[Col. 239-240]
[Col. 239]
There was a great deal of correspondence in the Hebrew press coming from the Suwalk area, especially from Saini and Suwalk. Among these correspondents were some who, not only wrote about current events, but also, from time to time, published serious articles in various Hebrew periodicals.
In this last category, we include from Suwalk: Yehudah Hakohen Vistinetski;[1]. Yosef Rozntal; Yisrael Zalman Staropolski and, to a lesser degree, Yehezkel Liebshits, son of HALH[2]; Eliyahu Vistinetski; Asher Margalit.[3] Yehoshua Zeev Sereyski; Eliezer Dov Liberman; Yehosham Halivni (Y.S. Vays). From Saini: T.P. Shapira[4]
[Col. 240]
The other correspondents were:[5]
From Suwalk: Avraham Meir Zilberberg (1), Shemuel Yehudah Markin (3), Avraham Kaymark (1), Zalman Rozntal (4), A.D. Liberman (3), YGR Shtern (1), Zeev Danayger (1), Tsevi Hirsh Abramsan (1), Yisrael Markovits (1), Shraga Fayva Shaytlis (7), Asher Rubinshteyn (3), Y.Ts. Medad (1), Yonah Kopelavits (1), SU'B Avigdor Kats (1), ATSBE Meltserzon (3), Miriam Verzblovski (1), Ester Broynrot (1), Avraham Halevi (1), Eliyahu Bernshteyn (3), Moshe Korkevitsh (1), Tsemah Kloyzman (1), Moshe Meir Kahana (1), Gershon Rozntsvayg (1), Yehudah Leyb Kalvariski (1), Yosef Komisarski (1).
From Saini: Moshe Eliyahu Finkl (1), Nahman son of Aryeh Leyb Palanter (1), HTs Hakohen Gibyanski (2), Yisrael Shapira (2), Eliyahu Levintal (1), Shalom Yaakov Vilenski (1), Noah Yehoshua Rotnberg (1), Hlvna Bernshteyn (2), Avraham Tsevi Polnitski (1), Tsevi Aryeh Lurie (1), Noah Yehoshua Roznberg (Rotnberg?) (1), Dov Frank (1).
From Krasnopole: Aharon Yehudah Postavelski (1), Daniel Rozntal (2), Yehoshua Postavelski (1), Avraham Eskin (1).
From Ratzk: Tsevi Hirsh Perla (1), Avraham Tsimerman (1).
From Filipowe: Rabbi Zvulun Leyb BRYT (1), Nahum Aryeh Kaplan (1).
The division among the most important Hebrew periodicals is thus:
Hamagid - - 54
Hamelits - - 43
Hatsefirah - - 11
Halevanan - - 9
Hakarmel - - 9
Hakol - - 1[6]
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