48°52' / 25°00'
Translation of
Tlumacz-Tlomitsch Sefer Edut-Ve-Zkaron
Edited by: Shlomo Bond et al.
Published in Tel Aviv, Tlumacz Society, 1976
Project Coordinator
Emeritus Coordinator, Harold Sandler
Our sincere appreciation to Susan Dressler
This is a translation from Tlumacz-Tlomitsch Sefer Edut-Ve-Zkaron (Memorial Book of Tlumacz),
Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Tlumacz
JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of
the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
for verification.
JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
Hebrew Section | ||
Members of the Book Committee and Editorial Board | 4 | |
Memorial plaque in the Martef Hashoah [Holocaust cellar] in Jerusalem | 5 | |
Map of the concentration camps where Tlumacz Jews were murdered | 6 | |
Drawing of Tlumacz - the ghetto area can be seen | 7 | |
Words of thanks | 8 | |
Preface by the Chairman of the Organization | Dr. Alexander Schwarzbard | 9 |
Preface by a member of the editorial board | 11 | |
The geographical position of Tlumacz | Munyu Wurman | 12 |
Tlumacz and its Jews | ||
Tlumacz and its Jews | Munyu Wurman | 25 |
The Zlotchow episode | Yeshayahu Jung | 33 |
Safe Shelter in Hriniowce | Efraim Schreier | 36 |
Memories from the time of Petlura | Prof. Dr. Zigmund Lewittus | 37 |
The Community Life | ||
The Community Life | Efraim Schreier | 43 |
Jewish-Christian relations | Efraim Schreier | 48 |
Dr. Ivan Makoch | Efraim Schreier | 49 |
Jews in the Tlumacz district villages | Gusta Wurman | 52 |
Market days | Efraim Schreier | 56 |
Santa Anna | Efraim Schreier | 58 |
Mexico | Efraim Schreier | 59 |
The synagogues | Dr. Alexander Schwarzbard | 61 |
Hadarim and melamdim | Efraim Schreier | 63 |
The blind night | Efraim Schreier | 65 |
Klezmer and weddings | Efraim Schreier | 66 |
Shabat Hagadol [the Sabbath before Passover] | Efraim Schreier | 67 |
The abstainers | Efraim Schreier | 67 |
The bathhouse | Efraim Schreier | 68 |
The Old Cemetery | Efraim Schreier | 70 |
My grandfather R'Note Shmuel the dayan [Judge in religious court] | Efraim Schreier | 71 |
R'Moshe Hurwitz zl | Rav Zalman Hurwitz | 72 |
My father the cantor | Rivka stockhammer | 74 |
Personalities | ||
Personalities | Efraim Schreier | 75 |
A town of Jews | Efraim Schreier | 77 |
Shlomo the cobbler | Efraim Schreier | 78 |
Mendele the water carrier | Efraim Schreier | 80 |
Israel Cuba | Efraim Schreier | 80 |
Tchome | Efraim Schreier | 81 |
Brish'l | Efraim Schreier | 82 |
Movements and Organizations | ||
Tlumacz Jews in the National Movement | Munyu Wurman | 84 |
Yechiel Fishel ben R'Yakov Kastelman | Munyu Wurman | 91 |
Shalom Shtreit | Munyu Wurman | 92 |
About Shalom Shtreit | G. Shofman | 93 |
Yeshayahy Shtreit | Yakov Yariv | 93 |
Prof. David Diringer | Munyu Wurman | 94 |
Prof. Dr. Yitzhak Schlesinger | Munyu Wurman | 96 |
Emigration and Aliya | Munyu Wurman | 97 |
Parties, Organizations and Youth Movements | ||
Tze'irei Zion | Efraim Schreier | 102 |
Po'alei Zion left | Efraim Schreier | 103 |
The Bund | Efraim Schreier | 105 |
Hashomer Hatza'ir | Munyu Wurman | 106 |
Hechalutz | Efraim Schreier | 109 |
General Zionists | Efraim Schreier | 109 |
The Mizrachi | Efraim Schreier | 110 |
The Mizrachi and Hechalutz Hamizrachi movements in Tlumacz | Dov Wiener | 111 |
Hit'achdut | Munyu Wurman | 114 |
Gordonia | Zvi Drapper | 115 |
Revisionists-Metzada-Brit Hachayal | Munyu Wurman | 116 |
Beitar (Brit Trumpeldor) | Munyu Wurman | 117 |
The Judenstaadts [Jewish State] party | Munyu Wurman | 119 |
Kadima - Emunah | Munyu Wurman | 120 |
Jewish communists | Efraim Schreier | 122 |
Yad Charutzim | Zvi Drapper | 122 |
Drama clubs | Efraim Schreier | 123 |
Dicker | Efraim Schreier | 124 |
The Hashmona'im sports club | Efraim Schreier | 126 |
Assimilationists | Efraim Schreier | 127 |
Converts | Efraim Schreier | 127 |
Party Activists | ||
Dr. Maurici Rosenkranz | Efraim Schreier | 128 |
Dr. Max Halpern | Efraim Schreier | 128 |
Chaim Lamm and Moskowitz | Efraim Schreier | 129 |
Wolf Spund | Efraim Schreier | 129 |
Yosi Zommer | Efraim Schreier | 129 |
Shaya Jung | Efraim Schreier | 129 |
Eliyahu Radner and Mendzi-Menachem Krom | Efraim Schreier | 130 |
Yosel Korn | Efraim Schreier | 131 |
Shmuel Mautner | Efraim Schreier | 131 |
Meir Seifer | Efraim Schreier | 131 |
Mordechai Feierman | Efraim Schreier | 132 |
The Educational System in Tlumacz | ||
The educational system in Tlumacz | Munyu Wurman | 133 |
The high-school, the teachers and other personalities | Prof. Dr. Eliezer Feuerman | 140 |
Outings | Munyu Wurman | 144 |
Free bird | Yitzhak Hoz-Katz zk | 146 |
My town Tlumacz | Dr. Israel Zvi Kanner | 148 |
From the mouths of the Elders of Tlumacz | Efraim ben Yehoshua Kanner | 151 |
A true story from our town Tlumacz | Efraim ben Yehoshua Kanner | 152 |
As I see you, Tlumacz | Prof. Dr. Zigmund Lewittus | 153 |
Once, in the evening | Efraim Schreier | 158 |
Tzvia Spiegel | 159 | |
Notes of remembrance on my town | Esther Shahar (Weissman) | 160 |
The Soviet Rule | ||
The days of the Soviet rule | 163 | |
The Holocaust | ||
The Survivors Tell their Stories | ||
Minutes of Idel Feier's testimony, Bucharest 14 April 1945 | Idel Feier | 169 |
Deportation | Moshe Gotstein-Leski | 175 |
How it happened | Mina Bikles Rottenstreich | 176 |
Memories | Conversations with survivors | 178 |
The Judenrat [Jewish council] in the ghetto | Blond Shlomo | 182 |
Days of calamity and destruction | Moshe Gotstein-Leski | 186 |
What happened to me | Max Ben-Efraim | 190 |
From the diary of Max Hertenstein | Max Hertenstein | 192 |
The Tlumacz Rav, R'Yitzhak Hager, may God avenge his blood | Moshe Flescher | 196 |
Doctors and matters of health | Dr. Philip Hodish | 198 |
Behind the plow | Moshe Gotstein-Leski | 201 |
Excerpts from the letters of Mrs. Doler zl | Mrs. Doler zl | 206 |
The relations between Tlumacz Jews and the local population | Munyu Wurman | 207 |
Tlumacz - the Resistance Movement | ||
Tlumacz - the Resistance Movement | Munyu Wurman | 210 |
The story of the Tlumacz Band | Lontzo Lepold | 221 |
Tlumacz after liberation | Shlomo Blond | 224 |
In Memoriam | ||
The Rav Dr. Henrik Kaufmann | Munyu Wurman | 226 |
Magister Yehoshua Bildner | Munyu Wurman | 228 |
Magister Yulek Fischer | Munyu Wurman | 229 |
The Mendel brothers | Munyu Wurman | 229 |
Magister Lunek Hartenstein | Munyu Wurman | 230 |
Moshe Katz (Hoz) | Munyu Wurman | 231 |
Orchiu Schwarzbard | Munyu Wurman | 231 |
Doghu Kreindler | Munyu Wurman | 232 |
Thanks to Them | ||
Zvi Henigsberg | Shlomo Blond | 233 |
Memories | Esther | 234 |
itzhak Lepold | Efraim Schreier | 236 |
Yitzhak Hoz-Katz | Efraim Schreier | 237 |
Gofer - Schwefelgeist Baruch zl | Efraim Schreier | 238 |
Arie Avni | Efraim Schreier | 239 |
Frieda Seiffer | Efraim Schreier | 239 |
Yoel Radner | Efraim Schreier | 240 |
Yankel Kerner zl | Efraim Schreier | 240 |
Izyu Lepold zl | Efraim Schreier | 240 |
The Tlumacz community workers | Munyu Wurman | 241 |
Tlumacz in 1974 | N. Rinzler | 248 |
The establishment of our organization | Efraim Schreier | 249 |
Yiddish Section | ||
Unveiling of the monument on Har Zion in Jerusalem | 259 | |
The editorial committee | 261 | |
Words of thanks | 263 | |
From the chairman of the Organization | Dr. Alexander Schwarzbard | 265 |
From the editorial board | 269 | |
History and Geography of Tlumacz | Munyu Wurman | 271 |
The town park | Efraim Schreier | 278 |
The Tlumacz Jews | ||
History of the Tlumacz Jews | Munyu Wurman | 280 |
The Tlumacz Jews | 290 | |
The Zlotchow episode | Shaye Jung zl | 294 |
Life in the Community | ||
Life in our Community | Efraim Schreier | 296 |
Ivan Makoch | Efraim Schreier | 302 |
Market days | Efraim Schreier | 305 |
Santa Anna | Efraim Schreier | 306 |
Mexico | Efraim Schreier | 307 |
The synagogues | Dr. Alexander Schwarzbard | 310 |
Hadarim and melamdim | Efraim Schreier | 314 |
The blind night | Efraim Schreier | 317 |
The abstainers | Efraim Schreier | 318 |
Shabat Hagadol [the Sabbath before Passover] | Efraim Schreier | 319 |
Klezmer and weddings | Efraim Schreier | 320 |
The bathhouse | Efraim Schreier | 321 |
The Old Cemetery | Efraim Schreier | 322 |
My grandfather R'Note Shmuel the dayan [Judge in religious court] | Efraim Schreier | 324 |
My father the cantor | Rivka stockhammer | 325 |
Personalities | ||
Profiles | Efraim Schreier | 327 |
A town of Jews | Efraim Schreier | 330 |
Shlomo the cobbler | Efraim Schreier | 332 |
Mendele the water carrier | Efraim Schreier | 333 |
Israel Cuba | Efraim Schreier | 334 |
Tchome | Efraim Schreier | 335 |
berish'l | Efraim Schreier | 336 |
Nicknames | Efraim Schreier | 338 |
Tlumacz Jews in the National Movement | ||
Tlumacz Jews in the National Movement | Munyu Wurman | 340 |
Yechiel-Fishel ben R'Yakov Kastelman | Munyu Wurman | 351 |
Shlomo Schtreit | 352 | |
Emigration and Aliya | ||
Emigration and Aliya | Munyu Wurman | 354 |
Aliya | Munyu Wurman | 356 |
Parties and Organizations | ||
Tze'irei Zion | Efraim Schreier | 362 |
Po'alei Zion left | Efraim Schreier | 363 |
Hechalutz | Efraim Schreier | 365 |
The Bund | Efraim Schreier | 366 |
Hashomer Hatza'ir | Munyu Wurman | 367 |
General Zionists | Efraim Schreier | 371 |
The Mizrachi | Efraim Schreier | 372 |
Hit'achdut | Munyu Wurman | 372 |
Gordonia | Zvi Drapper | 373 |
Revisionists-Metzada-Brit Hachayal | Munyu Wurman | 374 |
Beitar (Brit Trumpeldor) | Munyu Wurman | 377 |
Jewish communists | Efraim Schreier | 380 |
Kadima, Emunah, Achva | Munyu Wurman | 382 |
Yad Charutzim | Zvi Drapper | 385 |
Drama clubs | Efraim Schreier | 386 |
The Hashmona'im sports club | Efraim Schreier | 387 |
Party Activists | ||
Dr. Maurici Rosenkranz | 388 | |
Dr. Max Halpern | 389 | |
Chaim Lamm and Moskowitz | 389 | |
Wolf Spund | 390 | |
Yosi Zommer | 390 | |
Shaya Jung | 391 | |
Elie Radner and Mendze Krom | 391 | |
Yosel Korn and Munyu Wurman | 392 | |
Shmuel Mautner | 392 | |
Meir Seifer | 393 | |
Mordechai Feierman | 394 | |
Schools in Tlumacz | ||
Schools in Tlumacz | Munyu Wurman | 396 |
Reflections from the old home | Dr. Israel Zvi Kanner | 407 |
One, in the evening | Efraim Ben Yechezkel | 409 |
The Soviet Rule | ||
Minutes of Idel Feier's testimony, Bucharest 14 April 1945 | Idel Feier | 410 |
Deportation | Moshe Gotstein-Leski | |
The Holocaust | ||
Minutes of Idel Feier's testimony, Bucharest 14 April 1945 | Idel Feier | 416 |
Deportation | Moshe Gotstein-Leski | 427 |
Days of calamity and destruction | 429 | |
How it happened | Mina Bikles Rottenstreich | 433 |
Doctors and matters of health | Dr. Philip Hodish | 435 |
How the Nazis forced the Tlumacz rabbi R'Yitzhak Hager to sing on the way to the Belzec death camp |
Moshe Flescher zl | 440 |
Behind the plow | Moshe Gotstein-Leski | 443 |
The relations between Tlumacz Jews and the local population | Munyu Wurman | 447 |
Tlumacz Jews in the resistance movement | Munyu Wurman | 450 |
The story of the Tlumacz Band | Lontzi Lepold (America) | 468 |
Tlumacz after liberation | Shlomo Blond | 471 |
The ghetto Judenrat | Shlomo Blond | 474 |
Tlumacz in 1974 | 477 | |
The establishment of our association | Efraim Schreier | 478 |
At the fresh graveside of Moshe Flescher zl | Shlomo Blond | 482 |
Pages of remembrance | 485 | |
In memory of three departed friends | 529 | |
English Section | ||
Foreword | Dr. A. Schwarzbard | VII |
Tlumacz: Location and Locality | M. Wurman | X |
The Jewish Community of Tlumacz | M. Wurman | XIV |
The Zloczow Episode | Y. Jung | XX |
The Safe Shelter; in Hriniowce | E. Schreier | XXIII |
Petlura | Prof. Dr. Z. Lewittus | XXIV |
Tlumacz: Community Life | E. Schreier | XXX |
Jewish Christian Relations | E. Schreier | XXXIII |
Jews in the Villages of Tlumacz Province | Gusta (Weitz) Wurman | XXXV |
Market Days in Tlumacz | E. Schreier | XL |
St. Anna's Day | E. Schreier | XLI |
Mexic | E. Schreier | XLII |
The Synagogues of Tlumacz | Dr. A. Schwarzbard | XLIV |
Cheders and Melamdim | E. Schreier | XLVII |
Weddings and the MusicMakers | E. Schreier | XLIX |
The Great Sabbath | E. Schreier | L |
The Abstinence | E. Schreier | LI |
The Public Bathhouse | E. Schreier | LII |
The Old Cemetery | E. Schreier | LIII |
The Personalities of Tlumzcz | E. Schreier | LIV |
Reb Moishe Horowitz | Rabbi Z. Horowitz | LV |
Reb Yitzhak Hager, Rabbi of Tlumacz | M. Flesher | LVI |
My Father the Cantor | R. Shtockhammer | LVIII |
A Town of Jews | E. Schreier | LIX |
Shloimeh the Cobbler | E. Schreier | LX |
Tchome | E. Schreier | LXI |
Yisroel Cuba | E. Schreier | LXII |
Mendl the Water Carrier | E. Schreier | LXII |
Tlumacz Jewry and the Nationalist Movement | M. Wurman | LXIII |
Yehiel Fishel BR Yaacov Kastelman | M. Wurman | LXIX |
Sholom Streit | M. Wurman | LXIX |
Prof. David Diringer | M. Wurman | LXX |
Migration and Aliya | M. Wurman | LXXII |
Youth Movements and Organizations | ||
Ze'irei Zion | E. Schreier | LXXVII |
Poale Zion Left | E. Schreier | LXXVII |
Hashomer Hatzair | M. Wurman | LXXVIII |
Gordonia | Z. Drapper | LXXX |
The Mizrachi Movement and Hehalutz Hamizrachi in Tlumacz | D. Wiener | LXXXI |
Hechalutz | E. Schreier | LXXXIII |
The Mizrachi | E. Schreier | LXXXIII |
The General Zionists | E. Schreier | LXXXIV |
Hitachdut | M. Wurman | LXXXIV |
The Revisionists Metsada Brit Hachayal | M. Wurman | LXXXVI |
Betar (Brit Trumpeldor) | M. Wurman | LXXXVII |
Kadima Emuna | M. Wurman | LXXXVIII |
Judenstaatpartei | M. Wurman | XC |
The Communist Jews | E. Schreier | XC |
The Bund | E. Schreier | XCI |
Yad Harutzim (The Diligent Hand) | Z. Drapper | XCII |
Drama Circles | E. Schreier | XCII |
Hashmonaim Sports Club | E. Schreier | XCIV |
The Political Leaders in Tlumacz | E. Schreier | XCIV |
Tlumacz's System of Education | M. Wurman | XCVIII |
The High School | Prof. A. Feuerman | CIII |
Fond Memories of Tlumacz | Dr. M. Hoffman | CVII |
Trips and Hikes | M. Wurman | CIX |
Tlumacz, My Town | Dr. I.Z. Kanner | CXI |
People and Images | E. Schreier | CXV |
The Days of Soviet Rule | E. Schreier | CXIX |
Holocaust and Destruction | ||
For the Record | I. Feuer | CXXII |
How it Happened | M. B. Rotenstreich | CXXVIII |
What Happened to Me | M. BenEphraim | CXXX |
The Judenrat in the Ghetto | S. Blond | CXXXII |
Doctors and Health Services | Dr. F. Hudish | CXXXIV |
Reminiscing | I. Feuer, M. Sommerfreund | CXXXVIII |
Max Hartenstein's Diary | W. Sisser, S. Blond | CXLII |
Days of Calamity and Destruction | M. LeskiGutstein | CXLVI |
The Deportations | M. LeskiGutstein | CXLIX |
Behind the Plow | M. LeskiGustein | CL |
The Tlumacz Banda Chapter | L. Lepold | CLIII |
Tlumacz and the Resistance Movement | M. Wurman | CLVI |
The Underground Movement in the Ghettos and Camps | S. Blond | CLIX |
Tlumacz After Its Liberation | M. Wurman | CLXIV |
IN MEMORIAM: Dr. Henryk Kaufman, Y. Bildner J. Fischer B. Mandel, Y. Hartenstein, M. Katz, O. Schwarzbard, D. Kreindler |
M. Wurman | CLXVI |
The Mandel Brothers | CLXX | |
Local Population | M. Wurman | CLXXIII |
Z. Heningberg | S. Blond | CLXXIV |
I. Lepold | E. Schreier | CLXXV |
The Public Figures in Tlumacz | M. Wurman | CLXXVII |
Tlumacz - 1974 | M. Wurman | CLXXXI |
At the Graveside of Moshe Flesher | S. Blond | CLXXXII |
Names from the Tlumach Yizkor Book |
Yizkor Book Project
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