[Page 287]
Perpetuation of the Memories of the Deceased by their Relatives
Translated by Jerrold Landau
* to our chagrin, it was impossible, even though we put out great effort, to make a consolidated list of our martyrs. Even the individual details may be incomplete.
[upper right box]
An eternal flame in memory of those who were dearest to us:
Our father -- Zelig Hertzovski, who was killed in Nicher.
Our mother -- Zvia Hertzovski, who died in Teleneshty.
Our sister -- Roza Hertzovski, who was killed in Nicher.
Our brother -- Meir Hertzovski, who died in Belzi.
Our sister-in-law -- Dina Hertzovski (nee Rabin), who died in Israel.
Those who perpetuate their memory: Alter and Herzl Hertzovski and their families.
[upper left box]
In Eternal Memory
With honor we mention the holy names
Peretz Gruman, Idis Gruman, Shmuel Gruman, Bracha Gruman
who were killed by the Nazi murderers in the town of Sokolitshen in 1942.
Perpetuating their memory: daughter Manya Lantzman, and her husband.
[bottom right box]
In Memory
of my father -- Shalom Rabinovitch
of my mother -- Hasia Rabinovitch
Their memory will never be forgotten from our midst.
Perpetuated by: their son -- Moshe Rabinovitch and his family.
[bottom left box]
A memorial candle in memory of
Noach Pichman -- died in Leningrad (1971)
Leika Pichman -- died in Leningrad (1979)
Rachele Pichman -- died in Bandizen, U.S.S.R. in 1942.
Perpetuated by: Alia and Aryeh Kuperov (Israel)
Moshe Pichman -- Leningrad
[Page 288]
[upper right box]
With a painful heart we perpetuate the memory of:
our parents:
Israel Hochman, died in Orles Mare.
Rachel Hochman and his family in Pardes Hanna
Moshe Hochman and his family in Bat Yam
[upper left box]
In Eternal Memory
We uplift the memory of our parents
Mordechai the son of Avraham Rosenblum
Freda the daughter of Chaim Rosenblum
May their memories be a blessing!
Those who perpetuate their memories:
the sons: Avraham Vardi (Rosenblum)
Israel Vardi (Rosenblum) and their families
[lower right box]
An Eternal Candle in Memory of our Parents:
Moshe Berman
Chaika Berman
and our friends and relatives
May their souls be bound up in the bonds of eternal life
Those who perpetuate their memories:
the son -- Henech Berman and his family, Pardes Hanna
[lower left box]
In Eternal Memory
of our parents:
Zalmine Felman
Menucha Felman
our brother: Shlome Felman
May their memories be a blessing!
The mourners:
the daughters -- Zelda, Chana and their families.
[Page 289]
[upper right box]
An Eternal flame in memory of our
family whom we will never forget
Velvel Wallach -- died in Moldova in 1944
Ethel Wallach -- died in Teleneshty in 1939
Eli-Eizik, his wife, and two children, who were killed by the Germans in 1941
The perpetuators: Dora Kupershmid, and her husband Yaakov
Petach Tikva
[upper left box]
In Eternal Memory
With grief and agony we remember
the names of our dearly beloved
Yitzchak Berger -- died in Kishinev in 1918
Shifra Berger -- died in Telenesht in 1917
The perpetuators: Rivka Ben-Yitzcha and his son Tzvi Berger
Ramat Hasharon
[lower right box]
In Memory of Our Parents and Sisters
whom will never be forgotten from our midst
Tzvi Prakafitch -- died in Tashkent in 1941
Chana Prakafitch -- died in Teleneshty in 1962
Feiga Prakafitch -- (nee Mester)
died in Belzi in 1972
The perpetuators: their daughter and sister -- Bracha Bernstein and her husband
[lower left box]
In Eternal Memory
we dedicate to the memory of
Israel Kornwein -- died in Belzi in 1965
Batia Kornwein -- died in a camp in Ukraine in 1942
Udel Kornwein - died in Israel in 1980
Uncle Mordechai Shtrachman -- died in Teleneshty in 1963
The perpetuators: their daughter and her husband Lea and Eli Eisen
Petach Tikva
[Page 290]
[upper right box]
A Memorial Candle
In Eternal Memory
of my parents Mottel Youkilis
Machli Youkilis
my aunt Sara Youkilis
the perpetuators:
Shlomo Michaeli (Youkilis) and his family
Pardes Hanna
[upper left box -- photo]
Hershel Berger
Perpetuating his name
from the family
[lower right box]
A Monument
to our dear unforgettable
Meir Baiarski -- killed in Siberia
Chaika Baiarski -- died in Israel
Yitzchak Bender killed in Siberia
Binyamin Bender killed in Siberia
Honoring their memory!
Perpetuating them:
Aaron, Avraham, David Baiarski and their families
Tzur Shalom
[lower left box]
Perpetuating The Memory
Freda Gitelman (Lachs)
who was tragically killed in Transnistria
Perpetuating her name:
Israel and Hersh (Chernovitz)
[Page 291]
[upper right box]
A Memorial Candle
to our parents who will never be forgotten
Leib Berlin -- died in Teleneshty
Batia Berlin -- died in Israel
we remember our brother
Moshe Berlin -- who died en route from Venezuela to Israel
Remembering them:
daughters -- Fruma Sara and Rivka in Israel
sons -- Oscar and Upshi in Venezuela
[upper left box]
A Candle for the Soul
In Perpetual Memory
our father Leib Petroshka
our mother Mariasi Petroshka
and the rest of our relatives who died or were killed
in the Holocaust
Those who weep bitterly for them:
daughters -- Sonia in Israel
Gutele in the U.S.S.R.
and their families
[lower right box]
With a heavy heart we perpetuate their memory:
Eliezer Bozishaker -- who was killed on the eve of Passover 1947 in Teleneshty as he was crossing the road to Orgeyev
Leika Bozishaker -- who died in Teleneshty 1948.
The perpetuators:
Aryeh Kuperov, Petach Tikva
Miriam Grachenstein, U.S.S.R.
[lower left box]
To Perpetuate the Memory of Our Unforgettable Parents
who died during the time of the war
Shimon Gelberg Rachel Gelberg
Yosef Shwartzman Chaika Shwartzman
Mentioning their memory with sadness:
Avraham Gelberg and his family
[Page 292]
[upper right box]
In Eternal Memory
with a heavy heart we perpetuate the holy memory of our parents
Our father Reb Alter Feldman of blessed memory
Our mother Rivka Feldman of blessed memory
who were killed in Teleneshty
The mourners:
the son: Avraham in Israel
the daughter: Muka in the U.S.S.R.
and the families
[upper left box]
In Eternal Memory of Our Parents
Reb Shmuel the son of Yitzchak Sheiber
who was killed in Teleneshty by the murderers, may their names be obliterated
Mrs. Bayla the daughter of Yechiel Yosef the Cohen who died in the 15th of Adar II 5798
May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life
The perpetuators:
the son -- Simcha Sheiber and his family
[lower right box]
In Eternal Memory
we perpetuate with pain and sadness our dearly beloved
Our parents: Moshe Kleiman, died in Khazakstan
Leika Kleiman died in Khazakstan
our sister -- Feiga Kleiman died in Khazakstan
our brother -- Zelig Kleiman died on the front
and Ben Zion Berkovitch -- in Siberia
Remaining in grief:
Yankel Shmuel and Yehudit in Israel
[lower left box]
In Eternal Memory
of the souls of our holy parents
our father: Reb Levi Petroshka
our mother: Sasel Petroshka
who died in Israel after much painful wandering
May their memories be a blessing!
The perpetuators:
daughters -- Shunia, Etia, Bukele
son - Buria
and their families in Israel
who are no longer alive
(in alphabetical order)
Translated by Jerrold Landau
This list is not complete. It includes names of those who died or who were killed. We requested information, and we received information from their families in Israel or the Diaspora who transmitted the names to us. Many names, in particular of those who were killed in the Holocaust, did not make it to this list. We regret that their names did not make it into this memorial book.
In the event of errors in the names, we request the forgiveness of the family members.
Okstein Feiga Berkovitch Feiga Okstein Moshe Bronstein Elia Eidelstein Motia Bronstein Chaya Eidelstein Roza Bender Yitzchak Eisenstein Avraham Bender Sarake Batoshanski Rachel Balban Shmuel Berkovitch Fishel Bozshaker Leizer Bliumis Yaakov Bozshaker Leika Bliumis Chaika Burman Hersh Bliumis Meir Burman Baruch Bliumis Malka Bender Edil Bliumis Yuzia Bender Avraham Bliumis Bliuma Burstein Shuni Buikis Noach Beider Aaron David Buikis Liuba Berlin Moshe Buikis Yocheved Berlin Leib Berdichevski Esther Berlin Batia Berdichevski Yuzia Broitman Hershel Bronstein Suibl Broitman Arke Bronstein Gitel Botoshanski Moshe Balaban Rebecca Botoshanski Idit Bender Nachum Beret Freda Bender Moshe Baiarski Chava Bender Miriam Bronstein Machli Bender Perel Bronstein Israel Bender Israel Berman Shlomo Batoshanski Yaakov Berman Yaakov Berger Hersh Ganuli Enie Berger Yitzchak Gatnuli Liza Berger Moshe Gleizer Moshe Berger Tzvi Gleizer Ethel Broitman Shimshon Gleizer Israel Balaban Ethel Gershonzon Rachel
[Page 295]
Goldman Yitzchak Gorodenker Velvel Goldenstein Baruch Gorodenker Genia Gerchavski Zelig Gorodenker Nesl Gerchavski Zvia Gorodenker Rivka Gerchavski Roza Gorodenker Esther Gerchavski Meir Gorodenker Yosel Goldstein Hersh Dr. David Dorfman Goldenberg Mendel Diament Baruch Goldenberg Israel Dodik Kasil Groman Yosel Dochavna Avraham Groman Israel Dochavna Alec Gleizer Israel Dochavna Chaya Golkin Meir Dochavna Manya Golkin Sime Golkin Idit Hochman Ita Gluzman Rachel Hochman Israel Grinfeld Chaim Meir Hochman Noach Grabois Leib Hochman Leika Goldman Nachum Yankel Hochman Necha Goldman Feiga Vachselman Avraham Grinspun Moisei Vachselman David Grinspun Fania Verezinski David Gruman Leika Waldman Chaya Gruman Anshel Waldman Manya Gelman David Waldman David Ginshperg Moshe Weinbaum Menachem Mendel Geisler Idel Waldman Menashe Geldstein Yosel Weisman Moshe David Gelberg Shimon Verezinski Sara Gelberg Rachel Wallach Velvel Gruman Eizik Verezinski Chana Gleizer Buka Veinik Yosel Gitinstein Yaakov Weinstock Tulia Dr. Goldman Yosel Weinberg Meir
[Page 296]
Weinstock Chuna Zimerfeld Moshe Weinstock Lianie Zimerfeld Yosel Wallach Zeide Zimerfeld Leizer Dr. Warana Chaim Zimerfeld Frima Warana Israel Zilberman Berel Waserman Rebecca Chaninovitz Shimon Verezinski Aaron Chailomski Simcha Verezinski David Chailomski Entzie Weiner Naftali Chailomski Max Weinstock Sara Weinstock Paul Tabachnik Yitzchak Weinstock Gershon Taker Buzi Vasilkovski Enie Tandaitnik Yaakov Vasilkovski Leib Tandaitnik Moshe Vasilkovski Avraham Tandaitnik Hersh Vasilkovski Tzipe Taker Lea Vasilkovski Zalmine Vaskoboinik Leib Youkilis Moshe-Chaim Weiner Shimon Yosilovitz Eliahu Weinberg Yosel Yaser Leib Weisenberg Yosel Youlis Pesach Weinberg Froike Chomski Rivka Weinberg Mordechai Chomski Shimon Wechsler Alter Chatkis Berel Zanis Shmuel Lerner Meir Zanis Malka Lapides Velvel Zanis Israel Lapides Yente Zanis Yasha Lioberski Malka Zakis Eidel Lioberski Yosef Zaikeiner Avraham Labonski Chaika Zakis Efraim Lachs Avraham Zisman Sara Lachs Reuven Zisman Yitzchak Lecht Shimshon
[Page 297]
Lerner Moshe Soroker Moshe Lerner Motel Soroker Meir Labonski Arki Soroker Sheindel Lapides Shalom Soroker Chaim Lecht Avraham-Yosel Soroker Elie Moskovitz Mordechai Soroker Fanie Mutchnik Israel Soroker Riva Mutchnik Esther Soroker Shimon Mariames Shlomo Skaliar Israel Mariamis Ben-Zion Sakinovski Shmuel Mariamis Froike Strolovitch Yosef Moldovski Shame Strolovitch Zlote Mester Shimon Serkovitch Yankel Mutchnik Wolf Serkovitch Sonia Mutchnik Yankel Serkovitch Moshe Mutchnik Nazaria Sudman Israel Moskovitch Nechama Sudak Chaika Macheiveshleiger Moshe Salmanovitch Leib Mezanski Feivel Salmanovitch Yaakov Matlis Chaim Salmanovitch Rivka Moshe Leib & Sara Mezebitch Salmanovitch Shalom Milman Sender Salmanovitch Sara Milman Nesia Safanar Leizer Nafadenski Moshe Safanar Chaika Nafadenski Avraham Safanar Chaika Nudelman Shlomo Safanar Leib Nudelman Sara Nusinkes Berel Eliches Gedalia Nusinkes Tzipora Etis Israel Nusinkes Alie Eliches Itzel Nusinkes Malvina Eliches Yaakov Musinkes Fania Pichman Zuza Nusinkes Moisei Pichman Noach
[Page 298]
Pichman Leika Presman Sheindel Pichman Froike Finkelman Yosel Pichman Mendel Finkelman Frida Pichman Gitia Finkelman Zelda Pichman Mendel Finkelman Mordechai Pichman Feiga Feldman Menucha Pichman Zisia Pinchevski Moshe Pichman Ita Fuchs Moshe Pichman Simcha Finkelman David Fridental Moshe Finkelman Leib Fridental Israel Finkelman Shika Fridental Beila Prizamenter Mania Petroshka Levi Puterman Itzel Petroshka Sonia Pekerman Mendel Petroshka Mariasi Feierman Moshe Petroshka Leibl Prapelichka Sheika Plusk Idit Finkelman Israel Plask Tovia Finkenzon Dake Plusk Frima Pichman Rachele Plask Aaron Pichman Gitel Plask Chaika Plask Baruch Rabbi Zukerman Baruch Plask Hershel Rebbetzin Zukerman Yehudit Pekerman Makie Kovelkovski Anshel Pekerman Velvel Kovelkovski Nisel Prakafitch Binyamin Kleiman Moshe Feldman Zalman Kleiman Zelig Feldman Shlomo Kizshener Itzel Presman Yitzchak Keiserman Aaron Prakofitch Nechama Kaufman Chaika Pliman Hershel Kodishavitz Tsake Pliman Sara Kreidelman Chaim Kalimuk Froika Presman Avraham Kizshener Sara
[Page 299]
Kizshener Esther Kornwein Batia Kilshtein Leib Kornwein Idel Kishinovski Israel Krimski David Kisilov Sender Krimski Ethel Kisilov Rachel Kisilov Sara Krimski Ribusie Kisilov Chaim Kisilov Nachum Roitman Mendel Kisilov Malka Roitman Nachum Kravetz Salaman Rabin Malka Kravetz Chaika Rabin Pinchas Kravetz Mania Rabin Binyamin Katzman Liani Rabin Rivka Katzman Roza Rosenblum Frida Kizshener Chaim Rosenblum Mordechai Kizshiner Yankel Rabin Chana Kutzik Nachum Rappaport Paul Krintshtein Moshe Rosental Zalman Kosokovski Aaron Rosental David Kotshok Mania Rabin Avraham Kotshok Yeva Rafaelovitch Yankel Keiserman Berel Rabin Yankel Kornwein Israel Rubenstein Mordechai Krutianski Ethel Rakler Berel Kleiderman David Redenski Avraham Kleiderman Avraham Redenski Aaron Kleiderman Dora Roitberg Avraham Kishinovski Baruch Roitman Aaron Kettgasker Yankel Roitman Yechiel Koivel Leib Roitman Hersh Kruter Leib Roitberg Zelde Korogatsh Yitzchak Roitman Sara Kogan Moisei Roitman Moisei Kogan Rosa Roitman Fuga
[Page 300]
Rabin Moshe Sherman Mordechai Rabin Bilia Shinder Yoel Reines Buzia Shinder Udel Reines Zalmine Shwartzman Beni Roitman David Sheinberg Shlomo S. Ben Zion Gutman Shleizer Shabse Shleker Kalman Shapashnik Yitzchak Shreier Aaron Shapashnik Feige Shwartzman Yona Shapashnik Eli Shwartzman Leib Shapashnik Shlomo Shwartzman Moshe Shlapit Yekutiel Shar Zalman Shinder Avraham Shtechman Doke Starchman Mordechai Shtechman Froike Starchman Hersh Shwartzman Yitzchak TELENESHTY NATIVES Shichman Osher WHO DIED IN ISRAEL Shichman Roize Katzman Liani Shuster Moshe Shinder Avraham Shuster Israel Petroshka Levi Shnit Daniel Petroshka Sasel Steinberg Chaim Plask Aaron Steinberg Sara Yaakov Rabin Steinberg Labe Velvel Gorodenker Shreibman Shmuel Idel Bender Shreibman Zalman Nechama Moskovitz Shmuishman Menucha Teler M.
[Page 301]
The names of the martyrs who were killed by the Nazis and their helpers in the month of Tammuz, as they were escaping from Telenesht, and they were found in a pit near Ineshti. When the inhabitants of the town returned after the war: Moshe Soroker, Avraham Lachs, Aaron Plosk and others buried their bodies in a communal grave in the cemetery of Teleneshty.
Ita Pichman Sara Berman Sheindel Soroker Yaakov Berman Chaim Soroker Bracha Roitman Avraham Berman Velke Feisman Yechiel Veinik Nisel Kovolkovski Roitman Sima Israel Veimer Moshe Batoshanski Malka Veinik Shendel Batoshanski Mintcha Veinik Motel Lerner Shibele Veinik Beti Lerner Avraham Yosel Lecht Aaron David Shochet Ethel Lecht
They said let us go wipe them out from being a nation, and the name of Israel will no longer be remembered (Psalms 83)
[Pages 302-303]
[Hebrew text]
From the book Teleneshty by Y. Peles
[Page 304]
[Pages 304-307]
[Yiddish text]
Fanny Zukerman / Landau /
Nisel Reiz
Tovia Nudelman
Bernstein Bracha
Zise Feinman
Y. Lantzman
Betie Fisher
Rabbi Y. Peles
* ....They killed Moshe Batoshanski (the largest fancy goods merchant in the town), and buried him in the vineyard of the Fisher brothers.
* ... Mani Rafaelovitch and Hersh Kalechnik (Burman), were murdered by a local youth, from the Teleneshty village .
* ... They tied Shmuel Rashkover to the tail of a horse dragged him through the streets of the town.
* ... In 1944, Mordechai Mechvitz returned to Teleneshty, and the gentiles told him that his parents Moshe Leib and Sara were killed and buried in Koropcheni village.
* ... In 1944, with the efforts of Avraham Lachs, Moshe Soroker, Aaron Plosk and Zeev Lisgug, a communal grave was opened near Ineshty, and they brought the bones of the Jews, residents of Teleneshty who were mercilessly killed. They were brought to rest in a Jewish grave in the local cemetery. Next to them were buried the martyrs of Krasnosheni village (a village near Teleneshty, where nearly the entire Jewish population was murdered and pillaged).
* Reb Aaron David Shochet
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Teleneşti, Moldova
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