Life and Death in Shadow of the Forest;
The Story of Suprasl


53°13' / 23°21'

Translation of Hayim ve-mavet be-tsel ha-ya'ar

Editor: Ya'akov Patt

Israel, Committee of former Supraslers, 1991


Project Coordinator

Ada Holtzman z”l

Our sincere appreciation to Ya'akov Patt of the Committee of former Supraslers,
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

Hayim ve-mavet be-tsel ha-ya'ar; Life and death in shadow of the forest;
The story of Suprasl. ed. Ya'akov Patt. Israel, Committee of former Supraslers, 1991 (H,Y,E)

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The Story of Suprasl -

A Shtetl in Eastern Poland

Published with the assistance of "Amos Fund" Jack and Genia Liberman.

© All Rights reserved by the Author Printed in Israel by "Murag"

Dedicated with love to:
Haya, Boaz and Hanna, Galit, Maor and Vered, Batia and Avi, Orli-Zehava and Corey-Pinchas

...For man is a tree of the field... its branches grow according to its roots...

The Author


Life and Death in Shadow of the Forest .......................................... 3
      A Town on the Way to the Forest ................................................. 9
  Foreword...................................................................................... 11
  Preface.......................................................................................... 12
  About the Author........................................................................... 13
On the Banks of the Suprasl River.................................................. 15
  The Birth of a Jewish Community................................................... 17
  The Jewish Community between the Two World Wars................... 20
  Industrial and Economic Development............................................ 22
  The Bitter End of the Cytron Family............................................... 24
The Cytrons - The Story of a Jewish Dynasty................................. 26
The War Years.................................................................................. 33
  Suprasl during the Holocaust.......................................................... 42
  Treblinka - Suprasl Jewry's Graveyard........................................... 46
  Historical Dates during the Holocaust in Suprasl............................. 48
  Bialystok - a Jewish City that is no More....................................... 49
  The Krinki Connection.................................................................. 49
  Tomash Wishniewsky................................................................... 52
  Return to Childhood Haunts.......................................................... 53
  The House in the Shadow of the Palace......................................... 54
Yizkor - The Necrology List of Suprasl........................................... 172
Yizkor - to the Memory of Former Supraslers............................... 176
Names of the Generous Contributors............................................. 180
Suprasl pictures

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Contact person for this translation Ada Holtzman z”l
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 22 Sep 2009 by LA