ABERBUCH and family
ABERSTEIN Josef and his wife
ABERSTEIN Mosze and family
ABRAMOWICZ Mosze and family
ABRAMOWICZ Szlomo and family
ADLER Akiwa and family
ADLER Eliyahu and his wife
ALSNER (Mrs.) and family
APT Hania, née FOGEL
APT Mosze and his wife
APT Rafael and family
B Index
BAHRIER Noah and family
BAJRACH Abram and family
BAJRACH Benjamin Josef
BAJRACH Chanoch and family
BAJRACH the wife of Szlomo Wolf and her daughter
BANKEL Hela of the Szmul House
BANKEL the wife of Samuel and her family
BARANEK Iser and family
BARANEK Jakob and family
BAUM Mendel and his son.
BEATUS and family
BELSKOWSKI Samuel and family
BERKOWICZ and family
BERKOWICZ Gitl the wife of Samuel
BERKOWICZ Israel and family
BERKOWICZ Meahem and family
BERKOWICZ Mendel and family
BERKOWICZ Szlomo and his daughter
BICZAK Anszel and family
BIERKA Abram and family
BIERKA Lajbusz and his wife
BIKOWSKI Abramche and family
BIKOWSKI Feiwisz Wolf and family
BIKOWSKI Roza the wife of Jakob
BILD and family
BINSZTOK Chaim and family
BINSZTOK Rafael and family
BORZIN Reuwen and his wife
BRAFMAN Aba and family
BRAFMAN Chana the wife of Chanoch
BRAFMAN Mordechaj and family
BRAUER Mosze and family
BRAUN Israel and family
BRUKS Joel and family
BRUKS Mosze and wife
BRUKS the wife of Abram and family
BUGACKI Israel and family
BULKA Hirsz and family
BULKA Yechiel and family
BULKA Zalman and family
C Index
CERNIAWSKI Abram and his family
CHEMIELNIK (Mrs.) and her family
CHEMIELNIK Hirsz and family
CHEMIELNIK Meir and family
CHWAT (Mrs.) and her daughter Golcia
CHWAT Elchanan and family
CHWAT Zelig and family
CIGLER Dawid and his wife
CIMES Abram Meir and his family
CIMES Yeuszua and family
CITRYNOWSKI Henia and Icchak
CZAHAN and family
CZAHAN Michael
CZAHAN Ziskind and his family
D Index
DAWIDOWICZ Bejrisz and his wife
DAWIDOWICZ Mosze and family
DESTER Jakob Lajb and family
DIAMANT and his wife Hela
DIAMANT Gajzler and family
DIAMANT Szia and family
DRATAWA Dawid and family
DWORCKI and family
DZALUSZINSKI Jakob and family
E Index
EIGER and family
ELIASZ (Mrs.) née MARMELSTEIN and her children
ELIASZ Hain Lajb and family
ELIASZ Mendel and family
ELIASZ Netah and his wife
ELIASZ Szlomo and family
ELSNER and her family
ENGEL Icchak and family
ETINGER Azriel and family
F Index
FERCEL Abram and his wife
FERCEL Chaim Dawid and family
FERCEL Hirsz Lajb and his family
FERCEL the wife of R' Nehemia and her family
FINGERHOT (Mrs.) the wife of R' Icze
FISZEL and family
FOGEL (Mrs.) and her daughter
FOGEL (WALDSTEIN) and her children
FOGEL brothers and their Families (MAKRAWAN)
FOGEL Daniel-Meir and family
FOGEL Szlomo and family
FOLBERMACHER Abram and family
FOLBERMACHER Eliyahu and his wife
FOLBERMACHER Feiwusz and his wife
FRANKEL and his family
FRANKEL Rywka née LEWI and her daughter Cyrl (Cesia)
FRESAJZEN and family
FRESAJZEN Josef and family
FRESAJZEN Szia and family
FRIDLAND Icchak and family
FRIDLAND Mosze and family
FRIEDE (Mrs.) and her family
FRIEDE Aba and family
FRIEDE Benjamin Mordechaj and family
FRIEDE Ezekiel and family
FRIEDE Isaschar and family
FRIEDE Lajb and his family
FRIEDE Yehuda Arie and family
FRISZMAN and family
FUKS (Mrs.) and her daughter
G Index
  Gabriel the “Blind”
GELLER Feiwusz and family
GELLER Hirsz and family
GELLER Samuel and family
GELLER Simcha and family
GERZOGOZINK (Swarc) Israel and his wife
GERZOGOZINK (Swarc) Zelig and family
GERZON Ester the wife of Iser
GERZON Icchak and family
GERZON Samuel-Hirsz and family
GERZON Sarah (KONSKA) and her children
GLASSMAN Josef and family
GLICENSTEIN and family
GLICENSTEIN Chaya and family
GLICENSTEIN Jakob and family
GLICENSTEIN Lajzer and family
GLICENSTEIN Mosze and family
GLICENSTEIN Zalman and family
GLUBE (Mrs.) the wife of Fajwusz
GLUBE Jakob and his wife
GLUBE Meir and family
GODOLOWICZ Godel and family
GODOLOWICZ Josef Dawid and family
GODOLOWICZ Szlomo and family
GODSTEIN Michael and family
GOLBLUM Ita the wife of Eliyahu
GOLD (Mrs.) the wife of R' Baruch
GOLD Abram the blaksmith
GOLD Dawid-Chaim and family
GOLD Israel and his wife
GOLD Itche and family
GOLD Jakob and family
GOLD Jakob Lajb and family
GOLD Szlomo and family
GOLDBERG Mosze Hirsz and family
GOLDBLUM Abram and family
GOLDSTEIN Mendel and family
GOLDSTEIN Szlomo and family
GOLOMB Mendel and family
GOLOMB Simcha Bunim and family
GOTLIBOWICZ and his family
GRAUMAN and his family
GRINSPAN Mrs.(ROGORZINSKI) and her children
GRODANS Aron and family
GRODANS Hirsz-Ber and family
GRUNWALD (Mrs.) the wife of R' Dan
GUTESMAN Icchak and family
GUTESMAN Jakob and family
GUTESMAN Mosze and family
GUTMACHER Dawid and Kopel
H Index
“HAREJGER” and family
HAJSZREK Abram and family
HAJSZREK Hirsz and family
HERSZELFINKEL Cwi and family
HILDERSZEIM Noah and family
HOROWIC Mosze and son
I Index
IZBICKA the wife of Yehuda and family
IZBICKI Abram Dawid
IZBICKI Hinda Leah
J Index
JAKOBOWICZ Aron and family
JAKOBOWICZ Beila the wife of Mordechaj Beirisz and her children
JAKOBOWICZ née BRUKS and her children
JAKOBOWICZ Yetka (WEINGART) and her family
JANOWER and his family (SITNER)
JASTRZAB and his family
K Index
KALMANOWICZ Elkana and family
KANCZUK Menasze and family
KIBE Dawid and family
KIBE Fajwel and family
KIBEL Arie and family
KIBEL Ber and family
KIBEL Chaim and family
KIBEL Hirsz and family
KIBEL Hirsz Lajzer and family
KIBEL Jakob and family
KIBEL Josef and his family
KIBEL Mordechaj and family
KIBEL Mordechaj and family
KIBEL Mordechaj Lajb and family
KIBEL Rachel and her family
KIBEL Simcha and family
KIBEL Zalman and family
KIBEL Ziskind and family
KIRSZENBAUM Elia and family
KIWALA Dawid and family
KIWALA Hirsz and family
KIWALA Israel and family
KIWALA Jakob and his wife
KLEINBOIM Anszel and family
KLEINBOIM Icchak and family
KLEINBOIM Josef and family
KLEINBOIM Szalom and family
KOHEN Aron and family
KOHEN Chanoch and family
KOHEN Mordechaj and family
KOHEN Mosze Chaim
KONSKI Mosze and family
KOPEL Ben-Zion and family
KOPEL Beser and family
KOPEL Chaim Lajb and his wife
KORZEC Dawid and family
KORZEC Fajwel and family
KOT (Mrs.) and son
KOT Awrumcze and family
KOYAWSKI Alter and family
KOYAWSKI the wife of Yehuda
KOZA Abram Hirsz and family
KOZA Szlomo and family
KOZA Toibe Roza
KRASZTER (Mrs.) and her family
KRASZTER and his family
KRASZTER Luzer and family
KRAUSE and family
KROL and his family
KROTOWSKI Chaim Dawid and his family
KROTOWSKI Mordechaj and his family
KROTOWSKI Ziskind and family
KRZSZEPICKI Israel-Menasze and his family
KUPER Eliyahu and family
L Index
LANCICKI and his family
LANDAU hertczke and family
LASK Yeszayahu and family
LASKIWSKI Mosze Aron and family
LASKOWSKI Anszel and family
LASKOWSKI Ber and family
LASKOWSKI Chaim Dawid and family
LASKOWSKI Jakob and family
LASZINSKI Gitl the wife of Yehuda and her family
LEPEK (Mrs.) and her children
LERER Elimelech and family
LETA Szymon and family
LEWI (Mrs.) Chaya and family
LEWI Abram Meir and family
LEWI Gabriel and family
LEWI Lajbusz and family
LEWI Mordechaj and family
LEWI Zalman
LEWIN (Mrs.) the wife of Faliek and family
LEWIN Icchak and family
LEWIN Zalman Aron and his family
LEWINSKI Adasz and family
LEWINSKI Izidor and family
LEWINSKI Mosze and his wife
LEWKOWICZ Gedalia and family
LEWKOWICZ Michael Samson and family
LEWKOWICZ Mosze and family
LICHTENBAUM Josef and his wife
LICHTENBAUM Nahum and family
LICHTENBAUM Zalman Natan and family
LICHTENSTEIN Israel and family
LICHTENSTEIN Szaul and family
LIFSZIC (Mrs.) and family
LISAK Abram Mendel and family
LISAK and his family
LISAK Ber and family
LISAK Chana the wife of Szymon
LISAK Elimelech and family
LISAK Feiwusz Yehuda and family
LISAK Icchak
LISAK Szmuel Lewi and family
LISAK the wife of R' CChaim Wolf
LISAK Wolf and family
LUBINSKI Abram and family
LUBINSKI Chanoch and family
LUBINSKI Lajbel and his wife
LUBINSKI Szlomo and family
M Index
MADOWICZ Dawid Hirsz and family
MANIA (Mrs.) née SEIFE and her children
MANSFEL Josef Eliezer and his family
MARBER (Mrs.) née SZAJNIK and her family
MARBER Simcha Bunim and his family
MARCZAK Israel and family
MARCZAK Josef and family
MARCZAK Mendel and family
MARGULIS Hirsz and family
MARMELSTEIN Chaim Ad family
MARMELSTEIN Mendel and his wife
MARMELSTEIN Mordechaj and family
MENCHE Feiwusz and family
MENCHE Gedalia and family
MENCHE Meir and his wife
MENCHE Rafael and family
MENDEL Rochcia (JAKOBOWICZ) and her family
MENDELSON and family
MILER Roiza and her daughter
MILER Ziskind and family
MILTELSTAT Tadek and family
MORDOWICZ Abram and family
MORDOWICZ Simcha and family
MOSKOWICZ Chanoch and family
MOSKOWICZ Hajlman and family
N Index
NAFARSTEK and family
NAGORSKI and family
NEUFELD Josef and family
NEUFELD Mordechaj and family
NOIMAN (Mrs.) the wife of R' Mosze Lajb
NOIMAN Aron and family
NOIMAN Jakob and family
NOIMAN Leila (OGRODOWSKI) and her children
NOIMAN Szmuel and family
NOIMAN Yechiel and family
NUS and family
O Index
OGRODOWSKI Dawid and family
OGRODOWSKI Jakob and family
OGRODOWSKI Mosze and family
OGRODOWSKI Mosze and family
OGRODOWSKI Sander and family
OGRODWSKI Gita and her children
OGRODWSKI Mordechaj and family
ORBEITEL and family
P Index
PACZANOWSKI and her family
PACZANOWSKI Beirisz and family
PACZANOWSKI Chanoch and family
PACZANOWSKI Naftali Mosze and family
PALACZ Hananel and family
PALACZ Jonatan and family
PALACZ Yochanan and family
PALACZ Zalman and family
PARZANCZEWSKI Chaim and family
PARZANCZEWSKI Cwi and family
PARZANCZEWSKI Mosze and his family
PAT Hirsz Menachem and family
PERLA and family
PIASEK Abram and family
PIASEK Perec and family
PIASEK Sander and his family
PLIS Israel and family
PLIS Mosze and family
PLOCKI Chanoch and his family
PLUTKA (Mrs.) née NOIMAN and her children
PLUTKA the wife of Rafael Zalman
PODAMSKI Jakob-Efraim (the cantor) and his family
PODCHLEBNIK Meir and his family
POLITANSKI Chaim and family
POYARA Benjamin and family
POYARA Icchak Meir and family
POYARA Mendel and family
PREIS Alter and family
PREIS Szmuel and his wife
PRIMER Joel and family
PUKACZ Lewi and family
R Index
RASZ Mrs.) the wife of Szmuel
RASZ Rachel (NOIFELD) and her son
REDLICH Szabtai and his family
REICHMAN Abram and family
REK Wolf and family
RESLER Abram and family
RESLER Dawid and family
RESLER Szia and family
RESNIK Szlomo Meir and family
RIECHMAN Nahum and family
RIECHMAN Szmuel Meir
RIGLER Godel and family
ROGODZINSKI Chaim and family
ROGODZINSKI Lajbusz and family
ROGODZINSKI Nisim and family
ROGODZINSKI Tewel (Tuwia) and family
ROKMAN Chawa (LISK) and her son
ROKMAN Reuwen and Nechama
ROR Azriel and family
ROSEN Yechezkel
ROSENBERG Batia and family
ROSENBERG Chaim Icchak
ROSENBERG Feible and his family
ROSENBERG Josef and family
ROSENBERG Michael and family
ROSENBERG Mordechaj and family
ROSENBERG Szlomo and family
ROSENBERG The wife of the Shochet (ritual slaughterer) and her daughter
ROSENBLUM Szmuel and family
ROSENBLUM Yechezkel and family
ROSENFELD Abram and family
ROSENFELD Mosze and family
ROSENFELD The wife of Issak and her children
ROSENFELD Zosia and her family
ROSENSTEIN and family
ROSENZWEIG Abram Lajb and family
ROSENZWEIG Eliakim and family
ROSENZWEIG Hirsz Meir and family
ROSENZWEIG Icchak and family
ROSENZWEIG the wife of Dawid Hirsz
ROSENZWEIG Zecharia and family
ROT Chaim Icchak and his wife
ROT Mosze and family
ROT Roza the wife of R' Jakob Joel
ROT Yeszayahu Abram
ROZENBOIM Dawid and his wife
ROZENBOIM Mincia and her children
ROZENBOIM Simcha and family
RUBINSKA (Mrs.) and her family
RUBINSKI Emanuel and family
RUBINSKI Kalman and family
RUBINSKI Rafael and family
RUBINSTEIN Jakob and family
S Index
SAMSON Israel and family
SANDOWSKI Aba and family
SANDOWSKI Feiwusz and family
SANDOWSKI Josef Icchak
SANDOWSKI Zisl and his wife
SEIFE Abram and family
SEIFE Awcia and family
SEIFE Josef and his wife
SEIFE Pinchas and family
SEIFE The wife of Michael and her children
SITNER Ester and family
SITNER Mendel and family
SITNER Wolf and family
SKOROPA Benjamin Josef and his family
SKOROPA Eliezer and family
SOLIDAGER and his family
SPIER Szmuel and family
SPIGEL Michael and his wife
SPINKA Hillel and family
SPINKA Hirsz and family
SPINKA Mosze and family
SPINKA Szlomo and family
SPIWAK Dawid and family
SPIWAK Josef and family
STAJER Abram and family
STAJER Gecil and his family
STAJER Mosze Yehuda and his family
STAR Eliyahu and family
STEIN Hirszel and family
STEIN Israel and family
STEIN Zamulek and family
STEMPA Eliyahu and family
STEMPA Icchak and family
STEMPA Icchak Jakob and family
STEMPA Mania the wife of Szia
STEMPA Szmuel Aba and family
STEMPA Szmuel and his wife
STOCKI and his wife
STREIKOWSKI and family
STREIKOWSKI Hirsz and family
STREIKOWSKI Mordechaj and his family
SZAJNIAK Aron and family
SZAJNIAK Ber and family
SZAJNIAK Szlomo and Chana
SZAJNIAK Szlomo and family
SZATAN and his family
SZCZECINSKI Icchak and his family
SZCZECINSKI Israel and his wife Sarah
SZCZECINSKI Menachem and his wife
SZCZECINSKI Wolf and family
SZELMIAK Lajb and his family
SZER Dawid and family
SZIRTCKI Fiszel and family
SZIRTCKI Mordechaj and family
SZKLAREK and his family
SZMIGELSKI and his family
SZMUL (Mrs.) Machla the wife of Natan
SZMUL Abram Jakob
SZMUL Akiwa and family
SZMUL Hilman and family
SZMUL Icchak and family
SZMUL Jakob and family
SZMUL Kopel and family
SZMUL Mosze and family
SZMUL R' Mendle and his family
SZMUL Yeszayahu Lajb and family
SZTECHELBERG Josef and his family
SZTARKMAN Jakob and family
SZTARKMAN Aron and family
SZTARKMAN Dawid Josef and family
SZTARKMAN Hirsz Chanoch
SZTARKMAN Icchak Szlomo and family
SZTARKMAN Meir and family
SZTARKMAN Mosze Eliezer and family
SZTARKMAN Szymon and family
SZTECHELBERG Josef and his family
SZUBINSKI Mosze and his family
SZUBINSKI Rachel (RUBINSTEIN) and her family
T Index
TOIBE (Mrs.) the Teacher
TOIBE (Mrs.) the wife of Meir Ber
TOIBE Benjamin and family
TOIBE Deborah B609 KOPEL
TOIBE Mordechaj and family
TOIBE Rafael and family
TOIBE Zelig and his family
TONDOWSKI Mordechaj and family
TONDOWSKI Natan Eliezer and family
TONDOWSKI Yehuda and family
TROIBA (Mrs.) and her son Naftali
TROIBA Icchak and his family
U Index
URBACH Chaim and family
URBACH Gerszon Zelig
URBACH Lotka née LEWI and her daughter
URBACH the wife of Eliezer and her children
URBACH Ydel-Bluma Tuwia's wife
URBACH Yeszayahu
URBACH Yosef Eliezer and his family
W Index
WAJNBAUM Fiszel and his wife
WAJNBAUM Yechiel and family
WAJNBERG Abram and family
WAJNGRUB Hinda the Rabbi's wife and her family
WAJNGRUB Icek the son of the Rabbi and his family
WAJNGRUB Joel and family
WAJNRAJCH Awarm and his family
WAJNSTEIN Iser and family
WAJNSTEIN Jakob and family
WAJNSTEIN Mosze and family
WAJNSTEIN Szymon and family
WAJS Pinchas (Pinche), Rabbi
WAKS Abram and family
WAKS Michael Hirsz and his family
WAKSMAN Josef Beer and family
WAKSMAN Yecheskel and his family
WALDMAN and family
WARCKI and family
WARCKI Eliezer and his wife
WARCKI Rafael and his wife
WARZSZNICKI Joel and his family
WIDAWSKI Abram and family
WINTER Abram-Mosze and family
WINTER Bluma the wife of R' Icek
WINTER Dawid-Josef and family
WINTER Gitl the wife of R' Mordechaj
WINTER Icek and family
WINTER Izhak Gerszon and family
WINTER Meir Zalman and family
WINTER Pesia-Golda and family
WINTER Tuwia and family
WLADISLAWSKI Chanoch and family
WLADISLAWSKI Mosze-Dawid and his family
WLADISLAWSKI Yechiel Lajb and his family
WOLKOWICZ Chaim-Hirsz and his wife
WOLKOWICZ Natan and his wife Keila
WOLMAN Eliyahu and family
WOLMAN Jakob and family
WOLMAN Lajb and family
WOLMAN Max and family
WOLMAN Meir and family
WOLMAN Samuel and family
WROCLAWSKI Malcia the wife of Berisz
WROCLAWSKI Wife of Hirsz
Y Index
YACHIMOWICZ Josef Bunim and his family
YACHIMOWICZ Meir Dawid and his wife
YACHOMIWICZ Lajbusz Dawid and his wife
YAFFE Jakob and family
YAFFE R' Zelig and family
YAFFE Sander and family
YAFFE Simcha and family
YANKELEWICZ (Mrs.) the wife of R' Rafael
YUDEKOWICZ Gdaliyahu and family
Z Index
ZAIDL Mosze and family
ZAIDL Szaiya Awraham and family
ZAILER Abram and family
ZAKS Benjamin
ZAKS Dr. M. and his family
ZAKS Hirsz and his wife
ZAKS Icchak and family
ZAKS Judit the wife of Manie and her children
ZALBERG the brothers Mosze and Isaschar
ZEFKOWICZ Neta and his family
ZEILER Josef and his wife
ZEILER Zelig and his family
ZIGER and his family
ZILBER Yeszayahu and his wife
ZIMIJAK Israel and family
ZIMNAWODA Herszel and family
ZISKIND Reuwen and family
ZOMER (KOJAWSKI) and her children
ZOMER Aszer and family
ZOMER Chaim Szymon and family
ZOMER Chain Jakob and family
ZOMER Fajwel and his family
ZOMER Josef hersz and family
ZOMER Mordechaj and family
ZOMER Mosze and his wife
ZOMER Motele and family
ZOMER Szlomo and his wife


The Martyrs of Rychwal
For reasons beyond our control, this list is incomplete.

ARBUZ Rabbi and family
BAJRACH Yeszayahu and family
BARKAH Chawa and family
BERKOWICZ Hadasa and Menachem
BRENER family
DRAJER family
HAMGART family
KAMINSKI Zwi Arie (Rabbi) and family
KINCLER family
LEIBUSZ Abram and family
LEIBUSZ Michael and family
LOREK Hirsz and family
LOREK Israel and family
MARKUS Yeszayahu
NAJGART family
OBZANEK family
SKORNIK family
SZTARK family
SZYLIC family
TONDOWSKI Yeszayahu and family
TRZASKALA (Mrs.) the wife of R' Reuwen
TRZASKALA Azriel and his wife
TRZASKALA Eliyahu and family
TRZASKALA Jakob and family
TRZASKALA Mosze and Hirsz
WARSAWSKI Nacha, Zeew and Zalmusz
WEISS Aba and family
WONGA family


The Martyrs of Tuliszkow

GERSZON family
HERCBERG Josef and the family
KOWALSKI Hela and the family
KOWALSKI Hela and the family
MEIRANC family
ORBACH family
WARCKI Eliezer and the faily
WARCKI Gitl and Andjia and the family
WARCKI Leibel and the family
WARCKI Mordechaj Elijah and the family
WARCKI Szmuel and the family
WARCKI Yeszayahu and the family


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