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Additional Necrologies for Vasilishki Region

Translated by Ellen Sadove Renck

Vasilishki region [Page 377 {291}]
Died in Partisan Camps (Vasilishki region) [Page 377 {291}]
Died in German Captivity (Vasilishki region) [Page 376 {290}]
Misievich, Polase, Shaleva, Kadzilon, Zakoloch (Vasilishki region) [Page 376 [290}]
Skribove (Vasilishki region) [Page 376 {290}]
Sobakince (Vasilishok) [Page 375 [289}]

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[Page 377 {291}]

Vasilishki region

Kozhinevsky   Yehuda   died in fighting Israel 

[Page 377 {291}]

Died in Partisan Camps (Vasilishki region)

Boyarsky Reuben in Bielsky's Otriad
Boyarsky Siomke in White Poles
Boyarsky Tzipele in Otriad "Borba"
Eisishki Leizer in Prokops Brigade
Foshter Moshele died in the Nocher Puche, "Leninsky Otriad"
Gordon Tenachum in Bielsky's Otriad
Kopelman Efrayim in Bielsky's Otriad
Kravietz Zeidel from Palasa
Kushner Yenkela died in Vasilishok
Medlitzky Zalman in the A.K.
Movshovich Khonan in White Poles
Mudrik Abraham-Leizer in Bielsky's Otriad and died in fight with the Germans two days before …
Sadovsky Shlomo from Sobakince, died in the Nocher Puzhe)
Volachinsky Aharon and Mordechai two brothers in White Poles
Zakroisky Nota in White Poles
Bieshansky Monya died in the Red Army (Vasilishki region) [Page 377 {291}]
Chernik Reuben died in the Red Army (Vasilishki region) [Page 377 {291}]
Koifman Pevke died in the Red Army (Vasilishki region) [Page 377 {291}]
Kolvarsky Moshe died in the Red Army (Vasilishki region) [Page 377 {291}]
Kolvarsky Pesach  died in the Red Army (Vasilishki region) [Page 377 {291}]
Kushner Berel'e died in the Red Army (Vasilishki region) [Page 377 {291}]
Kuznietz Israel died in the Red Army (Vasilishki region) [Page 377 {291}]
Levin Abraham died in the Red Army (Vasilishki region) [Page 377 {291}]
Psaretzky Binyamin died in the Red Army (Vasilishki region) [Page 377 {291}]
Ribak Archik died in the Red Army (Vasilishki region) [Page 377 {291}]
Stanetzky Khonan died in the Red Army (Vasilishki region) [Page 377 {291}]

[Page 376 {290}]

Died in German Captivity (Vasilishki region)

Boyarsky Gedeliah
Boyarsky Israel
Furman David 
Gordon Abrahamele
Kagan Moshe
Kaganowitz Shie'ke
Kravietz the brothers Yosef and Ben-Tzion
Mordukovich Nachum-Ber
Mudrik the brother of Saul and Yosef
Sheshko Nachum-Ichy
Stotzky Yankel
Stotzky Yosef
Zamechansky Reuben

[Page 376 [290}]

Misievich, Polase, Shaleva, Kadzilon, Zakoloch (Vasilishki region)

Dolinsky Pesach  Rakhel and family (Zaboloch)
Golubovsky Yakob and sons: Chaim and Barukh
Kravietz Aharon-Hirshel Nechama and child Molik
Kravietz Aharon-Hirshel and wife Rani (Sakarov)
Kravietz Binyamin and Debora
Kravietz Chaim and wife Ita (Polichuk)
Kravietz Moshel Frumche and children: Fishel, Aizia and Sonya
Kravietz Sheine and children: Tzipe, Zeidel, Eteh and Chava
Lubetzky Leah and family (Zaboloch)
Polichuk see Kravietz, Chaim  
Sakarov see Kravietz, Aharon-Hirshel  
Starodvorsky Elka and children
Zablotzky Yosef



[Page 376 {290}]

Skribove (Vasilishki region)

Garber Sheindel  
Gertzovsky Yakob and children: Nachman, Hertzel, Mordechai, Berl, Feige, and Rakhel
Pudzinsky Aharon and children: Abrahamel and Sonya
Pudzinsky Avigdor and wife Sonya
Pudzinsky Berl Ida and children: Chaya'la, Blume'le and Leizer
Pudzinsky Khenok Yehudit and children: Chana and Liebe
Pudzinsky Malka and son Abrahamel

[Page 375 [289}]

Sobakince (Vasilishok)

Abramovsky Hirshel Rivka and daughter Frume
Abramovsky Zalman and wife Rakhel
Berezitzky Leiby Esther and children: Aharon, Berl and Liebe
Berezitzky Moshe-Eliahu Cherna and children
Bieshansky see Heikovsky, Abraham  
Bieshansky Teibel  
Biniakonsky Rakhel  and daughter Sheine-Golde
Boyarsky Shmuel Sara and children: Meir-Leib and Sholom
Dolinsky Velvel Batya (of Chaim Lubetzky) and daughter Loibe
Frenkel Binyamin and family
Garnitzky Ezor Rakhel and daughter
Garnitzky Sheine and children: Motel and Leah
Heikovsky Abraham Pesya (of Chaim Bieshansky) and children: Moshe and Yehoshe
Heikovsky Kasya and children: Yakob, Miriam, and Noach
Kagan Moshe and family
Kahanovich Mordechai and family
Kobrovsky Meir Sara, Henya and Tzviah
Kopelman Chana and children: Moshe, Eta, Rakhel, Kasya and Pinchas
Kornopolsky Hirshel Yenta and daughter Chana
Kozhinovsky Alte Aharon and Sara
Lubetzky Itzak Chana and children: Aharon, Bela, and Bashele
Lubetzky Leiby Kasya and children: Dobe and Aharon
Lubetzky see Dolinsky, Velvel  
Niemchinsky Breine and daughter Chana with family
Niemchinsky Yente and children: Rivka and Shmuel
none David the Zambrover and family
none Israel the shochet and family
none Yeshaya the Zambrover and family
Rusel Itzak Gushka and daughter Bele
Sadovsky Shlomo  
Shimelevich Itzak and children: Rivka, Zlate, and Mosia
Slomovch Dov and daughter Sheine-Rivka
Yezhersky Feigel and family
Yezhersky Leiby and children: Chaim, Meir and Sara
Yezhersky Miriam and family
Zlatzovsky Shlomo Rivka and children: Esther and son

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