The Book of Memory to the
Jewish Community of Shebreshin
(Szczebrzeszyn, Poland)

50°42' / 22°58'

Translation of
Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Shebreshin

Editors: Dov Shuval, Association of Former Inhabitants
of Shebreshin in Israel and the Diaspora

Published in Haifa, 1984

Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.

Our sincere appreciation to Genia Hollander
for typing up the English text to facilitate its addition to this project.

This is a translation of: Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Shebreshin (Book of memory to the Jewish community of Shebreshin),
Editors: Dov Shuval, Haifa, Association of Former Inhabitants of Shebreshin in Israel and the Diaspora, 1984 (Y,H,E, 518 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Szczebrzeszyn

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner


Foreword [H] The Editor 11
Foreword [Y] The Editor 15
Everyday life
The desire to acquire knowledge [H] Moshe Messinger 23
The desire to acquire knowledge Moshe Messinger 29
How the young generation flourished [H] David Fuks 36
How the young generation flourished David Fuchs 39
The struggle for cultural progress Yehoshua Zisbrenner 43
How we have thrown away the long Kapotas [Hasidic garment] Yehuda Kelner 45
You need to see a psychiatrist Baruch Bibel 47
Memories of a non-Shebreshiner Luba Gall 49
A street in Szczebrzeszyn Emanuel Chmielash 56
On the Shore of the River Wieprz Rivkah Shmali (Katz) 59
The competition Aharon Shrift 62
Episodes of heroism Yankel Lamm 67
Poland (a poem) Pinchas Bibel 71
Economic sources Moshe Messinger 75
Making a living was very hard [H] Zvi Treger (Tal) 78
Making a living was very hard Zvi Treger (Tal) 80
Respectful Behavior, Honest Trading Emanuel Chmielash 82
Breaking windows-winning the strike Yankel Itche Treger & Leibl Akerflug 84
On weekdays and on holidays Yankel Frost 87
Night work in a bakery Avigdor Rieder 89
Do not miss the train! Abraham Becher 92
The Devil was out of Work Pinchas Bibel 96
The Religious Life
The Synagogue in Szczebrzeszyn, a Work of Art
   Modest on the Outside, Richly Adorned Inside [H] Eng. David Davidowitz 103
   One of the famous synagogues Meir Balaban 107
   Little Angels Sing a Song of Praise Menachem Messinger 109
   Crowns of gold and diamonds Mendel Farber 113
   Superb holiness Chava Sapian 116
   Resemblance to the Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam [H] Aharon Lass 119
Sabbath in my town Emanuel Chmielash 120
Illegal activity in the shtibl Moshe Zisser 125
The Blue-White Boxes of Herzl Feige Ethel Boim 127
Memories from the Heder and from the Shtibl Aharon Lass 128
On the Chair of the Rabbinate Yankel Lam 131
The Rabbi Passed Away Yosef Boim 133
Legends and Mystery Stories
Why Szczebrzeszyn? [H] Moshe Messinger 137
Why Shebreshin? Moshe Messinger 138
The Jewish School Feige Ethel Boim 139
About the Spanish Exiles in Poland Menashe Unger 140
“To hasten Deliverance” [lidchok et haketz] [H] Ephraim Farber 141
Bringing Salvation Before its Time Ephraim Farber 143
“Angels Carried him from Shebreshin to Eretz Israel” [H] Avraham Stern 146
Folk Tales Mendl Messinger 147
Legendary Figures Yehuda Kelner 149
A Far Echo from King Solomon's Judgment Zanvel Aschenberg 152
In the Cemetery Mendl Farber 155
The Magnificent Road of the Seer of Lublin Aviezer Burstein 156
Prevented by Heaven [H] Rav Menachem Guttman 161
Days of Suffering and Destruction
Between life and death [H] Yitzhak Stemmer 167
Between life and death Yitzhak Stemmer 179
Echad B'Yameinu - Hersh Getzl Hochbaum Emanuel Chmielash 195
From the Bunkers to the Partisans Yakov Morgenstern 198
Imprisoned by the Germans Ephraim Farber 200
With the partisans in the forest A. H. 223
I participated in the battles [H] Zvi Treger (Tal) 227
Taking part in the battle Zvi Treger (Tal) 229
In the hell of Belzec Efraim Farber 232
Quietly Weeping (poems) Shalom Stern 246
Uprooting the Szczebrzeszyn Jews Zigmunt Klukovski 253
Observations on the character of Dr. Klukowski Devorah Fleisher 290
Szczebreszyn under Hitler's occupation Devorah Fleischer 291
Tchotcha Marisha [H] Mendel 299
Twenty-four Children Saved from Christian hands Devorah Fleischer 300
The last train Aharon Shrift 305
The last evening in my home Sarah Fuks (Ingber) 306
My Ruined Town (poem) Abraham Weinrib 309
A night of terror Balche Milstein (Langburd) 311
Wandering Shaindl Knabl (Stern) 314
In armed battle Ephraim Farber 318
Do Not Forget the Dead! (poem) Mordechi Elboim 320
Oh, My Little Shtetl Pinchas Bibel 322
My Ruined Home Shlomo Reiter 326
Night of Pogroms (poem) Batya Bibel 329
In the Whirl of War Simah Berger (Elbaum) 331
Memories (poem) Feige Roitman 333
Why are the Survivors Silent? Shimon Kantz 335
My Little Town of Shebreshin (poem) Brochele Stern 337
Hallucinations in the Siberian Taiga Velvel Ingber 339
Posing as Aryans in Belgium Ephraim Farber 342
Disappointed by the Socialist Regime in Poland [H] Bella Rosenblum (Sher) 344
Returning from the Red Army Yehuda Weinstock 345
In Shebreshin after the war [H] Chanoch Becher 347
In Szczebreszyn after the war,/a> Chanoch Becher 349
The Belzec Camp   352
Report on the Distribution of Lunch and Bread for Refugees and the Quarantined in the Shebreshin Bet Hamidrash During the War   356
Figures in our town
A Gallery of Characters Moshe Messinger 363
Warmhearted characters Yehuda Kelner 366
Praiseworthy Doers Yankel Lam 369
In Appearance, Military–In Spirit, Pioneer Emanuel Chmielash 370
The Leader and Teacher of the Bund David Fuchs 372
Two Activists for the People Zanvel Aschenberg 373
The Good–Hearted Doctor Berl Entberg 376
Mohel and “Doctor” Mendl Farber 377
Exaggerated Fanatics Mendel Farber 378
The Tzadeket (saintly woman) Chava Sapian 380
Zenik the partisan Yankel Lam 381
The Great Scholar, Rav Yechiel Blankman Rav R'Avraham Golshmid 383
The Cheerful Grandfather Ephraim Farber 384
Hard work, beautiful manners Ephraim Farber 386
Taking Care of the Needy Rachel Greenspan 388
Menachem Messinger – the Naïve 80–Year–Old Ariela Reuveni 390
Old Szczebreszyn
Shebreshin of Long Ago Dr.Zygmunt Klukowski 393
Geographic, Ethnic, and Historic Shebreshin   402
The Surroundings Moshe Messinger 408
Shebreshin in the Register [Pinkas] of the “Council of the Four Lands”   410
The History of R' Yakov Reifman
   A Great Jew and a Genial Person Itzhak Warshawski 417
   A Great Shebreshiner, Pious Man, and Scholar Yakov Shatzki 423
   It is not Permitted to Hold it in One's Hand Abraham Bernstein 425
   “How Many Yakov Reifmann Are There in the Market?” [H] Zvi Kramer 425
   In a Room like a Cage Solomon Lastik 426
German Translation of Chanukah and Purim Piyutim [religious poems]   429
“History of the Persecutions of the Jewish People”   431
Cover Pages of Old Books, Documents and Certificates   432
From the Literature   448
Personalities from the Past   456
Landsmanshaftn [organizations of former residents]
The Organization of Former Shebreshin Residents in Israel   457
The Landsmanschaft in Montreal Emanuel Chmielash 460
The Landsmanschaft in New York Freide Blatt 465
Yizkor pages
In their memory   472
Necrology   473
They Fell in Battle with the Nazis   496
Fallen in Battle, in the Israel Wars   497
English Summary
Preface The Editorial Board I


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