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[Col. 1039]


(Ceikiniai, Lithuania)


My Destroyed Home

By Menucha Feigel Israelewitz

Translation by Anita Frishman Gabbay




Twelve kilometers from Ignalina was a large hamlet with a church. 70 years ago the first Jew, Feige Lapidot, arrived here. Around Tzeikin there were some wealthy villages: Navasani, Fitzul, Zablotzhiski, Shulkiski, Stanun, and others. From the small towns the Jews arrived in Tzeikin, like Yitzhak Rein, Leiba Chaia Gilinski, Moishe Rein, Moishe Zikinski, Yeruchmiel Zikinski, Gordon(who had a mill), Zelig Gilinski, Gavenda, and others. Feigl Lapidot had a large business(store), others sold fruit, cattle and soda, while others had their own land and worked in agriculture.

All the Jews from Tzeikin and surrounding shtetls got together for Shabbos and holidays in a room in some Jew's house to pray. The children were sent to Ignalina to study.

When the Germans arrived, all the Jewish folk from Tzeikin were brought to the Ignalina Ghetto and were later slaughtered in Poligon.

In order to talk about one person in particular, Yeruchmiel Zikinski,who was a committed partisan, fought valiantly in the Lithuanian-Soviet Partisaner Organization, he was eventually shot defending his people. The ones who survived: Zelig Gilinski with his wife Chasia

[Col. 1040]

and Breina Gavenda, who survived and are now in America. Our little shtetl of Tzeikin was small in population and with little means(wealth). Few survived, now scattered throughout the world. Here in Israel, I remain one of the few close to this Yiskor Book, and those Jews who survived from the Sventzian district have dedicated a Maztevah (memorial) to their slaughtered loved-ones.

Truly, we would need more time to tell the stories about the lives and destruction of our nearest and dearest fellow Jews. It would be necessary to have eye witness accounts what happened to the few Tzeikaner Jews, documents and material that brought about their destruction. This should not be forgotten. We lack the strength, but we thank everyone for helping to remember those precious lives, for including us in this Book, for remembering our little shtetl that is included in the larger district of Sventzian. Their memory should live on.



Rabbi Chaim Alihu Feigl, Zelig Gilinski, Hana Feigl, Sima Feigl, Minucha Feigl


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