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Translated by Jerrold Landau
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Pictures right to left:
Top row: Avraham Feldman, Alter Hertzovski, Avraham Gelberg
Second row: Yankel Kleiman, Sara Zukerovich (Berlin)
Third row: Yankel Presman, Aryeh Kuperov, Simcha Sheiber
The committee for the publication of Pinkas Telenshty
Translated by Jerrold Landau
The committee would like to thank their fellow Teleneshty natives in the Diaspora, and those who are with us in Israel, who took upon themselves the heavy monetary yoke necessary for publication of this book. Without their help this could not have been realized, and our purpose would not have been achieved -- compiling this important and broad based work. This book will perpetuate the memories of the martyrs of Teleneshty.
A hearty blessing to all those individuals and organizations who helped in gathering material, searching archives, sending in valuable family pictures, contributing ideas, engaging in discussions, meetings and important deliberations.
Thanks to all those who worked hard and sent us statements, chapters of memories, lists, descriptions; putting their thoughts into writing, and thereby bringing to life forgotten things -- the images of the town, the notable individuals, the simple folk, and thereby assisted in the production of this Yizkor book.
Many thanks and recognition to those who participated in the writing, each according to his ability. We know that the writers are not professional writers or publishers, but everyday folk , who did their work without fanfare. They wrote in whatever language they were familiar with, and the material was translated and prepared for publication in Hebrew or Yiddish -- the languages that are known to the majority of the readership, our townsfolk in Israel and in the Diaspora, those who survived after the bitter calamity of the destruction of the town of Teleneshty.
Many thanks to those Telenshty natives in the Diaspora who contributed monetarily to the publication of this book:
* Miriam Zigelbaum, and Yitzchak (a native of Fereval), Boris Broitman and his wife (a native of Koperesht), The Nafadenski family, the wife of the late Moshe Berlin, Oscar Berlin, Upshi Berlin -- all of Caracas Venezuela.
* Milke Partaner-Wallach, Shmuel Rabin -- Paris, France.
* Reuven and Fishel Youkilis -- U.S.A.
May they all be blessed!
In conclusion -- the committee for the publication of this book would like to thank from the depths of their heart Mr. Aryeh Horshi who read the manuscripts and faithfully labored in the organization of the material. A special thanks to Benno Lichtenfeld (the publisher) for his professional advice and his favors with regard to the publishing, and his faithful work in the production of the book. Heartfelt thanks to David Vinitzki for the important literary material which he gave us, and for his good advice.
Translated by Jerrold Landau
Miriam was born in Telenesht to a notable family, the Berman family. Yitzchak was born in Korenesht (Fereval), a son of religious parents, well respected in Korenesht. They became successful in Venezuela after the second world war. A distinguished businessman and communal worker. Vice president of the Ashkenazic community, and concerned with the upkeep of the cemetery. They visit Israel from time to time. Miriam's brother Mulu fell in the Soviet battlefield.
The honorable Berl Broitman was born in Koperesht, a son of Reb Leib Broitman, a notable person in the village. He lived in far off Venezuela for over forty years. Known for his Jewish heart and societal activities, he occupies himself with the Herzl-Bialik Shul , and the Frechtiken Kolosaln Cemetery.
MOSHE BERLIN (of blessed memory)
[photo of Moshe Berlin of blessed memory, and his wife Freda]
The leader of Gordonia in Teleneshty, active in hachshara , pioneering activities, and the daily work for Zionist causes. He visited Israel many times. In 1970, on his way to Israel, he passed away of a heart attack in Basel. May his memory be a blessing.THE THREE OF CARACAS VENEZUELA
Three brothers who are very involved in National-Zionist causes. Scions of the Berlin house of Teleneshty, the father Reb Leibush Berlin the Maskil , the Modern . (his sister Rivka was the first wife of the writer and educator S. Ben-Zion). He raised a Nationalist family. The Hebrew language was well known to all of them. They left their town, each one from his own neighborhood, and immigrated to distant America. There, they remained faithful to Judaism, Zionism, committed to communal affairs, helping materially and spiritually. Their monetary donation to the publication of the Teleneshty book was most generous.
OSCAR AND PAULA BERLIN [picture at bottom of page 8]
Contributors and activists to communal institutions in Caracas, and important contributors to Zionism. They visit Israel on occasion.
SHIKEL BERLIN [photo at top of page 9]
Faithful to the education and culture that he obtained at the Berlin House of Teleneshty. He visits Israel every few years.
MOSHE NAFADENSKI of blessed memory [photo in middle of page 9]
This is what was written about him in the Jewish newspaper The Argentiner [not translated].
SHMUEL RABIN [photo at bottom of page 9]
Gordonia , Young Zion Keren Kayemet Leyisrael , in his younger days a chalutz.
RUDOLF (REUVEN) YOUKILIS (U.S.A) [photo at top of page 10]
The Youkilis family was from the Smaler Gasse in Teleneshty. A typical Jewish family from that time: 8 sons and 3 daughters. They immigrated to America in 1928/1929. They were and remain very dear Jews. They concerned themselves with the publication of this Yizkor Book of Teleneshty with very generous financial donations.
FISHEL (VICTOR) YOUKILIS (U.S.A.) [photo in middle of page 10]
MILKE PARTANER (Wallach) (Paris, France) [photo at bottom of page 10]
A dear Jewish soul. A good Zionist and a big contributor to Israel. She engages in her work with great warmth.
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Updated 22 Dec 2019 by LA