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[Page 431]

Sokoly in Photographs (cont.)

Sokoly Ammami Girl's School, Grades 2 & 3

(standing, from Right): Stirah Burshtein, Sarah Gornosteinsky, Esther Langleib, Zippora Suraski, Leib'che Czarvonitz, Feige Leah Lapchinsky, Shoshka Kravits, and Miriam Blushtein
(2nd row, from Right): Leah Goldberg, Chaya Seines, Bracha Kozlovitz, Dvora Patinkin?, Shifra Olsha, Devora Borovitz, Devorkovitz(?) and Chaya Rivka Sumovitz
(sitting, from Right): (teachers) Levin, Gertsovna, Chasha Morstein, Oistar and his wife, and Yitzhak Levin
(4th row, from Right): Malka Okune, Tsipora Sokolovitz, Hadassah Goldberg, Keila Bialodvorsky
(at btm. from Right): Gitl Lachover and Rachel Borovitz


Australian Sokoly Emigre Society 1969

(from Right): Zeidel Slepovsky, Mottel Czarvonitz, Avraham Goldberg, Chaim Goldberg, Mordechai Goldberg, and Yoel Olsha

[Page 432]

Argentine Sokoly Émigré Society

(standing, from Left): Reuven Piepesh; Yaakov Meganzin; Nisel Suraski and his wife; Leon Lorinsky; Feivel Koschevsky; Moshe Borovitz and his wife; Yehoshua Suraski, husband of Chana Suraski; Betzalel Rachelsky and his wife; and Breine Rachelsky and her husband

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Sokoly Survivors Meeting in Israel,1954 honoring Special Guests from Abroad: Feivel Yellin and his wife from New York, and Aryeh Leibel Bronstein from Mexico


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