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[Pages 475 - 476]

Survivors from Shumsk, Listed By Country

Translated by Rachel Karni

Translator's note: The translator used English spellings used by these people or by their families, if known. The names are alphabetized by Hebrew spelling and appear here in the exact order in which they appear in the Yizkor Book. The names of some of these survivors can be found in the Pages of Testimony they submitted to Yad Vashem.

Israel Jakobson, Dora
Akerman,Yaakov Lando, Leib z”l
Bahat, Yehoshua Lopatin, Reuven
Berg, Zeev Meirzon, Levi
Berger, Azriel Mondrer, Pela
Berger, Reizel Moldawan, Rivka
Bren, Elyakim Mailinboim, Yitzchak
Berensztein, Wolf Mordish, Aryeh
Berensztein, Freida Segal, Shmuel
Brik Zeev, z”l - Russia Fuks, Nachum
Brik (Yisraeli), Menachem Frimer, Tuvia (9 people)
Berensztein-Fuks, Sara Cisin, Chaim
Berensztein-Fuks, Yehoshua Kesel Geier, Mania
Berensztein-Heller, Ada Kleinshtein, Etel
Berensztein-Fuks, Ida Kreizelman, Aryeh
Giladi, Pinchas Kramer, Avraham
Geler, Chaim Krakowiak, Shalom
Geler, Yaakov Rosenberg-Segal, Tzvi
Geler, Yitzchak Schubert, Melech
Goldenberg, Shalom Szteinman, Ruth
Goldenberg, Freida (sister) Szteinman, Dina z”l
Goldenberg, Yitzchak Shteinberg, Yaakov (son of David)
Gelman, Tzvi Shteinberg, Yaakov (son of Shmuel)
Gervitz, Mordechai Schpak, Yisrael
Green-Korin, Tova Schpak, Luba
Winer, Mordechai Schpak, Sonia
Weisman, Shraga (Feivke)  
Weizman, Aharon Poland
Weizman, Elkana Mordish, Leah
Zuber, Aryeh Rajch,Yozik
Chelbin, Moshe Szrajer, Shifra
Chusyd Avraham Kopiko, Luba
Jakobson, Raya Kesel, Dov  Poland z”l
Argentina United States
Burdman, Herzl Giladi, Tzipora
Burdman, son Giladi-Mednik,Yoseph (her husband)
Fudim, Manus Greenberg, Nisan
  Katz, Michael z”l
Russia Segal, Berel
Brik, Shmuel Prilutzki, Eliyahu
Ginzburg,Lusik – Kaniv near Kiev Karas, Shlomo
Duchowny, David Tzvi – Rostov Shreier, Shlomo
Duchowny, Yaakov – Rostov Greenberg, Shefa
Wilsker, Hirsh Leib – Leningrad Greenberg, Nisan
Wilner Akiva – Rostov  
Sosna, Moshe – Leningrad Canada
Spector, Ben Chaim – ? Gorender, Aryeh
Farber, Yosef – Siberia Gorender, Yaakov
Kleinshtein, Shlomo – Rizan near Moscow Chelbin, Sonya
  Kuniansky, Zeev


[Page 477]

People from Shumsk Who Have Died in Israel

Translated by Rachel Karni

Translator's note: The Shumsk Yizkor Book was published in Tel Aviv around 1968. The translator used English spellings used by these people or by their families, if known. The names appear here in the exact order in which they appear in the Yizkor Book.

Chaim Percis   Fishel Katz
Chaim Percis' wife   Gitel Katz
Devorah Roichman   Raizel Lusman
Leib Korin   Yitzcak Lusman
Tila Korin   Leib Yaninger
Aharon Stiss   Leib Yaninger's wife
Nachum Voskoboinik   Leah Kanfer
Antzi Voskoboinik   Moshe Kopelovitch
Rachel Reznik   Gila Kopelovitch
Leib Lando   Moshe Lerner
Moshe Bahat   Malka Lerner
Shmuel Bahat   Tzvi Prelutzki
Pinchas Pelc   Sarah Kanfer-Rosental
Chana Pelc   Yisrael Sudman
Leah Glazer   Mindel Milman
Devorah Yaninger-Glazer   Tzvi Ravitz
Gitel Roiter   Dina Shteinman
Moshe Roiter    
Moshe Shteinberg    
Chava Yehudit Kleinshtein    


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