[Col. 713]
Shimon Kantz Translated by Janie Respitz The drive to learn has existed among Jews throughout the ages. A legend from long ago tells of scholars who hid in the snow in order to be able to study Torah. In the hungriest home of New Sventzian mothers and fathers dreamed of providing their children with knowledge of Torah and Gemara. With time this thirst would include secular knowledge. The same piety that was given to a page of Gemera and Mishna was also given to modern literature and science which helped to accept and understand the world. How much devotion and perseverance, faithfulness and intelligence were provided in order to establish Yiddish schools in the poor town of NewSventzian. Schools which were in essence Jewish yet gave the children an understanding of the modern world! The Yiddish school and later the Tarbut school were the sources from which the most devoted and active from New Sventzian in those years, found the resources for their holy work in education. Who formed and strengthened the secular Jewish life in NewSventzian? Just like in Sventzian and other towns, it was those who were active in the schools. They were teachers and loving idealistic people whose desires and deeds were driven by a deep sense of responsibility and great love for children. They possessed within the synthesis of old Jewishness and modern science, high human ideals and moral beauty. They dreamed and believed the highest and most beautiful ideals of humanity will materialize and the Jewish people will receive its national reestablishment. This is why they and their teachers are so deeply engraved in the memories of the survivors. |
Zisle TabachowitzPopiski (South Africa)
Translated by Anita Frishman Gabbay
I am remembering my schooldays.
My first day of school. This was not a Jewish school, but a Russian one. Many Jewish students studied here. The first day I arrived at the school I will never forget. I made it through heavy snow, I was late and I didn't understand Russian very well, thus I was unable to clarify my arriving late.
She didn't understand me as well and put me in the corner. In that moment I felt uncomfortable with the teacher, the language and the school.
In the end, a miracle happened, we had to evacuate the shtetl. For everyone this was unfortunate, but me this was freedom!
When the Germans arrived, we returned. So, a child has to go to school and a second stroke of bad luck occurred, a Jewish child in a German school. I was in one class with the other Jewish boys and girls. Our teacher wore glasses and he was very strict. He spoke only Germans. Our days seemed an eternity
[Col. 718]
With pain and worries.
And suddenly the sun appeared!
This school was closing and will be replaced by a Jewish one!
You can imagine our joy! We were going to study in our mamaloscn (our own language).
The first teacher was Hellerstein.
What love and devotion emanated from his face! He was not only our teacher, but our friend! One can say, our father, patient and soothing!
I remember an interesting episode: we were outside playing hide and seek one hot summer day. We became thirsty and ran to the lake, filled a pail with cold water, and we drank the water. I paid dearly for this. I wasn't allowed to go to school.
What did Hellerstein do?
He organized classes after hours for the students who excelled and at no additional cost.
One day, he brought us to the nearby forest, to learn in the fresh air and benefit from the nature.
[Col. 719]
This is how we were raised, in such a friendly atmosphere, in our Jewish school. This would have been impossible in the others. No wonder this became our second home, and we spent more time here than at home.
We had a children's club and in the evening we went for our drama practise. There were other clubs of study or literary activities. Etched in my memory to this day was the sadness that permeated in our school when the grandfather of Jewish literature, Mendele Mocher Szforim died.
This struck us like someone in our own family died!
NewSventzian, 2nd meeting of the school Sitting: Teiba Cohen, Rivka Popitski, Yenta Kovarski, Sheine Katz, Yose Kovarski, Yetta Tabacavitch, Sheina Rudnitski Standing from the right: Chaia Aranovitch, Feiga Shutan, Left: Henia Aranavitch, Ester Kovarski Sitting: Abraham Kovarski, Uri Klionski, Abraham Vinik, Genia Vinik, Chaim Motel Steingold, Heshel Gurwitch, Yacov Svarz Standing: Motel Bak, Aharon Tzinzinatus, Barach Turgel, Yitzhak Gurdos, KaplanKaplanski, Leizer Hellerstein Standing: Sara Rivka Katz, Shalom Katz, Yosef Zak, Yeruchmiel Katz, Leib Popiski, Lifman Katz, Moshe Zak |
[Col. 720]
We all felt a great need to read books. We wanted to learn about other countries and read books in other languages. We wanted to establish a Children's Library, so we organized a children's play to raise money. We got ready for this evening. Our director was Feiga Berenstein. We children, were not only the actors, but the ticket sellers, the greeters, etc.
It is hard to image what excitement this evening was for us children!
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We were sold out, one would calla full house!
The next morning we sent some delegates to Vilna to buy the first books for the Children's Library.
On another note, a new teacher arrived in New Sventzian. I remember the moment, when he arrived in our class: a tall, handsome and welldressed man, called Gordos.
We immediately felt eagerness in our eyes, I remember him as enthusiastic, welcoming and friendly man. We felt like he was an older brother, raised with us!
We enjoyed listening to his lectures. He taught us mathematics, geography and biology. He taught with clarity and enthusiasm. We were under a spell!
But the main thing: he was a musician and he played in the concertina. He even stated a choir and taught us to sing.
This is how our school developed and became known throughout the region. Slowly new students arrived and then more teachers.
When the Polish school system was instituted, a new teacher from the Vilna University came to us, Aharon Tzintzinatus. He was an excellent teacher of Polish and opened new windows for us on the larger world. He introduced us to Polish history and literature and broadened our horizons. Our eyes opened up, our Yiddish environment was now not enough.
Later another teacher arrived, Vinik. He was entrenched in our everyday well being. He demanded a lot, and did not accept laziness.
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We resigned ourselves to obey, as it was for our own good.
I was very to graduate, it was a special day in our shtetl, New Sventzian. The entire shtetl took part in this Simcha, young and old. Can you imagine, even the nature of the surrounding shtetl seemed to participate in this special event!
It was a beautiful holiday: the sun was shining, the trees were budding, the birds were singing!
Only a small thing! A graduation of the school!
Years after the tradition of the cheder! Years after religiousonly upbringing! After years in unfamiliar schools! A Jew in a Jewish school! Such a wonderful way to graduate and enter the world!
It seems, as if it was yesterday, these small seeds were planted! And we are now enjoying the fruits of our labour! It is a wonder that we are alive to see these blessings!
The entire shtetl was in holidaymode, like guests going to a wedding! Representatives came from Vilna: Dr. Tzemach Shabad, A. Galomb, A. Klianski and others. Guests from the surrounding shtetls come! The evening if full of vigour, dancing and singing!
We felt like it was our Bar Mitzvah! A new burden was upon uswe have to open the eyes of our Jewish brothers and sisters.
In the end many left the shtetl to open new doors in other countries and start building a new future.
Our road was not an easy one! We encountered many difficulties, but we hoped for a better future!
[Col. 723]
I entered the RealGymnasia of Vilna, and I encountered obstacles in Jewish life unlike in NewSventzian. The years flew by. When I went home for the holidays, the 10th Anniversary of the school was celebrated. I was the representative of the 1st graduating class and I greeted all the current students. I was nervous when I gave the opening speech, which was short and to the point, 10 years of this school.
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And wished the students success and hoped that they would further their Jewish culture and heritage.
I decided to establish a learning center near the school.
At first the group was interested in our way of life, then it became obvious we had to help the Yiddish Folk School financially.
Nothing was too difficult, or demeaning, we had to maintain the school!
6th class FolkSchul in NewSventzianCertificate (L. Popiski) |
[Col. 725]
We washed floors, we cleaned classrooms, carried stools, we dragged our bodies on cold winter nights to listen to recitals, we sold tickets, asked for donations and for the lottery, all this for the Holy calling to build a Jewish school to provide a center for Jewish youth.
More years past. Wherever the students went, near or far, they took with them this Jewish education.
With the building of Eretz Israel and its new community, the building in America, Argentina, South Africa and other lands, many new Jewish communities were founded. These were initiated by the first group of graduates who became the first pioneers in these new lands.
Our teachers would be proud of us! Later they all perished together with the school, which took dozens of years to reach such an important position in the region.
Many sorrows are before my eyes, like a film, repeating and repeating itself.
[Col. 726]
We can only remember how beautiful our little shtetel was, full of fields and meadows, hills and streams!
Now they are all planted with mass graves!
There are no words in the dictionary to describe this bitter pain of those tragic events that took place. For those who survived such pain and suffering, such barbarism and sadistic cruelty, there is no healing of such wounds!
[Col. 727]
Hanah PortnoyKatz
Translated by Anita Frishman Gabbay
On a beautiful summer day in 1916, my father took me to NewSventzian, to my uncle Israel Portnoy. First I came as a guest, then I remained with him forever. As he didn't have any children, I looked around to make friends to play with. On the right of his house lived the Elperins, on the left, the Popiskis. Both families did not lack children, therefore I had many friends.
In the summer we went to the little lake and in the wintertime, we slid down the small hill to the fence.
The Seven Good years ended! My uncle enrolled me in school. So I packed my notebooks and off I went with Zisel Popiski.
The school was in a two room house, in 1 room was the lower level. Our teacher was Shapiro from Postov.
They put me in the higher level, not according to age or knowledge, and to this day, I don't know why they put me there.
A few days later, our school hired a German military man. Coming into the classroom, he took off his belt, and started talking to us in German. We didn't understand very well, but we were scared to death of him.
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He was the inspector of the school.
A second stroke of bad luck, when our school moved to a Christian street, no Jews lived here. The street was full of dogs and shkotzim (gentile lads), who attacked us and reminded us that we were Jews.
We preferred the small school, where we learned Yiddish, even Hebrew, Tenach and Yiddish literature. Our last teacher was Hellerstein, a wonderful former Yeshiva bocher (lad), who studied at the Telz Yeshiva. He bestowed on us a deep understanding for the Tenach and Jewish history.
Shortly after, our school found a new locale, the house of Shultz, on Vilner Street.
A new teacher arrived here, Yitzhak Gordos, who hypnotized the class with his dark and wise eyes. He was a very good pedagogue and he was loved by all the children. His main interest was singing and playing in the concertina. Thanks to him lectures about song took place. He also organized a Children'schoir. The school became alive. For the holidays we had a children's evening event. Even plays (drama club) were performed and a special journal, called The Children's Voice was printed.
The shtetl, with the help of Joint, bought the house from Tzipkin.
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This was a two storey house, a large garden full of fruit trees. Our school was now in this new location. Times were difficult, new regimes would replace the old. Poles, Bolsheviks, and Lithuanians, which interfered with the economic situation of our people. Then the Joint came and opened a soup kitchen at Boyerstein's home to feed the children.
Ita, the cook, in her fancy white apron and white hat, brought each child a bowl of peas and rice, and some fried onions. For the Sabbath, every Friday the children received a bulkah (a sweat roll) and a glass of cocoa.
Oy! This was such a treat!
Wintertime, it is very cold! The children run into the kitchen to get their bowl of soup with the onions! The smell is so appetizing! Every child receives his portion, eats with appetite in order to maintain his strength for another day of learning.
Meanwhile 2 new teachers arrived at the school. Tzintzinatus and Vinik. Vinik was a well bred Yiddishist and did everything to spread the Yiddish language and culture in our shtetl. Tzintzinatus, on the other hand, was a young, good looking lad, a studious type, wearing a white 4 pointed hat, with a Polish accent who was more like the assimilated folk. When he asked us if we knew the song Carry the Flag to Zion, we knew right away he was a Zionist. Actually, later on, he was known in Vilna as one of the Zionist leaders.
We, children, didn't know much about the language question or the language struggle.
When we completed this school, we joined the Ha'Halutz and later immigrated to Eretz Israel. Some of us left to continue our studies. A special permit was needed, called Z.A.K. self development circle but it quickly fell apart. Each student went their own way.
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I couldn't afford to continue my education, so I remained in the shtetl. I worked in the FolksBank, the bookkeeper was Yacov Shvartz, a tall lad, with large glasses and black frames, with a cold and bleak face. The cashier was Motel Bak, thin and medium height, with a nervous face but with a very kind heart.
They always fought. Nothing personal, only about politics. Shvartz was a PoaliZionist and Bak was a Algemeiner Zionist. In the same building as the bank, there was the Gemillut Hesud and the merchant's union. The table and chairs were shared by all the institutions.
Shlomo Maimon worked as the cashier in the Gemillut Hesed. He was always in a good mood and loved to tell stories about days gone by, about the times of Nicholai.
The bookkeeper of the Gemillut Hesed was Chaia Gordon, who was either worried or sad. The merchant's union was open only on Sundays, when the stores were closed and the shop owners could provide their services. Eltshik was the secretary of the merchant's union, always in a good mood and very smart. When he left the shtetl, Hirshel Levinstein replaced him.
We also had a library, where I worked together with the teacher Vinik. This was special for our shtetl, where you can find many known Yiddish books. The treat was these special books in Yiddish that were translated.
It was very difficult to collect money to buy these books. The drama club helped a lot, which put on plays and collected money which they gave to the library.
This quiet and ideal existence for the shtetl did not last long. I was invited to the house of Kramer and there I learned about the Tarbut school that was soon to be built! Soon the fight between the Yiddishists and Hebraists began.
[Col. 731]
The Hebraists wanted part of the community building funds and the Yiddishists wouldn't budge. A scandal broke out, even the police had to intervene. In the end it was decided to open the school in the synagogue. The opening ceremony took place in the Polish train workers assembly hall, called Ognisko. Later Mrs. Shapiro's house was rented for the Tarbut School, on Vilner Street, on the hill. At this time the Zionistyouth organizations were established as well.
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Day and night we heard Hebrew and the appeals for Eretz Israel and a Zionist atmosphere was created. The shtetl had difficulty supporting 2 schools. The rivalry was not making things easier.
These schools are no longer. The people of these schools were caught in Hitler's killing spree.
[Col. 731]
Israel Gurewitz
Translated by Anita Frishman Gabbay
The Jewish School
The Jewish school in New Sventzian was founded during the time of the German School for Jewish children, during the German occupation during WW1.
Thanks to the intervention of Heshel Gurewitz and with help from the Jewish community, the young children now had a school in their own language.
Yiddish as well as Hebrew was taught. The teachers not only taught Jewish, Hebrew, Tenach and history, they were the bearers of Jewish culture for the entire shtetl. Such a teacher was Eliahu Hellerstein.
[Col. 732]
A Brisker (Chasidic branch), he was brought up in the Yeshivas of Lithuania and Poland. In that time he organized a Jewish school, and taught teachers in Vilna, later in New Sventzian. It didn't bother him that he was a Zionist and the schools were taught in Yiddish. He found harmony in bothhis focus was on Yiddish culture! He marries a young girl, Liza Maimon, and thanks to her he remains in the shtetl for many years as our teacher.
[Col. 733]
Because of his brazen temperament, he can't retain one position for very long. His ideals and fanaticism play an important role: from communist orthodoxy to Zionist extremism! From T.P.A. to schoolcult, to Tarbut. Whatever he preaches, it's with conviction. He is always an upstanding citizen and despite this, he is devoted to whichever cause he is involved in at that particular time!
The opposite of him is the teacher Yitzhak Gordos. Hellerstein was brought to the school by the religious Balabatim of the shtetl, and Gordos, from the secular folk. Hellerstein was an authority on Jewish matters, Gordos, was a free proletariat. Gordos graduated from the Vilna University and taught Yiddish in the Russian schools. (under the umbrella of Hebrew National Organization of Schools).
Gordos was a handsome young man, well mannered and well liked. It didn't take long, as the girls swarmed around him, he married Mirel Shneur. (the daughter of Motel the Postover) and therefore became a new resident for our shtetl. He didn't remain a teacher for long, he takes over his inlaws business. But teaching is still in his soul. He maintains the Jewish culture in the shtetl. Be becomes the representative of the Jewish community, the director of the bank, and our representative for the administration of the Jews in the citycouncil and as well as a jurist in the magistrate).
Avrom Vinik, the third teacher, was altogether a different type. With his cut blond beard, pale, childlike eyes, he makes his mark as a Russian Populist, a student forever.
It is unusual to find such a crystal clear and honest man! In his work, he held the Jewish language and the importance of the books in such high esteem. In the center, the most important was the Jewish child. In everything he did
[Col. 734]
He was just and devoted, he directed the library, and also in the political organizations that pulled him in.
He also married a girl from our shtetl, Genia Yavitch, who was also a teacher in the school.
This was the good fortune of the shtetl, rightfully to say, the girls of the shtetl. A 4th teacher, Aharon Tzintzinatus, who came here as a young student from the Vilna University, remained here and married Rosa Berman, from New Sventzian, and as he was from Vilna remained in contact with this larger city.
These teachers laid the foundation for the Jewish New Sventzian Folk Shul, which was shaped on the model as being the best in the Vilna province. It existed many years and many students graduated, like: Yitzhak Milner, Zesle Popiski, Lifman Katz, Sheina Rutnikski, Mina Kulback, Shlomo Elperin, Sara Rivka Katz and others.
The school produced a list of graduates. who were friends of the Jewish school and Jewish culture. Those who should be mentioned are: Heshel Gurewitz, Abraham Yitzhak Rabinovitch, Baruch Turgel, Motel Bak (in the early years). Nechama GurewitzKovarski and in later years, Baruch and Chaim Slapak, Rosa Epstein, Tania and Mashe Shapiro, Ester and Sheina Kovarski, Chaim Guterman, Leizer Gordon, Lifman Zak, Natan Shutan, AronYitzhak Maliacavitch, Freidel, Kulback, the Boyarstein family and the family Fingerhoyt, and others.
The Tarbut School
The Tarbut School was founded in the last years. This New Sventzian school was mainly comprised of those with Zionist ideals, such as Poalei Zion, and such. It was considered unaffiliated, which didn't sit well with the Zionists until they founded this school with its instruction in Hebrew. The founders were: Velvel Popiski, Abraham and Shifra Kovarski, Yeruches Stolov, Shalom Berman, Gershon Gurwitz, Motel Bak, Eliahu Feigel, Yakov Schwarz, Israel Portnoy and others.
[Col. 735]
In the foundingceremony, these special delegates from the Tarbut School were present: Zemel and Tzintzinatus from Vilna. They also helped to make sure the level of study was of pedagogical importance. Eventually, the atmosphere between the 2 schools improved and they interacted. Hellerstein and Rufeitz worked together, for the improvement of relations of the 2 Jewish schools.
The Drama Club
It can be said, that the drama club and the Jewish school were founded around the same time, like in all the other shtetlach of the province.
[Col. 736]
Not only did they put on plays, but they raised money for the Jewish school.
It was up to the parents of the student to provide for the school, so funds were not easy to come by to maintain the teachers' salaries, therefore other means of raising funds was necessary. Outside help was neededhelp from friends of the school. The best way was to organize an evening at the school for the whole did=strict in order to raise funds. The whole shtetl got involved. The stools and banquets were brought to the school, Tickets for this theatre evening were sold in advance. A buffet was set up and products were brought for this event, in order to raise as much money as possible.
1Lying down: Dovid Fingerhoyt, Yudel Feldman, Abraham Katz 2 Sitting: Rivka Levenstein, Masha Shapiro, Dr. Shlomo Kapelovitch, Freida Boyarstein, Leizer Gordon, Feige Levenstein, Devore Rutshtein 3 Standing: Chaia Zak, Isher Katcherginski, Tania ElperinShapiro, Henech Gurewitz, Fraida Kulback, Yehoushe Rabinovitch, Motel Gurewitz, Z. Kisof, (Kosov), Lanever, Zam Dzikelcaczeter (?) 4Standing: Lifman Katz, M.B. Beler, Chana Rutstein, Aron Boyarstein, Hirsh Levenstein, Chaim Rabinovitch, Lifman Zak |
[Col. 737]
Dances were also organized and lasted till the early morning. We hired an orchestra (usually a military one), the string orchestra was from our shtetl, organized by Dovid Fingerhoyt. Even the Christians bought ticket to our dances and saw the Jewish way of life based in the school.
The drama club of New Sventzian opened with Gordin's play God, man and devil, under the direction of Boruch Turgel. The parts were held by: Yosef Gildin, Rosa Berman, Leib Gorfein, and others. When Turgel left the shtetl, the position was taken over by Yosef Gildin.
The main actors were Ahron and Fraidel Boyarstein, Freidel and Mina Kulback, Feige and Hirshel Levenstein, Motel and Henech Gurewitz, Teibe and Chana Rutstein, and others. Thanks to Fraidel Boyarstein with her beautiful voice and ability to act, took part in many roles in larger cities. The beautiful decor were made by Motel Bak.
The drama club performed many well known plays, written by the most famous Jewish playwrights :
Motke, The Thief, from Sholem Asch, Tevye the Milkman (Dairyman), The Lottery, by Shalom Aleichem, The Duke by Katzine, the Family by Pinski, and others.
The drama club earned a lot of money by performing these plays of famous Jewish playwrights. And through this the Jewish culture thrived.
The Library
The Jewish library also played an important role in Jewish culture of the shtetl.
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Thanks to the help of Heshel Gurewitz and Sholom Berman, Motel Bak, Eliahu Kulback, Matla Kulback, Nachama Kavarski, Dina Tzepelevitch, Mania Tzikinski and others. It was still in the time of the German occupation (of WW1) that these books were brought here, and this laid the foundation of the Jewish Library. Books were brought from Vilna. First, it was at Yosef the Posmener, on Kaltinianer Street, and later to Motle Kulback's house. When Zsipkin's large house was bought, the library, as well as other societies, were now relocated here.
The library becomes a home to young and old. Famous writings and translations of famous works are now bought. It is no longer a small entity! The library of New Sventzian becomes one of the most important in the region.
The teacher Vinik did great work for the improvement of the library. When he left the shtetl he was replaced by Chana Portnoy.
It grew and grew. But in the end it met its fate with the rest of the Jewish folk: s soon as the Germans dogs arrived in the shtetl. Immediately they took the books and burned them in a huge bonfire! In a matter of minutes, these barbarians annihilated an entire culture, which was built with love and devotion over many years!
Avraham Kovarski
Translated by Anita Frishman Gabbay
In New Sventzian there was a Yiddish school which belonged to TsiSho (Central Yiddish School Organization). In those days, the Zionist streams worked together with the Jewish school. Amongst them were the deep rooted Zioinst Avraham Yitzhak Rabinovitch, Zev Popiski, Israel Portnoy, Motel Bak and I (Abraham Kovarski). With the new clubs, like Shomer Hatzair, Halutz and Halutz Hatzair, the need to open a Hebrew school became evident.
Amongst these known Zionists were: Shalom Berman, Yerukham Sroelov, Motel Bak, Yitzhak Shwartz, Eliahu Feigel, Zev Popiski, Israel Portnoy, the brothers Hirsh and Zvi Berman Moshe Gurwitz and Mrs. Kremer, myself and my wife Shifra (Kovarski) as well as the young people from the workers Zionist movement, Gershon Gurwitz, Avraham and Dovid Katz, the Popiski brothers and others. Our first order of business was to win over the community to allow us to open the school. This was not an easy task. By a stroke of good luck, a new dentist arrived in the shtetl, Dr. B. Tenenwurtzel, from Kielce, who knew the Polish language and had connections to the community leader. (mayor). Thanks to him we received our mandate to open a second Jewish school with Hebrew being the language of instruction.
Immediately we set out to find a suitable place, which was not an easy task, as the other Jewish school would not share the space with us.
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We had no choice than choose the women's' section of the new synagogue.
In 1923, with good fortune, the Tarbut –Schul opened. To this important opening the Vilna representatives arrived: Dr. Regenburg, Zemel and Ahron Tzintzinatus. For the second year we needed to relocate, the community didn't allow us to continue in the women's' shul (probably upstairs in the women's' section of the synagogue). More pupils arrived, and the school became too small.
In the end, we had to rent a brokendown house by the Christian, Siroka, which was on Vilner Street on the hill. We had to renovate and make this our new school, despite the opposition.
The second year of the opening of the school brought the representatives from Vilna, and we celebrated with all the Zionist groups this wonderful opening! The comings and goings of these various organizations, and the grounds of the school were busy like a beanstalk!
A more important question was how to finance this new school. The fees paid by the students were not enough. Our deficit grew from year to year. We decide to organize a show.
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Devorah Elperin, Freidel Shapiro, Miriam Shutan and Chana Portnoy helped a lot with the organizing of the event.
In the 3rd year, the teacher Hellerstein, started here as a teacher, who was one of the pillars of the Yiddish school. He threw himself into his work with great enthusiasm, and drew many from the old fashioned Yiddish stream.
In 1935, the Tarbut shul celebrated its first graduating class. It was a great celebration for the Hebrew language and the Zionist cause, which brought forth new ideas!
[Col. 742]
A year later, in 1936, I made Aliyah to Eretz Israel with my family. I went to say goodbye to our school and teachers. Now existed a full functioning school with over 100 students, with excellent and devoted students.
This warmed my heart when I heard our Hebrew language spoken amongst the children and I was so pleased, I said to myself: this was worth the struggle!
When I remind myself, my heart is torn apart and my blood is boiling, that these children, teachers and directors, were brutally murdered by these inhumane beasts!
[Col. 741]
Ester Chait
Translated by Anita Frishman Gabbay
As written in the monthly journal The Friend, Vilna, 1936 on the 20th anniversary of the school
The Jewish schools that were created in a time of need, during WW1, is now celebrating its 20th year anniversary. When the Germans occupied the region, many fled. Men were taken into the army. Children were wandering the streets naked and hungry.
The community came together, found the children homes, fed them, clothed them and decide to found a school in order to give them an education. This was the beginning of the Jewish school, loved first by the working class, and later, by the general population. Everyone saw the need and usefulness of a Jewish school and their own language,
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where the child spoke with their parents, grandparents and families and community (Yiddish was the official language). It was a home for the Jewish child and much beloved!
Like the other schools, in wartime in 1916, The school in New Sventzian was founded.
In the beginning it was a German school. German was the language of instruction, the teachers were sent by the German regimePoles, Germans, Lithuanians. Our youth disappeared! Those good years vanished! Today the fate is the same for all the Jewish schools.
In 1928 the Tarbut Shul was founded. Children floundered, the will was no longer.
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The students became fewer and we were told not to continue with our school. But the school returned to its former glory and with its energetic teachers, the school soon resumed its importance. 23 new students arrived in the last 2 years. The school continued making the parents proud. Its importance was again known.
[Col. 744]
Yetta Kovarski
Translated by Anita Frishman Gabbay
In our shtetl there lived a Jew, called Zelman the Kaltinianer. He was a poor pedlar and spent every week going through the shtetls and buying small articles from the Christian peasants, like: soap, combs, thread, and other things.
His purchase he would either sell or trade for necessities, like butter, eggs, potatoes, poultry, flour and other things.
He went from house to house, village to village, tired and hungry.
He lived for the Sabbath. Every Friday he arrived home, with a basket on his back, barely alive!
Re ran to the bathhouse to wash and then got dressed in his Shabbos finery and went to the synagogue. Here he felt fortunate.
He love to listen to the Chazan's beautiful voice, he sat by the oven in a corner, catching a little shut eye!
After the prayer the Shamash would awaken him
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and he left for home. Rabbi Zelman left alone and there in his home he truly felt like a king. His wife was dressed in all her finery, the children were seated around a table, covered in a beautiful white table cloth, the candles brightly flickering. Two challahs were under the napkin, the house smelled of fish and other wonderful food.
Rabbi Zelman entered, with Gut Shabbos, and the wife and children answered the same, Good Shabbos, Good year!
He made Kiddush and ate. This was his first warm meal of the week. He was always in a hurry and deep in thought. He spent the entire week in unknown homes, amongst unknown people. Friday night, the first time in the week, he felt amongst his own kind.
Saturday after lunch, he went to sleep. This Saturday nap was the greatest pleasure.
Sunday morning, with a growl, and with great effort, he began his week again!
Printed in the monthly journal, The Friend, Vilna, 1936, number 5, relayed by S. Bastamski
Itzik Milner
Translated by Anita Frishman Gabbay
We are breaking the walls
During the German occupation, our school was in the German language and our teachers were German. We had to sing in German. One day, a young Jewish boy started singing a Yiddish song, we are burning the walls, this was symbolic for us, the German didn't quite understand the song. Actually, ‘we burned the walls, soon after the German school became a Jewish school.
Our Children's' Club
One year later, we were the only Jewish school in the area. Little news arrived from Vilna, but we heard that a Children's Club, named Young Buds, was formed there. We already had a children's organization, but the name Buds, which we adopted now gave us the opportunity to open a newspaper. In the same year, we submitted 2 chapters in the journal reproduced hectography (printing process).
We are producing a Play
The student council decided to present an evening event. Times are of unrest: it is a year it when our shtetl changed regimes: Germans, Bolsheviks, Lithuanians, and Poles. But this doesn't scare us.
The work was more important. We were more interested in raising money to buy books for a children's library.
It is Chanuka timethe play takes place in the largest room of the school, we made a stage, collected benches from the homes which we arranged in rows, from sheets we made curtains, and in a room next door we arranged a buffet with wonderful things.
[Col. 747]
We made an improvisation of Shalom Aleichem's play, Chanuka Gelt, …
The entire shtetl showed up, just to see how children can organize such an evening! The theatreevening was a great success and we made a large amount of money, 2,000 mark.
We didn't trust anyone with this money, so we went to a friend's house, and spent the night watching our money and thinking about which books to buy.
We are building a Library
We had some books. These were collected all over the shtetel, many of them gifts. Our teacher took me to Vilna, to YEKAPO to buy the books, there were so many rows of books, but very little history books for children. This was not only for the children but for the young people of the shtetl. They came to us begging that we loan them a new book. The school council said the books were only for the pupils of the school, and others could not take them home.
[Col. 748]
So we gave these young folk the means in which to come to the reading hall in the evenings and read the new books onsite. This was the seed that later took root to become the larger library.
When I returnedand I stood in the 4 walls of the schoolno more teachersand looked aroundI remembered my days in those years in the school with pain and very precious memories; now as an adult looking back.
Sitting: 1 Baler Yochber, Dr. S. Kopelovitch, Rosa Epstein, Yitzhak Gordos, Chaia Guterman, Chaim Epstein, Levenstein, Feige Berenstein Standing:2 Lifman Katz, Lifman Zak, Moshe Elperin, Tania ElperinShapiro, Leizer Gordon, Ester Kovarski, Boruch Abelavitch, Isher Katcherginski 3Standing: M.M.Baler, Chana Rutstein, Ahron Boyarstein, Hirsh Levenstein |
Mera Milner, student of the Folk shul in New Sventzian
Printed in the journal, The Friend, Vilna 1936
Translated by Anita Frishman Gabbay
We loved this story, therefore we studied for a longer time. We wrote many articles on the same theme. We wrote about it when it was still, when a storm broke out, how it looks at night. We wrote about characters in these made up plays:
Several friends, made up another ending to our story.
I alone made up, that when the small boat turned around, he was hit. And thanks to Satia, he was able to swim to shore.
Another one wrote about Satia was Jonah the Prophet. A fish swallowed him and later spit him out on the bank. And actually, next to his house.
We enjoyed the works by I.L. Peretz, that our teacher read to us, and asked the meaning of his work. He said, that when one goes to perform a good deed, he should not stop for any one in his way (obstacle).
One should perform a good deed out of good character, willingly.
One does not need to be educated to do a good deed, good deeds can be done by a simple man. He has to have a will and a good heart!
[Col. 750]
Good deeds must be performed quietly (unknown), without demands, without talk, without underlying reasons, it should be anonymous and unspoken.
Otherwise, it is for personal gain!
The teacher reminded us, that in another work of Peretz, he wrote of the same motive (theme).
This was If not only Higher, the Tzadik leaves his home quietly one morning, dressed like a peasant, so that no one should recognize him. He goes to the woods to cut wood, which carries on his back to bring to the house of a sick old woman who doesn't have money to buy wood to heat her home. He is thanked and he doesn't tell her who he is. She wants to pay but says she doesn't have any money. He assures her that he will give her as a loan, and the second time, and when he will pass by again, she can pay him.
This is how the teacher ended his story, and from then on we loved Peretz' folk stories.
We drew pictures of Satia on the Sea. Not everyone drew nicely.
So that our parents should reap the rewards of our learning,
[Col. 751]
We included them in a wall hanging (paper journal) and inscribed their names to be presented for the 20th anniversary of the school.
This was a special event in our shtetl. In the end, Tzira Guterman wrote in the journal a 60 word rhyme in which she describes the word head, as in, don't make me crazy, you have a head of iron, and others.
[Col. 752]
Later we even printed it in a Vilna newspaper. This brought great accolades to our Folk Shul in New Sventzian.
[Col. 751]
Tzira Guterman
Translated by Anita Frishman Gabbay
[Col. 753]
Heshl Gurewitz
Translated by Anita Frishman Gabbay
In 1916 when we wanted to end the German school and establish a Jewish one in New Sventzian, with Jewish teachers, directors and Jewish curriculum, in order to give our Jewish children a national and modern upbringing.
As I was often a guest in Vilna, I became acquainted with the teacher, Leizer Hellerstein. He was from Brisk de Lita and the son of an important manufacturertradesperson. In his younger years he studied at the Telz Yeshiva and received high esteem from the rabbis.
Young Leizer didn't want to be a Rabbi, and decided to become a teacher. He started teaching secular studies with great perseverance.
There he befriended another Zionist and they rented a house together, on Shopenovski and Sadove Streets.
In this house also lived the family of Moshe Stein, from New Sventzian. As I visited
[Col. 754]
this family often when in Vilna, I made his acquaintance. When I returned home, I proposed we hire this young man as our teacher. My request was answered and in 1917, Leizer Hellerstein arrived and became the first teacher in our newly opened school. New ideas were introduced: either it was a change in times with new Zionist clubs or through the teaching of Leizer. As he was a member of Zionist Youth, from the start the school had Zionist tendencies.
He was a religious man and all that he did was in a peaceful manner. He was devoted and ardent to his cause.
He married Liza Maimon and became an outstanding citizen in the shtetl. Thanks to him the curriculum was very well up to date and he organized the best teachers. He brought Yitzhak Gordos, Abraham Vinik, and Ahron Tzintzinatus.
He was our knight in shining armour! In 1941 he was murdered with our brothers and sisters by the hands of the LithuanianGerman animals and his bones are scattered in the mass grave of Poligon.
Israel Gurewitz
Translated by Anita Frishman Gabbay
He was born in Vilna in 1892. He went to cheder, a FolkSchul, and finished the teacher's seminary in Vilna.
When WW1 broke out, he started to work in the helporganization until the evacuation in 1915. In 1918 he arrived in New Sventzian,
[Col. 754]
where he became one of the smartest teachers in the Folk Schul in New Sventzian. From the beginning, he took an interest in the cultural and daily life of the shtetl. He was one of the founder of the Folks Bank of New Sventzian, a branch of the Gemillut Hesed and others.
[Col. 755]
He was a city representative for new Sventzian in the city council, in the magistrate's office, and in the Seym (Polish Parliament).
When the first Jewish kehillah was established in New Sventzian he also took part.
He was on the committee of YEKAPO and other help societies. Yitzhad Gordos was always apolitical.
He worked as a teacher and was a go between the Tsisho (Central Organization of Jewish Schools).
There were times he was influenced by the Poalei Zion, a worker's movement. In the last years he became more Zionist. When WW11 broke out, his reversal of influence.
When the Soviets arrived in 1939, Gordos joined the communist party.
[Col. 756]
When the Nazis invaded, Yitzhak and his family fled to Russia with the Soviet army. After the war he returned and lived in Vilna, the place he was born. He lives and works in the ministry of building.
[Col. 755]
Tamar Efron
Translated by Anita Frishman Gabbay
Ahron Tzintzinatus was born in Zgierz, Poland in 1895. He completed his studies in the Zgierz Gymnasia and went to Vilna to further his studies. He completes the Law Faculty, of the Vilna University. He became a teacher in the folk schul of New Sventzian. He married Rosa Berman in the shtetl. Later he returns to Vilna with his wife and 2 daughters. He continues his studies to became a lawyer. Because of the antisemitic character of the Polish regime,
[Col. 756]
he uses his ingenuity and becomes involved in Zionist cause. For a while he is the director of the Jewish Students Farband union, he works for Yekapo, and works for the Jewish newspaper The Time in Vilna as an editor. With his mighty pen he attacks the Jewish way of life on the streets of Vilna, which he pays for dearly when the Soviet regime arrives in 1939.
During the Polish regime he is a wellknown Zionist in Vilna circles and also writes for Today a Warsaw newspaper in Vilna, a member of the Zionist Central committee in Poland and an instructor for the Jewish National Fund and the Jewish Agency.
In the terrible days of 1941, his wife, children, her brothers and relatives are all led to the slaughter to the mass grave of Poligon.
[Col. 757]
After the war, he returns to Poland with his second wife, Sonia. He endured many difficulties during the war. He restarted his Zionist activities Our Word; his new undertaking for the Zionist cause, was a delegate for the first Jewish Congress after the war in Basel.
On his way to Israel, he stops in Frankfurt where remains for a while, working for the Zionist newspaper Our Word. In 1950, he made Aliya to Eretz Israel with his wife Sonia. He was always a member of union for the building of Israel.
[Col. 758]
The talented and devoted Ahron Tzintzinatus, lecturer, teacher, writer that appealed to his Jewish audience, has difficulty to acclimatize himself in Eretz Israel. His survival and horrors that stayed with him from the war haunted him. He had no one to heal his wounds, his bloody heart, he dies in Tel Aviv on February 29, 1961. His students and friends from New Sventzian, Vilna and Vilna region, remember him with fondness and will never forget his contribution and devotion to the Zionist cause and to Eretz Israel.
May his memory be blessed and live forever!
Translated by Anita Frishman Gabbay
Abraham Vinik was born in Vilna in 1898. His first schooling was in Heilerin's cheder Metukan. Later he ended his studies in in the JewishRussian Gymnasia of M.A. Cohen.
In 1920922, he continues with his pedagogical courses, supported by the Jewish community and Yekapo, while being a teacher in a boy's school, Mechiti hacuchla.
In 1922 he came to New Sventzian as a teacher in the Jewish Folk Schul. He married Genia Yavitch, also a teacher in this school. In addition to being a teacher, he soon became involved with great enthusiasm in other organization and in the life of the shtetl. His main achievement, however
[Col. 758]
Was the FolksLibrary in the shtetl, in which he was both the librarian and the director.
He devoted many hours to the drama club. He sought out the plays, and made sure the language was pure and just.
His activities in New Sventzian was also to further the Zionist cause, the :Poalei Zion, and he made the speeches and held rallies. He was involved with the new school, :school kult and soon became a teacher there, which was first started in Vilna. He was both the secretary and the teacher until the outbreak of WWII.
In the days of the German occupation, they put Vinik, with his wife and son in the Vilna Ghetto. There he worked at odd and hard work. After the liquidation of the ghetto, he was sent to Subatch. He survived until several days before the end of the war, with his only son, the 17 year old Kalman, who was an outstanding student in the Technion before the war.
[Col. 759]
Translated by Anita Frishman Gabbay
In 1919 and 1922, in new Sventzian, The Children's Voice, a journal from the Jewish Folk School: these are several excerpts
by Yetta Kovarski
How wonderful when the snowflakes fall from above, The beloved motherthe earthall dressed in white, The trees and houses enveloped in a white kitel The homes and roofs covered with a white hat.
The wind howled through the streets,
Winter on the Hill
A few minutes pass, |
By Chaia Sura Gordon
In a beautiful garden, Between many flowers, A red rose grows, In a beautiful pose.
Daily she grows larger,
A bee comes often, And becomes more power. |
[Col. 760]
By Chana Portnoy
Naked in the forest and pure, Not a leaf, not a green, No longer a green dress, Growing thinner and whiter.
No more the merry singing, |
By Yosef Zak
Hey there, children, come for a sleigh ride! Cries out Zerakh, with great emotion, And we run as if in a storm, With our sled to the sleigh ride.
But he falls right away, |
[Col. 761]
Shecna Zsepelovitch (Ahiyosef)
I am in the street, near the synagogue, A Jew is wandering next to my address, How are you in such a good mood, Tell me, my son, on your new coat? if you wish, dear grandfather, Please, let us both enter, the synagogue and sit forever, and I will also tell you, about In America, about the Jewish children. |
[Col. 762]
I wondered What they heard about us, That we are in a difficult situation Immediately they asked How to improve our lives. Not thinking, like in American style They raised a lot of money In order to send us necessities from there And to satisfy our young hears. The products arrive to Vilna Yekapo, White flour, beans and cocoa, And now we have a modern kitchen, That opened for all the children, no difference who came in. Poor and clean, all were young! Everything is well when we live to see another day, My mother does not have to worry for me any longer, I leave for my second home, It is joyful, warm and friendly, I meet up with all of my friends, We sit and eat all the same, Everyone receives their own portion, That is watched overhonest and holy, A glass of cocoa and a roll, fresh and white, A bowl of soup, with peas and rice.
Now, grandfather dear, winter is no longer, |
By Zalman Berenstein
Summer left, autumn is arriving,
Yellow leaves from the trees, The Sunset
The sun after Maariv (evening prayers) moves quickly,
The air is cool, a wind is crying,
The sun sets, the red, |
[Col. 763]
Mina Kulbak (Kfar Gil'adi)
Translated by Meir Razy
The Polish government was not interested in schools for the minorities, especially the Jews, and did not provide them with any financial support. The Jewish population, being interested in its own schools in each town and city, had to be selfsustaining and to bear the cost of supporting them. Financial means were sparse and the tuition paid by the parents was insufficient to maintain the entire school apparatus. The teachers' salaries had not been paid for months and they had to look for various financial resources such as help from the center of the Jewish communities and the schools' organizations, support from the JOINT, payments from school supporters, etc.
But the best and largest source was the balls that were organized from time to time and used as fundraisers for balancing the schools' budgets.
The Main Attraction of the party was, as usual, the performance of a play by the drama club, and therefore it is clear that the drama club in NovoSventzian was founded almost at the same time as the first Jewish school in the town, a school whose language of instruction was Yiddish.
The Drama Club in NovoSventzian included a few dozen members who were devoted, in heart and soul, to both the school and the activities of the club. They faced several challenges:
[Col. 764]
First rehearsals on winter evenings or rainy days in a cold, empty room;
Second the allout effort on the day of the show, when they had to work hard, and things could be tense and angry.
The goal of the show was not only the personal success of the actors, but also the success of raising the funds necessary to cover the school's deficit. That was why they did not limit the ball to a mere show, but they also organized a buffet with hot and cold drinks, and all sorts of foods that were sold during breaks. Most of the supplies for the buffet were from the townspeople, school supporters for free, so receipts were all profit. They also organized a bazaar that raised a considerable amount of money.
The work of preparing the hall for the play employed a special technique: the large hall was divided into rooms with partitions and study benches, and we had to adapt it for the performance. First we removed the partitions and the benches, cleaned and decorated the hall, and then arranged the benches and chairs for the spectators. We had a lot of trouble with the curtain, which was made of all kinds of blankets and cloth, and suffered quite a few mishaps when it was opened and closed.
[Col. 765]
Among the key helpers for the technical work was our friend Hanech Itzik who was talented and eager to help us with all the necessary technical arrangements. In addition, he gathered the appropriate furniture for the hall and for the stage.
I have a long list of dear people, activists of the drama club, who are no longer alive and worth mentioning:
Yosef Gildin, the director, who had a wife and children, a physically weak man who suffered many pains and aches. He was not trained in a dramatic school and none of us found out how he had acquired the knowledge of stage directing.
He used to arrive, in the long winter evenings, at the cold hall and taught and guided each actor for hours. He projected a youthful spirit and loved. in particular, the dramas written by Yaakov Gordin.
Great scenery added to the perfection of the play. The artist was Motel Bak, an artist who was tuned to aesthetics. He invested many hours perfecting every performance.
He possessed artistic talents in painting, drawing and playing music and showed great love for plants and animals.
He was also an enthusiastic Zionist. During troubling times of Zionism, he was one of the few who did not fall into a dark mood and believed wholeheartedly in the fulfillment of the vision. It is a shame that he did not see with his own eyes the fulfillment of his aspirations the establishment of the State of Israel.
[Col. 766]
The drama club performed from the best repertoire, such as the Tuvia the Milkman by Shalom Aleichem, Strindberg's The Father, Pinsker's The Family, The God of Revenge, by Shalom Ash, and so forth.
The club also tried performing operettas with the help of several musical families such as the Birsteins, Fingerhoiyt and Katz. Who does not remember Zacharyahu Fingerhoiyt, a small, slender man with a long beard with some gray hairs, a man with a talent for Hassidic melodies? On Saturdays and Holidays, when they invited him to a blessing in the synagogue, he would please the whole crowd with Chassidic tunes. His two sons, David and Leibel, were very active performing the operettas and playing in the orchestra.
And the Burstein family, Fridle, our primadonna, and her two brothers, Aaron and Zalman, were all admired. She could go on stage and had an excellent chance of a brilliant career in the field of theater.
Finally, the brothers Motel and Henech Gurewitz, Herschel and Feiga Levinstein, Fridle Kulbak, Lipman Zack, Tiba and Hanan Rothstein, and others are to be mentioned.
All of them worked hard to raise the image of our literature in the eyes of the public, and they have to be appreciated for the beautiful cultural atmosphere they helped instill in our small town.
[Col. 767]
Chaia Las
Translated by Anita Frishman Gabbay
It is Saturday evening. The whole shtetl is preparing for this evening. This evening the Yiddishists are playing: Hirshel Levenstein, his wife Feiga, Motel Gurewitz, Lifman Zak, Yosef Gildin, Freidel Boyarstein and others.
The actors are running all over town to borrow dresses (costumes) for their roles, if they don't find these amongst their own group, they go to the people of the Tarbut school,
[Col. 768]
sometimes getting a good advice, sometimes not.
We are performing Tevye the Milkman (Dairyman), by Sholem Aleichem, where my brother Hirshel will be performing and he needs a pair of tall boots, we run all over town but are not able to find any.
Lying Down: Beilinke Zar, Rivka LevinSitting: Dovid Fingerhoyt, Tzipe Malaravitch, Mashe Shapiro, Ahron Boyarsteyn, Rivka Leventeyn, Moishe Zak Sitting: Hersh Levensteyn, Teibe Rutsteyn, Artist Kremer, Mashe Kovalski, Leib Fingerhoyt Standing: Henech Gurwitz, Frieda Boyarsteyn, Lipman Zak, Leizer Hellerstein, Yitzhak Gordus, Leizer Gordon, Teacher Ela,—, Zalman Boyarsteyn, Chana Rutsteyn (could Be Chanoch) |
[Col. 769]
Suddenly, Mrs. Hellerstein appears, the extremist Hebrewist. She is the wife of the Hebrew Teacher, and she remembers hearing that we need a pair of high boots. She has a pair that will fit Hershel. She runs home and returns with the boots in half an hour. It was exactly as if made to order. We thanked her for her help and kind wishes (this was a time when Yiddish versus Hebrew folk were against each other).
We are worried, we repeat our roles. The evening is very important. The whole shtetl is coming, all the tickets are sold: we have to make this a successful evening as the school is at a deficit and we need to raise funds.
We are nervous, the halls fill up. But something is wrong. Motel Bak provided the décor, free of charge.
[Col. 770]
Leizer Godon, the prompter, arrives, goes to his seat and this is a sign that the play is about to begin. Everyone is ready. The actors are unrecognizable. The actors are ready to begin the first scene. Hands are clapping, and the first scene opens.
The curtain opens and suddenly, it begins…trach, trach, what happened?
The room is dark! We are running around to find out what happened, the electricity was cut! A few candles are brought to lighten the room and the stage. The performance starts. Everyone is pleased. The applause was enthusiastic. Everyone leaves for home.
At a later date the Hebraists also put on a performance and the money went to the Tarbut school. This is how a small shtetl like New Sventzian can afford to maintain 2 schools: one Yiddish and 1 Hebrew, so that the children can have a place to study.
In the end, all were happy and pleased: the artistsfrom the plays, the young folkfrom the plays and the parentsand all the folk of the community.
Yekapo, Vilna 1831 (could be 1931), Pinchas of Lita, page 484
Translated by Anita Frishman Gabbay
The community consisted of 5,000 people, almost 1,000 of them Jews. The livelihood is mainly from shopkeeping and small trade. Also from the customers of the Jewish shopkeepers. The Christians worked mainly in the train station.
They had their own cooperative, but they still shopped in Jewish stores. This meant that credit at the Jewish stores was available and you could pay whenever!
The debts grew larger every month, and when the Christians celebrated rater, New Year and other holidays, the amounts grew larger.
The market took place every Tuesday and Thursday, and were very small. The peasants who came were now cut off by the new Lithuanian border.
After the war the region became very impoverished. The peasant doesn't have many products to bring to market: a small wagon of wood, some eggs, a piece of butter, a calf. In the summertime, berries and mushrooms. You can imagine that this is not even worthwhile and the profits are minimal.
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