
Translation of:
Reminiscences of Transnistria

Written by
Mendel Halpern




Translator and Project Coordinator

Carol Chaia Halpern
(The author's daughter)


This is a translation from
“My Father's Stories - Reminiscences of Mendel Halpern from Transnistria”, written by Mendel Halpern (German).

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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.

Transnistra (Transnistria) is a region of the Ukraine between the Dniester and Bug Rivers.


by Joyce Field

In May 1998 I received an email from Bruce Reisch, informing me that his 88-year-old cousin, Mendel Halpern, had written two stories about the Holocaust and asking if we would like to publish them on the Yizkor Book web site. He mentioned that Mr. Halpern had been prompted to write these stories after reading an article by Elie Wiesel a short time before. One story that Mr. Halpern tells is about how his father survived the brutal conditions in Transnistria while one of his children perished; the other is about how a German officer saved him. Both are remarkable reminiscences from a survivor written more than 50 years after the events. Mr. Halpern's daughter translated the stories from German into English.


My Father's Darkest Days, A Recollection
Story of Braunschweig
How I Was Saved From Being Shot: Three Incidents

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Carol Chaia Halpern
This web page created by Edward Rosenbaum

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Updated 29 Oct 2010 by LA