[Pages 447-453]
Rozanka Necrology
Asherowitz | Chana-Merl | and son Israel |
Azef | Hershel | wife Nechama and children |
Baksht | Beilke | |
Baksht | Chaim | wife and daughter Chana-Esther |
Blazshtein | Bentzik | wife Kreine and children |
Blazshtein | David | wife and children |
Blazshtein | Eli | wife and children |
Blazshtein | Israel | |
Blok | Itzak | wife Chaya'ke and children |
Boyarsky | Henye | husband Nachum Kagan, children: Tzirel and Chaya'la |
Boyarsky | Menken (Minkhas) | |
Boyarsky | Moshe-Eli | wife Chan'chy and daughters Keile and Peshke |
Brazhinsky | Moshe's children | Mindel and Debora |
Cheit | Aharon-Shlomo | wife Chana-Debora and children |
Dlugach | Breine | and children: Teibe, Ekhial |
Evenetzky | Nachum | wife Chaya, children: Reuben, Gershon, Esther |
Ferder | see Rabinowitz, Bashke | |
Ferder | Sheine-Debora | |
Fritz | Yosef | wife Chaya and children |
Galperin | Kony-Gimpel | and children: Itzak, Chana-Sara, Esther-Elke |
Galperin | Yosel-Elia | wife Malka-Reizel, children: Hirshel, Chana, Abraham, Grunche (the Zaborier) |
Galperin | Yudel | wife and children: Sheinke, Yosef, Chaim |
Giser | Hillel | wife Lia'ke and children |
Goldberg | David | wife Tzvia, children: Velvel, Rivka, Hirshel |
Goldberg | Hershel | wife Frume, children: Chaim, Moshe |
Goldberg | Yakob | wife and children |
Golub | David | wife and children: Mordechai, Israel, Etke, Sonya |
Gornapolsky | Beryl | wife Shoshe, children: Chaim, Lole and Itzak |
Gornapolsky | Shmuel | wife Beke, children: Perl and Hirshel |
Grabovsky | Rivka | |
Grodinsky | David-Aharon | wife and children |
Grodinsky | Shifra | |
Gudes | Israel | |
Halperin | Israel-Leib | wife Chana and children: Yudel, Leah, Chaim and a brother |
Halperin | Moshe | wife and children |
Kacheisky | Leibke | wife Sima, children: Sara, Beilke, Sheindel, Menucha'ka, Dov |
Kacheisky | Velvel | wife Batya, children: Chaim and Dov |
Kagan | see Boyarsky, Henya | |
Kaminetzky | Alter | wife Minke and children |
Kaminetzky | David | wife Peshke, children: Sara, Abraham |
Kaminsky | Chaim-Berl | wife Mikhaela and children |
Kaminsky | David | wife Etel and children |
Kaminsky | Merke | children: Shlomo'ke, Chana-Esther, Chaya'le |
Kaminsky | Shmuelka | wife Shoshke, children: Itzak, Malek, David-Aharon, Leibel, Chana-Blume |
Kaminsky | Udel | wife Yehudit and children |
Kamionsky | Leizer | wife Rakhel, children: Chana, David, Leibele |
Kaplan | Henya | children: Aryeh, Moshe |
Kazanovsky | Chana | and children: Rakhel, Moshe-Iche |
Kazanovsky | Israel | wife Chaya, children: Tzerne, Chana-Baske, Shmuel'ke |
Kazanovsky | Tuvia | wife and chilren |
Kopelman | Chaim-Berl | wife Debora'ke, children: Chana'ke, Blume'ke, Feigel, Reva, Dina'ke |
Kopitnik | Yakob | wife Sara, children: Kanche, Henya, Chava, Rakhel |
Koren | David | and family |
Koren | Feigel (Shakna's) | and children |
Koren | Itzy | and wife |
Koren | Sara-Feige | and children |
Koren | Shmuelke | wife and children |
Koren | Yosel | wife Feigel, children: Chana-Malka, Estherke |
Krasnovsky | Shmuelke | wife Rikele, children: Velvel and sister |
Krawietz | Shmuelke | wife Mashke and children |
Kremer | Rikele | husband and children: Sara-Rivka, Yosef-Leib |
Liebowitz | Abrahamel | wife Lia'ke and children |
Lis | Yosef (rabbi) | wife Esther, children: Moshe, Matitiyahu, Shlomo-David, Zev, Dov |
Litowitz | Leibke | wife Chana-Elke and children |
Luniansky | Alter | children: Mendel and a sister |
Luniansky | Shepsel | and son Yosef |
Mekanik | Alter | wife Reva-Leah, children: Itzy, Debora, Lieba |
Meyerowitz | Liebe | children: Nachum-Kopel, Eli-Reuben, Abraham-Folk |
Nimensky | Chaim | wife Gitel, children: Sara, Liebe, Berl |
Nusimovsky | Leibitzka | wife and children: Gishe, Mashe |
Patashinsky | Abraham-Mordechai | wife Rakhel, children: Leah, Moshe, Cherne |
Patashinsky | Breina | and family |
Patashinsky | Henya-Feige | and family |
Patashinsky | Leiby | wife Lieba and children |
Patashinsky | Leizer | and children: Kashke, Sara-Keile and brother |
Patashinsky | Moshe | wife Vikne |
Patashinsky | Moshe-Leib | Sara-Lieba and children |
Patashinsky | Niome | and wife Henya |
Patashinsky | Niomke | wife Lieba and children |
Patashinsky | Peretz | wife Sheine-Feige, children: Chaya-Sara, Israel, Zerakh, Cherne |
Patashinsky | Rabbi Nisel | Feigel and children |
Patashinsky | Shmerl | wife Keila, children: Mashke, Udel and a brother |
Patashinsky | Shmuel | wife Sara'ke and children |
Patashinsky | Yakob-Moty | wife Kashke |
Patashinsky | Yosef | wife Esther-Merke and daughter Tzirel |
Patashinsky | Yosel | wife and children |
Pelovsky | Abrahamel | wife Mindel and children |
Pelovsky | Feige-Leah | children: Aba-Udel, Sheine, Ite |
Pelovsky | Liebe | husband Hillel and children |
Pelovsky | Mordechai | wife Rivka and children |
Pelovsky | Peshe (Kone's) | |
Pelovsky | Rivka | husband and son Yudela |
Pelovsky | Shlomo'ke | wife Merche, children: Abrahamel, Shifra, Meishke |
Peskovsky | Abraham-Chaim | wife Sheine-Beile, children: Feige-Rakhel, Leibke |
Peskovsky | Alter | and children |
Peskovsky | Liebke | husband Binyamin and children: Berela, Fale |
Peskovsky | Mordechai | wife Chana and daughter Batya |
Peskovsky | Nachum | wife Henya, children: Reizele and Esther |
Peskovsky | Notke | and children: Eliezer, Reizel, Esther-Elke, Henya |
Peskovsky | Shlomo | wife Rakhel and children |
Peskovsky | Shmerl | wife Bashe and children |
Peskovsky | Shmuel-Chaim | wife and children: Henya, Kheitz'a, Aidele |
Peskovsky | Tova | and daughter Frume |
Peskovsky | Yosef | wife Feigel, children: Chaim, Chaya, Nechamiah, Esther, Yeta |
Peskovsky | Yosel | wife Rakhel and children |
Peskovsky | Zusel | wife and children: Shlomo-le, Reizel |
Podalinsky | Gershke | wife and children |
Podalinsky | Hirshel | wife Beilke and children |
Podalinsky | Leibke | wife and children |
Podalinsky | Sheinke | and children |
Podalinsky | Velvel | wife Chana and children |
Poretzky | Alte | and daughter Lieba |
Poretzky | Alte (Chaim's) | |
Poretzky | Bendushe | wife Chana and children: Perl, Miriam |
Poretzky | David | wife Sara and children |
Poretzky | Israel-Yankel | wife, daughter Nechama |
Poretzky | Konchik | and wife |
Poretzky | Kopel | |
Poretzky | Moshe | wife Esther, son and brother |
Poretzky | Niome | wife Rashe, children: Cherne, Moshe, David, Itzke |
Poretzky | Noach | and wife Chana |
Poretzky | Velvel | and Feigel, daughter Peshe |
Poretzky | Yehoshe | wife Rakhel, children: Hirshel, Folk, Dina'ke |
Poretzky | Yehoshe-Notke | children: Chaim, Laske and brother |
Poretzky | Zelig | wife Beile, children: Itzak-Berl, Merke, and sister |
Rabinowitz | Bashke (Ferder) | husband Pinchas, children: Hershela and Feivele |
Remz | Henek | wife Pelte, children: Moshke, Chana-Beilke |
Sadovsky | Itzak | and wife Yehudit |
Sadovsky | Moshe | wife Rakhel-Leah, children: Esther, Yosef, Sara-Rivka, Abraham, Shmerl |
Shklar | Mere | |
Shviger | Ben-Tzion | and wife Lieba |
Shviger | Yosel | and wife Alte (Sheine) |
Sirotek | Leon (Leib) | children: David, Meshula |
Smolensky | Mendel | wife Bashe, children: Velvel, Rivka and David |
Tzigelnitzky | Etke | husband and children |
Tzigelnitzky | Zeidel | wife and children |
Tzirulnik | Chana'ke | husband Chaim-Yosel, children: Feivel, Toibel, Hirshel, Betzalel, Sara-Reva, Sheindel, Cherna |
Vert | Yosef (rabbi) | wife Chana-Malka, children: Lipe, Sara, Moshe, Margolit, Debora-Keile, Gele |
Vilenchik | Sara | |
Vilenchik | Yakob | wife Debora, children: Niomchik, Laske, Yehuda |
Visnievsky | Feigel (Rabnit) | and children: Yankel, Hirshel, Nisel, Mendel, Moshe-Yudel |
Visnievsky | Israel | wife and children |
Visnievsky | Shakna-Berl | |
Voronovsky | Abraham | wife Mikhaela and mother Sara-Sheine |
Voronovsky | Chaim | wife and children |
Voronovsky | David | wife and children |
Voronovsky | Efrayim | wife and children |
Voronovsky | Sara-Gitel | and daughter Nechama |
Yelin | Eliezer | wife Chaya-Rasha, children: Sara, Abraham |
Zakroisky | Leibke | wife and children |
Zakroisky | Mina | and son Udel |
Zakroisky | Moshe | wife and children: Mordechai, Ichke and a brother |
Zakroisky | Reuben | wife and children |
Zakroisky | Shmuel (sochet) | wife Debora'ke, children: Sonya, Mordechai and a brother |
Zakroisky | Shmuel-David | and wife |
Zakroisky | Simcha-Nisel | wife Ashke and children (Zeidel) |
Zakroisky | Yankel | |
Zakroisky | Zeidel | and wife Alte |
Zapolsky | Velvel-Notke | and wife, children: Minke and a brother |
Zavatzky | Alter | wife Leah, children: Palty and a brother |
Zavatzky | Berl | wife Chaya-Sara, children: Ekhial, Natan |
Zavatzky | Chaya-Gutke | and her family |
Zavatzky | Feivy | wife Sara-Gitel, children: Kadish, Tuvia |
Zavatzky | Israel | wife Tzipe and children: (Kadish) |
Zazhinsky | Alter | |
Zazhinsky | Avigdor | wife Sara-Beile and daughter Debora |
Zazhinsky | Berl | wife Esther and child Chana |
Zazhinsky | Lozer | wife and children |
Zazhinsky | Sheine | |
Zazhinsky | Velvel | wife Chana, children: Lia'ke and a sister |
Zelikovsky | Barukh | wife Sheina-Doba, children: Feige, Rebe, Etke, Shmuel |
Zilbershtein | Abraham | and wife Gitel |
Feinshtein | Berl (Bernard) | … his wife Gitel Galperin |
Galperin | see Feinshtein, Berl | |
none | Aba'ka the bath-house attendant | wife and children |
none | Alter the bath-house attendant | wife Chana, children: Velvel, Aba, Kashke |
none | Beila the Zabarier | husband and children: Golde, Chaim-Yosel |
none | Chaim (Kone's son-in-law) | wife Sheinke and children |
none | Leiby the blacksmith | wife Menucha'ke, children: Shlomoke and sister |
none | Merke the miller | husband and children |
none | Mikhael the atvisker | wife and children |
none | Mikhael the carriage driver | wife Tzvia |
none | Nachum the bath-house attendant | wife and children |
none | Niomke. Friedes | wife Chana, brother Nechamiah, children: Barukh, Leizer, Bunye, Geshe, Mashe |
none | Pesach the Zelwa rabbi | and family |
none | Shiyal the skliar | wife Mere |
none | Shlomo-Zalman | wife and children |
none | Shmuel-Velvel | wife and children |
none | Simcha, Shlozkes | wife and children |
none | Yosef the atvisker | wife and children |
none | Ziome the tailor | wife Roze and children |
Volkovisker | Alter | Idela, children |
none | Abrahamele the carpenter | Teibel, children |
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