Page numbers to left of / are Ostrin version of yizkor. Page numbers to the right of / are Shchuchin version.
Surname | First Name | Page | Comments |
Tabelitzky | Chaim Yehoshe | 160/246 | |
Tabelitzky | Hirshel | 160/246, 242/328, 261/347 | |
Tabelitzky | Nachman | 261/347 | |
Tabelitzky | Yosef | 159/245, 261/347 | |
Tabshonski | Yaakov | 21 | |
Tachonsky | Itzak | 84/171 | |
Tachovsky | David | 82/168 | |
Takhornitzky | Aisik | 329/61 | |
Takhornitzky | David | 314/46, 336/68 | |
Takhornitzky | Ekezkal David | 335/67 | |
Takhornitzky | Yosef | 331/63, 261/347 | |
Takhornitzky | Zeidl | 329/61 | |
Tankos | Moshe | 65/151, 77/163, 82/168 | |
Tartatzky | 80/166 | ||
Tborkovsky | Nachman | 312/44 | |
Tchitovich | Jan | 13 | |
Tebshonsky | Yakob | 298/30 | |
Teitsch | Moshe | 56/142 | |
Tentzer | Rivka | 145/231 | |
Teplitzky | Yakob | 71/157 | |
Tesherago | Dr. S. | 20 | |
Tinzhaus | 13 | ||
Todelban | 19 | Governor-General of Vilna | |
Tof | Leib | 329/61 | |
Tof | Mikal | 329/61, 344/76 | |
Treblinka | 351/83 | ||
Trop | Naftali | 56/142 | |
Trop | Rut | 315/403 | sister of Bluma Gordon |
Truspolsky | Yoshka | 327/59 | |
Tzalts | Yakob | 122/208 | |
Tzeshler | Mones | 243/329 | |
Tzeshler | Ruben | 234/320, 243/329 | |
Tzeshler | Sender ben Sender Chaim Tzviah | 131/217 | |
Tzeshler | 159/245 | ||
Tzigelnitzky | teacher from Lida | 321/409 | |
Tzigelnitzky | 309/41 | cantor | |
Tziknovtzky | see Boyar, Tamara | from Bialystok | |
Tzuperman | 197/283 | ||
Udomvelinsky | Chaya | 307/39 | Eishishok |
Vadomblansky | 305/37 | from Eishishok | |
Vashilsky | Aharon-Shlomo | 322/410 | |
Vashilsky | Hershke | 305/391 | |
Vashilsky | Tzvi | 322/410 | |
Vasilsky | Aryeh | 87/174 | |
Vasilsky | Idel | 323/411 | |
Vasilsky | Leib | 75/161 | |
Vasilsky | Mordechai | 82/168 | |
Vein | Binyamin | 82/168 | |
Veiner | Eliahu | 82/168 | |
Veinshtein | Abraham-Leib | 327/415 | feldsher but may be Bereshansky |
Veinshtein | Aryeh ben Leibke Mendele | 311/399, 315/403, 323/411 | |
Veinshtein | Mendel | 327/415, 338/426 | feldsher |
Veinshtein | see Bezrotzika, Azreal |
Veinshtein | Yakob | 313/401 |
Venzovsky | Alter | 235/321 | |
Vernikov | Berl | 344/76 | |
Vigdorovitz | Tzipa | 325/57 | |
Vigdorovitz | Yosef | 309/41, 310/42, 313/45, 344/76, 345/77, 355/87 | |
Vigdorovitz | Yosel | 364/97 | |
Vigdorovitz | 307/39, 347/79 | ||
Vilenchik | Binyamin ben Velvel haKohan | 444 |
Vilenchik | Yakob | 437, 439 |
Vilensky | Alte | 322/420 |
Vilensky | Chaya-Bluma | 322/410 |
Vilensky | Esther-Rachel | 322/410 |
Vilensky | Hillel | 333/421 | brother of Berechansky? |
Vilensky | Leib | 332/420 |
Vilensky | Yankel | 75/161 | |
Vilensky | 350/264 | ||
Vinchevski | Morris | 19 | also known as Ben-Zion Nobachovich,) |
Vishnevsky | Shmuel | 438, 441 | rabbi |
Vitavsky | Gedeliah | 54/140 | |
Vitensky | Malek | 90/176 | |
Vitensky | see Stotzky, Sara-Rivka | ||
Vititsky | Sholom | 63/149 | |
Vitovsky | Berl | 82/168 | |
Vitovsky | Gitl | 82/168 | wife of Berl |
Vitovsky | Malek | 82/168 | |
Volchakovsky | 307/39 | from Zaludok | |
Volitsky | Chaim | 307/39 | |
Volkovich | Jan | 13 | |
Volochinsky | Aharon | 143/229, 203/289, 217/303, 218/304, 227/313 | the Feldsher |
Volochinsky | Chana | 261/347, 262/348, 270/356 | |
Volochinsky | Chana'ly bat Itzak | 261/347 | |
Volochinsky | Eliahu | 117/203, 118/204, 150/236, 153/239, 176/262, 250/335 | |
Volochinsky | Etzel Yoska | 151/237 | |
Volochinsky | family | 203/289 | |
Volochinsky | Henya | 171/257, 185/271 | |
Volochinsky | Idel | 159/245, 205/291 | |
Volochinsky | Liza | 205/291 | Primadona |
Volochinsky | Liza (Hokshtein) | 159/245 | |
Volochinsky | Lusik | 262/348, 270/356, 272/358 | |
Volochinsky | Sonya | 185/271, 241/327 | |
Volochinsky | Yankel | 272/358 | |
Volochinsky | 261/347 | ||
Vorodeisky | 234/320 | ||
Voronovsky | Chaim Dov | 54/140 | |
Voronovsky | Lieba | 439 | |
Voronsky | Aviva | 441 |
Voronsky | Beryl | 439 |
Votkevich | 243/329 | ||
Weinshtein | 303/35 | ||
Windisch | 243/329 | ||
Windisch | 86/173 | ||
Wolfson | Zaki | 338/70 | |
Yacobson | A. | 35/121 | |
Yadvina | see Medlinsky, Shoshana | ||
Yaffe | Ben-Zion | 27/113, 78/165 | |
Yaffe | Mordechai, R' | 9 | |
Yaffe | Leib | 20 | |
Yanchuk | Avraham | 53/139 | |
Yanchuk | Tzvi | 61/147 | |
Yaranovsky | Leba | 439 |
Yashinovsky | Liza bat Shmuel | 44/130 | |
Yashinovsky | Mer'ka bat Shmuel | 44/130 | |
Yashinovsky | Moshe-Shmuel | 45/131 | |
Yashinovsky | Shmuel | 45/131, 52/138 | starostie - mayor/governor of area |
Yasinovsky | Leibl | 183/269 | |
Yelentzik | Yakob | 439 |
Yellin | Abraham | 296/28, 304/36, 305/37, 317/49, 336/68, 345/77, 363/95 | |
Yellin | Yakob | 331/63, 333/65 | |
Yellin | 156/242 | ||
Yesenovsky | Shmuel | 156/242 | |
Yesenovsky | 49/135 | ||
Yevelevich | Henya | 82/168 | |
Yevelevich | Leibel | 71/157 | |
Yevelevich | Liby | 78/165 | |
Yevelevich | Reizl | 78/165 | |
Yezersky | Family | 357/89, 338/426 | |
Yezersky | Mikal-Meir | 294/26, 344/76, 357/89 | |
Yisraelovich | Shmuel | 9 | |
Yitovsky | Ged | 87/174 | |
Yitovsky | Malek | 87/174 | |
Yonas | Mones | 235/321, 252/338, 339/254 | |
Yonas | Noty | 156/242 | |
Yonas | 197/283 | teacher for the Polish | |
Yoselsky | Abraham | 133/219 | |
Yoselsky | Kalman | 133/219 | |
Yoshelevits | Yechiel Yosef | 53/139 | |
Yosilevich | Barak (Dov-Behr) | ||
Yudelboim | 195/281 | ||
Zabatzky | Noty | 441 |
Zablotzky | Moshe'la | 261/347 | |
Zablotzky | 242/328 | ||
Zachapinsky | Feivel the carpenter | 305/391 | |
Zachapinsky | Moshe Yakob | 296/28, 297/29 | |
Zachapinsky | Shlomo | 329/61 | |
Zakroisky | Rivka | 216/302 | |
Zakroisky | Shmuel | 439, 441, 443 | rabbi |
Zakroisky | Shmuel Yosef | 52/138 | |
Zalikovsky | 305/37 | ||
Zalutzky | Ichy Ber | 296/28 | |
Zamochansky | Aron ben Pinchas | 307/393 | |
Zamochansky | Berl | 322/410 | |
Zamochansky | Golda | 324/412 | |
Zamochansky | Hillel ben Pinchas | 307/393 | |
Zamochansky | Itzak ben Pinchas | 307/393 | |
Zamochansky | Meir Aharon | 311/399, 322/410, 323/411, 325/413 | |
Zamochansky | Pinchas | 233/319 | the tailor |
Zamochansky | Rivka bat Ichy | 306/392, 307/393 | |
Zamochansky | Shifra bat Ichy | 307/393 | |
Zamochansky | Shmuel ben Pinchas | 307/393 | |
Zang | Itzak-Zalman | 311/399 | |
Zang | Sholom | 339/427 | one of 6 survivors of Novy Dvor |
Zang | 338/426 | on Ostriner St. | |
Zapolinsky | Aidla | 329/61 | |
Zapolinsky | Mikal | 331/63, 333/65 | |
Zapolsky | Yehoshe | 312/44 | |
Zapolsky | 261/347 | ||
Zashkov | Hirshel | 252/338 | |
Zavel | Aron Leib | 308/394 | |
Zavelutzky | 345/77 | ||
Zdanetzer | Beryl | 439 |
Zerenstein | Aryeh-Leib | 75/161 | |
Zerenstein | L | 67/153 | |
Zhetler | Itzak | 308/394 | |
Zhmudsky | Eliahu | 28/114, 33/119 | |
Zhmudsky | I.A. | 78/165 | |
Zhmudsky | Izak ben Josela | 67/153 | |
Zhmudsky | Leib | 84/171 | |
Zhmudsky | Rochela bat Izrael Lipman | 67/153 | |
Zhmudsky | Yakob | 67/153, 82/168 | |
Zhmudsky | Yehudit | 78/165 | |
Zhmudsky | Yosef-Eliahu | 33/119, 43/129, 73/159, 75/161, 78/165, 84/171 | |
Zhmudsky | Eliezer | 15 | |
Zhmudsky | Itzak | 62/148, 78/165 | |
Zhorovsky | Devora | 145/231 | |
Zhuravsky | Chaya | 194/280 | |
Zilberblat | Shlomo | 242/328 | |
Zilbershtein | Aryeh | 445 | Rabbi |
Zilbershtein | Ruben | 441 |
Zimelevitz | 194/280, 237/323 | ||
Zimniak | 197/283 | teacher for the Polish | |
Zinkovich | 13 | ||
Zinovitz | M | 51/137 | |
Zirulnik | Yakob | 52/138 | |
Zirulnik | Yosef | 87/174 | |
Zititzky | Sholom | 85/172 | |
Zlekovsky | Israel | 297/29 | |
Zlekovsky | 307/39, 347/79 | ||
Zliikovsky | Borukh | 438 |
Zlotnik | 204/290 | ||
Zlotzinsky | Israel | 82/169 | from Belitza |
Zlotzinsky | Shraga | 82/169 | from Belitza |
Zlotzky | A. | 329/61 | |
Zlotzky | Itzy Ber | 297/29 | |
Zlotzovsky | David | 85/172 | |
Zlotzovsky | Feigl Mekel | 85/172 | |
Zlotzovsky | Israel | 85/172, 87/174 | from Belitza |
Zlotzovsky | Leibchik | 312/44 | |
Zmudsky | Yaakov | 26/111 | |
Zondelbich | Aron | 19 | |
Zonshein | Chaim | 87/174 | |
Zorniak | Eliezer | 90/176 | |
Zorniak | Tzvi | 90/176 | |
Zorniak | Yehoshua | 90/176 | |
Zukerman | Eliahu | 62/148, 78/165 | |
Zukernik | Chana'ka | 61/147 | |
Zukernik | Noty | 54/140 | |
Zukernik | Sholom | 26/111, 62/148, 63/149 | |
Zukernik | 63/149 | ||
Zvulini | Zvulin | 433 |
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Shchuchin, Belarus
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