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[Page 248]

Beginning and development of the
“Gmilat Chesed” [Loan society] in Sosnowiec {Cont.}

Sos248.jpg [38 KB] - Regional Conference
Regional conference of the mutual assistance funds in Sosnowiec
with the participation of the European Joint directors on May 4th 1930.
1) Dr. Bernard Kahan, 2) Director Dawid Swajcer, 3) Chairman Lajbisz Zendel,
4) Senator Sh. Budziner (seated), 5) Dr. J. Giterman (seated).

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On May 4th 1930, there took place a regional conference of the various European Joint directors at the Hotel Polski in Sosnowiec. The participants were: Dr. Bernard Kahan (Paris), D. Swajcer (Berlin), J. Giterman (Warsaw), Senator Sh. Budziner (Warsaw), and the delegates from the entire region of Kielce. At this conference, Dr. Kahan presented the Sosnowiec fund with a check for 15,000 guilden. On the 1st of May 1937, a meeting took place in the hall of the Sosnowiec kehila. Representatives of 29 mutual assistance funds met. A representative from the “Cekabe”, Dr. J. Borensztajn, joined them. On December 20th 1937, a meeting took place where a special committee was established. The purpose of this institution was to grant long term loans to small industrial plants, artisans and shop owners to purchase modern machinery and technical installations.

The committee consisted of Gerszon Stawski, L. Zendel, D. Dudkiewicz, M. Czechowski (from the Mutual Assistance Fund), municipal councilor H. Oliner, A. Ojazd (small merchant association), I. Rotsztajn-Grinberg (artisans), eng. Zysman (from ORT), and a representative from the Jewish community.

We must stress the great contributions that were made by the late Israel Michael Berkowicz on behalf of the Mutual Assistance Fund. He was its honorary treasurer for 10 years and fulfilled the task with a great deal of devotion.

Sos249.jpg [37 KB] - The management committee
The management committee of the
Mutual Assistance Fund of Sosnowiec in 1938
Co-founder of the Mutual Assistance Fund and its honorary treasurer for many years.
Seated from right: Berysz Rozenzaft, Wolf Pelcman (honorary treasurer),
Mendel Czechowski (vice-chairman), Lajbisz Zendel (chairman),
Dawid Dudkiewicz (vice-chairman), and Becalel Erlich.
Second row right; Itzhak Mendel Kornfeld, Herman Oliner, Jozef Grinberg,
Itzhak Swajcer, Shlomo Slabecki, and Pinhas Szlezynger.
Third row right; Hersz Gleitman, Dawid Swajcer, Jidel Borowiecki,
Ruwen Binensztok and Dawid Werdiger (secretary).

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