Family name(s) |
First name(s) |
Maiden name |
Sex | Father's name |
Mother's name |
Name of spouse |
Place of residence |
Remarks & additional family members |
Page |
LIEBERMAN | Shina Perla | GRABOT | F | Asher | Stolin | 260 | |||
LIEBERMAN | Shlomo | M | Chaya | Stolin | 260 | ||||
LIEBERMAN | Chaya | F | Shlomo | Stolin | 260 | ||||
LIBERKAS | M | Zoma | Stolin | his family | 260 | ||||
LITWIN | Rivka | F | Stolin | 260 | |||||
LITWIN | Vital | F | Rivka | Stolin | 260 | ||||
Roshka | LITWIN | F | Stolin | children, her husband | 260 | ||||
LILCHUK | David | M | Vital | Stolin | 260 | ||||
LILCHUK | Vital | F | David | Stolin | 260 | ||||
LILCHUK | Tivel | F | Stolin | 260 | |||||
LILCHUK | Yitzhak | M | Stolin | 260 | |||||
LIFSHITZ | Yitzhak | M | Sarah | Stolin | 260 | ||||
LIFSHITZ | Sarah | F | Yitzhak | Stolin | 260 | ||||
LIFSHITZ | Zelda | F | Yitzhak | Sarah | Stolin | 260 | |||
LIFSHITZ | Bosha | F | Yitzhak | Sarah | Stolin | 260 | |||
LIFSHITZ | Avraham | M | Yitzhak | Sarah | Stolin | 260 | |||
LIFSHITZ | Yentil | TANTZMAN | F | Asher | Stolin | 260 | |||
LIFSHITZ | Asher | M | Itkah | Stolin | 260 | ||||
LIFSHITZ | Itkah | F | Asher | Stolin | 260 | ||||
LIFSHITZ | Yitzhak | M | Asher | Itkah | Stolin | 260 | |||
BERGER | Ester | LIFSHITZ | F | Stolin | 260 | ||||
BERGER | M | Ester | Stolin | wife's maiden name LIFSHITZ | 260 | ||||
Itkah | LIFSHITZ | F | Stolin | husband | 260 | ||||
LIFSHITZ | Sarah | F | Stolin | 260 | |||||
LIFSHITZ | Chaim | M | Stolin | 260 | |||||
LIFSHITZ | Shulamit | F | Stolin | 260 | |||||
Teibel | LIFSHITZ | F | Stolin | children, husband | 260 | ||||
LIFSHITZ | Asher | M | Stolin | children | 260 | ||||
LIFSHITZ | F | Asher | Stolin | children | 260 | ||||
LIFSHITZ | Alter | M | Breindel | Stolin | children | 260 | |||
LIFSHITZ | Breindel | F | Alter | Stolin | children | 260 | |||
LIFSHITZ | Dvora | NAIDECH | F | M. | Stolin | rabbi's daughter | 260 | ||
LIFSHITZ | Nechama | NAIDECH | F | M. | Stolin | children, rabbi's daughter | 260 | ||
LIFSHITZ | Avraham Lev | M | Stolin | family | 260 | ||||
LEMKOVITZ | Yitzhak | M | Chana | Stolin | 260 | ||||
LEMKOVITZ | Chana | F | Yitzhak | Stolin | 260 | ||||
LEMKOVITZ | Eliezer | M | Yithak | Chana | Stolin | 260 | |||
LEMKOVITZ | Dina | F | Yithak | Chana | Stolin | 260 | |||
LIPETZKY | Akiva | M | Fruma | Stolin | his brother: Avraham Zvi | 260 | |||
LIPETZKY | Fruma | F | Akiva | Stolin | 260 | ||||
LIPETZKY | Shlomo | M | Akiva | Fruma | Stolin | 260 | |||
LIPETZKY | Chana | F | Akiva | Fruma | Stolin | 260 | |||
LIPETZKY | Dvora | F | Akiva | Fruma | Stolin | 260 | |||
LIPETZKY | Avraham Tzvi | M | Stolin | his brother: Akiva | 260 | ||||
LIPETZKY | Yosef | M | Miriam | Stolin | children | 260 | |||
LIPETZKY | Miriam | F | Yosef | Stolin | children | 260 | |||
LAX | Leah | F | Stolin | 260 | |||||
LAX | Avraham | M | Mina | Stolin | children | 260 | |||
LAX | Mina | F | Avraham | Stolin | children | 260 | |||
LAX | Machla | F | Stolin | children | 260 | ||||
MOHELSPEIZ | Natan | M | Stolin | family | 260 | ||||
MOTORIN | Shamai | M | Yocheved | Stolin | children | 260 | |||
MOTORIN | Yocheved | F | Shami | Stolin | children | 260 | |||
MUTZNIK | Feivel | M | Chana | Stolin | 260 | ||||
MUTZNIK | Chana | F | Feivel | Stolin | 260 | ||||
MUTZNIK | Itshe Yitzhak | M | Stolin | family | 260 | ||||
MUTZNIK | Ephraim | M | Stolin | family | 260 | ||||
MUTZNIK | Bracha | F | Alter | Stolin | children, teacher's wife | 260 | |||
MUCHNIK | Leibel | M | Sheva | Stolin | 260 | ||||
MUCHNIK | Sheva | F | Leibel | Stolin | 260 | ||||
Dvosha | MUCHNIK | F | Stolin | children, husband | 260 | ||||
MUCHNIK | Yonah | M | Ester Libe | Stolin | 260 | ||||
MUCHNIK | Ester Libe | F | Yona | Stolin | 260 | ||||
MUCHNIK | Yehudit | F | Yonah | Ester Libe | Stolin | 260 | |||
MOLOCHNY | Tuviah | M | Bella | Stolin | 260 | ||||
MOLOCHNY | Bella | F | Tuviah | Stolin | 260 | ||||
MOLOCHNY | Ze'ev | M | Tuviah | Bella | Stolin | 260 | |||
MOLOCHNY | Nisan | M | Tuviah | Bella | Stolin | 260 | |||
MOLOCHNY | Batya | F | Tuviah | Bella | Stolin | 260 | |||
MILMAN | Shaul | M | Miriam | Stolin | 260 | ||||
MILMAN | Miryam | GORSKY | F | Shaul | Stolin | 260 | |||
MILMAN | Shlomo | M | Sarah Etel | Stolin | 260 | ||||
MILMAN | Sarah Etel | F | Shaul | Stolin | 260 | ||||
MANSHUK | Yosef | M | Reizel | Stolin | 260 | ||||
MANSHUK | Reizel | F | Yosef | Stolin | 260 | ||||
MANSHUK | Shalom | M | Sima | Stolin | children | 260 | |||
MANSHUK | Sima | F | Shalom | Stolin | children | 260 | |||
Hadil | MANSHUK | F | Chaim | Stolin | children | 260 | |||
Chaim | M | Hadil | Stolin | children, mothr's maiden name MANSHUK | 260 | ||||
MANSHUK | Sarah Miriam | F | Stolin | 260 | |||||
MANSHUK | Aharonchik | M | Stolin | 260 | |||||
MANSHUK | Mechalya | F | Stolin | 260 | |||||
MANSHUK | Pinchas | M | Stolin | 260 | |||||
MANSHUK | Nisel | M | Sarah | Stolin | children | 260 | |||
MANSHUK | Sarah | F | Nisel | Stolin | children | 260 | |||
MANSHUK | Chaim | M | Henia | Stolin | his family | 260 | |||
MANSHUK | Henia | F | Chaim | Stolin | her family | 260 | |||
MANSHUK | Sender | M | Nacha | Stolin | his family | 260 | |||
MANSHUK | Nacha | F | Sender | Stolin | her family | 260 | |||
NOSANCHUK | Mordechai | M | Stolin | 260 | |||||
NOSANCHUK | Sarah Leah | F | Stolin | 260 | |||||
NOSANCHUK | Genia | F | Stolin | 260 | |||||
NOSANCHUK | Chaya | F | Genia | Stolin | 260 | ||||
NOSANCHUK | Freidel | F | Genia | Stolin | 260 | ||||
NOSANCHUK | Chava | F | Genia | Stolin | 260 | ||||
NOSANCHUK | Rachel | F | Genia | Stolin | 260 | ||||
NOSANCHUK | Pesia | F | Genia | Stolin | 260 | ||||
NOSANCHUK | Chana Feigel | F | Genia | Stolin | 260 | ||||
NOSANCHUK | Akiva | M | Genia | Stolin | 260 | ||||
NOSANCHUK | Moshe | M | Fruma | Stolin | 260 | ||||
NOSANCHUK | Fruma | F | Moshe | Stolin | 260 | ||||
NOSANCHUK | Levy | M | Moshe | Fruma | Stolin | 260 | |||
NOSANCHUK | Aviva | F | Moshe | Fruma | Stolin | 260 | |||
NOSANCHUK | Yosef Chaim | M | Rivkah | Stolin | 260 | ||||
NOSANCHUK | Rivka | F | Yosef Chaim | Stolin | 260 | ||||
NOSANCHUK | Moshe | M | Yosef Chaim | Rivka | Stolin | 260 | |||
NOSANCHUK | Hershel | M | Yosef Chaim | Rivka | Stolin | 260 | |||
NOSANCHUK | Miriam | F | Yosef Chaim | Rivka | Stolin | 260 | |||
NOSANCHUK | Feivel | M | Yosef Chaim | Rivka | Stolin | 260 | |||
NOSANCHUK | Golda | F | Yosef Chaim | Rivka | Stolin | 260 | |||
NOSANCHUK | Yeshayahu | M | Yosef Chaim | Rivka | Stolin | 260 | |||
NISHT | Avraham | M | Rachel | Stolin | 260 | ||||
NISHT | Rachel | F | Avraham | Stolin | 260 | ||||
NISHT | Betzalel | M | Avraham | Rachel | Stolin | 260 | |||
NISHT | Hinda | F | Avraham | Rachel | Stolin | 260 | |||
NISHT | Roza | F | Avraham | Rachel | Stolin | 260 | |||
NISHT | Nechama | F | Avraham | Rachel | Stolin | 260 | |||
NISHT | Feigele | F | Avraham | Rachel | Stolin | 260 | |||
SOSHNIK | Tzipora | F | Stolin | 260 | |||||
SOSHNIK | Eliezer | M | Tzipora | Stolin | 260 | ||||
SOSHNIK | Shlomo | M | Tzipora | Stolin | 260 | ||||
SOSHNIK | Yaakov Lev | M | Tzipora | Stolin | 260 | ||||
SOSHNIK | Rivka | F | Tzipora | Stolin | 260 | ||||
SOSHNIK | Mina | F | Tzipora | Stolin | 260 | ||||
SOSHNIK | Tova | F | Tzipora | Stolin | 260 | ||||
SOSHNIK | Yocheved | F | Tzipora | Stolin | 260 | ||||
STOLOVITZKY | Shema | M | Teibel | Stolin | 260 | ||||
STOLOVITZKY | Teibel | F | Shema | Stolin | 260 | ||||
STOLOVITZKY | Dina | F | Shema | Teibel | Stolin | 260 | |||
STOLOVITZKY | Dvosha | F | Shema | Teibel | Stolin | 260 | |||
STOLOVITZKY | Shifrah | F | Shema | Teibel | Stolin | 260 | |||
STOLOVITZKY | Rachel | F | Shema | Teibel | Stolin | 260 | |||
STOLOVITZKY | Chaim Dov | M | Shema | Teibel | Stolin | 260 | |||
STOLOVITZKY | Pesia | F | Shema | Teibel | Stolin | 260 | |||
STROSKY | Chaya | F | Shlomo | Stolin | 260 | ||||
STROSKY | Yitzhak | M | Sarah | Stolin | 260 | ||||
STROSKY | Sarah Gitel | F | Yitzhak | Stolin | 260 | ||||
SLOMIANSKY | Rachel Leah | F | Stolin | 260 | |||||
SLOMIANSKY | Sheindel | F | Stolin | 261 | |||||
SLOMIANSKY | Hadasah | F | Stolin | 261 | |||||
SLOMIANSKY | Molik | M | Stolin | 261 | |||||
SPOZHNIK | Chonia | M | Stolin | family, daughter-in-law: Malka | 261 | ||||
SPOZHNIK | Malka | F | Stolin | family, father-in-law: Chunia | 261 | ||||
POLISKY | Nachum | M | Libe | Stolin | 261 | ||||
POLISKY | Libe | F | Nachum | Stolin | 261 | ||||
POLISKY | Bella | F | Nachum | Libe | Stolin | 261 | |||
POLISKY | Miriam | F | Nachum | Libe | Stolin | 261 | |||
POLISKY | Libe | F | Nachum | Libe | Stolin | 261 | |||
POLISKY | Hershel | M | Nachum | Libe | Stolin | his family | 261 | ||
POLISKY | Mordechai | M | Nachum | Libe | Stolin | his family | 261 | ||
POLISKY | Yaakov | M | Malka | Drozdyn | born in Drozdyn | 261 | |||
POLISKY | Malka | F | Yaakov | Stolin | born in Drozdyn | 261 | |||
POLISKY | Moshe | M | Drozdyn | born in Drozdyn | 261 | ||||
POLISKY | Nachum | M | Malka | Stolin | born in Drozdyn | 261 | |||
POLISKY | Malka | F | Nachum | Stolin | 261 | ||||
POLISKY | Pesach | M | Elka | Stolin | 261 | ||||
POLISKY | Elka | F | Pesach | Stolin | 261 | ||||
POLISKY | Moshe | M | Pesach | Elka | Stolin | 261 | |||
POLISKY | Chava | F | Pesach | Elka | Stolin | 261 | |||
POLISKY | Zalman | M | Stolin | 261 | |||||
POLISKY | Moshe | M | Stolin | 261 | |||||
POLISKY | Yehuda | M | Stolin | 261 | |||||
Zelda | POLISKY | F | Tzvi | Stolin | 261 | ||||
Tzvi | M | Zelda | Stolin | wife's maiden name POLISKY | 261 | ||||
POLISKY | Asher | M | Zelda | Drozdyn | born in Drozdin | 261 | |||
POLISKY | Zelda | F | Asher | Stolin | 261 | ||||
POLISKY | Zalman | M | Zalman | Zelda | Stolin | 261 | |||
POLISKY | Ruchama | F | Zalman | Zelda | Stolin | 261 | |||
POLISKY | Yisrael | M | Zalman | Zelda | Stolin | 261 | |||
POLISKY | Hershel | M | Rachel | Stolin | 261 | ||||
POLISKY | Rachel | F | Hershel | Stolin | 261 | ||||
POLISKY | Leah | F | Hershel | Rachel | Stolin | 261 | |||
POLISKY | Aharon | M | Hershel | Rachel | Stolin | 261 | |||
PORTNOY | Moshe | M | Matil | Stolin | family | 261 | |||
PORTNOY | Matil | F | Moshe | Stolin | family | 261 | |||
FORLIT | Yaakov Aharon | M | Pola | Stolin | 261 | ||||
FORLIT | Pola | F | Yaakov Aharon | Stolin | 261 | ||||
FORLIT | Aryeh | M | Yaakov Aharon | Pola | Stolin | 261 | |||
GLOIBERMAN | Zilpa | FORLIT | F | Yaakov | Stolin | 261 | |||
GLOIBERMAN | Yaakov | M | Zilpa | Stolin | wife's maiden name FORLIT | 261 | |||
GLOIBERMAN | Dov | M | Yaakov | Zilpa | Stolin | 261 | |||
FORLIT | Shevach | M | Stolin | 261 | |||||
FORLIT | Moshe Tzvi | M | Stolin | 261 | |||||
FORLIT | Hadasa Chana | F | Stolin | 261 | |||||
FORLIT | Pesia | F | Stolin | 261 | |||||
FIALKOV | Avraham | M | Resel | Stolin | 261 | ||||
FIALKOV | Resel | F | Avraham | Stolin | 261 | ||||
FIALKOV | Golda | F | Stolin | children | 261 | ||||
FIALKOV | Berel | M | Stolin | 261 | |||||
FIALKOV | F | Berel | Stolin | 261 | |||||
FIALKOV | Perl | F | Stolin | 261 | |||||
FIALKOV | Yitzhak | M | Stolin | 261 | |||||
FIALKOV | Shlomo | M | Stolin | 261 | |||||
FIALKOV | Shimon | M | Stolin | children | 261 | ||||
FIALKOV | F | Shimon | Stolin | children | 261 | ||||
FIALKOV | Avraham Yitzhak | M | Stolin | 261 | |||||
FIALKOV | David Lev | M | Avraham Yitzhak | Stolin | 261 | ||||
PILCHIK | Rachel | F | Stolin | 261 | |||||
PILCHIK | David | M | Stolin | his family | 261 | ||||
PILCHIK | Breindil | F | Stolin | her family | 261 | ||||
FEIGELSHTEIN | Yitzhak | M | Batya | Stolin | 261 | ||||
FEIGELSHTEIN | Batya | F | Yitzhak | Stolin | 261 | ||||
FEIGELSHTEIN | Elza | F | Yitzhak | Batya | Stolin | 261 | |||
FEIGELSHTEIN | Moshe | M | Yitzhak | Batya | Stolin | 261 | |||
PILCHIK | Bluma | F | Stolin | her family | 261 | ||||
PILCHIK | Perl | KAPLAN | F | Stolin | 261 | ||||
PILCHIK | Peshke | KAPLAN | F | Stolin | 261 | ||||
PILCHIK | Chava | F | Stolin | 261 | |||||
PILCHIK | Chaim | M | Hudel | Stolin | children | 261 | |||
PILCHIK | Hudel | F | Chaim | Stolin | children | 261 | |||
PILCHIK | Yeshaya | M | Stolin | 261 | |||||
PILCHIK | Chaya | F | Stolin | 261 | |||||
PILCHIK | Fridel | F | Stolin | 261 | |||||
PILCHIK | Masha | F | Stolin | 261 | |||||
PILCHIK | Moshe | M | Stolin | 261 | |||||
YACHNIUK | Leah | PILCHIK | F | Stolin | children | 261 | |||
PILCHIK | Avraham | M | Feige Ronya | Stolin | 261 | ||||
PILCHIK | Feige Ronya | F | Avraham | Stolin | 261 | ||||
FISHMAN | Moshe | M | Chava | Stolin | children | 261 | |||
FISHMAN | Chava | F | Moshe | Stolin | children | 261 | |||
FISHMAN | Asher | M | Chaika | Stolin | children | 261 | |||
FISHMAN | Chaika | F | Asher | Stolin | children | 261 | |||
FISHMAN | Chaim | M | Freidel | Stolin | 261 | ||||
FISHMAN | Freidel | F | Chaim | Stolin | 261 | ||||
FISHMAN | Rivka | F | Chaim | Freidel | Stolin | 261 | |||
FISHMAN | Smeke | Chaim | Freidel | Stolin | 261 | ||||
FISHMAN | Reizel | F | Chaim | Freidel | Stolin | 261 | |||
FISHMAN | Rachel | F | Chaim | Freidel | Stolin | 261 | |||
FISHMAN | Pesach | M | Chaim | Freidel | Stolin | 261 | |||
FELDMAN | Avraham Moshe | M | Freidel | Stolin | his family | 261 | |||
FELDMAN | Freidel | F | Avraham Moshe | Stolin | 261 | ||||
FELDMAN | Leizer | M | Stolin | members of his family | 261 | ||||
FELDMAN | Avraham | M | Henia | Stolin | 261 | ||||
FELDMAN | Henia | F | Avraham | Stolin | 261 | ||||
FELDMAN | Nechamya | M | Avraham | Henia | Stolin | 261 | |||
FLEISHMAN | Moshe | M | Dosel | Stolin | 261 | ||||
FLEISHMAN | Dosel | F | Moshe | Stolin | 261 | ||||
PLISNIUK | Batya | F | Avraham Moshe | Stolin | 261 | ||||
PLISNIUK | Eliya | M | Stolin | 261 | |||||
PLISNIUK | F | Eliyah | Stolin | 261 | |||||
Ester | PLISNIUK | F | Stolin | husband | 261 | ||||
Leah | PLISNIUK | F | Stolin | husband | 261 | ||||
Avraham Moshe | M | Leah | Stolin | wife's maiden name PLISNIUK | 261 | ||||
WAX PLISNIUK | Rivka | F | Stolin | 261 | |||||
WAX PLISNIUK | Yehoshua | M | Rivka | Stolin | 261 | ||||
WAKS | Sarah | PLISNIUK | F | Stolin | 261 | ||||
WAKS | M | Sarah | Stolin | wife's maiden name PLISNIUK | 261 | ||||
WAKS | Yehoshua | M | Sarah | Stolin | wife's maiden name PLISNIUK | 261 | |||
PLISNIUK | Aharon | M | Chaya | Stolin | 261 | ||||
PLISNIUK | Chaya | F | Aharon | Stolin | 261 | ||||
BLIZOVSKY | Sarah Rachel | PLISNIUK | F | Yitzhak | Stolin | 261 | |||
BLIZOVSKY | Yitzhak | M | Sarah Rachel | Stolin | wife's maiden name PLISNIUK | 261 | |||
BLIZOVSKY | Teibele | F | Yitzhak | Sarah Rachel | Stolin | 261 | |||
BLIZOVSKY | Ester | F | Yitzhak | Sarah Rachel | Stolin | 261 | |||
PAKTER | Yisrael | M | Stolin | 261 | |||||
PAKTER | Aharon | M | Stolin | children | 261 | ||||
PAKTER | F | Aharon | Stolin | children | 261 | ||||
PAKTER | Pesach | M | Feigel | Stolin | children | 261 | |||
PAKTER | Feigel | F | Pesach | Stolin | children | 261 | |||
PAKTER | Yonah Shalom | M | Fradel | Stolin | 261 | ||||
PAKTER | Fradel | F | Yonah Shalom | Stolin | 261 | ||||
PEROLOVICH | Nachman | M | Rachel | Stolin | 261 | ||||
PEROLOVICH | Rachel | F | Nahman | Stolin | 261 | ||||
PEROLOVICH | Penina | F | Nachman | Rachel | Stolin | 261 | |||
PEROLOVICH | Hadasa | F | Nachman | Rachel | Stolin | 261 | |||
PRIZNANY | Eliyahu | M | Miriam | Stolin | his family | 261 | |||
PRIZNANY | Miriam | F | Eliyahu | Stolin | her family | 261 | |||
FRANKEL | Rivkah | F | Berel | Stolin | wife of rabbi | 261 | |||
FRANKEL | Yehoshua | M | Tzviya | Stolin | 261 | ||||
FRANKEL | Tzviya | F | Yehoshua | Stolin | 261 | ||||
FRANKEL | M | Yehoshua | Tzviya | Stolin | 261 | ||||
LIEBERMAN | Vitzya | FRANKEL | F | Yosef | Stolin | 261 | |||
LIEBERMAN | Yosef | M | Vitzya | Stolin | wife's maiden name FRANKEL | 261 | |||
LIEBERMAN | Sarah | F | Yosef | Vitzya | Stolin | 261 | |||
FRANKEL | Aizik | M | Stolin | children | 261 | ||||
FRANKEL | F | Aizik | Stolin | children | 261 | ||||
FRANKEL | Nisan | M | Bella | Stolin | 261 | ||||
FRANKEL | Bella | F | Nisan | Stolin | 261 | ||||
FRANKEL | Dov | M | Nisan | Bella | Stolin | 261 | |||
CHECHIK | M | Rachel | Stolin | 261 | |||||
CHECHIK | Rachel | F | Stolin | 261 | |||||
CHECHIK | Yentil | F | Rachel | Stolin | 261 | ||||
CHECHIK | Yitzhak | M | Rachel | Stolin | 261 | ||||
CHECHIK | Moshe | M | Rachel | Stolin | 261 | ||||
TZFATMAN | Breindel | F | Stolin | her daughter-in-law: Fruma | 262 | ||||
TZFATMAN | Roshka | F | Breindel | Stolin | 262 | ||||
TZFATMAN | Fruma | F | Stolin | daughter-in-law of Breindl | 262 | ||||
TZFATMAN | Vital | F | Fruma | Stolin | 262 | ||||
CHERNIK | Tzvi Hershel | M | Hadasah | Stolin | 262 | ||||
CHERNIK | Hadasa | F | Tzvi Hershel | Stolin | 262 | ||||
CHERNIK | Yaakov | M | Stolin | 262 | |||||
CHERNIK | F | Yaakov | Stolin | 262 | |||||
CHERNIK | Yosef | M | Stolin | 262 | |||||
CHERNIK | F | Yosef | Stolin | 262 | |||||
SHTEIN | Shoshana | CHERNIK | M | Stolin | children | 262 | |||
SHTEIN | F | Shoshana | Stolin | children, wife's maiden name CHERNIK | 262 | ||||
CHERTOK | Avraham Tzvi | M | Chaya | Stolin | 262 | ||||
CHERTOK | Chaya | F | Avraham Tzvi | Stolin | 262 | ||||
KUZNETZ | Chana Bella | CHERTOK | F | Stolin | children | 262 | |||
KUZNETZ | M | Chana Bella | Stolin | children, wife's maiden name CHERTOK | 262 | ||||
SHAFMAN | Ester | CHERTOK | F | Stolin | children | 262 | |||
SHAFMAN | M | Ester | Stolin | children, wife's maiden name CHERTOK | 262 | ||||
BODNIUK | Bracha | CHERTOK | F | Stolin | children | 262 | |||
BODNIUK | M | Bracha | Stolin | children, wife's maiden name CHERTOK | 262 | ||||
SOSNIK | Feigel | CHERTOK | F | Stolin | children | 262 | |||
SOSNIK | M | Feigel | Stolin | children, wife's maiden name CHERTOK | 262 | ||||
SHEPTRIK | Fradel | CHERTOK | F | Stolin | children | 262 | |||
SHEPTRIK | M | Fradel | Stolin | children, wife's maiden name CHERTOK | 262 | ||||
Bat Sheva | KUZNETZ | F | Stolin | her husband | 262 | ||||
Resel | F | Bat Sheva | Stolin | 262 | |||||
KUZNETZ KOROVITZKO | Kontza | F | Stolin | children | 262 | ||||
KUZNETZ KOROVITZKO | M | Kontza | Stolin | children | 262 | ||||
KUZNETZ KOROVITZKO | Rivka | F | Kontza | Stolin | 262 | ||||
KUZNETZ KOROVITZKO | Rachel | F | Kontza | Stolin | 262 | ||||
KOMISARCHIK | Gershon | M | Bushel | Stolin | 262 | ||||
KOMISARCHIK | Bushel | F | Gershon | Stolin | 262 | ||||
KOMISARCHIK | David | M | Gershon | Bushel | Stolin | 262 | |||
KOMISARCHIK | Eliezer | M | Gershon | Bushel | Stolin | 262 | |||
KOMISARCHIK | Chana | F | Gershon | Bushel | Stolin | 262 | |||
KOMISARCHIK | Michal | F | Gershon | Bushel | Stolin | 262 | |||
KOTEL | Rachel | F | Stolin | 262 | |||||
KOTEL | Moshe | M | Sarah | Stolin | 262 | ||||
KOTEL | Sarah | F | Moshe | Stolin | 262 | ||||
KOTEL | Penina | F | Moshe | Sarah | Stolin | 262 | |||
KOTEL | Chaya Dvora | F | Moshe | Sarah | Stolin | 262 | |||
KOTEL | Pesia | F | Moshe | Sarah | Stolin | 262 | |||
KOTEL | Chaim | M | Moshe | Sarah | Stolin | 262 | |||
KOTEL | Chaim | M | Leah | Stolin | 262 | ||||
KOTEL | Leah | F | Chaim | Stolin | 262 | ||||
KOTEL | Sarah | F | Chaim | Leah | Stolin | 262 | |||
KOTEL | Rivka | F | Chaim | Leah | Stolin | 262 | |||
KOTEL | Rivka Leah | F | Chaim | Leah | Stolin | 262 | |||
KOTEL | Shmuel | M | Chaim | Leah | Stolin | 262 | |||
KOTEL | Aharon | M | Chaim | Leah | Stolin | 262 | |||
KOTELCHUK | Gershon | M | Stolin | children | 262 | ||||
KOTELCHUK | F | Gershon | Stolin | children | 262 | ||||
KOTELCHUK | Zalman | M | Miriam | Stolin | 262 | ||||
KOTELCHUK | Miriam | BICHIK | F | Zalman | Stolin | 262 | |||
KOLODNY | Gisha | F | Shmuel | Stolin | wife of R'Shmuel the Kohen | 262 | |||
KOLODNY | Nechemia | M | Dunia | Stolin | 262 | ||||
KOLODNY | Dunia | DUBITZKY | F | Nechemiah | Stolin | 262 | |||
DUBITZIKY | F | Stolin | mother of Donia KOLODNY | 262 | |||||
ALPINER | Ester | KOLODNY | F | Yaakov | Stolin | 262 | |||
ALPINER | Yaakov | M | Ester | Stolin | wife's maiden name KOLODNY | 262 | |||
ALPINER | Baruch | M | Yaakov | Ester | Stolin | 262 | |||
ALPINER | Aharon | M | Yaakov | Ester | Stolin | 262 | |||
KULINER | Alter | M | Breindel | Stolin | 262 | ||||
KULINER | Breindel | F | Alter | Stolin | 262 | ||||
KULINER | Moshe | M | Alter | Breindel | Stolin | 262 | |||
Sarah | KULINER | F | Alter | Breindel | Stolin | children, her husband | 262 | ||
KONIK | Shmuel | M | Tzirel | Stolin | 262 | ||||
KONIK | Tzirel | F | Shmuel | Stolin | 262 | ||||
KONIK | Chaika | F | Shmuel | Tzirel | Stolin | 262 | |||
KONIK | Yisrael | M | Shmuel | Tzirel | Stolin | 262 | |||
KONIK | Sarah | F | Shmuel | Tzirel | Stolin | 262 | |||
KONIK | Gitel | F | Shmuel | Tzirel | Stolin | 262 | |||
KONIK | Hershel | M | Eshka | Stolin | 262 | ||||
KONIK | Eshka | F | Hershel | Stolin | 262 | ||||
KONIK | Rivka | F | Hershel | Eshka | Stolin | 262 | |||
KONIK | Rachel | F | Hershel | Eshka | Stolin | 262 | |||
CUPERBERG | Chaim | M | Ester | Stolin | 262 | ||||
CUPERBERG | Ester | F | Chaim | Stolin | 262 | ||||
CUPERBERG | Leah | F | Chaim | Ester | Stolin | 262 | |||
CUPERBERG | Meir | M | Chaim | Ester | Stolin | 262 | |||
CUPERBERG | Shoshana | F | Chaim | Ester | Stolin | 262 | |||
CUPERBERG | Chaim | M | Stolin | his family | 262 | ||||
CUPERBERG | Chana | F | Stolin | her family | 262 | ||||
KALCHITZKY | Chaim | M | Reikl | Stolin | 262 | ||||
KALCHITZKY | Reikl | F | Chaim | Stolin | 262 | ||||
KALCHITZKY | Tzvi | M | Stolin | 262 | |||||
KALCHITZKY | Breindil | F | Drozdyn | born in Drozdin | 262 | ||||
KANTOR | Yaakov Dov | M | Zlata | Stolin | 262 | ||||
KANTOR | Zlata | F | Yaakov Dov | Stolin | 262 | ||||
KANTOR | Shifra | F | Stolin | 262 | |||||
KANTOR | Ester | F | Stolin | 262 | |||||
KANTOR | Shalom | M | Stolin | 262 | |||||
KANTOROVICH | Chana | F | Asher | Stolin | wife of rabbi, their family | 262 | |||
KASTALYANICH | Dobrosha Boshka | F | Stolin | 262 | |||||
KAPLAN | Yosef | M | Dosel | Stolin | 262 | ||||
KAPLAN | Dosel | F | Yosef | Stolin | 262 | ||||
KAPLAN | Dvora | F | Yosef | Dosel | Stolin | 262 | |||
KAPLAN | David | M | Yosef | Dosel | Stolin | 262 | |||
KAPLAN | Shlomo | M | Rivka | Stolin | 262 | ||||
KAPLAN | Rivka | F | Shlomo | Stolin | 262 | ||||
KAPLAN | Yosef | M | Sheindel | Stolin | 262 | ||||
KAPLAN | Sheindel | F | Yosef | Stolin | 262 | ||||
KRAVITZ | Bracha | F | Stolin | 262 | |||||
KRUGMAN | Avraham Asher | M | Badana | Stolin | 262 | ||||
KRUGMAN | Badana | F | Avraham Asher | Stolin | 262 | ||||
KRUGMAN | Yehoshua | M | Avraham Asher | Badana | Stolin | 262 | |||
KRUGMAN | Bella | F | Avraham Asher | Badana | Stolin | 262 | |||
KRUGMAN | Yosef | M | Avraham Asher | Badana | Stolin | 262 | |||
KRUPNIK | Yaakov | M | Stolin | children | 262 | ||||
KRUPNIK | F | Yaakov | Stolin | children | 262 | ||||
KRUPNIK | Michael | M | Stolin | 262 | |||||
KRIKUN | Yehudel | M | Miriam | Stolin | children | 262 | |||
KRIKUN | Miriam | F | Yehudel | Stolin | children | 262 | |||
KRIKUN | Aharon | M | Iver | Stolin | children, son of rabbi | 262 | |||
KRIKUN | F | Aharon | Stolin | children | 262 | ||||
KARLIN | Ze'ev | M | Tzviya | Stolin | 262 | ||||
KARLIN | Tzviya | F | Ze'ev | Stolin | 262 | ||||
RABINOVICH | Lyuba | F | Stolin | 262 | |||||
ROZMAN | Sarah | F | Stolin | 262 | |||||
ROZMAN | Dvora | F | Stolin | 262 | |||||
ROZMAN | Tzipora | F | Stolin | 262 | |||||
ROZMAN | Asher | M | Stolin | 262 | |||||
ROSENBLUM | Yitzhak | M | Ester | Stolin | 262 | ||||
ROSENBLUM | Ester | F | Yitzhak | Stolin | her family | 262 | |||
ROSENBLUM | Hadas | F | Stolin | his family | 262 | ||||
ROSENBLUM | Shalom | M | Stolin | her family | 262 | ||||
ROSENBLUM | Shamai | M | Stolin | 262 | |||||
ROSENBERG | Chaim | M | Chaika | Stolin | 262 | ||||
ROSENBERG | Chaika | F | Chaim | Stolin | 262 | ||||
ROSENBERG | Reizel | F | Chaim | Chaika | Stolin | 262 | |||
ROSENBERG | Leibel | M | Chaim | Chaika | Stolin | 262 | |||
ROSENBERG | Miriam | F | Stolin | 262 | |||||
ROSENBERG | Rachel | F | Miriam | Stolin | 262 | ||||
ROSENBERG | Zelig | M | Miriam | Stolin | 262 | ||||
RUKHOTSKY | Dova Rashke | F | Stolin | 262 | |||||
RUKHOTSKY | Chana | F | Dova Rashke | Stolin | 262 | ||||
RUKHOTSKY | Sarah | F | Dova Rashke | Stolin | 262 | ||||
RUKHOTSKY | Itkah | F | Dova Rashke | Stolin | 262 | ||||
RUKHOTSKY | Shalom | M | Dova Rashke | Stolin | 262 | ||||
RUKHOTSKY | Nisan | M | Dova Rashke | Stolin | 262 | ||||
RUKHOTSKY | Leibel | M | Dova Rashke | Stolin | 262 | ||||
RUKHOTSKY | Berel | M | Dova Rashke | Stolin | 262 | ||||
RUKHOTSKY | Ephraim Asher | M | Stolin | his family | 263 | ||||
RUKHOTSKY | Sarah Yenta | F | Stolin | 263 | |||||
RUKHOTSKY | Avrahamel | M | Sarah Yenta | Stolin | his family | 263 | |||
RUKHOTSKY | Kreintza | F | Sarah Yenta | Stolin | her family | 263 | |||
RUKHOTSKY | Yehudel | M | Sarah Yenta | Stolin | his family | 263 | |||
ROSMAN | Pesach | M | Bat Sheva | Stolin | children | 263 | |||
ROSMAN | Bat Sheva | F | Pesach | Stolin | children | 263 | |||
REZNIK | Yosef | M | Menashe | Stolin | son of the rutual slaughterer, his family | 263 | |||
REZNIK | Aharon Ber | M | Stolin | children | 263 | ||||
REZNIK | F | Aharon Ber | Stolin | children | 263 | ||||
REZNIK | Menashe | M | Stolin | children | 263 | ||||
REZNIK | F | Menahe | Stolin | children | 263 | ||||
REZNIK | Ephraim | M | Krintza | Stolin | children | 263 | |||
REZNIK | Krintza | F | Ephraim | Stolin | children | 263 | |||
RATKEVICH | Aharon | M | Stolin | children | 263 | ||||
RATKEVICH | F | Aharon | Stolin | children | 263 | ||||
SHVETZ | Yisrael | M | Eidel | Stolin | 263 | ||||
SHVETZ | Eidel | F | Yisrael | Stolin | 263 | ||||
SHVETZ | Feivel | M | Yisrael | Eidel | Stolin | 263 | |||
SHVETZ | Mina | F | Yisrael | Eidel | Stolin | 263 | |||
SHVETZ | Nisle | M | Yisrael | Eidel | Stolin | 263 | |||
SHVETZ | Chaya | F | Yisrael | Eidel | Stolin | 263 | |||
SHWARTZMAN | Yaakov | M | Chana | Stolin | 263 | ||||
SHWARTZMAN | Chana | F | Yaakov | Stolin | 263 | ||||
Ester | SHWARTZMAN | F | Mordechai | Stolin | children | 263 | |||
Mordechai | M | Ester | Stolin | children, wife's maiden name SHWARTZMAN | 263 | ||||
Golda | SHWARTZMAN | F | Yeshayahu | Stolin | children | 263 | |||
Yeshayahu | M | Golda | Stolin | children, wife's maiden name SHWARTZMAN | 263 | ||||
SHWARTZMAN | Dov | M | Ester | Stolin | children | 263 | |||
SHWARTZMAN | Ester | F | Dov | Stolin | children | 263 | |||
SHWARTZMAN | Rachel | F | Stolin | 263 | |||||
SHWARTZMAN | Yehoshua | M | Rachel | Stolin | 263 | ||||
Miriam | SHWARTZMAN | F | Yosef | Stolin | 1 child, daughter | 263 | |||
Yosef | M | Miriam | Stolin | 1 child, daughter, wife's maiden name SHWARTZMAN | 263 | ||||
Rivka | SHWARTZMAN | F | Alter | Stolin | 1 child, daughter | 263 | |||
Alter | M | Rivka | Stolin | 1 child, daughter, wife's maiden name SHWARTZMAN | 263 | ||||
SHWARTZMAN | Sender | M | Malka | Stolin | 263 | ||||
SHWARTZMAN | Malka | F | Sender | Stolin | 263 | ||||
SHWARTZMAN | Chaim | M | Sender | Stolin | 263 | ||||
STEINWORTZEL | Aryeh | M | Tzirel | Stolin | 263 | ||||
STEINWORTZEL | Tzirel | F | Aryeh | Stolin | 263 | ||||
STEINWORTZEL | Moshe | M | Stolin | 263 | |||||
STEINWORTZEL | Tony | M | Stolin | 263 | |||||
SHTRUM | Yitzhak | M | Zlata | Stolin | 263 | ||||
SHTRUM | Zlata | F | Yitzhak | Stolin | 263 | ||||
SHTRUM | Shlomo | M | Stolin | 263 | |||||
SHTRUM | F | Shlomo | Stolin | 263 | |||||
SHTRUM | Zalman | M | Shlomo | Stolin | 263 | ||||
SHTRUM | Perl | F | Stolin | 1 child, her husb& daughter | 263 | ||||
SHEMESH | Asher | M | Chaya | Stolin | 263 | ||||
SHEMESH | Chaya | F | Asher | Stolin | 263 | ||||
SHEMESH | Penina | F | Asher | Chaya | Stolin | 263 | |||
SHEMESH | Eliyahu | M | Asher | Chaya | Stolin | 263 | |||
SHEMESH | Pinchas | M | Asher | Chaya | Stolin | 263 | |||
SHEMESH | Shlomo | M | Asher | Chaya | Stolin | 263 | |||
SHNEIDER | Sender | M | Yitzhak | Michalya | Horyn | 263 | |||
SHNEIDER | Michalya | F | Yitzhak | Stolin | 263 | ||||
BIK | Itkah | SHNEIDER | F | Yaakov | Stolin | children | 263 | ||
BIK | Yaakov | M | Itkah | Stolin | children, wife's maiden name SHNEIDER | 263 | |||
TURKENICH | Perl | SHNEIDER | F | Stolin | children | 263 | |||
TURKENICH | M | Perl | Stolin | children, wife's maiden name SHNEIDER | 263 | ||||
GLAZER | Sarah | SHNEIDER | F | Aharon | Stolin | children | 263 | ||
GLAZER | Aharon | M | Sarah | Stolin | children, wife's maiden name SHNEIDER | 263 | |||
SHNEIDER | Simcha | M | Stolin | 263 | |||||
SHNEIDER | Yitzhak | M | Stolin | 263 | |||||
Chanchik | F | Stolin | husband; aunt of Simcha & Yitzhak SHNEIDER | 263 | |||||
SHEPTRIK | Leah | F | Stolin | 263 | |||||
SHEPTRIK | Avraham | M | Sarah | Stolin | 263 | ||||
SHEPTRIK | Sarah | F | Avraham | Stolin | 263 | ||||
SHEPTRIK | Shimon | M | Tzirel | Stolin | children | 263 | |||
SHEPTRIK | Tzirel | F | Shimon | Stolin | children | 263 | |||
Basha Rachel | SHEPTRIK | F | Yisrael | Stolin | children | 263 | |||
Yisrael | M | Basha Rachel | Stolin | children; wife's maiden name SHEPTRIK | 263 | ||||
SHEPTRIK | Mordechai | M | Fradel | Stolin | children | 263 | |||
SHEPTRIK | Fradel | F | Mordechai | Stolin | children | 263 | |||
Malka | SHEPTRIK | F | Chaim | Stolin | children | 263 | |||
Chaim | M | Malka | Stolin | children; wife's maiden name SHEPTRIK | 263 | ||||
SHEPTRIK | Eliezer Pinchas | M | Gusta | Stolin | children | 263 | |||
SHEPTRIK | Gusta | F | Eliezer Pinchas | Stolin | children | 263 | |||
SHEPTRIK | Leah | F | Stolin | children | 263 | ||||
SHEPTRIK | Chaim | M | Gusta | Stolin | 263 | ||||
SHEPTRIK | Gusta | F | Chaim | Stolin | 263 | ||||
SHEPTRIK | Tzvi | M | Chaim | Gusta | Stolin | 263 | |||
SHEPTRIK | Azriel | M | Miriam | Stolin | his family | 263 | |||
SHEPTRIK | Miriam | F | Azriel | Stolin | her family | 263 | |||
SHAPIRO | Reuven | M | Chava | Stolin | teacher | 263 | |||
SHAPIRO | Chava | F | Reuven | Stolin | 263 | ||||
SHAPIRO | F | Reuven | Chava | Stolin | 263 | ||||
SHKLYAWR | Neshka | F | Stolin | 263 | |||||
SHKLYAWR | Yitzhak | M | Stolin | 263 | |||||
SHKLYAR | Avraham | M | Sheindel | Stolin | 263 | ||||
SHKLYAR | Sheindel | F | Avraham | Stolin | 263 | ||||
SHKLYAR | Yehuda | M | Stolin | his family | 263 | ||||
Teibeli | SHKLYAR | F | Stolin | her husbhis family | 263 | ||||
SHKLYAR | Chava | F | Moshe | Stolin | wife of rabbi | 263 | |||
SHKLYAR | Avraham | M | Stolin | his family | 263 | ||||
SHKLYAR | F | Avraham | Stolin | 263 | |||||
SHAKAROVSKY | Dvora | SHKLYAR | F | Yehoshua | Stolin | 263 | |||
SHAKAROVSKY | Yehoshua | M | Dvora | Stolin | wife's maiden name SHKLYAR | 263 | |||
MOTORIN | Tzila | SHKLYAR | F | Yitzhak | Stolin | 263 | |||
MOTORIN | Yitzhak | M | Tzilah | Stolin | wife's maiden name SHKLYAR | 263 | |||
SHREIBMAN | Michael | M | Basha | Stolin | 263 | ||||
SHREIBMAN | Basha | F | Michael | Stolin | 263 | ||||
SHWARTZBERT | Henia | SHREIBMAN | F | Feivel | Stolin | children | 263 | ||
SHWARTZBERT | Feivel | M | Henia | Stolin | children; wife's maiden name SHREIBMAN | 263 | |||
YACHNIUK | Bella | SHREIBMAN | F | David | Stolin | children | 263 | ||
YACHNIUK | David | M | Bella | Stolin | children; wife's maiden name SHREIBMAN | 263 | |||
CHERNIK | Shprintze | SHREIBMAN | F | Yosef | Stolin | 263 | |||
CHERNIK | Yosef | M | Shprintze | Stolin | wife's maiden name SHREIBMAN | 263 | |||
SHREIBMAN | Shlomo | M | Stolin | children | 263 | ||||
SHREIBMAN | F | Shlomo | Stolin | children | 263 | ||||
SHREIBMAN | Shlomo | M | Ester | Stolin | 263 | ||||
SHREIBMAN | Ester | F | Shlomo | Stolin | 263 | ||||
SHREIBMAN | Frumka | F | Shlomo | Ester | Stolin | 263 | |||
YOUNGSHTEIN | M | Malka | Rubel | rabbi; 3 children | 263 | ||||
YOUNGSHTEIN | Malka | F | Rubel | 3 children | 263 | ||||
BODOMSKY | Moshe | M | Hindah | Rubel | 263 | ||||
BODOMSKY | Hinda | F | Moshe | Rubel | 263 | ||||
BODOMSKY | F | Moshe | Hinda | Rubel | 263 | ||||
BURSHTEIN | Yehuda | M | Rubel | 263 | |||||
BIGELMAN | Avraham Tzvi | M | Rubel | 2 children | 263 | ||||
BIGELMAN | F | Avraham Tzvi | Rubel | 2 children | 263 | ||||
BIGELMAN | Itzik | M | Rubel | children | 263 | ||||
BIGELMAN | F | Itzik | Rubel | children | 263 | ||||
BASHKIN | Asher | M | Miriam | Rubel | children | 264 | |||
BASHKIN | Miriam | F | Asher | Rubel | children | 264 | |||
GOMER | Shmuel | M | Rubel | 264 | |||||
GOMER | F | Shmuel | Rubel | 264 | |||||
GOMER | Rachel | F | Shmuel | Rubel | 264 | ||||
GOMER | Bora | M | Shmuel | Rubel | 264 | ||||
GOMER | Yehuda | M | Rubel | 264 | |||||
GOMER | F | Yehuda | Rubel | 264 | |||||
GINZBURG | Isser | M | Malka | Rubel | 264 | ||||
GINZBURG | Malka | F | Isser | Rubel | 264 | ||||
GINZBURG | Meir Valevili | M | Isser | Malka | Rubel | 264 | |||
GINZBURG | Rezil | F | Isser | Malka | Rubel | 264 | |||
GINZBURG | Boaz | M | Rubel | 264 | |||||
GINZBURG | F | Boaz | Rubel | 264 | |||||
Perl | GINZBURG | F | Boaz | Rubel | 3 children | 264 | |||
GINZBURG | Litman | M | Shindel | Rubel | 5 children | 264 | |||
GINZBURG | Shindil | F | Litman | Rubel | 5 children | 264 | |||
GINZBURG | Meir | M | Rubel | 1 child | 264 | ||||
GINZBURG | F | Meir | Rubel | 1 child | 264 | ||||
GINZBURG | Moshe | M | Rubel | children | 264 | ||||
GINZBURG | F | Moshe | Rubel | children | 264 | ||||
GINZBURG | Noach | M | Rubel | children | 264 | ||||
GINZBURG | F | Noach | Rubel | children | 264 | ||||
GINZBURG | Shlomo | M | Yonah | Rubel | 2 children | 264 | |||
GINZBURG | Yonah | F | Shlomo | Rubel | 2 children | 264 | |||
GINENDEL | Zalman | M | Rubel | 3 children | 264 | ||||
GINENDEL | F | Zalman | Rubel | 3 children | 264 | ||||
GINENDEL | Litman | M | Shindel | Rubel | 5 children | 264 | |||
GINENDEL | Shindil | F | Litman | Rubel | 5 children | 264 | |||
ZINGERMAN | Mordechai | M | Sarah | Rubel | 264 | ||||
ZINGERMAN | Sarah | F | Mordechai | Rubel | 264 | ||||
GLOBERZON | Chaya Bracha | ZINGERMAN | F | Ephraim | Rubel | 264 | |||
GLOBERZON | Ephraim | M | Chaya Bracha | Rubel | wife's maiden name ZINGERMAN | 264 | |||
GLOBERZON | Gisha | F | Ephraim | Chaya Bracha | Rubel | 264 | |||
GLOBERZON | Lifsha | F | Ephraim | Chaya Bracha | Rubel | 264 | |||
LANDAU | Gitel | ZINGERMAN | F | Leibel | Rubel | 264 | |||
LANDAU | Leibel | M | Gitel | Rubel | wife's maiden name ZINGERMAN | 264 | |||
LANDAU | M | Leibel | Gitel | Rubel | 264 | ||||
Yoel | M | Cheska | Rubel | 3 children | 264 | ||||
Cheska | F | Yoel | Rubel | 3 children | 264 | ||||
MACHERPON | Rubel | entire family | 264 | ||||||
COHEN | Leah | F | Rubel | wife of the ritual slaughterer [Shohet] | 264 | ||||
LIFSHITZ | Aharon | M | Fegel | Rubel | 264 | ||||
LIFSHITZ | Fegel | F | Aharon | Rubel | 264 | ||||
LIFSHITZ | Meir | M | Aharon | Fegel | Rubel | 264 | |||
LIFSHITZ | Sanya | M | Dvora | Chaya | Rubel | 264 | |||
LIFSHITZ | Chaya | F | Sanya | Rubel | 264 | ||||
LIFSHITZ | Shindel | F | Sanya | Chaya | Rubel | 264 | |||
LIFSHITZ | Bella | F | Sanya | Chaya | Rubel | 264 | |||
LIFSHITZ | Zelda | F | Sanya | Chaya | Rubel | 264 | |||
LIFSHITZ | Dvosha | F | Sanya | Chaya | Rubel | 264 | |||
LIFSHITZ | Eshke | F | Sanya | Chaya | Rubel | 264 | |||
LIFSHITZ | Yachne | F | Sanya | Chaya | Rubel | 264 | |||
LIFSHITZ | Asher | M | Sanya | Chaya | Rubel | 264 | |||
LIFSHITZ | M | Sanya | Chaya | Rubel | 264 | ||||
LIFSHITZ | Dvora | F | Rubel | mother of Sanya | 264 | ||||
LEMKOVICH | Aharon | M | Chaya Leah | Rubel | 264 | ||||
LEMKOVICH | Chaya Leah | F | Aharon | Rubel | 264 | ||||
LEMKOVICH | Yaakov | M | Aharon | Chaya Leah | Rubel | 264 | |||
LEMKOVICH | Nachum | M | Aharon | Chaya Leah | Rubel | 264 | |||
LEMKOVICH | Gronia | F | Aharon | Chaya Leah | Rubel | 264 | |||
MURAVNIK | Meir | M | Peshe | Rubel | 3 children | 264 | |||
MURAVNIK | Peshe | F | Meir | Rubel | 3 children | 264 | |||
MARER | Shlomo | M | Malka | Rubel | 2 children | 264 | |||
MARER | Malka | F | Shlomo | Rubel | 2 children | 264 | |||
MARER | Shlomo | M | Tzvi | Chava | Rubel | 2 children | 264 | ||
MARER | Chava | F | Shlomo | Rubel | 2 children | 264 | |||
MARER | Tzipora | F | Shlomo | Chava | Rubel | 264 | |||
MARER | Tzvi | M | Shlomo | Chava | Rubel | 264 | |||
NOSANCHUK | Ben-Tzion | M | Rubel | children | 264 | ||||
NOSANCHUK | F | Ben-Tzion | Rubel | children | 264 | ||||
NOSANCHUK | Genia | F | Rubel | children | 264 | ||||
NOSANCHUK | Yosef | M | Rivkah | Rubel | 264 | ||||
NOSANCHUK | Rivka | F | Yosef | Rubel | 264 | ||||
NOSANCHUK | Golda | F | Yosef | Rivka | Rubel | 264 | |||
NOSANCHUK | Yehoshua | M | Yosef | Rivka | Rubel | 264 | |||
NOSANCHUK | Moshe | M | Rubel | 2 children | 264 | ||||
NOSANCHUK | F | Moshe | Rubel | 2 children | 264 | ||||
NOSANCHUK | Yehuda | M | Eshke | Rubel | 264 | ||||
NOSANCHUK | Eshke | F | Yehuda | Rubel | 264 | ||||
NOSANCHUK | Avraham | M | Yehuda | Eshke | Rubel | 264 | |||
NOSANCHUK | Peshke | Yehuda | Eshke | Rubel | 264 | ||||
PORTNOY | Isser | M | Rachel | Rubel | 3 children | 264 | |||
PORTNOY | Rachel | F | Isser | Rubel | 3 children | 264 | |||
PORTNOY | David | M | Sarah | Rubel | children | 264 | |||
PORTNOY | Sarah | F | David | Rubel | children | 264 | |||
PORTNOY | Chana Fegel | F | Rubel | 264 | |||||
PORTNOY | Rivka | F | Chana Fegel | Rubel | children | 264 | |||
PLOTNITZKY | Isser | M | Bella | Fegel | Rubel | 264 | |||
PLOTNITZKY | Bella | F | Rubel | 264 | |||||
PLOTNITZKY | Fegel | F | Isser | Rubel | 264 | ||||
PLOTNITZKY | Zisil | F | Isser | Fegel | Rubel | 264 | |||
PLOTNITZKY | Chava | F | Isser | Fegel | Rubel | 264 | |||
PLOTNITZKY | F | Isser | Fegel | Rubel | 264 | ||||
PLOTNITZKY | Yisrael | M | Rubel | 3 children | 264 | ||||
PLOTNITZKY | F | Yisrael | Rubel | 3 children | 264 | ||||
PLOTNITZKY | Yosef | M | Vichna | Rubel | 264 | ||||
PLOTNITZKY | Vichna | F | Yosef | Rubel | 264 | ||||
PLOTNITZKY | Nachum | M | Rishe | Rubel | 3 children | 264 | |||
PLOTNITZKY | Rishe | F | Nachum | Rubel | 3 children | 264 | |||
FISHMAN | Zelig | M | Sonya | Rubel | 3 children | 264 | |||
FISHMAN | Sonya | F | Zelig | Rubel | 3 children | 264 | |||
FROMKIN | Yehuda Baruch | M | Chava | Rubel | 264 | ||||
FROMKIN | Chava | F | Yehuda Baruch | Rubel | 264 | ||||
FROMKIN | Reichel | F | Yehuda Baruch | Chava | Rubel | 264 | |||
PERES | Chaya Perl | F | Rubel | 264 | |||||
PERES | Genshe | F | Rubel | 264 | |||||
PERES | Dvorushka | F | Rubel | 264 | |||||
PERES | Yitzhak | M | Rubel | 264 | |||||
PERES | Yaakov | M | Rubel | 264 | |||||
PERES | Moshe | M | Rubel | 264 | |||||
FRIEDMAN | Yaakov | M | Tivel | Rubel | 2 children | 264 | |||
FRIEDMAN | Tivel | F | Yaakov | Rubel | 2 children | 264 | |||
CHECHIK | Noach Lev | M | Alta | Rubel | children | 264 | |||
CHECHIK | Altar | F | Noach Lev | Rubel | children | 264 | |||
KONIK | Osnat | F | Rubel | children (girls) | 264 | ||||
ROSENTZVEIG | Chaim Lev | M | Rivkah | Rubel | 264 | ||||
ROSENTZVEIG | Rivkah | F | Chaim Lev | Rubel | 264 | ||||
ROSENTZVEIG | Golda | F | Chaim Lev | Rivka | Rubel | 264 | |||
RIMER | Yehuda | M | Rubel | 264 | |||||
RIMER | Yaakov | M | Rubel | 264 | |||||
RIMER | Michal | F | Rubel | 264 | |||||
RIMER | Chaya | F | Rubel | 264 | |||||
RIMER | Miriam | F | Rubel | 264 | |||||
RIMER | Chana | F | Miriam | Rubel | 264 | ||||
Tzviya | RIMER | F | Rubel | 2 children; her husband | 264 | ||||
RIMER | Moshe Fivel | M | Chaya | Rubel | 8 children | 264 | |||
RIMER | Chaya | F | Moshe Fivel | Rubel | 8 children | 264 | |||
SHULMAN | Avraham | M | Rubel | 264 | |||||
Pesel | SHULMAN | F | Avraham | Rubel | 3 children; husband | 264 | |||
SHULMAN | Matil | M | Rubel | his family | 264 |
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Stolin, Belarus
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Updated 21 Oct 2010 by LA