Table of Contents

List of Photographs in Stawiski Yizkor Book

Developed and Translated by Morris Whitcup

Translator's Notes:

  1. Family names and first names are translated from the Hebrew annotations in the Stawiski Yizkor Book, therefore, the spellings may not be exact. We tried to spell them the way they would have been spelled in Poland at the time, and not how the names may be spelled today, or how they might have been spelled in countries other than Poland.

  2. If the Hebrew letter "vet" is used in a name it is translated as a "v".
    The use of Hebrew letters "vuv, vuv" as a transliteration of the the letter "w" was common in Israel at the time the Yizkor Book was published (1973), as the Hebrew alphabet does not contain a "W". If a single "vuv" appears in a name as a consonant, it was translated as "W", the spelling probably closest to the Polish.
  3. All captions are also translated within the text of the Yizkor Book.
  4. If a page number is given with the annotation "a'"or "b", it means that a page number was not assigned to it in the Yizkor Book, but followed the indicated page number.
  5. Photographs without actual captions are indicated by an asterisk *.

  6. Descriptions of these photos are taken from the accompanying articles.
  7. If the term "murdered" is used, it implies murdered by the Nazis.

Map of Stawiski and vicinity  21 
Top Photograph: 
Community Council 
Standing from right to left: The shammas of the synagogue, Meir Leib; Chaim Kadysz-Kolinski; Yitzchok Indurski; Yisrael-Eli Szapira; Chana Jeleniewicz;  Sitting from right to left: Meir-Yankel Koplowicz; Imiyal Rabbi Wasserman; Moshe Ladelski; Moshe-Zeev Bramzon; the boy (ed.note: standing leftmost in the front row) the son of Rabbi Wasserman. In the window:  Yisraelke Morus; Kiwajko. (Trans. Note: Moshe Ladelski's name added in errata page that accompanied the Yizkor Book.) 
Bottom  Photograph: 
The relief agency for refugees from World War sponsored by the Hatechiya (Trans: Revival) organization (Trans.: the bottom photograph is also accompanied  by a Yiddish caption which reads: Relief for our refugees in Stawiski in first World War). Standing from right to left: Sarah Szimonowicz (murdered); Chaim Leibl  Lewinowicz (lives in the United States); Melita Salotzka (murdered); Moshe Goelman, of blessed memory; Sarah Remigolski (murdered); Itzwowiski (murdered); Sitting: Sarah  Mondensztejn nee Morus, Yosel Mondensztejn ( both in the U.S.) 
The Talmud Torah of Stawiski 
The students and their teachers (in the middle, Rabbi Wasserman) 
(Trans. Note: the photo is also accompanied by a Yiddish caption which
reads: "The students and their teachers, in the middle sits Rabbi Wasserman") 
Photograph of unnamed girl* may  be that of Chaya Kolinski, author of accompanying article 
The sculptor,Yosef Brandenburg (same caption appears in Yiddish) 
Stock certificate of the Peoples Bank in Stawiski in name of Rabbi Szymon Kac (Katz) 
Top Photograph: 
The children's health colony sponosored by the organization Santos 
Bottom Photograph 
Kaminski, of blessed memory.  A refugee from Russia in the first World War, served in education in Stawiski (Trans.: the photo is also accompanied by a Yiddish caption which reads: "A refugee from Russia in the first World War") 
The market in Stawiski 
A fair in the shtetl 
The Great Synagogue built in the middle of the 18th century and destroyed at the time of the Nazis in July 1941 (same caption in Yiddish) 
Rabbi Binyamin Eliahu Ramigloski* 
Rabbi Reuven Katz (Kac) of blessed memory* 
Certificate for the trip of Rabbi Katz (Kac) to America (Trans. Note: to collect monies to help save the Yeshivas in Poland) 
Top  of Page: 
Certificate for the trip of Rabbi Katz (Kac) to America from the Stawiski Community Council (Trans. Note: dated September 9, 1928) 
Bottom of  Page: 
Letter from the "Chafetz Chaim" (Rabbi Israel Meier Kagan, perhaps the most 
renown rabbi in the world at that time) (Trans.: to attest to Rabbi Katz (Kac) 
and  his mission, dated 9th day of Marcheshvan, 1928 [October 23, 1928] 
Rebbitzen Reichel Katz (Kac), of blessed memory 
Rabbi Nachman Shmuel Wasserman, of blessed memory* 
Rabbi Chizkiahu Yosef Myszkowski, of blessed memory* 
Rabbi Shabtai Zeev Friedman of blessed memory 
Devorah Zelda Kotton (nee Ladelski), of blessed memory 
Rabbi Yehoshua-Menachem Zilberstejn 
Dr. Aryeh Remigolski, of blessed memory* 
Akiva Rubensztejn, of blessed memory* 
Paltiel Pelet Remigolski, of blessed memory 
Menachem (Mendel) Lewinowicz, of blessed memory 
Rashka (nee Kabakowicz) Lewinowicz, may G-d avenge her murder 
Chana (nee Lewinowicz) and her husband Yisroel Zeev Solnik, may G-d avenge their murders 
Top Photograph: 

            The Post Office 

On the steps stands Tova Brikman (murdered). (Trans. Note: caption was added in errata page that accompanied the Yizkor Book) 
Bottom Photograph: 
A vista of Stawiski as one arrives from Szczuczyn 

Standing next to the stream:  Golda Zweibek and Cherna Suralska 

Top Photograph: 
Members of the "Halutz" (Pioneers") in 1926 

Bottom Photograph: 

The "Shomer Hatzair" ( The Young Watchmen"), Trumpeldor group 

Top Photograph: 
The "Hadassah" group of the Shomer Hatzair on the occasion of the aliyah to Israel of the head of the group, Yissacher Zilbersztejn 
Bottom Photograph: 
Meeting Place: (right to left): Meir- Hershel Rubinsztejn, of blessed memory (murdered); Chmielewski (lives in the United States); Chaya Sarah Goelman, of blessed memory, Zeledka Ladelski,of blessed memory ( both murdered); Rachel Goelman, of blessed memory (died in Canada); Gittel Rubinsztejn of blessed memory, Leibke Ladelski of blessed memory (both murdered). At the top of photograph: Avrehmel Mark of blessed memory (passed away). 
Muli Wingrowicz (Wegrowicz), Mattisyahu Liberman, Choronziski, Shimon Kagan, Chaim Pesach Kulawski, Avraham-Pesach Goelman (Transl note: members of the Halutz" <"Pioneer"> group in Stawiski dated 18th of Nissan 1922 [April 16, 1922]). 
The Religious "Shomer Hadati" ( Religious Watchmen) group 
Top Photograph: 
Youth Group, 1924 
Standing (from right to left): Y.D. Imiyal, of blessed memory; Gershon Funk, of blessed memory (both murdered); Dr. Yonah Rubensztejn (lives in France); Professsor Avraham Yitzchok Katz (Kac) lives in the U.S.; Zelig Broshi Bzostowiecki, lives in the U.S.; David Friedman, of blessed memory (died in Paris). Second Row: Yissachar Zilbersztejn, of blessed memory (died in the United States); Yechezkel Rubinsztejn, of blessed memory (murdered); Third Row: Nechka Stolnicki, of blessed memory (died in Israel); Avigdor Goelman (lives in Canada) 
Bottom Photograph: 
The  "Shomer Hadati" (Religious Watchman) group 
Top Photograph: 
In the forest on the way to Lomza: On the occasion of the aliya of Nechama Kotton to the Promised Land. From right to left: Pinchas Mejzner, of blessed memory (murdered); Gittele Rubinsztejn, of blessed memory (murdered); Rachel Olchowski (lives in Israel); Yosel Mondensztejn (lives in the United States); Fruma Zak (nee Zilbersztejn), of blessed memory (murdered); Nachem Kotton-Bizounsky (lives in Israel); Leiba Ladelski (murdered); Chemda Lewinowicz-Kantor (lives in Israel); Chaya Sarah Goelman, of blessed memory (murdered); Meir Hershel Rubinsztejn, of blessed memory (murdered). 
Bottom Photograph: 

            Flour Mill Sokolicha (Trans. Note: four men pictured in boat, no names given) 

Mindel Liberman, of blessed memory, mother of Shifra and Zvi Liberman 
( in front of gravestone) 
Leadership of "Hasomer Hatzair" in Stawiski, 27 Tammuz, 1925 [July 19, 1925] 
"Hashomer Hatzair" Organization in Stawiski Av, 1926 [August, 1926] 
The Holy Ark in the Great Synagogue 
The Funk Family- most were murdered in the Holocaust 
Top Photograph: 
Stawiski porters (no names given) 
Bottom Photograph: 
Stawiski butchers (no names given) 
Top Photograph: 
(left to right): Mordechai Chaver (Kotton), fell in the Philippines in World War II serving in the U.S. Army, Eliyahu Chaver (Kotton), of blessed memory died in the U.S. 
Bottom Photograph: 

        Isaac Lewinowicz, of blessed memory, died in the U.S. 

Yizkor Meetings (Trans Note: 6 photographs, no names given, location probably in Israel) 
Standing from right to left:  'Iche Leizer's grandchild; Bluma Indurski; Rifka Laska (Zilbersztejn) lives in Israel; Lazar Goldsztejn's daughter.  Sitting from right to left: first-unknown Lewinski;  Ritsha (Rifka) the bagel baker's daughter - lives in America; Stern, Beile Kadysz 
Herzl  (Hertzke) Cheshlok, of blessed memory ( in Auschwitz) 

Herzel Cheshlok's family 
Top Photograph: 
Nechemiah Zweiback and his wife Ana, of blessed memory 
Middle Photograph: 
Golda Zweiback, of blessed memory 
Bottom Photograph: 
Freidel Blankensztejn and her daughters Tzippa and Feigel of blessed memory. (Side caption: murdered in the Holocaust) 
Top Photograph (right): 
Niedzwiadowicz Family, from right: Zelig, Bluma, Yakov, Gabriel and the mother Bejla, of blessed memory 
Top Photograph (left): Zev Niezwiadowicz (died) 
Bottom Photograph (right): 
Pinchas Piekarewicz, of blessed memory 
Bottom Photograph (left): 
Chaim Piekarewicz and his wife Sheyna, of blessed memory 
Stawiski After the War 
Top Photograph: 
Monument on the communal grave in Stawiski forest 
Middle Photograph: 
In place of the market place, (a) lawn.  (Yiddish: The market place after the war). 
Chana Weiner, of blessed memory blessed memory, when he  visited Stawiski in 1966, standing next to the monument  and next to the road to Szczuczyn) 
Top Photograph (right): 
Mitshak Chonkowicz and family, of blessed memory 
Top of Page (left): 
Avraham Yitzchok Barbanielski of blessed memory 
Bottom Photograph (right): 
Yechezkel Goldsztejn, of blessed memory (standing); parents Hertzke and Miriam, of blessed memory. 
Bottom Photograph (left): 
Chaim-Leibl Barbanielski, of blessed memory. (Side caption to the photographs: murdered in the Holocaust). 
Top Photograph (right): 
Rifka and Hershel Mark and their grandchild Simcha, of blessed  memory. 
Top Photograph (middle): 
Simcha Mark, Elka Mark and Simcha (son of their brother Avraheml, of blessed memory). 
Top Photograph (left): 
Gutscha Mark (nee  Morus) and her son Simcha, of blessed memory 
Bottom Photograph (right): 
Moshe Brikman of blessed memory 
Bottom Photograph (middle): 
Malka Kreplak of blessed memory 
Bottom of Photograph (left): 
Avraham-Yitzchok Brikman of blessed memory 
Yitzchok Rozenstzejn, of blessed memory, grandfather of Chava Fuchs 
Grandmother Chava Rozenstzejn, of blessed memory and her grandchildren- most of them  were murdered in the Holocaust 
Leiba, mother of Chava Fuchs (in black) and her family, most of them were murdered in the in the Holocaust 
Chana Weiner, of blessed memory 
Moshe-Zeev Goelman, of blessed memory 
Eliahu Livna Bzostowiecki, of blessed memory 
Herzl Cheshlok, of blessed memory 

Table of Contents

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