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The Halpern family in Stanislav

Notes from the family tree

Translated by Jerrold Landau

  1. According to the family tradition, he died at the end of the 18th century.
  2. He was born in the 1780s.
  3. He received the “Order of Franz Josef” medal of excellence in April, 1881.
  4. The wife of Alexander Horowitz.
  5. The wife of Reb Lipa Horowitz.
  6. Educated in the home of his grandfather, Rabbi Enzil Cuzmer.
  7. He was the president of the community for many years, and he laid the foundations for a modern community. He was also a representative in the city council.
  8. He was a member of the city council and the communal council, as well as a member of the supervisory committee of the Baron Hirsch School. He paid special attention to the education of craftsmen, and training them properly professionally.
  9. The wife of Meir Margolin.
  10. The wife of Reb Yosef Landau (5606-5676 / 1846-1916).
  11. The wife of Reb Leibish the son of Hertz Bronshtein (5608-5660 / 1848-1910).
  12. The wife of Shmuel Luria of Pinsk.
  13. The wife of Reb Mordechai Zeev Ashkenazi
  14. The wife of Phillip Nathanson.
  15. A member of the large Zionist Action Committee (1911-1913); a member of the Zionist directorship from 1921-1927; a deputy member of the Zionist Action Committee (1927-1931); A member of the Zionist Action Committee from 1931 until today.
  16. The wife of Karel the son of Reb Shlomo Buber.
  17. He was a Zionist activist all of his life; he was one of the first who served Herzl; he was one of the founders of “Kadima” of Vienna.
  18. He was the director of the I”KA settlements in Argentina for two years. He was the director of the national division for the Keren Kayemet LeYisrael in Lvov before the First World War.
  19. The wife of Dr. Shmuel Shor.
  20. The wife of Rabbi Dr. Mordechai Zeev Broda of blessed memory.
  21. The wife of Dr. Arthur Lebental of Tel Aviv.
  22. The wife of Dr. Yechiel Moszic of Tel Aviv.
  23. A high school teacher in Tel Aviv.
  24. The former private physician of Professor Sigmund Freud. He took care of him until his death. He is today in New York.

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