[Col. 243]
[Col. 244]
Suwalk and environ produced few Jewish actors. They occupy very few pages in the album of Yiddish theatre history.
Atlas Dzsheni played in the Yiddish theatre with Adler Kessler, and occasionally also with Thomashefsky. She was born in Suwalk in 1880 and died in America in 1927.[1] {probably means Jenny Atlas]
Gudinska Bela {Bela Gudinska} came to America around 1890. She played on the Yiddish stage with Mogulesco, Moskavitsh, Thomeshefsky, Kessler and Adler. In 1928, she played in the English {speaking} theatre for a short time.
[Col. 244]
Gudinska was born in Suwalk in 1877. Her father had a small school where he taught children Hebrew, Polish and German.[2]
Geyling Bernard {Bernard Geyling} was born in Krasnepole in 1899. His father was a tailor and a bit of a musician. Geyling studied in Suwalk hadorim. In 1914 he came to America. In 1918, he became a professional Yiddish actor. In 1922, he played in Schwartz' Art Theater. His songs were sung when he was still in his home town. Geyling published essays in Canadian and New York periodicals. He wrote melodramas which were acted on the Yiddish stage. His book Git a Shmeykhl was published in Boston in 1949.[3]
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