48°19' / 25°34'
New York, 1950
Project Coordinator
This is from:
Unter Stanestie Bukowinaer Circle, Inc. Twentieth Anniversary and Banquet
Saturday, November 25, 1950 Broadway Central Hotel, 673 Broadway, New York, NY
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NOTE: This is one of two memorial books for Unter Stanestie that have been published as part of the JewishGen Inc. Yizkor Book Project. The other book is: Die Juden in Unter-Stanestie (The Jews of Unter-Stanestie). The memorial list on this page is particularly important because it records place of death and family information, where available. The donor believes that the list in this booklet is probably more accurate than the list in the yizkor book.
Introduction written by Lauren Scharf Azoulai, Dunwoody, GA.
Preface by Irv Osterer
Yizkor Book Project
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Updated 1 Jan 2010 by LA