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[Page 415]

Sokoly in Photographs

Sokoly Youth 1916-1917

(standing, from Right): Zeid'ke Rodnik, Sara Brill, Dina Malka Paius, Dov Zilberman, Idel Gutman, Nakhum Borovitz, Chaim Kolodz'anski, Simcha Chislok, Eliezer Goldshtein, Hadassah Brill, and Chana Peshe Goldin
(second row, from Right): Dov Moshoneznik, Tzvia Bialodworski, Avraham Moshoneznik, Yaakov Borovitz, Shabtai Lev, Miriam Lakhover, Ita Epshtein, Chanan Shulmeister, Liba Gutman, Leime Sokolovitz, Chaya Sokolovitz, and Moshe Goldwaser. (third row, from Right): Malka Lachover, Tsipora Brill, Sarah Borovitz, Chaya Pachiner, Sara Beila Goldin, Breine Ginsberg, Emma Berman, and Leah Gutman
(at bottom, from Right): Shmuel Ginsberg, Sheine Ginsberg, and Reizel Sokolovitz

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Gathering of Youth in the Idzki Forest on a Shabat in the Year 1929 when the Great Fire Broke Out


Bon-Voyage by Friends to Shmuel Borowitz on way to USA, 1929

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Friends Gathered in the Forest

(standing, from Left): Moshe Sokolovitz and his wife, Hadassah, Yaakov Lazer Charvonitz, Shifra Kravits, Nechama Goldman, Shaul David Kravits, Hadassah Kravits, and Etel Charvonitz
(middle row, sitting, from Left): Asher Brill, Gisha Yakhnes, Betzalel Yakhnes, Feigel Lachover, and Alter Paius
(btm. row, sitting, from Left): Itka Koloz'anski, Yitzhak Estrovitz, and (an unidentified) girl from Bialystok


Ginzberg and Gutman Families Gather in the Sokoly Forests

(standing, from Right): Sheine Ginzberg, Liba Gutman, Adele Gutman, Hadassah Brill, Yona Ginzberg, Sara Brill, Breine Ginzberg, Leah Gutman, and Rachel Ginzberg
(sitting, from Right): Alter Ginzberg, Reizel Sokolovitz, Yente Gutman, Reizel Kolodz'anski, and Leime Sokolovitz

[Page 418]

“M'Briim” (Health Club) from Kruczewo in the Forest

(identified): Hadassah Brill, Tzvi Zilbershtein, Ita Zilbershtein, Yaffa Suraski, Roza Sokolovitz, Bob'che Rachkovsky, Liba Koloz'ansky and Bracha Sokolovitz


“Halutzim” Group at Kruczewo Train Station, 1925

(standing, from Right): Tzvi Zilbershtein, Yitzhak Morashkavitz, Yona Ginzberg, Shmuel Borowitz, Yisrael Aharon Sarnivitz, Yechezkel Czarvonitz
(in the middle, from Right): Yehoshua Olsha, Reuven Bidnovitz
(sitting): Mottel Czarvoovitz


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