Transcribed into English by Paul Micheikin Pascal
Transcriber's preface:
At times, the same name occurring more than once in the text was spelled differently in each case, and different again in its spelling in the index. (Ironically, this sometimes helped to decode the pronunciation.)
In this transcription, the system used was a YIVO model, modified to conform with the local Yiddish dialect. Thus Meysha = Moyshe = Moshe, and Yeysef = Yoysef =Yosef. (In these examples, the first spelling represents local pronunciation; the second, YIVO standard Yiddish pronunciation, and the third, modern Hebrew pronunciation).
The Meysha example above alludes to a second modification the transcriber made on the YIVO system, on the advice of Yiddish linguist, Prof. Dovid Katz (of Oxford, Yale, and in the Yiddish seat at the University of Vilnius), namely: words ending with a short E sound were usually rendered with the letter A. This sacrifice of absolute accuracy was a lesser of two evils, for the YIVO practice of rendering the short E sound with the letter E often creates confusion in English-speakers who are accustomed to English rules of spelling.
In English a final E usually has a much different function than YIVO has given it. (In any case, this use of A is not original with the transcriber; note, for example, these familiar Yiddish names: Golda instead of Golde, Dina instead of Dine, etc. The last vowel in each of these names is properly pronounced as a short E.) Other anomolies: the common name normally rendered in English as Jacob and in modern Hebrew as Yaakov, was pronounced in Jewish Eastern Europe as Yanke v, the N deriving originally from a nasalization. The name appears frequently in this index. Another common name known otherwise as Mordecai, Mordechai, or Mordekhai, is rendered here as Mordkha, according to its folk pronunciation. Itshe, Ayzl, and Ayzik were popular variants of Yitzhok or Isaac.
Transcription of the gutteral sounds was of necessity inconsistent, i.e., it depended on context and on popular familiarity with the name in question. Surnames, indeed all names, of Hebrew origin were rendered in their Ashkenazi, or Eastern European, pronunciation, not in modern Israeli pronunciation (e.g., Efros not Efrat), unless it was clear that the name in question was acquired after arriving in Israel.
Inasmuch as the transcriber tried to remain faithful in his spelling to how the individuals of the index would themselves have pronounced their names, he also departed from this custom if the name appeared in English somewhere in the Yizkor Book. The same is true if the individual was so well known that his/her name was commonly spelled a certain way in other authoritative texts (usually Encyclopedia Judaica).
In most cases, once this was discovered, it was applied to all instances of the same name.
Readers should be aware of other conventions in this transcription. If a comma is not present after a surname, it indicates that it is not in fact a surname. Several entries were first (given) names, often followed by a parent's first name and/or title (in the possessive), e.g., Itshe Nota's, or Rivka Reb Isserka's. Please also note that, where possible alternate spellings or pronunciations are suggested by the transcriber in square brackets after a name, they are usually only provided once; if the same name occurs repeatedly in that column, the spelling or pronunciation aid is not repeated.
The same is true if the transcriber is suggesting that the reader check out another entry related to the one the reader is currently studying (e.g., Razovsky: See also Grazovsky is stated only after the first occurrence of Razovsky.) Round parentheses ( ), incidently, are simply transcribed from the original index; square brackets [ ] always indicate an insertion by the transcriber. Where the transcriber found errors in the index, whether typographical or factual, he tried to correct them using corroborative evidence from the text or outside sources, and indicated the correction.
Hopefully, the transcriber has not made too many errors of his own. He takes full responsibility for that possibility.
Finally, please note that while the names listed here are supposedly alphabetical, this is not a straightforward matter. To start with, as alluded to earlier the list seems to include many individuals who are placed alphabetically in the list by their first (given) names, not their surnames (sometimes there was no surname at all, in fact). This was retained in the transcription for the sake of faithfulness to the book.
Secondly, adjectives which can at times be an integral part of the name beyond merely modifying it usuallytake a different word order in English, Yiddish, and Hebrew.
Thirdly, the Yizkor Book's alphabetical listing follows the Hebrew/Yiddish alphabet, not the English/Roman one, and this order was retained in the transcription.
These three facts have profound consequences on potential name searche s. For example, because the letter Alef is itself silent, it depends for a sound on the vowel-symbol beneath it or the letter following it. This means, for example, that a name listed under Alef could begin with any of the following possible sounds: short or long A, short or long E, long I, long O, long U, and so on. It means also, that a Hebrew spelling of a name will place it in a different position from the Yiddish spelling of the same name. Rabinovitsh, for example, is found in two completely different places in the index; this is correct, ironically, given that one spelling is in Yiddish and the other in Hebrew.
Researchers who are seeking a particular name, but who are unfamiliar with the rules and pronunciation of Hebrew and/or Yiddish, would be best to look at every name under a given initial letter heading. If the name sought after begins with a vowel, the should look under Alef and Ayin as well as under the expected initial letter. In any case, readers of this transcription should be wary of using transcription spelling for other than pronunciation purposes.
The transcriber has discovered a number of names within the body of the text which did not appear in the Yizkor Book index. Where this was noticed, the missing names were inserted into the transcribed index below, inside square brackets. Unfortunately, one suspects that there may be more such omissions, and the inevitable inference is that, as thorough as the original index was, it was not 100% complete. PP
Alef ![]() |
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[Page 529]
Name | Pages |
Alef![]() |
529 |
Abarsky | 217 |
Avigdor Reb | 349, 351 |
Avaclidus (Classical author) | 138 |
Avrohom the Rabbi | 358 |
Avrohom Borukh the Rabbi | 133 |
Old Avrohom the Rabbi | 237 |
Avrohom Yitzhok (The Nezvizher Preacher) | 358 |
Avrohom Yankev (the Hunchback) | 65 |
Avrom Noyekh [Noah] the Shoemaker | 215 |
Avrohom (from Sfilovitsh) | 455 |
Avrohom Shaya | 431 |
Avrohom (The Shammes of the Burial Society) | 80 |
Avrem'l the Hosid (hasid) | 192, 431 |
Avrem'l the Lame | 388 |
Avrem'l (The Tax Collector [on Kosher Meat]) | 129 |
Avrem'l of Frivish (or Privish) | 465 |
Avrem'l the Rabbi | 134 |
Abramovits, Binyomin | 23 |
Abramovitsh (of the Zionist Youth Orgn.) | 24 |
Abramsky, I. D. | 92, 395 |
Abramsky, Yekhezkl the Rabbi | 12, 40, 84, 117, 272, 274, 308, 313, 314, 317, 395 |
Abramtsi [Avramtsi, Avromtse?] | 405 |
Aginsky [Eginsky?] | 276 |
Agranoff, Yokheved (Khinitsh) | 181 |
Agranoff, Gershon | 181 |
Adler, Dr. | 151 |
Adler, I. N. | 171, 235, 520 |
Adler, Yeshai | 91 |
Adler, Nosn [Natan] | 307 |
Adler, Rabbi R. N. | 100 |
Adam the Kohen [i.e., Levite priest] | 225 |
Ahron the Writer | 447 |
Aronovitsh, Aryey Leib | 140 |
Aronovitsh, Arke | 469 |
Ahronzon, Reb Menahem-Mendl | 140 |
Uzdan [Oozdan] (Uzdansky, Dveyra-Basha) | 508, 522 |
Uzdan (Yuzdan) Dovid | 260, 429, 430, 431, 508, 518, 520 |
Uzdan (Uzdensky) Nesoniel Tsvi | 508, 522 |
Utshapofsky [Utshafofsky?] | 3014 |
Ukhtomski (the Baron) | 401 |
Ulgradovitsh [Ulagardovitsh? Ulgrodovitsh?] Vladimir | 16 |
Osovsky, Yehuda Zev | 206, 218 |
Osovsky, Feyga | 206, 218 |
Ostrovsky | 75 |
Ostrovsky, Avrohom | 237 |
Ostrovsky (White Russian cultural activist) | 286 |
Ostrovsky, Dr. Binyomin | 56 |
Ostrovsky, Gershon | 97 |
Ostrovsky (the Wealthy One) | 281 |
Ostrovsky, Chaim | 219 |
Ostrovsky, Tsvi | 211 |
Ostrovsky, Krayna | 97 |
Ussishkin | 177, 361 |
Oytser, Misha | 146, 387 |
Uri Nossn, Rabbi | 124, 125 |
Ahad Ha-Am | 25, 328 |
Etinger | 177, 256 |
Ivanov, Dmitri Ivanovitsh | 72, 79, 284 |
Itshe Borker | 368 |
Itshe The Columnist | 469 |
Itshe Gita's | 252, 496, 515 |
Itshe Dovid's | 290 |
Itshe (The Wagon-Driver) | 235, 423 |
Itshe (The Hosid [Hasid] ) | 98 |
Itshe (The Preacher) | 496, 497, 498, 499 |
Itshe (The Butcher) | 422 |
Itshe (The Doctor) | 215, 447 |
Itshe (The Tailor) | 424 |
Itshe Leyb | 423 |
Itshe Nota's (The Teacher of Religious School) | 117, 293, 517 |
Itshe Nyek | 331 |
Itshe Rosha's | 429 |
Eiger, Rabbi Akiva | 427 |
Eydlman | 119 |
Ayzik | 424 |
Ayzl (The Klezmer-Player) | 45, 277 |
Ayzntson, Yankev Elya | 455 |
Ayznshtat, Ben-Tsiyen | 97, 140 |
Ayznshtam, Akiva | 510 |
Ayznshtam, Feygl | 510 |
Ayznshteyn, Isroel | 395 |
Aynhorn, Dovid | 278 |
Ayolo, Mota | 41, 290, 295 |
Ayolo, Malka (Gluskin) | 42, 180 |
Ayolo, Stisia (Goldberg) (sic) | 48, 55, 56, 78-100 |
Ilyer, Rabbi Menashe | 153, 483 |
Immerman, Reb Neyekh [Noah] | 172 |
Immerman, Nehemya (Head of the Yeshiva) | 58, 76, 77, 81, 105, 115, 164, 274, 283, 317,375, 503 |
Immerman, Mesl | 282 |
Iskolsky , Rabbi Yankev | 224, 411 |
Iskolsky, Grunya [in the text: Gruna] | 224 |
Isser (Community Leader) | 247 |
Isser (The Crazy One) | 293, 294 |
Isser'l, Reb | 360, 361, 486 |
Isserlin, Rabbi | 29 |
Isserlin, Avrohom | 315 |
Isserlin, Rabbi Yeheyshua Isser | 29, 30, 31, 32, 96, 97, 100 |
Isserlin, Rabbi Yeyna (Reb Yeyna [Yoyna] Slutsker) | 21, 27, 35, 100, 315, 316, 317 |
Isserlin, Reb Mordkha [Mordekhai] | 128, 139 |
Isserlin, Reb Shokhna | 9, 100, 103 |
Isserlish, Reb Meysha | 315 |
Isser'ke (The Wealthy One) | 9, 58, 77, 81, 105, 111, 315, 317, 352 |
Isser'ke's (Synagogue) | 96, 97, 100, 274, 279 |
Issersh [possibly Isserish], Rabbi Avrohom | 22 |
Isserlish, Shokhna | 9, 21, 27, 499 |
Itskovits[h], Shmula | 271 |
Itskovits, Rukhoma | 115 |
Itamar Ben-Avi | 119 |
Algerdov | 476 |
Alterman, Eliyohu | 53, 60, 69, 75, 95, 120, 121, 260, 262, 300, 310, 346, 503, 504, 518, 519, 520 |
Alterman, Yehuda Leyb | 503, 522 |
Alterman, Minka | 121 |
Alterman, Reuven | 77, 115, 120, 121, 408, 503 |
Alterman, Rivka | 503, 522 |
Alterman, Sora (Kleynman [q. v.]) | 503, 504, 519, 521 |
Alta (Yankl dem Blindn's [daughter of Yankl the Blind]) | 458 |
Alter Mannes | 458 |
Alter Salanter | 492 |
Eily Hinda's | 462 |
Eily Yessela's, Reb | 198, 199 |
Eily Meysha, Reb | 124, 125 |
Elya | 404, 405 |
Elya Dovid's | 290 |
Eliyohu B'Reb Chaim Leyb | 283 |
Eliyohu, Reb (Head of the Rabbinic Court of Pruzhin) | 81, 463 |
Eliyohu (The Klezmer-Player) | 366 |
Eliyohu Leyb (The Butcher) | 439 |
Eliyezer Lipa | 417 |
Eliyashev | 295 |
Eliyashev, Yitzhok | 178 |
Eliyashev, Tille | 178 |
Aleksander, Rabbi | 140 |
Aleksander (Olelko) | 16 |
Alexander II | 31, 100 |
Aleksandroni, Sh. | 188 |
Alkabets, Shlomo | 329 |
Elkona (The Shoemaker) | 424 |
Olshansky, Chaim Berl | 364 |
Andreyev | 286 |
Antukulsky | 190, 492 |
Osofsky, Morris | 411, 412, 418 |
Astakhov, Artemi Andreyevitsh | 29, 31 |
Osterman [Asterman? Esterman?] | 239 |
Asaf, Avrohom | 396 |
Asaf, Alta | 185, 420 |
Asaf, Chaim | 218 |
Asaf, Hana | 446, 448, 206 |
Asaf, Tsvi | 205, 214, 260, 261, 262, 396; 521 |
Asaf, Rabbi Prof. Simkha (Asavsky [Osovsky?] ) | 11, 77, 107, 185, 205, 207, 208, 218, 260, 274, 394, 420, 447, 448 |
Ester (The Milkmaid) | 118 |
Oppenheym [Oppenhaym? Ofinheym? Oppenheim], Rabbi Tsvi Yankev | 81, 139 |
Affelman, Rabbi | 185, 420 |
Affelsin, Chaim Meysha | 60, 62, 280, 300 |
Efrayim, Rabbi | 198 |
Efros, Bera | 42, 57, 295 |
Efros, Mirela | 274 |
Efros, Misha | 26, 65, 181 |
Efros, Tsvi Hirsh | 30 |
Efros, Rivka | 57 |
Efros, Rokhl | 57 |
Epshteyn, Dr. (Eye Doctor) | 59 |
Epshteyn, Rabbi | 85, 188 |
Epshteyn, Avrohom (Abba Arikha) | 9, 12, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 55, 56, 75, 77, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 107, 108, 119, 134, 136, 154, 162, 171, 274, 283, 299, 310, 389, 402 |
Epshteyn, Avrohom (son of Meysha [Moishe] Yekhiyel) | 47, 53, 56, 299 |
Epshteyn, Avrohom Borukh | 185 |
Epshteyn, Alter | 470 |
Epshteyn, Dr. Eliyohu | 510 |
Epshteyn, Efroyim | 219 |
Epshteyn, Dveyra | 59 |
Epshteyn, Dunia | 59, 282, 300 |
Epshteyn, Zalmen | 11, 204, 219, 221, 222, 224, 274, 393, 389 |
Epshteyn, Chaim | 455 |
[Page 530]
Name | Pages |
Epshteyn, Chaim Fishl | 191 |
Epshteyn, Yitzhok | 11, 219, 221, 222, 224, 274, 389, 393 |
Epshteyn, Lila | 510 |
Epshteyn, Mikhl | 190 |
Epshteyn, Menahem-Mendl (Reb Mendele) | 81 |
Epshteyn, Reb Meysha | 213 |
Epshteyn, Reb Meysha Mordkha | 113 |
Epshteyn, Nokhum | 201, 220, 223, 224 |
Epshteyn, Nosn Nota | 524 |
Epshteyn, Sasha | 59 |
Epshteyn, Feyga Beyla | 220, 223 |
Epshteyn, Tsvi Yankev | 206 |
Epshteyn, Rivka | 514 |
Epshteyn, Reb Shmuel | 190 |
Akko [Oka, Oko, Akka], Reb Nakhmen | 28 |
Oksenfeld, | 308 |
Aronovitsh, Avrohom | 269 |
Aronzon, Yeysef [Ahonzon/Aronzon: See also Column 1 of this page] | 120 |
Aronzon, Keyla | 372 |
Artshik (the Wagon Driver) | 438, 465, 467 |
Artshik (the Saloon Keeper) | 298 |
Aryey | 231 |
Aryey Leyb, Rabbi | 34, 272 |
Aryey Leyb (Head of the Rabbinical Court) | 19 |
Aryey Leyb (from Kovno) | 39 |
Aryey's | 190, 429, 430 |
Ornboym [Arnboym, Arnbaum], Fanya | 60, 115, 300 |
Ornshteyn [Arnshteyn], Rabbi Tsvi Hirsh | 315 |
Ora (the Saloon Keeper) | 4308 |
Ora (the Ritual Slaughterer) | 45 |
Ora Khrinover [Ora from Khrinov] | 190 |
Artsibashev | 48, 300 |
Artse (The Teacher of Religious School) | 467 |
Arkovitsh | 190, 430 |
Asch, Sholem | 242 |
Eshkol, Levi | 521 |
Eshkol, Elisheva (Elka Kaplan) | 71 |
Eshman, Avinoam | |
Beyz (Bet)![]() |
Bakacycz [Bakatsitsh], Jan | 270 |
Baron, Dveyra | 11 |
Badkhn, Meir | 519 |
Badkhn, Elka Dveyra | 522 |
Badkhn, Simkha Leyb | 522 |
Bogoslavski, Jan [monastery] | 429 |
Bodnits, Eliyohu | 440 |
Buzhanka [Major] | 250, 249 |
Botnitsky | 169 |
Boyarsky | 285 |
Bukhbinder (Bonen) | 414 |
Bukharin | 69 |
Bulhak [General Bulak-Balachowicz] | 242, 338, 339, 437 |
Bunim, Rabbi Simkha | 35, 272 |
Bunin | 280 |
Bunin, Dr. Avrohom L. | 260, 379, 412, 413, 414 |
Bunin, Haya | 522 |
Bunin, Lyata | 304 |
Bunin, Lipman | 522 |
Bunin, Marusha | 414 |
Bunin, Sora | 522 |
Bussel [Boosl], Yitzhok | 522 |
Bussel [Boosl], Rokhl | 522 |
Buslavsky, Leyba | 42 |
Bokshitsky | 45 |
Borovsky, Shmuel | 431 |
Borodeyev [Red Army] | 454 |
Borokhov, Ber | 48 |
Borukhovitsh, Mayzl | 375 |
Borukhovitsh, Malka | 37, 59 |
Boris | 302 |
Burshteyn (the Teacher of Religious School) | 508 |
Bezborodko, Dovid | 504, 505, 506 |
Bezborodko, Yeysef | 504, 505 |
Bezborodko, Yeysef-Ahron | 505 |
Bezborodko, Masha Leya | 504 |
Bezborodko, Perl | 504 |
Bezborodko, Tsvi Hillel | 30, 504 |
Bezborodko (Tsuker), Sora | 504, 505 |
Betnshteyn (the Market-stall Keeper) | 19 |
Bialik, Chaim Nahman | 14, 75, 108, 119, 136, 173, 218, 327, 390, 392, 418, 448, 458 |
Beylin, Shmaryohu | 47, 257, 299 |
Beylis | 70, 90 |
Beynshteyn, Rabbi Yekhiyel Mikhl | 217 |
Bildzhikevitsh, Dr. | 293 |
Biller, Ilan | 174 |
Biller, Nekhama (Shpilkin) | 174, 375, 414 |
Biller, Pitkhiya | 174 |
Binshtok, Leyb | 388 |
Bistritsky (Agmon) | 60 |
Birg, Nakhmen [corrected from Yoyl, as per Errata page | 531, 53, 75 |
Beit-Tsvi (Baskin) | 396 |
Bloch, Yeysef Leyb [prominent yeshiva head and lecturer] | 199 |
Blumenfeld, L. | 392 |
Blumshteyn, Alta | 48 |
Blumshteyn | 56 |
Belzer, Rabbi Shleyma | 84 |
Balachowicz [See also Bulak] | 141, 437, 448 |
Blake, William | 187 |
Balashov [Red Army] | 343, 344 |
Ben-Eliyahu | 414 |
Binyomin (the Lunatic) | 130, 132, 156, 311 |
Binyomin (Luletsnik) | 209 |
Binyomin Volf, Rabbi | 33 |
Binyomin B'Reb Chaim Leyb | 283 |
Ben-Ami | 91, 136 |
Ben-Porat, Moshe | 483 |
Ben Peysakh, Yitzhok Yankev | 27 |
Ben Tsvi, Sh. (Rotgun [Retgon, Ratgun]) | 245 |
Bassin, Louie | 411 |
Baskin (Tsvi family) Tsvi | 64, 119, 174 |
Baskin, Krayna (Maharshak [q.v.] ) | 17410 |
Baskin, Shabse [Shabtai] (Tsvi family) | 62, 63, 64, 174 |
Baal Ha-Tanya [Chabad Rebbe], | 127 |
Belco Rihar | 471 |
Baal Shem Tov, Isroel | 11, 98, 101, 124, 125, 349, 350, 351 |
Bentsha (the Blacksmith) | 424 |
Ber | 483 |
Berl (the Wagon Driver) | 488 |
Berl (the Miller) | 423 |
Berl Khasha's | 228, 318 |
Berl (from Kutshin) | 423 |
Berl Faytl [or Paytl, Peytl] | 215 |
Berka Hazn [Hazan, the Cantor] | 477 |
Betsalel B'Reb Shleyma (the Preacher) | 19, 33, 272 |
Bacalyar (the Lawyer) | 295 |
Becker, Ahron Borukh | 180, 361 |
Becker, Berl | 362 |
Becker, Hayela | 361 |
Becker, Nokhum | 362 |
Becker, Shaya Leyzer | 361, 362 |
Becker, Sora'le | 361 |
Berg, Sylvia | 411, 412 |
Bargin [Bregin, Bergin] | 74 |
Bergman [Bregman], Rokha'le | |
Berger | 119, 240, 242 |
Berger (the Teacher) | 77, 92, 300 |
Berger (the Teacher's Son) | 287 |
Berger, Yitzhok (from Minsk) | 48 |
Berger, Yitzhok (from Kopulya) | 246 |
Berger, Leyb | 91, 240, 468 |
Berditshevsky, Mikha Yeysef | 77 |
Barhon, Itsik Mikhoel [Mikhl] | 281 |
Barhon, Alter | 287 |
Barhon, Yeysef | 278, 280 |
Barhon, Isroel | 44, 276, 280, 281, 288 |
Barhon, Meysha | 59, 287 |
Barhon, Nokhum Dan (The Head of the Yeshiva) | |
Barhon, Riva | 280 |
Barhon, Shaya Yova | 280 |
Barhon, Shmaryohu | 59, 60, 78, 282, 300, 396 |
Brodotsky, Yitzhok Tsvi | 139 |
Brodesky | 132, 500 |
Brodetsky, Berl | 239 |
Brodetsky, Dov Ber | 233 |
Broyda, Reb Nokhum Chaim | 134 |
Broyda, Dr. | 104 |
Broyda, Reb Chaim Meysha | 388 |
Broyds | 157, 158 |
Borukh, Rabbi | 22 |
Borukh Ber, Reb | 106, 112, 317 |
Borukh Ha-Cohen | 21 |
Borukh Rosha's [See also Rosha, Rosha's] | 498 |
Borukh's [See also Sholem Borukh's, under Shin, page 540] | 429 |
Bronshteyn (the Druggist) | 42 |
Bronshteyn, H. | 23 |
Bronshteyn (Appointed Rabbi) | 281, 301 |
Brooks, Reb Nokhum | 443 |
Bryant, William Cullen | 187 |
Brayna | 485 |
Brayna Reyzl | 96 |
Brokhes | 295 |
Berlin, Rabbi Meir | 84, 501 |
Berlin, Naftoli Tsvi | 500 |
Brandstaedter [Mordecai David Brandstaedter, Galician Hebrew writer, social critic, and Zionist] | 158 |
Barenfeld, Shimon | 153 |
Barents [Brents? Brenetz?], H. | 235 |
Barents, Mordkha | 239 |
Brener | 14 |
Berenshteyn | 256 |
Berenshteyn, Yankev Naftoli Hertz | 103 |
Berenshteyn, Isroel | 152 |
Berenshteyn, Leyzer | 243 |
Berenshteyn, Shoel [Shaul] | 241, 244 |
Berenshteyn (Shapiro), Shimon | 233 |
Barsky, Akiva | 14 |
Brevde | 375 |
Berkovitsh, Avrohom-Itshe | 417 |
Berkovitsh, Itshe | 487 |
Berkovitsh, Isser | 417, 418 |
Berkovitsh, Elkhonon | 417 |
Berkovitsh, Borukh | 417, 418 |
Berkovitsh, Basya | 417, 418 |
Berkovitsh, Berl (Tshipeleyer) [from the village of Tshipeley] | 417 |
Berkovitsh, Dvossi | 417, 418 |
Berkovitsh, Yankl | 458 |
Berkovitsh, I. D. [son-in-law of writer Sholem Aleichem, and author in his own right] | 12, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 59, 77, 91, 92, 93, 94, 107, 136, 157, 162, 165, 168, 260, 266, 274, 289, 292, 298, 299, 301, 328, 329, 392, 404, 406, 417, 418, 521 |
Berkovitsh, Yitzhok | 436 |
Berkovitsh, Lipa | 136 |
Berkovitsh, Ezriel Zelig | 136 |
Berkovitsh, Feygl | 417, 418 |
Berkovitsh, R. | 330 |
Berkovitsh, Reuven Leyb | 417, 418 |
Bershadsky | 15 |
Bashevkin | 75 |
Bas-Sheva | 90 |
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Gavizniansky, Reb Elya Yesela's | 443 |
Galanson | 144 |
Ganyandsky [Ganyanedsky?], I. | 257 |
Garadnitsky, Yankl | 470 |
Garatsikov, Hertzl | 240, 468 |
[Page 531]
Name | Pages |
Goren (Garen, Garin), Mordkha Lipa | 24, 273, 275, 297, 307, 310, 371, 395, 445, 519 |
Goren (Garen, Garin), Rabbi Meir | 522 |
Goren (Garen, Garin), Tsesha | 522 |
Gorfinkel, Yudl | 199 |
Gabbai, Lipa Yon-Teff [Yom-Tov] | 60, 300 |
Gabbai, Meysha | 69, 282, 295, 300 |
Gabbai, Sheyna | 297 |
Gvursky [Giborsky? Spelled with R in the text. In index itself, written with N, as Givonsky] (Inspector) | 92 |
Gavriela | 70, 285 |
Gedalia, Reb | 10, 106, 126 |
Gedalia Ha-Cohen | 106 |
Goviziniansky [Guviziniansky? Gubiziniansky?], Reb Eliyohu (Elya Yesla's) | 197 |
Gogin-Logi, Princess | 195, 440 |
Gvosdov [Gwosdoff], Shmuel Yeysef | 522 |
Gotlober [Gotloyber], Avrohom Ber | 25, 388 |
Gutsayt (the Teacher) | 59, 77, 92, 93, 119, 284, 300 |
Gutsayt, Chaim Mikhl | 308, 372, 513 |
Gutsayt, Yasha | 60, 300 |
Gutsayt, Leybush | 24, 26, 42, 59, l15, 116, 132, 144, 279, 300, 337, 372, 376, 408, 472 |
Gutsayt, Nokhum | 452 |
Gold, Rabbi Zev | 247, 500, 501 |
Gold, Rabbi Dr. Refoel Tsvi | 247, 499, 500 |
Goldos, Peretz | 418 |
Goldblum, Fayvl | 522 |
Goldberg, Rabbi Meysha-Issakhar | 46, 76, 110, 140, 199, 366 |
Goldberg, Eyli | 484 |
Goldberg, B. | 23 |
Goldberg, Rabbi Chaim Zev-Volf | 113 |
Goldberg, Yeysef | 48, 91 |
Goldberg, Yankev | 373 |
Goldberg, Isroel Noyekh | 60, 282, 300 |
Goldberg, Meir | 441 |
Goldberg, Sam | 519 |
Goldberg, Reb Pinkhes | 252 |
Goldvasser, Reb Yeheyshua Menahem | 500 |
Goldman, | 196, 440 |
Golda | 429 |
Goldshteyn, Dr. Alexander | 60 |
Gonta [Cossack General] | 141 |
Gur (Grozovsky), Yehuda | 11, 131, 134, 178, 189, 245, 274, 293, 389 |
Gorovitsh [Gurvitsh? Gorvitsh? Gorovitz? Gurovitsh? Gurovitz?] | 185, 420 |
Gorovitsh, Leyb | 464 |
Gordin, Rabbi Eliyezer | 206 |
Gordon, Dovid | 153 |
Gordon, Y. L. | 100, 151 |
Gordon, Yankev | 274 |
Gordon, Mikhl | 308 |
Gordin | 286 |
Gorokhovitsh | 278 |
Gibayansky [Giveyansky?], Rabbi Yeysef | 35, 36 |
Giventer, Itka | 525 |
Geiger [Gayger] | 153 |
Giltshik [in the text: Giltshik, Lyova] | 200, 249, 486, 487 |
Gindelovitsh, Gershon | 145, 379 |
Gindelovitsh, Refoel | 145, 379 |
Gindelovitsh, Shleyma | 145, 379 |
Ginzburg, Basya | 245 |
Ginzburg, Shoel [Shaul] | 79 |
Gintzburg, Yuzl | 150 |
Gintzburg, Yeysef | 21 |
Gintzburg, Rabbi Naftoli Hertz | 33, 80, 272 |
Girs [Giras] (Governor) | 436 |
Gelbord [Gelbrod, Gelbard], Rabbi Gershon Meysha [Moishe] | 198 |
Gluskin, Eliyezer | 99 |
Gluskin, Zev | 55, 96, 99, 100, 177 |
Glinik | 185, 196, 420, 440 |
Gallinson [also spelled Gallanson in text] | 382 |
Gallinson, Yankev | 522 |
Gallinson, Sora | 522 |
Glinski, Prince Mikhail | 16, 186, 426 |
Gleb | 16 |
Gelfant, Moness | 424 |
Gelfant, Riva Leah | 424 |
Jamal Pasha | 173 |
Genakhovitsh, Shleyma | 464 |
Gafni, Avraham | 369 |
Getzov, Hirsh | 28, 42, 106, 287, 334 |
Getzoff | 302 |
Grauer, Sadie | 525 |
Grayev (the barber-surgeon) | 45, 309 |
Grodzinsky, Rabbi Chaim Eyzer [Oyzer] | 83, 233 |
Grozovsky (the Photographer) | 46 |
Grozovsky, Berl Chaim [Grozovsky: See also Rozovsky] | 189, 192, 431 |
Grozovsky, Tille | 117 |
Grozovsky, Yehuda Leyb [See also Gur] | 178, 414, 429, 430, 508 |
Grozovsky (Rozovsky), Yeysef | 233 |
Grozovsky, Yitzhok Hillel | 178 |
Grozovsky, Yishayohu Reuven | 389 |
Grozovsky, Fayvl | 189, 429 |
Groynem | 465 |
Gross [or, Grosser], Bronislav | 288 |
Gross, Reuven | 180, 416 |
Gribbenshtshik [or Gribbentshik], Berl (Head of the Yeshiva) | 43, 76, 77, 115, 274, 317, 318, 512, 518, 527 |
Grigoriyev | 141 |
Greybsky, Reb Matisyohu | 30 |
Greysukh, Zev | 42 |
Greysukh, Reb Yankev | 432 |
Greysukh, Shaya Hana's | 430, 432 |
Green, William | 344 |
Greenblat, Nosn | 24 |
Greenberg | 443 |
Greenberg, Yeheyshua | 30 |
Greenvald [Greenwald] (the Book Seller) | 279, 296 |
Greenvald, Yeysef | 522 |
Greenvald, Meyir | 519 |
Greenvald, Svetla | 522 |
Greenvald, Peysakh | 190, 429 |
Griniuk [the Christian barber-surgeon] | 442 |
Greenfeld, Eliyohu [See also Yarkoni] | 92 |
Grisha | 302 |
Grishka (the Gypsy) | 475 |
Gerla (the German) | 330 |
Granat, Shleyma | 287 |
Granoff, Dov | 525 |
Gershon (from Zhetl) | 464 |
Gershon, Rabbi Tankhum | 231 |
Gershonovitsh, Doctor | 442 |
![]() |
Dovid'l [or, Dodl] the Neighborhood Beggar | 117 |
Dalhunikha (the Paid Prayer-Reciter) | 361 |
Domanski [Landowner] | 442 |
Doris, Benny | 525 |
Dvorzhitsky [or Divorzhitsky, Diborzhitsky, Divurzhitsky, Divorazhitsky], Dr. M. | 233 |
Degani, Eliyahu | 414, 416 |
Dubnov | 349 |
Dobkin [or Dubkin] | 242 |
Dubrov, Hillel | 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 55, 56, 91, 93, 94, 95, 107, 136, 162, 298, 299, 301, 329 |
Dubrov, Reb Yerukhem | 106 |
Dobroborsky | 185, 420, 440 |
Dobroborsky, Dovid | 195 |
Dobroborsky (Brothers) | 196 |
Dubrovsky | 240, 468 |
Dober-Musnicki [Polish Legion] | 242 |
Dovid Itsha's | 219 |
Dovid (the Lunatic) | 132 |
Dovid Tebl (the Rabbi from Minsk) | 36, 353 |
Dovid Leyb (Ostrover) | 423 |
Dovid (from Makov), Rabbi | 126 |
Dovid (from Tsherkass) | 464 |
Dovid Reuven (the Butcher) | 198 |
Dovid (Rosha's) [See also Rosha's] | 429 |
Dovid [Margolin] (of Rizhitsa) | 423 |
Dvoretsky, Ahron Mikhl | 198 |
Dvoretsky, Meysha Tsvi | 198 |
Dvoretsky (Brothers) | 441 |
Dvasha | 498 |
Dukhovitsh, Ahron | 239 |
Dukhovitsh, Yankev | 270 |
Dukhovitsh, Yerakhmiel | 239 |
Dovidovitsh, Yankev | 270 |
Dovidovitsh, Yitzhok | 247 |
Dovidovitsh, Yitzhok Ha-Levy | 230 |
Davidzon, Ber | 393 |
Davidzon, Yehuda Leyb | 247, 393 |
Davidzon, Issakhar | 247 |
Davidzon, Dr. Yehuda | 247 |
Dolgin | 443 |
Dolgin, Hertzl | 239 |
Dolgin, Haya | 239 |
Dolgin, Fruma | 235 |
Dolgin, Keyla | 239 |
Dolitsky | 75 |
Domnitz, Avrohom | 239 |
Domnitz, Dr. Ahron | 58, 105, 135, 233, 251, 252, 391, 520 |
Domnitz, Reb Asher (Teacher of Religious School) | 135, 233, 251, 391, 461, 522 |
Domnitz, Borukh | 115, 132, 172, 251, 253, 254, 262 |
Domnitz, Hadassa | 251 |
Domnitz, Hertzl | 233, 464 |
Domnitz, Zev | 461 |
Domnitz, Haya | 239, 522 |
Domnitz, Chaim'ka | 258 |
Domnitz, Hana Rokhl | 239 |
Domnitz, Yeysef | 470 |
Domnitz, Yekhiel | 258 |
Domnitz, Yankev | 239 |
Domnitz, Yitzhok Leyb | 253 |
Domnitz, Mina | 258 |
Domnitz, Meysha | 470 |
Domnitz, Imanuel'ka | 258 |
Domnitz, Shmuel | 251, 396 |
Dumanski [or Domanski, Calvinist noblemen] | 79 |
Doroshinsky, Borukh | 525 |
Doroshinsky, Leah | 525 |
Daina, Reb Yehuda Dov (The Salanter) | 273, 419 |
Daina, Mordkha | 419 |
Dainov, Zev Volf | 100 |
Dainov, Tsvi Hirsh | 25, 27, 29, 100, 103, 150, 151, 307, 308 |
Dina-Keyla | 295 |
Dinezon, Yankev | 311, 408 |
Diskin, Reb Yeheyshua Leyb | 357 |
Dik, A. M. | 481 |
Dickens | 389 |
Demburg, Reb Shleyma | 312, 313 |
Danin [or Dinin, Dnin; store in pre-state Israel] | 134 |
Danikin [or Dnikin; pogrom perpetrator] | 141 |
Danielka | 72 |
Droyanov [or Darvianov, Dravionov] | 177 |
Dorinson | 418 |
Deretshin | 42, 334 |
Deretshin, Yeshayohu Mendl | 113, 117 |
Deretshin, Feygela | 117 |
![]() |
Hozberg | 487 |
Holland, Borukh | 522 |
Holland, Folla | 522 |
Halber, Fayvl | 169 |
Hafun [or Hofun], Meysha | 455 |
Hafka [or Hopko, Hapka; chief state prosecutor] | 146 |
[Page 532]
Name | Pages |
Horn, Rabbi Peysakh | 27 |
Hagivati (Hazanovitsh), Tsvi | 61, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69, 118, 259, 260, 262, 300, 396 |
Ha-GRA [acronym for Ha-Gaon Rabbi Eliyahu, the pre-eminent 18 C. Torah sage also known worldwide as the Gaon of Vilna, Eliyahu ben Shlomo Zalman] | 138, 140, 152, 247 |
Hoberman [or Huberman], L. | 187 |
Hochmark, Rabbi Yitzhok | 40, 131, 272, 308, 317 |
Honigman, Sheyndl | 60 |
Hurvitsh, Rabbi Avrohom ha-Levy | 272 |
Hurvitz, Hezkel | 430 |
Hurvitsh, Rabbi Yudl | 19, 35, 272 |
Hurvitz, Fruma | 189 |
Hurvitz, Shai [Sh. Y.] | 104 |
Hitler | 120, 227 |
Heiman, Rabbi Ahron | 138 |
Hilman, Rabbi | 21, 318 |
Himelshteyn, Eydl | 506 |
Himelshteyn, Meysha | 506 |
Himelshteyn, Peysakh | 506 |
Himelshteyn, Rokhl | 506 |
Hindus, Morris | 144, 145, 146, 376, 394, 411, 412, 413 |
Hinda | 488 |
Hirsh Leyb | 27 |
Hirshbeyn, Berl | 292 |
Hirshbeyn, Yitzhok Yankev | 28, 30, 286 |
Hirshbeyn, M. I. | 27 |
Hirshl Atta-Boy | 193 |
Hirshl (Head Synagogue Attendant) | 312 |
Hirshl Eydela's | 318 |
Hirsh'ka (The Shoemaker) | 228, 461 |
Hirsh'ka (The Rabbi) | 163 |
Helbord, Rabbi Gershon Meysha | 231 |
Halevy (Lvovitsh), Reb Yerukham | 212 |
Hillel (Teacher of Religious School) | 469 |
Halprin, Yekhiel | 107, 389 |
Halprin, Reb Levy Yitzhok | 196, 440 |
Halpern, Yisroel | 459 |
Heller | 508 |
Heller, Yon-Teff [Yom-Tov] Lipman | 34 |
Handler, Meir | 145, 380 |
Hanover, Reb Nosn Nota | 79, 80 |
Ha-NeTSIV [acronym for Rabbi Naftali Tsvi Yehuda Berlin, revered 18 C. anti-Hasidic head of Volizhin Yeshiva] | 39, 230, 499 |
Henkin, Rabbi Yeysef Eliyohu | 84, 85, 87 |
Hess, Meysha | 391 |
Hemlin, Isaac | 412 |
Henikhov | 240 |
Henya | 282 |
Hessl | 492 |
Heshl (Teacher of Religious School) | 456 |
Hareuveni, Yossi | 133 |
Herinzon, Rabbi | 85 |
Harkavi, Chaim | 60 |
Harkavi, Yeysef | 181, 257, 283, 345, 348 |
Harkavi, Musya (Katzenelson) | 53, 59, 60, 75, 181, 210, 283, 300, 345 |
Harkavi, Meyshe [Moishe] | 60, 300 |
Harkavi (from Novorodek [Novogrudok] ) | 10, 119 |
Ha-ReMO [Also, Remu or Rema: Rabbi Moishe Isserles, Krakow giant in Torah scholarship and seminal redactor of Torah law] | 500 |
Ha-RaMBaM [Rambam, Moses Maimonides, arguably the greatest Torah scholar in 2,000 years] [See also Rambam] | 129, 198, 247 |
Ha-RaN [Rabbenu Nissim ben Reuven Gerondi, 14th Century, eminent Spanish talmudist] | 230 |
Herzog, Rabbi | 213 |
Herzl, Dr. [Theodore] | 24, 56, 59, 60, 289, 327, 328, 441, 443, 458 |
Hertsl (The Synagogue Steward) | 98 |
Hertsl (The Butcher) | 465 |
Hertsl Horker [Hertsl from Horki] | 468 |
Hertsl Yidl's | 456 |
Hartsman, Avrohom | 118 |
Ha-RASHBA [Rabbi Shlomo ben Avraham Adret, great 13th Century Spanish talmudist] | 230 |
Hershl | 295 |
Ha-SHaKH [Rabbi Shabtai ben Meir Ha-Kohen, eminent 16th Century interpreter of Jewish law] | 129 |
![]() |
Vohl [Wohl], Reb Shoel | 80 |
Volodya | 465 |
Volf, Rabbi Yitshok Binyomin | 80, 272 |
Vanovsky | 79 |
Vanya | 343 |
Vasil | 289 |
Vasilevitsh, Feodosi | 270, 271 |
Vafka | 118 |
Vayner [Weiner] | 249 |
Vayner, Rabbi Meysha Meyshl | 193, 437 |
Vayner, Tsvi (Hershl Verebiover) | 188, 436 |
Vayner, Meir | 486, 487 |
Vaynshtok [Winestock], Gitl | 522 |
Vaynshtok, Tsvi Hirsh | 522 |
Vaynshenker, Rabbi Motl | 101 |
Vaytsl [or Veytsl], Rabbi Mordkha | 353 |
Weizmann, Chaim | 226 |
Vaytsman [Weizman], Eyzer [Oyzer] | 226 |
Volfson [Wolfson], Binjomin | 28, 29, 211, 448, 449, 454 |
Volfson, Yekhiel Mikhl | 103 |
Vevveh (The Crazy) | 132 |
Velvl Prizivitser (Katzenelson) | 76 |
Velvl (The Synagogue Steward) | 439 |
Velvl, Reb (The Scribe) | 359 |
Velvele | 353 |
Vetshor (The [Christian] Doctor) | 45, 309 |
Vetsherebin, Rabbi Chaim | 233, 234 |
Varnik, Peretz | 353 |
Vigodsky, Avrohom | 190, 429, 430, 431 |
Vigodsky | 290 |
Vigodsky (Brothers) | 41 |
Wittgenstein (The Prince) | 16, 31, 201, 446, 477 |
Wittgenstein (The Princess) | 193 |
Whitman, Walt | 187 |
Vays [Weiss], Yeysef | 464 |
Vaysbrem [Weissbrem] | 240, 341, 468 |
Vilovsky, Rabbi Z'ev | 38, 272 |
Vilovsky, Rabbi Yankev Dovid (RiDBaZ) | 38, 39, 54, 85, 105, 115, 129, 130, 155, 210, 231, 232, 256, 272, 274, 298, 313, 319, 320, 322, 323, 357, 358, 418, 419, 504 |
Vilovsky, Miriam Bluma (wife of The Ridbaz) | 39 |
Vilensky [Wilensky], Khasha Reyzl | 282 |
Vilensky, Leyzer (The Synagogue Sexton) | 282 |
Vilensky, Riva | 282, 284 |
Vilentshik, Mikhl | 117 |
Weinberg [Vaynberg], Eliyohu | 525 |
Vaynberg, Rabbi Yekhiel Yankev | 84 |
Vaynberg, Felya | 146, 386 |
Vinograd, Aryeh | 60, 62 |
Vinograd, Mordkha | 276 |
Vinik, Efroyim | 196, 440 |
Vinik, Binyomin, | 196, 440 |
Vaynshteyn (Weinstein) | 240 |
Vaynshteyn, Ber-Meyshe | 468 |
Vaynshteyn, Neyakh | 196, 440 |
Visoker, Chaim | 464 |
Victoria | 494 |
Vitkin | 42, 281 |
Vitkin (The Pharmacist) | 334 |
Wallenrod, Dr. Reuven | 11, 137, 169, 193, 395, 437 |
Vendroff | 90, 431 |
Vendroff, Zalmen (Vendrofsky) | 134, 192, 301, 389, 491 |
Vendroff, Zelda | 491 |
Vendroff, Liba | 493 |
Vendroff, Reb Shmuel (Sexton of the Kloyz Synagogue) | 313, 314 |
Veskovoynik, Avrohom | 172 |
Veskovoynik, Ida | 172 |
Veskovoynik, Yitskhok | 172 |
Veskovoynik (Rabinovitsh), N'omi | 219 |
Waxman (Vaksman), Dr. Meyir | 12, 47, 51, 53, 54, 77, 107, 108, 135, 136, 194, 274, 299, 318, 391, 520 |
Waxman, Rabbi Nisn [Nissan] | 56, 79, 80, 140, 145, 186, 228, 234, 236, 254, 255, 260, 261, 262, 312, 353, 396, 427, 459, 460, 518, 519, 520, 521 |
Waxman, Reuven | 522 |
Waxman, Sheyna-Leah | 460 |
Waxman, Sora | 519 |
Verbitsky | 16 |
Vrangl [antisemite] | 141 |
![]() |
Z'ev | 499 |
Z'ev (from Bialystok) | 100 |
Zapolsky, Lipa | 515 |
Zak [Zok?], Simkha | 23 |
Zhabotinsky | 68 |
Zabin [Zavin?] | 47, 299 |
Zdrayevsky | 481, 482 |
Zubatov | 390 |
Zavin [Zvin?], Rabbi Shmuel Yeysef | 83, 84 |
Zota [Zuta?], Rabbi Eli l1 | 38 |
Zunin, Doctor | 47, 299, 334 |
Zusha (The Broker) | 42 |
Zaturensky, [Avremela] (The Torah Tutor) | 284 |
Zyama (The Shoemaker) | 465 |
Zitin [Zaytin? Zeytin?], Zalmen (Head of Yeshiva) | 44, 76, 77, 349, 350, 351 |
Zeides [Zaydes, Zaides] Basya | 526 |
Zeides, Chaim | 190, 306, 358, 363, 418, 425, 486, 488 |
Zeides, Yitskhok | 526 |
Zeides, Yisroel | 526 |
Zeides, Leah | 522 |
Zeides, Musya | 526 |
Zeides, Shimon Leyb | 522 |
Zilberman | 153 |
Zilberman, Rabbi Reb Mordkha Meyir | 257, 436 |
Zinger [Singer], Avrohom | 389 |
Zinger, Reb Avrohom Yankev | 247 |
Zinda, Ora | 42, 286, 334 |
Zinda, Hana Pesha | 220 |
Zisl Ertshemikhoyset [Zisl Hert-zhe-mikh-oyset, i.e., Zisl Hey Hear Me Out] | 492 |
Zislotsky, A. | 256 |
Ziskind, Rabbi | 388, 478, 483, 484 |
Zekharya (The Paloshnik [The Smoker? The Wand-waver?]) | 295 |
Zlovsky [Zelovsky? Zalavsky?] | 90 |
Zeldovitsh, Elozer | 436 |
Zeldovitsh, B. | 436 |
Zeldes, Eliezer | 178 |
Zeldes, Haya | 172 |
Zeldes, Rabbi Reb Chaim | 35, 272 |
Zeldes, Nosn | 172 |
Zeldes, Fayvl | 172, 297 |
Zluskin [Zaluskin?] | 280 |
Zelig | 506 |
Zelig (The Combmaker) | 43, 363, 364 |
Zelig Milkovitser (from Milkovits) | 225 |
Zelig (The Torah Scribe) | 237 |
Zelig son of Lipman | 22 |
Zelig | 465 |
Zelyonov | 141 |
Zelikovsky, Zelig | 443 |
Zalmen Borukh (The Rabbi's Son) | 447 |
Zeltser, Rabbi | 131 |
Zeltser, Rabbi Yehuda Leyb | 106 |
Zaks, M. | 153 |
Zaks [written: Zaksh. Zekesh? Zakesh?], Shneur | 153 |
Zorakh [Zerakh? Zerekh?] (The Para-Surgeon) | 236 |
Zaritsky, Shmuel | 501 |
Jean-Jacques Rousseau | 391 |
Jules Verne | 389 |
[Page 533]
Name | Pages |
Zhukov | 386, 387, 486 |
Zhurovitsky, Godl | 487 |
Zhizmer | 302 |
Zheligovski [General] | 348 |
![]() |
Hadash | 345, 346 |
Hovanski [Duke] | 270 |
Hatsha (The Tailor) | 424 |
Hana | 430 |
Hasla's, Neyekh | 479 |
Hart | 397 |
Charach [Harakh], Ahron | 312 |
Charach, Ester Fruma | 312 |
Charach, Hava | 312 |
Charach, Fayvl | 312 |
Havulson [Hvulson? Hevulson?], Daniel | 153 |
Hava (The Bean Porter) | 305, 368 |
Hurgin | 240, 242, 468 |
Hurgin, Yishayohu | 23, 26 |
Hazanovitsh, Mordkha | 48, 59, 61, 77, 78, 91, 92, 115, 119, 240, 283, 285, 300, 468 |
Higger, Dr. Meysha | 108, 123 |
Haya | 382 |
Haya (from Slutsk) | 31 |
Haya Dveyra | 423, 458 |
Haya Zelda | 94 |
Haya Reyzl | 118 |
Hayos's [possible pun on name: also means from the family of wild animals] | 429, 430 |
Chaim Itska's | 45 |
Chaim son of Rabbi Aryeh Leyb | 21 |
Chaim son of Borukh ha-Cohen | 21 |
Chaim Ber | 317 |
Chaim Berl | 447 |
Chaim son of our teacher and rabbi Yeysef | 18 |
Chaim Dovid the Wedding-Jester | 45, 363, 364, 366 |
Chaim Dovid's | 290 |
Chaim Haykl, Reb | 152 |
Chaim Yeysef (Teacher of Religious School) | 215 |
Chaim Leyb (The Torah Scribe) | 43, 191, 282, 283 |
Chaim, Rabbi of Volozhin | 9, 54, 80, 247, 316, 353, 355 |
Chaim Mikhl's | 293 |
Chaim Meysha, Reb | 133 |
Chaimka Brisker [of Brisk], Rabbi (Chaim ha-Levi Soloveitshik) | 39, 81, 83, 85, 152, 186, 354, 357, 428, 434, 436, 474, 478, 482, 496 |
Haykin [Chaikin], A. M. | 24 |
Chinitz [or Chinitsh or Hinits], Reb Avrohom [Chinitz: See also Yakhnitz, a possible typo] | 233, 461 |
Chinitz, Avrohom Borukh | 226, 227 |
Chinitz, A. H. | 225 |
Chinitz, Ester | 415 |
Chinitz, Dovid | 507 |
Chinitz, Hinda | 239 |
Chinitz, Hinda Rokhl | 195 |
Chinitz, Hirts | 234 |
Chinitz, Hirsh | 236 |
Chinitz, Zelig | 233, 461 |
Chinitz-Hazanovitsh, Rabbi Dovid | 233 |
Chinitz, Haya-Gitl | 239 |
Chinitz, Haya-Rokhl [Chaya Rachel] | 507 |
Chinitz, Tema | 226 |
Chinitz, Yoshiya Chaim | 240, 468 |
Chinitz, L. | 239 |
Chinitz, [Aryeh] Leyb-Louis | 507 |
Chinitz, Meyir | 233 |
Chinitz, Nokhum (Chinitsh) | 41, 59, 76, 78, 92, 120, 260, 274, 282, 285, 300, 305, 372, 394, 408, 414, 415, 416, 519, 520, 521 |
Chinitz, Sender | 465 |
Chinitz, Ezriyel Zelig | 195, 196, 423, 440 |
Chinitz, Fayvl | 522 |
Chinitz, Feygl | 239 |
Chinitz, Keyla | 239 |
Chinitz, Reb Shokhna | 233 |
Chinitz, Shimshon | 239 |
Chinitz, Sora | 239 |
Chmielnitski, Bogdan | 141 |
Hen | 195, 240, 427, 468 |
Hona's | 429 |
Hana | 382 |
Hana Bilka | 73 |
Hana Hinda | 369 |
Hanan | 440 |
Hanan, Yankev-Feyga's | 219 |
Hasdai Shaprut | 236 |
Hosid, Yankev | 209 |
Hefetz [Cheifitz] | 295 |
Hofetz-Chaim | 232, 340, 516 |
Hefetz, Reb Yeyel [Yoel] | 140 |
Hefetz, Naftoli Tsvi | 27, 37 |
Hefetz, Rabbi Tsvi Hirsh | 36, 37 |
Khrushchov | 345 |
Harif, Rabbi Aryeh Leyb | 81 |
![]() |
Tambak, Nota | 293 |
Tatelakh [Daddies] | 45 |
Tabachnick, Celia | 525 |
Tabachnick, Reuven | 525 |
Tabachnick, Rokhl | 525 |
Twain, Mark | 389 |
Toybela, Reb Shmuel's | 349, 350 |
Tulman, Meysha | 47, 301 |
Tumanik, Ayzik [Isaac] | 360, 361 |
Tomashov, Alexander Yeheyshua | 81 |
Tomashov, Basha | 81 |
Tomashov (The Printer) | 285 |
Tomashov, Velvl | 423 |
Tomashov, Hasha [Chasya] | 423 |
Tomashov, Yitskhok | 425 |
Tomashov, Liba | 425 |
Tomashov, Mordkha Yeysef | 422 |
Tomashov, Rabbi Meysha Binyomin | 39, 81, 82, 83, 84, 139, 255, 279, 418 |
Tomashov, Sender | 422 |
Tomashov, Reb Shmuel | 425 |
Toker, Alter | 467 |
Toker, Feyga | 282 |
Toker, Shmuel | 414, 415, 416 |
Torberg [Turberg? Torbreg?], F.[P.?] | 25 |
Turov | 321 |
Tivin | 288 |
Tilla [Tillie], Itshe-Nota's | 293 |
Tiktinsky, Yeysef | 525 |
Tiroshkin [Tirushkin], Dov | 53 |
Tiroshkin, Reb Hershl | 218 |
Tiroshkin, Zusman | 233 |
Tiroshkin, Zusha | 464 |
Tiroshkin, Refoel | 455 |
Telushkin, Rabbi Nisn | 84 |
Tebli [Tebele?], Rabbi Dovid | 230 |
Temtshin, Louie | 411 |
Tema | 498 |
Tema (The Baker) | 172 |
Tepper [Teffer?], Eliyezer | 219 |
Travin, Sam | 412 |
Trotsky | 312, 346, 374 |
Tritshansky, Elka | 60 |
Trachtenberg, Binyomin | 342 |
Tarasova [Haya Rokhl] | 59, 60, 300 |
Tshayna, Mordkha | 412 |
Tsharni [Charney], Eliyohu | 57, 280, 309, 310, 311 |
Tsharni, Pinya [Pinkhos] | 309 |
Tshiptshin, Dov Ber | 522 |
Tshiptshin, Dr. Chaim | 108, 172 |
Tshernikhovsky, Sh. | 104, 390, 392, 395 |
![]() |
Yazgur, Rabbi Yekhiyel Mikhl | 193, 437 |
Yankl, Itsha Chaim's | 228, 461 |
Yankl, Masha | 132 |
Yasenov [Christian] | 455 |
Yaroshevitsa [Christian] | 269 |
Yarkha [Yerkha? Yarekha?] | 295 |
Yarkha, Yosl | 365 |
Yoshiya Dem Rebbe's [Yoshiya the Rabbi's Son] | 447 |
Yasha-Ber Soloveichik, Rabbi [See also Soloveichik] | 9, 12, 37, 54, 75, 81, 86, 87, 97, 102, 106, 128, 130, 230, 272, 274, 306, 313, 314, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 430 |
Yasha Gon [Gaon] | 295 |
Yasha, Reb (Tritshaner [from Tritshan] ) | 97, 115, 117, 306, 317, 436, 508 |
Yabrov | 45, 282, 494 |
Yabrov (The Firefighter) | 276 |
Yabrov, Chaim | 30 |
Yabrov, M. | 46 |
Yabrov, Neyekh | 282 |
Yedidya the Teacher of Religious School | 221 |
Yehuda the Hasid | 104 |
Yehuda Halevi [10-11th Century Sephardic philosopher/poet] | 75, 104, 236 |
Yehuda Leyb son of Eliyezer [Chief of Rabbinical Court of] Zelayn [Zlin?] | 80 |
Yeheyshua [Yehoshua] (The Bundist) | 443 |
Yeheyshua Leyb, Rabbi | 129 |
Yudl | 132 |
Yudl son of Alexander, Rabbi | 21 |
Yudl (The Silk Merchant) | 291, 295 |
Yudl (The Shoemaker) | 480 |
Yudelovitsh [Yudelevitsh?], Rabbi | 486 |
Yudelovitsh, Avrohom | 247 |
Yudelovitsh, D. | 134 |
Yukhnin [photography studio] | 46, 460 |
Yeyna [Yoyna, Yona] (The Rich Man) | 133, 398 |
Yeyna (The Matchmaker) | 294, 365 |
Yeyna (Menahem) Nokhum | 79 |
Yosl, Rabbi (or Rebbe) | 164 |
Yosl, Isser's | 465 |
Yosl (The Recluse) | 136 |
Yosela from Slonim | 257 |
Yeysef [Yosef] Eliyohu (citizen of Kapulye) | 31 |
Yeysef the Rabbi, son of Menahem Mendl | 272 |
Yeysef Dov the Kohen | 252 |
Yeysef Zundl | 37, 38 |
Yeysef Zalmen's | 471 |
Yeysef Yudl (Teacher of Religious School) | 198, 443 |
Yeysef from Hlusk [or Glusk], Rabbi | 35, 187 |
Yeysef from Kobrin | 464 |
Yeysef'ka The Achiever | 101 |
Yoskevitsh | 271 |
Yuri the Second | 16 |
Yoshkevitsh, Simeon | 224, 394 |
Yakhnitz [typo? Probably Chinitz], Ahron | 239, 465 |
Y. L. G. [Yehuda Leyb Gordon, q.v., prominent thinker in the Haskala, or Jewish Enlightenment movement in Russia] | 150, 165, 189, 307 |
[Yalovker, Reb Yankev Meyir 80 [Incorrect in text as Valovker.] Errata | 541 |
Yellin (Itsha Nyek) | 47, 95, 295, 330 |
Yellin, Ida | 443 |
Yellin, D. | 389 |
Yellin, Volf | 442 |
Yellin, Meysha | 443 |
Yellin, Sora | 443 |
Yalkut | 295 |
Yanushkevitsh [Christian] | 45, 309 |
Yankelevitsh, Yankev | 464 |
Yenta | 398 |
Yankl, Reb | 496 |
Yankl (The Kohen [Levite priest] ) | 291 |
Yankl (The Klezmer Musician) | 366 |
Yankl Mina's | 44 |
Yankev Elya [Eliyohu], Reb | 204, 465 |
Yankev, the Rabbi, from Tomashov | 79, 139 |
Yankev the Hasid | 218 |
Yankev (The Ritual Slaughterer) | 216, 456 |
Yankev (The Synagogue Sexton) | 70, 28 |
[Page 534]
Name | Pages |
Yankev Leyzer (The Ritual Slaughterer) | 469 |
Yakobi, Yisroel | 219 |
Yakobovitsh, Eliyosha | 169 |
Yaffe, Yisroel | 187 |
Yaffe, Mordkha Leyb | 37 |
Yaffe, Miriam | 508 |
Yafin [Yefin, Yapin], Yisroel Shoel | 231 |
Yitzhok Ayzik | 126 |
Yitzhok Ayzik (son of Avigdor) | 19 |
Yitzhok Elkhanan [Spector], Rabbi | 82, 108, 205, 230, 316, 353, 392, 396, 419, 427, 499, 500 |
Yitzhok Yekhiel [incorrectly entered as Yitzhok Yisroel. Grandfather and namesake of poet Yitzhak Katzenelson] | 247 |
Yitzhok Meyir, son of Yeyna, head of the Rabbinical Court | 19 |
Yitzhok, Rabbi of Volozhin | 36, 152 |
Yerukham | 424 |
Yerushalmi (Yerusalimsky), Rabbi Nehemya | 205, 206, 209, 210, 211, 216, 219, 317, 446 |
Yerikho, Gitl | 122 |
Yerikho, Meysha | 45, 122 |
Yerakhmiyel | 465 |
Yerakhmiyeli | 233 |
Yarkoni (Greenfeld [q.v.] ), Eliyahu | 77, 92, 123, 274, 283 |
Yishayohu (from Kuzmichi [Kuzmicze]) | 455 |
Yisroel | 484 |
Yisroel Artshik's | 466 |
Yisroel (from Romanov) | 22 |
Yisroel son of Yehuda Leyb | 126 |
Yisroel Leyb | 210 |
Yisroel Leyb (The Preacher) | 126, 349, 350, 351 |
Yisroel Leyb'ka (The Shoemaker) | 237 |
Yisroel Mekhnevitser [from Mekhnevits] | 465 |
Yisroel Salanter, Rabbi [See also Salant, Salanter] | 122, 153 |
Yisroel (The Shopkeeper) | 423 |
Yisroel'ka (The Master of Memory) | 101 |
Issakhar Ber, Rabbi | 19, 34, 272 |
![]() |
Khasha | 429 |
Khasha Merka's | 461 |
Khashka (The Rabbi's Wife) | 274 |
Kagan | 77, 122 |
Cohen, Professor Boaz | 208 |
Cohen, Ben-Tsiyon | 60 |
Cohen, Borukh | 199 |
Cohen, Dov | 56, 91, 92 |
Cohen, Yankev | 12, 104, 135, 274, 390 |
Cohen, Yitshok, | 199 |
Cohen, Pinkhos | 199 |
Kahanovitsh, Meysha | 146, 200, 239, 250 |
Khloness [Khluness? Khluna's? Kloness?], Neyakh Itsha | 426, 427 |
Khloness, Nosn [Natan] | 426, 427 |
Katz [See Katz also under Kuf] | 241 |
Katz, Rabbi Avrohom | 22 |
Katz-Ashkenazi, Rabbi Meyir | 77, 79 |
Katz, Rabbi Dov | 247, 500 |
Katz, Rabbi Hirsh | 22 |
Katz, Meyir | 139 |
Katz, Rabbi Mikhl | 22 |
Katz, Nehemiya | 217 |
Katz, Rabbi Reuven | 84 |
Katz, Simkha | 34 |
Katz, Shimon | 459 |
Katz, Sora | 244 |
Katzenelson [See also under Kuf] | |
Katzenelson, Itsha [Itsa?] | 44 |
Katzenelson (Kikayon), Bella | 53 |
Katzenelson, Binyomin (Benny) | 53, 75, 210 |
Katzenelson, Borukh | 12, 137, 170, 274, 395 |
Katzenelson, Berl | 242 |
Katzenelson, Dov-Ber | 210, 223 |
Katzenelson (The Teacher) | 77, 115, 119, 120, 503 |
Katzenelson, Reb Zev (Velvl of Prizivits) | 46 |
Katzenelson, Chaim | 219 |
Katzenelson (Bar-Natan), Yemima | 219 |
Katzenelson, Yitshok hyd [G-d will avenge his blood] | 136 |
Katzenelson, Meysha | 48, 56, 91 |
Katzenelson, Shleyma | 210 |
Katzenelson, Tamara | 214 |
Karmin [Keremin?] (The Pharmacist) | 42, 59, 300 |
![]() |
Labus [Labos? Lavos?] [379 : Apparent page error. Not found on page 379.] | 30 |
Leah | 364 |
Leah (The Chatterbox [?] [The Tattler?] ) | 383 |
Lazarov, Rabbi Yehuda Leyb | 419 |
Lampert, William | 415, 510 |
Lang, H. | 323 |
Landa [Landau? Landoy? Lando], Betsalel | 28, 30, 31 |
Landa, Chaim Grunem | 231, 234 |
Landa, Yehuda | 28 |
Landa, Yankev | 231 |
Landa, Mordkha | 231 |
Landa, Rabbi Shleyma Dov | 228, 231, 236, 461 |
Landa, Shmuel Neyakh | 60, 115, 300 |
Landa, Rabbi Shmuel | 187 |
Lashovsky, Moma | 59 |
Lev, Eshka [Ashka? Oshka?] [Apparent page error.] | 60, 115, 300 |
Leybovitsh, Avrohom | 212 |
Leybovitsh, Borukh Ber | 228 |
Leybovitsh, Nehemiya | 244 |
Leybovitsh, Rabbi Reuven | 216, 217 |
Levonzov | 30 |
Louis Leybl [surname Porton, q.v.] | 515 |
Lvovitsh | 420 |
Lvovitsh, Ester Rokhl | 456 |
Lvovitsh, Berl | 456 |
Lvovitsh, Basya [Batya] | 418 |
Lvovitsh, Rabbi Yeruham | 459 |
Lvovitsh, Yisroel | 459 |
Lvovitsh, Maness | 453 |
Levin [Levine?], Avrohom | 245 |
Levin [Levine], Rabbi Aryey | 106 |
Levin, Shmaryohu | 136 |
Levinson (The Appointed Rabbi) | 78 |
Levinson, Gershon | 412 |
Levinsky [Lewinsky], A. L. | 136 |
Levitan, Rabbi Eliokim Getsl | 82 |
Lonsky [Lunsky? Levinsky?], Haikl | 353 |
Luzzatto, Shmuel David [19 C. Italian biblical commentator, philosopher, translator] | 108 |
Lutsky, M. | 208 |
Lurie [Luria], Rabbi Yehiel | 272 |
Lurie, Rabbi Shleyma | 33, 272 |
Lakhover [Lachover], P.[F?] | 136, 392 |
Lakhman [Lachman], Ovadia | 85 |
Liota (The Synagogue Sexton) | 312, 318 |
Lieder, Chaim Yeysef | 247 |
Lieder, Yisroel Yankev | 247 |
Litt, Louis | 507 |
Litvak [Litwak], A. | 302 |
Litvin [Litwin] | 348 |
Leyb [Yisroel, son of...] (The [late 18 C.] Preacher to Poland) | 350 |
Leyb-Volf | 447 |
Leybovitsh (The Teacher) | 375 |
Leybovitsh, Lipa | 276 |
Leybovitsh | 185 |
Leybovitsh, Rabbi Borukh Ber | 54, 81, 82, 83, 426, 427, 428 |
Leybovitsh, Shmuel | 106, 112, 113 |
Leybl Mikhl's | 441 |
Leyba Uzder [The Famous Cantor] | 275 |
Leyba (The Saintly Man) | 296 |
Leyba (The Tailor) | 196, 440 |
Leyba Yeykh [Leyba Soup, the Blacksmith] | 117, 307, 364, 365, 366, 367 |
Leybka | 496 |
Leybka (The Ritual Slaughterer) | 515 |
Leybka (The Holy) | 478, 479 |
Leyvik | 45 |
Leivick, H. [pseudonym of poet Leivick Halpern] | 278 |
Leyzer | 198 443, 498, 499 |
Leyzer Itsha | 89 |
Leyzer Ber | 475 |
Leyzer The Shammes [Synagogue Sexton] | 118 |
Leyzer Zalmen, Rabbi | 372 |
Leyzer Yankl | 479 |
Leyzer Stisha's | 100 |
Leyzerka | 437, 478, 481 |
Leyzerka Telzer [of Telz] | 320 |
Lilienblum, M. L. [Hebrew writer, critic, political journalist, haskala leader, born near Kovno] | 25, 224 |
Lilienthal | 434 |
Linetsky | 308 |
Lisovitsh [Lisvits? Lisavitsh?] (The Judge) | 30 |
Lisbaron, Yeysef | 55 |
Lisbaron, Feygl | 282 |
Lisitsky, Efrayim Eliyohu | 12, 14, 77, 92, 108, 112, 114, 136, 137, 163, 167, 274, 392 |
Lieff [Lif], Chaim | 395, 461 |
Lieff, Shmuel | 426 |
Lipa (The Synagogue Sexton) | 194 |
Lipman, Rabbi M. | 30, 31 |
Lipman, Rabbi Yom-Tov | 39, 247, 483, 500 |
Lipson, M. | 131 |
Lipa Shiniavker [of Shiniavka] | 318, 512, 518 |
Lifshits [Lipshits] | 105, 115, 122 |
Lifshits, Binyomin | 233 |
Lifshits, Borukh | 64, 65, 67, 69, 259, 300 |
Lifshits, Dov Ber | 29, 37 |
Lifshits, Chaim | 233, 234 |
Lifshits, Yerahmiel | 234 |
Lifshits, Yankev | 233, 242, 465 |
Lifshits, Yankev Tsvi | 78, 120 |
Lifshits, Menahem Monish | 100 |
Lifshits, Elya | 269 |
Lifshits, Dr. Faytl | 12, 55, 105, 135, 254, 255, 256, 391 |
Lifshits, Rabbi Shleyma Zalmen | 35, 272 |
Lishansky [Apparent page error.] | 231, 531 |
Landsman [Landesman?], Hillel | 172 |
Lenin | 69, 120, 374 |
Levin [Levine. See also top of previous column] | 468 |
Levin, Dovid | 414 |
Levin, Yisroel | 395 |
Levin, Borukh | 436 |
Levinson, Dr. | 442 |
Levinson, Moysey | 331 |
Levinshteyn | 413 |
Levner, Y. | 293 |
Lechtrohler, Franz [Nazi] | 146, 387 |
Lelevitsh | 476 |
Lensky | 285 |
Lessin, Avrohom | 340, 344 |
Leskovitsh, Ilya | 269, 270 |
Lefrak, Ahron | 509 |
Lefrak, Dveyra | 509 |
Lefrak, Harry | 260, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 509, 510, 521 |
Lefrak, Hana | 509 |
Lefrak, Shmuel | 510, 521 |
Lefrak, Sora | 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 509 |
Lekert, Hersh | 329 |
Lapidess, Yisroel | |
![]() |
Mazeya [Mazaya?], Shoel | 19 |
Mazeh Oyzer | 486 |
Motta The Coachman | 253 |
Motta Yankl | 462 |
Motta Leyzer | 423 |
Motta The Kapulshtshik [from the village of Kapulya] | 290, 291 |
Matrenka The Cobbler | 295 |
Meyir | 131 |
Meyir Ora's | 430 |
Meyir The Miracle Worker [Baal Ha-Nes] | 297, 434 |
Meyir Borukh's | 431 |
[Page 535]
Name | Pages |
Meyir The Smith | 194 |
Meyir The Shoemaker | 91 |
Meyir Lieder [Songs] (The Cantor) | 275 |
Meyir Slutsker | 358 |
Meyir Peyshe's [Peyse's] (Rabbinic Judge) | 273, 274 |
Meyir'ka | 115 |
Meyers, Avrohom | 40 |
Maladetsky [Molodetsky], Nokhum | 373 |
Malthus [18-19 C. English economist] | 105 |
Malin, Itsha Yankev | 216 |
Malin, Borukh | 456 |
Mandel | 443 |
Maniuk (The Tailor) | 116 |
Maniuk, Ahrela | 281 |
Maniuk, Elkana Neyakh | 281 |
Maniuk, Velvl | 281 |
Maniuk, Zelig | 281 |
Maniuk, Chaim | 281 |
Maniuk, Yankl | 281 |
Manish [Monish], Rabbi Shleyma Zalmen | 35, 272 |
Mas (Mem-Vov-Samekh [acronym for Meykher Sforim, i.e., Bookseller]) | 89, 295 |
Maslyansky [Masliansky] | 359 |
Maslyansky, Avrohom Yitzhok | 140 |
Maslyansky, Chaim Mashke's | 101 |
Maslyansky, Tsvi Hirsh | 22, 25, 101, 103, 138, 182, 308, 359, 411 |
Maslyansky, Rivka | 101 |
Mapu [creator of first Hebrew novel] | 99, 218, 225 |
Matskevitsh [Motskevitsh?] from Hresk | 30 |
Matskevitsh, Mordkha | 441 |
Matskevitsh, Shleyma | 200 |
Morganshtern, Yeysef | 484 |
Marder | 288 |
Martinov | 486 |
Markhovsky, Dr. | 286 |
Marcus, Harry | 411 |
Marx, Karl | 310 |
Maron [The Teacher] | 240, 242, 468 |
Marshall, Louie | 344 |
Mashevsky, Dr. | 28 |
Moshkevitsh | 269 |
Moshkevitsh, Mikhl | 269, 270 |
Migdal | 45, 281, 295 |
Migdal, Shmuel | 23, 28, 30 |
Madotsky [Medotsky], Dveyra | 175 |
Madotsky, Yankev | 175 |
Madotsky, Yisroel | 175 |
MaHaRaM Schiff [Schiff, Meyir ben Yaakov Ha-Kohen, 17 C. German talmudist and rabbinic author] | 98 |
MaHaRSHA [Edels, Shmuel Eliezer ben Yehuda Ha-Levi, leading 16 C. Galician talmud commentator] | 99 |
MaHaRSHaK, Miriam [MaHaRSHaK is a surname derived from the title/acronym of Shloyma ben Yehuda Ahron Kluger, great 19 C. talmudist and halakhist, also known as the Preacher of Brody] | 258, 472 |
MaHaRSHaK (Baskin), Krayna | 64, 65, 67, 69, 300 |
MaHaRSHaK, Reuven | 32 |
MaHaRSHaK, Rabbi Reuven | 139 |
MaHaRSHaK, Shmuel Dov (Alter the Ritual Slaughterer) | 35, 45, 59, 62, 63, 115, 139, 191, 258, 300, 421, 469, 472 |
MaHaRSHaK, Shimon | 63, 64, 67, 241, 242, 259, 262, 375, 396 |
MaHaRSHaK, Shimon Yitzhok | 139 |
Mohilover, Rabbi Shmuel | 500 |
Mozeszon, Rabbi Yoyl Dovid | 84 |
Mozeski, Jan [18 C. Armenian or Hungarian designer of famed Slutsk woven belts] | 17 |
Mozeski, Leon [son of the above] | 17 |
Mokhov | 42 |
Mukhin [Brothers] | 278 |
Monomakh Vladimir [Kiev Grand Duke] | 16 |
Montefiore, Moses | 151, 494 |
Moshos, Dafna [French educator] | 247, 393 |
Moshelov, Meysha | 30 |
[Mikheikin [Micheikin. Maiden name of Gruna Iskolsky]] | 224 |
Meyzus [Mayzus? Mayzos?] Reb Shmuel Yitzhok | 199 |
Maisel [Mayzl] | 310 |
Maisel (The Doctor) | 89 |
Maisel, Avrohom | 260, 262, 387, 510, 511, 518, 519, 520, 521 |
Maisel, Eydla | 525 |
Maisel, Eytan | 174 |
Maisel, Gal'ka | 527 |
Maisel, Hertsl | 525 |
Maisel, Hava | 511, 525 |
Maisel, Haya Rivka | 527 |
Maisel, Chaim | 525 |
Maisel, Chaim Simkha | 253 |
Maisel, Hai'ka | 262, 510, 511, 519, 520, 521 |
Maisel (Ravits) Hai'ka | 260, 303 |
Maisel, Hana | 75, 174 |
Maisel, Yehuda | 75, 174, 414 |
Maisel, Mikhl | 525 |
Maisel, Mordkha | 527 |
Maisel, Meysha | 511 |
Maisel, Rabbi Meysha | 34 |
Maisel, Meysha Yehuda | 495 |
Maisel, Meysha Leyb | 525 |
Maisel, Neska | 527 |
Maisel, Sophia | 525 |
Maisel, Fridman | 525 |
Maisel, Sholem | 525 |
Maisel, Shmuel | 525 |
Maisel, Shmuel Chaim | 525 |
Maisel, Sora Rivka | 525 |
Maizes [Meyzesh], Chaim Dov | 523 |
Maizes, Rivka Rokhl | 523 |
Meyla [Mayla?] | 134 |
Meylakh | 424 |
Mikhail Keysar [Emperor Michael] | 72 |
Mikhl The Yellow | 436 |
Mikhl The Black | 436 |
Mikhalevitsh, Beynish | 399 |
Mikhl | 423 |
Mikhl Borukh's | 431 |
Mikhl The Baker | 496, 498 |
Mikhl M.S. [prob. Meykher Sforim, Bookseller] | 133, 134 |
Mikhela [Reb] | 115 |
Miller | 393 |
Miller, Henry | 247 |
Milikowitz [Milkovitsh], Golda | 522 |
Milikowitz, Zelig | 522 |
Maimon, Shloyma [18 C. Polish philosopher and kabbalist] | 14, 125, 153, 274, 349 |
Mina Casriel's | 437 |
Mintz, Chaim | 28 |
Minkin | 89 |
Mickiewicz, Adam [19 C. Polish nationalist poet and supporter of the Jews] | 73 |
Mirsky, Avrohom | 47, 50, 52 |
Mirsky, Dr. Rabbi Shmuel Kalmen | 80 |
Mishelov [Michelob] | 145 |
Mishelov | 42 |
Mishelov | 279, 380 |
Mishelov, Yitzhok | 512, 519 |
Mishelov, Nisn | 512 |
Mishelov, Rokhl | 512 |
Mishkovsky, Clara Mironovna | 78, 290, 375 |
Mishkovsky, Leyb | 78, 284 |
Maccabee [Maccoby], Zundil | 255 |
Machno [antisemite] | 141 |
Mlodinov, Binyomin | 143, 381 |
Mlodinov, Daniel | 143, 144, 381, 382 |
Mlotok, Grisha | 525 |
Mlotok, Lyova | 525 |
Melville, Herman | 187 |
Malinsky, Rabbi Hirshl | 527 |
Malinsky, Mordkha | 60, 300, 339 |
Malka | 424 |
Malkhiel | 423 |
Maltsan, Shmuel | 140 |
Meltzer, Dr. A. | 47, 256, 257, 299, 309 |
Meltzer, Rabbi Isser Zalmen (Zunya Mirer) | 12, 39, 54, 77, 81, 82, 83, 85, 89, 90, 108, 109, 110, 111, 113, 114, 115, 117, 123, 131, 139, 140, 180, 181, 199, 206, 213, 231, 255, 272, 274, 312, 313, 324, 325, 326, 329, 358, 364, 453, 472, 499, 500, 516 |
Meltzer, Hinda Beila (The Rabbi's Wife) | 180, 364 |
Meltzer, Hana Perl | 82 |
Meltzer, Fayvl (Professor) | 123, 346, 379 |
Meltzer, Rabbi Tsvi Yehuda | 86, 140, 379, 414 |
Mamush, Peysakh | 77 |
Mendelevitsh, Eydla | 526 |
Mendelevitsh, Gershon | 526 |
Mendelevitsh, Dina Tsipa | 526 |
Mendelevitsh, Dina | 43837 |
Mendelevitsh, Leyb | 526 |
Mendelevitsh, Rabbi Meysha Yankev | 193 |
Mendelevitsh, Rivka | 526 |
Mendelevitsh, Refoyl Yeysef | 75 |
Mendelevitsh, Shmuel | 438 |
Mendele (Head of Yeshiva) | 9, 81, 96, 106, 128, 352 |
Mendele Moykher Sforim (Abramovitsh, Sh. Y.) | 11, 14, 133, 136, 147, 154, 159, 189, 192, 199, 242, 247, 248, 274, 278, 291, 361, 388, 393, 397, 429, 434, 444, 467, 473, 479, 484 |
Mendelson, Yitzhok Yankev | 233 |
Mendelson, Simkha (Felix) | 233 |
Menahem Ari | 124 |
Menahem Mendl, The Rabbi | 28, 193, 272, 392, 437 |
Menahem, Sh. | 47, 57, 299 |
Menaker | 295 |
Menashe | 487 |
Mas, Yehuda | 182 |
Mstislav | 16 |
Mechanik, Bluma | 523 |
Mechanik, Dvosha | 296 |
Mechanik, Hana Haya | 296, 297 |
Mechanik, Tevya (Tevya the Carpenter) | 296, 297 |
Mechanik, Yeysef | 47, 297, 523 |
Mechanik, Malka | 296 |
Mechanik, Feygl | 296 |
Mechanik-Shapiro [Shapira?], Pesya | 60, 296 |
Melnik | 145 |
Melnik | 380 |
Menaker, Chaim | 487, 488 |
Mendl | 364 |
Mendl (The Blacksmith) | 424 |
Mendelson | 492 |
Menka Sender | 465 |
Messl | 424 |
Meshl | 486 |
Margolin, Avrohom | 239 |
Margolin, Dovid | 423 |
Margolin (The Rabbi's Wife) | 117 |
Margolin, Yankele | 235 |
Margolin, Mordkha | 235, 236, 238 |
Mordkha [Mordechai ben Neyakh] (of Lachowicze) [Reb Mordkha Lachovitsher, Hasidic master involved in conflict with local Misnagdi m, ideological opponents] | 351 |
Mordkha Ahron | 447 |
Mordkha The Mute | 296 |
Mordkha The Butcher | 196 |
Mordkha Yeyna [Yona] | 364 |
Mordkha Yankev (Scribe of Torah Scrolls and Mezuzahs) | 191, 341, 359 |
Mordkha-Nisn | 370 |
Mordkha son of Pinkhes (from Kletsk) | 31 |
Mordkhe'la (Oshmener [from Oshmyany]) | 353 |
Marmur, Yankev | 239 |
Marmur, Nisn | 225, 226 |
Marmur, Rokhl | 239 |
Moishe [Reb Meysha], Rabbi (from Radom) | 34 |
Meysha son of Peysakh, Rabbi | 33, 372 |
Meysha Ahron Barukh's | 431 |
Meysha Berl (The Glazier) | 462 |
Meysha Getsl, Reb, Rizhitser | 423 |
[Page 536]
Name | Pages |
Meysha Dov, Reb | 464 |
Meysha Dovid The Cantor | 222 |
Meysha Velvl | 447 |
Meysha Yidaber (Shusterman) | 46, 131, 283, 359, 360 |
Meysha of Lyakhovichi [Lachowicze], Reb | 111 |
Meysha (Masha) Naomi's, Reb | 236, 238, 462, 463 |
Meysha Nesha's [Nisia's?] | 202 |
Moshka The Ritual Slaughterer | 437 |
Moshka The Blacksmith | 430 |
Moshke'la Pig | 392 |
![]() |
Novakhovitsh, Merkl | 269 |
Novik [Navik?], P. [F?] | 487 |
Naumov, Sh. Y. | 391 |
Nozick, Avrohom Yitzhok | 60, 62, 180 |
Nozick, Gitl | 423 |
Nozick, Dveyra | 523 |
Nozick, Hillel (The Torah Scribe) | 43, 191, 314 |
Nozick, Z'ev | 423 |
Nozick, Yeysef | 422 |
Nokha [Nakha] (Teacher of Religious School) | 294 |
Nota Hirsh | 319 |
Nankin-Aklyansky [Nonkin-Eklyansky?], Avner | 199 |
Nankin-Aklyansky, Reb Yankev Tsvi | 199 |
Neyakh [Noah] | 59, 185, 351, 484 |
Neyakh Eliyohu (The Ritual Slaughterer) | 422, 423, 425 |
Neyakh son of Dovid, The Rabbi | 22 |
Neyakh the Parsi [Noah The Persian--nom de plume] | 245 |
Nokha [Nakha] (The Ritual Slaughterer) | 45, 128 |
Nokhum [Nahum] Berl | 423 |
Nokhem Borukh's | 198 |
Nokhum (The Cobbler) | 190, 430 |
Nokhum Hrozover [from Hrozov] | 434, 435 |
Nokhum The Synagogue Sexton | 101 |
Nakhumovitsh, Shmuel | 15, 16 |
Nekhoma (The Hardware Storekeeper) | 297 |
Nakhmen | 420 |
Nakhmen, Rabbi Yeysef | 431 |
Nakhmanovitsh, Reb Sender | 89 |
Nakhmanovitsh, Fruma Leya | 432 |
Nahmani, Shimshon (Nakhmenovitsh) | 48, 56, 77, 89, 91, 92, 95, 119, 122, 123, 260, 261, 262, 274, 309, 310, 311, 395, 413, 414, 415, 416, 431, 432, 443, 521 |
Nahmani, Sonia | 414, 415 |
Notalevitsh [Netalevitsh?], Rabbi Chaim ben Tsion | 84 |
Newman, Beyla | 525 |
Newman, Dov | 525 |
Newman, Hillel | 525 |
Neiburg | 288 |
Neiburg [Nayburg], Ayzik | 411 |
Naidus, Leyb [writer] | 278 |
Nayman, Dr. | 151 |
Nymark [Neimark, Naymark], Aryey Leyb | 46 |
Nymark, Reb Leyb (The Religious Judge) | 139, 273, 274, 277, 318, 359, 365, 418, 419 |
Nymark, Meysha | 439 |
Neikrug [Naykrug] | 42 |
Neikrug, Shleyma | 430 |
Neikrug, Shleyma (Noy) | 62 |
Neikrug, Shmuel Yeysef | 290, 291 |
Nisn [Nissan] (The Cantor) | 31 |
Nisenzon, Ahron | 395 |
Nisenzon, Dovid | 281 |
Nikolai | 72, 110, 286, 342, 425, 479, 481 |
Nikolai (The First) | 86 |
Nikolai Alexandrovitsh | 31 |
Nikolai Nikolayevitsh | 71 |
Nikolsky | 429 |
Neshin, Tsira | 525 |
Naftoli Tsvi [great-grandson of the famous Reb Moishe Isserles] | 140 |
NeTSiV [title of Reb Naftoli Tsvi Hersh Leyb Berlin, head of Volozhin Yeshiva] [See also Ha-NeTSiV] | 353 |
Nekritsh The Shopkeeper | 240, 268 |
Nekritsh, Yeyna [Yona] | 45, 351 |
Nekritsh-Shilo [Shelo, Slav, Shalev], Ezriyel (The Teacher) | 78, 245 |
Nekritsh, Ezriyel | 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 69, 285, 300 |
Nosn [Natan] Torah Scribe | 368 |
Nosn Nota, Reb, The Rabbi | 272 |
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Sadovsky | 442 |
Sadovsky, Borukh Kalmen | 465 |
Sadovsky, Velvl | 443 |
Sadovsky, Folya | 441, 443 |
Savitz [Savitsh, Savage] | 499 |
Sotski Semko [Gentile Landowner [typo corrected]] | 482 |
Soloveyev [Soloviev] | 346, 347 |
Soloveichik [world-esteemed rabbinic family] [See also Yasha Ber... and the three entries which follow Sokholitsky in next column] | 281, 286, 288 |
Salamyak [Solomiak?] | 42, 116, 300, 374, 402 |
Salant, Rabbi Zundl | 419 |
Salant, Rabbi Yeysef Zundl [a leader of the influential Musar Ethical Movement] | 81, 83, 85, 87, 88 |
Salanter, Rabbi Yisroel [Israel Lipkin, prime founder of the Musar Movement, see above] [See also under Yisroel ] | |
Salop (The Writer actually more of a cardplayer than a writer) Sanin [Sonin?] | 286, 295, 48 |
Santsikha, The [possibly Christian nun, or similar role] | 471 |
Sonin [Kapulya Partizan] | 487 |
Sofieho [Safiyeho? Polish count] | 346 |
Sakolsky, Issakhar Ber | 33 |
Svyetoslav | 16 |
Svirnovsky [Sabirnovsky?], Yisroel Ahron | 78 |
Segal, Avrohom Yitzhok | 22 |
Segal, Chaim | 46 |
Segal, Yeruham [incorrectly listed as Yitzhok in index] | 523 |
Segal, Rivka | 523 |
Sadovsky, Yehuda Leyb [See also first entries of this letter heading] | 41, 47, 48, 52, 299 |
Sadovsky, Shabsa | 239 |
Sadovsky, Sora | 239 |
Sverzhinsky [Nezvizh family] | 334 |
Sokholitsky, Yitzhok | 111 |
Soloveichik, Rabbi Yitzhok Z'ev [See also Soloveichik near top of this letter heading] | 37 |
Soloveichik, Meyir | 46, 308 |
Soloveichik, Rabbi Meysha | 37 |
Seyfer [Soyfer?], Tsvi | 126 |
Stalin | 69, 120 |
Stanislavikha | 290 |
Starasta | 199 |
Starasta, [Rabbi] Ely | 199 |
Stifakov [Adherent of Jewish Enlightenment] | 284 |
Stefan | 269 |
Starobinsky, Mordkha | 239 |
Strogatsh, Meysha | 292 |
Strelets [Strelits] | 447 |
Strelits, Reb Shimon | 212 |
Simon | 289 |
Simon, Binyomin | 379 |
Silitsky | 73 |
Simbol, Yeysef | 175 |
Simbol, Shleyma | 175, 257 |
Simval, Henya | 298 |
Simval, Yehudis | 175, 298, 367 |
Simval, Reyzl | 298 |
Simonsko [antisemite] | 141 |
Sineysky [Sinaisky], Dr. | 309 |
Singalovsky, Dr. Ahron | 47, 48, 56, 107, 299, 329 |
Sinigovko, Berl | 53, 340 |
Sinitsky | 64 |
Sinitsky, Chaim | 65 |
Sirotowitz, Ahron | 523 |
Sirotowitz, Shleyma | 523 |
Sirapinowicz, Jan | 19 |
Sirota, Gershon | 275 |
Sirkin, Dveyra | 315 |
Sirkin, Yoyl | 315 |
Slabodsky | 289 |
Slobkin [Salovkin? Sluvkin?], Yitzhok Zelig | 213 |
Samuel, Rabbi | 483 |
Smol [Small], Hana | 232 |
Smol, Yitzhok Aizik | 217 |
Smol, Yitzhok Ha-Levi | 232 |
Smolenskin, Peretz | 157, 159, 189 |
Smidovits[h] [Shmidovitsh?] | 74, 75 |
Smith, Adam | 105, 391 |
Smelkinson, Aaron | 514 |
Smelkinson, Esther | 514 |
Smelkinson, Asher Yoel | 514 |
Smelkinson, Benjamin | 514 |
Smelkinson, Gitel | 514 |
Smelkinson, Chincka [Hinka] | 514 |
Smelkinson, Chananya | 514 |
Smelkinson, Chashka | 514 |
Smelkinson, Yitzchak Isaac | 514 |
Smelkinson, Morris | 514 |
Smelkinson, Michael | 514 |
Smelkinson, Mordecai Leib | 514 |
Smelkinson, Nissel | 514 |
Smelkinson, Peretz | 514 |
Smelkinson, Ralph | 514 |
Sandomirsky, Rabbi Asher | 77, 87, 89, 90, 111, 113, 140 |
Segalovitsh [Sagalowitz] | 190, 191, 430 |
Segalovitsh, Eliyezer | 523 |
Segalovitsh, Dovid | 429 |
Segalovitsh, Haya Brayna | 523 |
Segalovitsh, Nokhuml Idl | 423 |
Segalovitsh, Shimon | 429, 430 |
Saadya, Rabbi | 127, 350 |
Senderovsky, Yisroel | 464 |
Seyferovitsh [Soferovitsh, Seferovitsh = child of the Torah Scribe] | 516, 517 |
Seyferovitsh, Chaim (The Torah Scribe) | 516, 517 |
Seyferovitsh, Sonya | 516 |
Sfiridonov [Sapiridonov? Christian doctor] | |
Spector, Yitzhok Elkhonon [See Yitzhok Elkhanan] | |
Sifra (Ish Yehudi [=A Jewish Man; nom de plume of Yehuda Leib Rabinovich]) | 488 |
Skakolsky, Yehuda | 64, 65, 67, 69, 300 |
Skakolsky, Rabbi Shimon Tsvi | 190, 431 |
Sakovitsh [Sakovits? Skovitsh?], Avrohom | 132 |
Sklar, Shmuel [See also Shklyar] | 525 |
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Ebin [Evin?] | 281 |
Ebin, Asher | 241 |
Ebin, Binyomin | 12, 13, 97 |
Eberl, Meysha Yekhiel [reference not found on this page] | 29 |
Edel | 499 |
Eyzer [Oyzer], Reb Shabsa [Shabtai], Rabbi [See Shabsa] | 437 |
Ezriyel | 382 |
Etya | 423 |
Elyotka [The Thief] | 294, 295 |
Elyasberg, Shmuel | 483 |
Elyashberg [Elyasberg] | 26 |
Eleys [Alace?], Herbert | 515 |
Enzil, Rabbi Asher | 272 |
Enzil, Rabbi Yehuda Leyb | 34, 272 |
Eplboim [Applebaum], B. | 388 |
Efron | 267, 295, 357 |
Efron (Editor of the Russian Encyclopedia) | 16 |
Efron, Itka | 70, 74 |
Efron, Yeysef Dov-Ber | 70, 74, 343 |
Efron, Maysl [ = Moshe, Meysha] [See next entry] | 118 |
Efron, Meysha [See previous entry] | 89, 375 |
Efron, Fayvl | 62, 64, 65, 70, 119 |
Epshteyn [Epstein] | 94 |
Epshteyn, Rabbi Avrohom | 19 |
Epshteyn, Avrohom-Borukh | 420 |
Epshteyn, Rabbi Aryeh-Leyb | 34, 272 |
Epshteyn, Basha (Graysukh) | 432 |
[Page 537]
Name | Pages |
Epshteyn, Beynish | 432 |
Epshteyn, Binyomin | 23 |
Epshteyn (The Flour Storekeeper) | 420 |
Epshteyn, Rabbi Chaim Fishl | 431, 432, 433 |
Epshteyn, Rabbi Yudl | 272 |
Epshteyn, Yankev Ha-Leyvi | 19 |
Epshteyn, Leybl | 414 |
Epshteyn Leybl's [offspring of Leybl Epshteyn] | 414 |
Epshteyn, Molly | 379 |
Epshteyn, Mikhl | 429 |
Epshteyn, Nosn Nota | 524 |
Epshteyn, Sasha | 300 |
Epshteyn, Rabbi Menahem Mendl | 81 |
Epshteyn (The Firefighter) | 276 |
Epshteyn (The Dentist) | 281 |
Epshteyn, Sholem | 26 |
Epshteyn, Shmuel'ka | 431 |
[Eshman, Rabbi] | 276 |
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Fogelman, Dr. Eliyezer L. | 331 |
Podlipsky [See also entries following Pevzner] | 296 |
Podlipsky, Shmariyahu | 455 |
Pavlovitsh, Alexandr | 479 |
Patt, Yankev | 319, 322 |
Polyatshek [Folyatshek?], Rabbi Shleyma | 427, 428 |
Polyak [Folyak?] | 190, 240, 241, 468 |
Polyak, Yankl | 117 |
Polyak, Yankev Meyir | 258, 526 |
Polyak, M. | 30 |
Paleyev [Foleyev?], Hana | 197 |
Paleyev, Yisroel | 197 |
Paleyev, Rabbi Meysha Ahron | 82, 197, 198 |
Ponyatovski [17 C. Christian landowner] | 270 |
Fanya | 456 |
Fanya Liba's | 427 |
Post, Dovid | 519 |
Postow [Postov], Borukh | 281, 523 |
Postow, Golda | 523 |
Popok [Pofok? Pofak?], Rabbi Pinkhes | 101 |
Papirna, Avrohom Yankev | 152, 247, 388, 389, 476 |
Pfaffenlohle [Duchess] | 193 |
Pappenkort, Willy [Nazi] | 146, 387 |
Patseyak [Fotseyek?], Yehuda Leyb | 23 |
Pakin, Faytl | 455 |
Porton, Zalmen | 515, 516 |
Porton, Meysha Mordkha | 31 |
Porton, Fanya | 515, 516 |
Fortman, Khvala | 523 |
Pevzner, Zelda | 242 |
Podlipsky, Sholem [See also entries near top of this letter heading] | 75 |
Podlipsky, Shmuel | 75 |
Poznyak, Yasha | 45 |
Potopush [Fotofush? Putopush?] (Governor) | 29 |
Polyak [Folyak?], Mikhl [See seventh entry of this letter heading] | 178, 260 |
Polyak, Mina | 172 |
Polyak, Nokhm | 260 |
Polyak, Reb Tsvi Hirsh | 103 |
Polyak, Rokhl | 117 |
Polyak, Rokhl Golda | 258 |
Polyak, Shevakh | 260 |
Polyakov [Poliakoff] | 132 |
Pullman [Fullman?] | 436 |
Pullman, Yeysef | 30 |
Pullman, Reuv'ka | 434 |
Popoff | 145, 380 |
Fortman, Eliyezer | 234, 235 |
Fortman, Rabbi Zelig | 110, 217, 234, 466 |
Fortman, Rabbi Yisroel Tankhum | 232, 234, 466 |
Fortman, Rabbi Shimshon | 230, 232, 233, 523 |
Pursov | 151 |
Pushkin | 493 |
Petlyura [Simon Petlyura, antisemitic nationalist] | 68, 141 |
Pietkevitsh [Gentile lawyer] | 68 |
Fialko | 441 |
Fialko, Chaim Hirsh | 445 |
Fialko, Chaim Herts | 523 |
Fialko, Malka | 445 |
Fialko, Etl Itka | 523 |
Feygl Stisha's | 97, 100 |
Faygenberg [Feygenberg], Ber | 220 |
Faygenberg, Yeheyshua | 220 |
Faygenberg, Yankev | 220 |
Faygenberg, Yitzhok | 220 |
Feygenberg, Rokhl (Imri) [writer] | 11, 220, 221, 224, 274, 394 |
Faygenberg (Epshteyn), Sora | 220, 223 |
Feyga's, Yeysef | 214 |
Feivishowitz [Fayvishovitsh], Meysha | 523 |
Feivishowitz, Elka | 523 |
Fayvl | 423 |
Fayvl (The Synagogue Sexton) | 277 |
Fayvl (Hrozover [from Hrozov]) | 189, 429 |
Faytl | 447 |
Faytlson | 279 |
Pehmer [Peymer], Alta Elka | 341 |
Pehmer, Chaim Avrohom | 336, 343 |
Pehmer, Rabbi Yosela (The First) | 9, 12, 21, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 54, 86, 122, 152, 230, 272, 274,316, 323, 336, 353, 483 |
Pehmer, Rabbi Yosela (The Second) | 35, 38, 39, 40, 78, 80, 85, 114, 272, 274, 336, 338, 339, 340, 343 |
Pehmer (Behmer), Yisroel | 21, 26, 54, 152, 153, 352 |
Pehmer, Rabbi Meir | 30, 37, 38, 39, 40, 86, 87, 130, 155, 255, 256, 272, 274, 324, 436, 499, 513 |
Pehmer Melamed [possibly Pehmer, Torah Teacher], Motya | 60, 300, 341, 344, 414, 416 |
Pehmer, Meysha | 38 |
Pehmer, Feygl | 37 |
Pehmer, Rivka | 37 |
Fayn [Fein, Fine] | 339 |
Faynberg [Feinberg, Fineberg] | 42, 47, 59, 279, 299, 337 |
Faynberg, Itsha | 300 |
Faynberg, Dr. | 45, 309 |
Feinberg, Isaac [Faynberg, Yitzhok] | 256, 257, 513 |
Feinberg [Faynberg], Feygl | 525 |
Feinstein [Faynshteyn], Rabbi Ahron Ha-Levi | 81, 230 |
Feinstein, Reb Eliyohu | 198, 230, 247 |
Feinstein, Reb Dov Ber | 231 |
Feinstein, Rabbi Dovid | 231, 236, 463 |
Feinstein, Hana | 235, 239 |
Feinstein, Yekhiel Mikhl | 232, 234 |
Feinstein, Rabbi Moishe [pre-eminent world rabbinic authority] | 216, 217 |
Feinstein, Sima [written: Shima; wife of R' Moishe Feinstein] | 232 |
Feiss [Fayss], Boris | 523 |
Feiss, Hinda | 523 |
Peysakhovitsh, Yoska [Yoshka] [See also entry after Peysakh, next column] | 16 |
Peysha [Peysa] (The Religious Judge) | 273, 274 |
Pilsudski [Polish nationalist politician] | |
Pintshuk, Shleyma | 464 |
Pinya (Rasayer [from Rasaya?] ) | 440 |
Pines, D. | 256 |
Pinsky, Dovid | 418 |
Pinsker, Y. L. | 25 |
Finkel, Avrohom | 507 |
Finkel, Rabbi Eliyezer Yehuda | 233, 428 |
Finkel, Yehuda Leyb | 56 |
Finkel, Leya | 507 |
Finkel, Meyir | 459 |
Finkel, Rabbi Nota Hirsh | 87 |
Finkelstein [Finkelshteyn] | 45 |
Finkelstein, Basya | 245 |
Finkelstein, Zakharia | 46 |
Finkelstein, Zelig | 525 |
Finkelstein, Mordkha | 245, 421, 525 |
Finkelstein, Meysha Gershon | 208 |
Finkelstein, Sora | 208 |
Pinka [The Bathhouse Attendant] | 480, 481 |
Pisarevitsh [lit. The Writer's Son], Shmuel | 465 |
Pissetski, Gershon | 513 |
Pissetski, Moshe Reuben | 513 |
Pissetski Rivin, Shimka | 513 |
Pissetski, Shifra | 513 |
Pickholtz [Pickoltz, Pikholtz] Rokhl | 146 |
Pikolski (The Christian Priest) | 19 |
Ficus [Picus?], Avrohom | 191 |
Fish | 196, 440 |
Fish, Meysha | 486 |
Fishl, Reb | 81 |
Fishel, Harry | 138, 212 |
Fishkin-Horn, Nosn | 89, 314, 315 |
Fishka (The Lame) | 388 |
Fleysher [Fleischer, Flaysher], Leya | 387 |
Fleyshtshik [Fleyshtsik], Hashka | 368, 369 |
Fleyshtshik, Meysha | 257 |
Fleyshtshik, Elya | 368, 369 |
Fleyshtshik, Shimon Leyb | 257, 368, 369 |
Fleyshtshik, Sora Reyzl | 368 |
Plyeva [The Dictator] | 401 |
Panitshkovsky [Pantshkovsky? Fantshikovsky?] | 42 |
Peysakh Ahron | 27 |
Peysakh ben Shmuel | 194 |
Peysakh the Melamed [Teacher of Religious School] | 288, 460, 462 |
Peysakh the Head of the Yeshiva | 165, 166, 274 |
Peysakhovitsh, Rabbi Chaim [See also entry after Feiss, previous column] | 468, 240 |
Pasumanik [Pasmanik? Pesamanik? Fesmanik? Fismanik?], Avrohom | 233, 236 |
Pasumanik, Brayna Rokhl | 239 |
Pasumanik, Dr. D. | 60 |
Pasumanik, Mordkha | 233 |
Peskin | 75 |
Feder, Yankev | 239 |
Petkun | 331 |
Petrik [Christian family] | 282 |
Feller, Yisroel | 315, 317 |
Pessela | 364, 366 |
Pekker, Elya [See 48] | 487 |
Perovskaya, Sofia | 322 |
Perlin, Avrohom Meysha | 198, 441 |
Perlin, Yehudis | 441 |
Perkal | 295 |
Peshin [Peyshin? Peysin?], Rabbi Avrohom Ahron | 185 |
Pesha | 343 |
Pekker, Zusha [See also entries eight above this one] | 62 |
Pekker, Roza | 250, 477 |
Fradl | 474 |
Frokovnik [Prokovnik?] | 276 |
Frank, Helena | 392 |
Frank, Rabbi Fayvl | 85 |
Frank, Rabbi Tsvi Peysakh | 84, 231 |
Prass [Frass?], Meysha Mordkha | 252 |
Prokop | 208 |
Frumkin, Sh. | 429 |
Fruskin [Froskin? Pruskin?], Rabbi | 85 |
Frid [Freed, Fried] | 468 |
Frid Ber | 240 |
Frid-Rabkin | 468 |
Fridland | 29, 46 |
Fridman, Chaim Yoshya | 89, 117 |
Fridman, Shmuel | 117 |
Freyda-Haya Liba's | 442 |
Frankman, Leyba | 422 |
Prilutsky, Neyakh [Polish Parliamentary Deputy] | 339 |
Perlman, Yehuda Leyb | 199 |
Perlman, Rabbi Yerukhem Leyb | 231 |
Perlman, Reb Yisroel | 192 |
Frankl [Frankel], Asher Zelig | 19 |
Frankl, Mikhl | 247, 393 |
Perapontov [Parafontov? Ferfontov? Family of Russian Orthodox priest] | 73 |
Peretz, Y. L. [one of the fathers of Yiddish literature] | 44, 136, 389, 408 |
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538 |
Tshapeyev | 239 |
Tsvi | 128 |
Tsvi Hirsh (ben Meysha) | 19 |
Tsiviyon, Sh. [U.S. Yiddishist] | 495 |
Tsadok (The Ritual Slaughterer) also entries eight below this one] | 240 |
Pekker, Leyvik | 250, 477 |
Tsvik, Rabbi Ben-Tsiyon | 185, 420, 436 |
Tsvirka | 288 |
Zunz [Leopold Zunz, German Jewish scholar in Wissenschaft des Judentums] | 153 |
Tsurkov | 288 |
Tsurkov, Max | 411 |
Tsah [Pure. Probable pseudonym] | 141 |
Chekhov | 274, 392, 462 |
Tsiganov | 200, 445 |
Tseytlin [Zeitlin], Yeheyshua | 23, 30 |
Tseytlish, Rabbi Yeheyshua | 138 |
Tsimering [sister-actors from Lekhevitsh] | 286 |
Tsimering, Sonia | 11 |
Tsimerman, Rabbi Avrohom Yitzhok Ha-Leyvi | 81, 82, 186 |
Tsimerman, Rabbi Shmuel | 187 |
Chipchin [Tsiptsin] (The Lawyer) | 145, 281, 295, 379 |
Chipchin (The Pharmacist) | 42, 59, 281, 282, 288, 300, 346, 369 |
Chipchin, Meysha | 55 |
Chipchin, Sh. | 60 |
Tsirin, Chaim | 235 |
Tsirin, Meysha Ahron | 238 |
Tsirin, Tsvi Hirsh | 233, 234, 236, 464 |
Tsira Barker | 368 |
Zirkel [Tsirkl] | 50 |
Zirkel, Rokhl | 523 |
Tsemakh | 140, 153, 443 |
Chesnin [Tshesnin. Tsesnin?], Sam | 412 |
Tsernogubovsky, Ora [Timkovitsh innkeeper] | 442 |
Tsernomordik [Timkovitsh pharmacist] | 442 |
Tsernovits, Rabbi Chaim (The Young Rabbi) | 394, 458 |
Tshernikhov | 337 |
Tshernikhov, Avrohom | 60, 300, 414 |
Tshernikhov, Yehuda Leyb | 21, 122 |
Tshernikhov, Yeysef | 42, 122, 300 |
Tshernin, Sheyna | 239 |
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Kabrin | 286 |
Kagan (Teacher of the Heder M'sukn [Modernized Hebrew School] | |
Kagan, Chaim | 78 |
Kagan, Moshka [Mishka?] | 443 |
Kagan, Sonia | 443 |
Kahan, Ayzik | 487 |
Kahan, Zakharia | 487 |
[Kahan, Meysha 487] | 50 |
Kahan, Refoyl | 274 |
Kahanovitsh, M. | 387 |
Cohen, Sam | 411, 412 |
Cohen, Zelda | 510 |
Cohen, Shmuel | 510 |
Cavaliertshik, Borukh | 471 |
[Page 538]
Name | Pages |
Cavaliertshik, Yankl | 471 |
Cava [Kaveh; nickname? lit. Coffee], Eliyohu Borukh | 282 |
Kovelin [Kavelin?] | 30 |
Kozatsinski [Kozitsinski], Mikhail [18 C. Superior of Russian Orthodox Monastery] | 271, 272 |
Kozak, Chaim Leyb | 443 |
Kozak, Yankev Meysha | 443 |
Kozak, Faytl | 443 |
Kozberg [Kazberg], Alta Leya | 523 |
Kozberg, Ester | 527 |
Kozberg, Tsvi Yeyna | 523 |
Kazyulitsh, Roman [Russian Orthodox priest] | 271 |
Kazhdan, Dovid | 445 |
Kazhdan, Taybl | 442 |
Kazhdan, Yitzhok | 442 |
Kazhdan, Dr. Lozer [Lazar] | 442, 443 |
Kazhdan, Meyir | 443 |
Kazhdan (Nachmani), Sonia | 441 |
Kazhdan, Roza | 443 |
Katchenovsky [Katshenovsky], Basheva | 523 |
Katchenovsky, Lipa | 523 |
Kolbasnik, Berl | 387 |
Kalmenovitsh, Yudl | 373 |
Kaminsky | 282 |
Kaminsky, Chaim | 523 |
Kaminsky, Yankev | 523 |
Kamensky, Yan Amos | 391 |
Kamshitser, Rabbi Peysakh | 198 |
Kanovits, Rabbi Yeysef | 39, 230, 419 |
Kantor [Cantor], Yeysef | 523 |
Kantor, Yisroel | 437 |
Kantor, Malka | 523 |
Kantor, Meysha | 438 |
Kantor, Meysha Yitzhok | 194, 523 |
Kantor, Nisl | 443 |
Kantor, Riva Leya | 523 |
Kantor, Shleyma | 523 |
Kantorovitsh | 334 |
Kantorovitsh, Yankev | 199 |
Kantorowitz [Kantorovitsh], Lipa | 23, 523 |
Kantorovitsh, Nokhm | 345 |
Kantorovitsh, Pinkhes | 351 |
Kosovsky [Kasovsky? Kosavsky?], Dovid | 30, 36 |
Kastyukovsky, Ayzl [not Eydl; typo corrected] | 459 |
Kapustin | 200, 249 |
Kopl-Bachner [Bochner?], Tsvi Hirsh | 33 |
Kopilevitsh, Yitzhok | 468 |
Kopl, Nokhm | 470 |
Kopl | 437 |
Kaplan, Gitl | 423 |
Kaplan, Zusya | 439 |
Kaplan, Zalmen | 455 |
Kaplan, Haya Miriam | 523 |
Kaplan, Chaim Zelig | 218 |
Kaplan, Rabbi Yeysef Leyb | 463, 464, 523 |
Kaplan, Yankev | 79 |
Kaplan, Yekusiyel | 140, 231 |
Kaplan, Yisroel | 465 |
Kaplan, Meyir | 79 |
Kaplan, Mendl | 423 |
Kaplan, Slava | 218 |
Kaplan, Shleyma | 219 |
Kaplan, Shimon | 101 |
Kaplan, Shmaryahu | 455 |
Kaffner, Rabbi Dr. Tsodek [Zadok] | 411, 412 |
Kapchitz [Kaptshits], Rabbi Meysha Chaim | 463, 464, 523 |
Kapchitz, Meysha Naomi's | 229 |
Kapchitz, Sora Rivka | 229, 464, 523 |
Katz, Manneh | 340 |
Katsin, Avrohom | 34 |
Katzenelboygn [Katzenelbogen, Katzenellenbogen], Rabbi Avrohom | 19, 34, 138, 272 |
Katzenelboygn, Dr. | 442 |
Katzenelboygn, Rabbi Nokhm | 33, 80, 272 |
Katzenelboygn, Shmuel Yehuda (surname alternate SHaYaK, from his acronym) | 138 |
Katzenelson, Ben-Tsiyon | 247 |
Katzenelson, Dveyra | 458 |
Katzenelson, Dovid | 196, 440, 458, 459 |
Katzenelson, Haya Leya | 458 |
Katzenelson (Rukhover), Chaim | 458 |
Katzenelson, Yankev | 447 |
Katzenelson, Yitzhak [Yitzhok] hyd [G-d will avenge his blood] (The Poet) | 162, 163, 247 |
Katzenelson, Yitzhok Binyomin | 247 |
Katzenelson, Akiva | 458 |
Katzenelson, Reytza [Raytsa?] | 282 |
Karolevitsh, Bova [Baba Maysa] | 480 |
Karon, Avigayil | 162 |
Karon, Eliyohu Meysha | 247 |
Karasik, Leyba [Karasik: See also first column of Page 539] | 297 |
Korda, Savelli [18 C. Christian landowner] | 271 |
Karon, Peysakh (Peysakh Ezra's) | 47, 76, 77, 157, 158, 159, 162, 281, 299 |
Karlin | 375 |
Karlin, Yeheyshua | 32 |
Karp | 269 |
Karpovitsh, Oksanka [and Volodya, Christian neighbors] | 465 |
Karpman (The Lawyer) | 47, 48, 91, 92, 334 |
Karpenshprung, Mordkha | 464 |
Kvelkin [Kavelkin? Kovelkin?], Rabbi Chaim | 212, 213 |
Kvelkin, Yehuda Leyb | 212, 213 |
Kaddish the Torah Tutor | 77, 78, 112, 140 |
Kott, Dr. [I.] | 414 |
Kotler, Rabbi Ahron | 77, 82, 85, 86, 88, 110, 111, 113, 199 |
Koyfman [Kaufman], Yitzhok Ahron | 199 |
Koyfman, Nisn | 199 |
Kulak (The Monster) [antisemite from Hrozova] | 191, 409 |
Kulak, Meysha | 411 |
Kulakovsky, Fruma Talya's | 442 |
Kulbak, Meysha [Yiddish writer] | 278 |
Kultshak [Kolitshek?] | 141 |
Kulkes [Kolekes?], Menahem Tsvi | 31, 32 |
Cantofsky [Kantopsky? Kontofsky?], Meyir | 199 |
Cantofsky, Tsvi Dov | 199 |
Constantine | 479 |
Kuntser, Chaim | 245, 469, 470 |
Kuntser, Leybl | 470 |
Kuntser, Mikhl | 470 |
Kuntser, Etl | 470 |
Kuntser, Tsvi Dovid | 470 |
Kuntser, Riva | 470 |
Kuntser, Sora | 470 |
Kuniki [Konki? Kuniki means cynic], Rabbi Avrohom | 79 |
Kustanowitz [Kustanovitsh], Dovid | 455, 459 |
Kustanowitz, Yankev Meysha | 216, 523 |
Kustanowitz, Mordkha | 523 |
Kustanowitz, Rivka | 523 |
Kustanowitz, Tsvi | 455 |
Kustanowitz, Meysha | 445 |
Kustanowitz, Reuven | 219 |
Kustanowitz, Sora | 219 |
Kustanowitz-Povarsky [Puvarsky? Favarsky?], Dovid | 234 |
Kustanowitz-Povarsky, Yeheyshua | 233 |
Kotser, Aryey | 176 |
Kotser, Dovid | 176, 179 |
Kotser, Roos [pronounced Root in modern Hebrew; Ruth] | 176 |
Kotser, Shimon | 179 |
Kotser, Sora Zlata | 179 |
Kook, Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak | 212, 500, 501 |
Kuratsevitsh [Christian landlord] | 276 |
Kurt [Kuret? Cort?] (The Judge) | 89 |
Kushi [Kusi], Reb Yekusiyel (Ayzik Golda's) | 87, 155 |
Koosman [Cushman?], Yehuda | 523 |
Koosman, Sora Leya | 523 |
Kazakevitsh [Kozakevitsh?], Sora | 240, 468 |
Katanyan [Ketonyan? Bolshevik official] | 75 |
Kitayevitsh, Yeyna | 188 |
Keyla | 470 |
Kiyevitsky, Velvl | 441 |
Kiyevitsky, Nahmen | 441 |
Kipling [the writer] | 187 |
Kikayon, Bilka | 218, 219 |
Kikayon, Basya-Malka | 216, 219 |
Kikayon, Yeysef | 218, 219 |
Kikayon, Lipa | 262 |
Kikayon, Mordkha | 216 |
Klotz, Zelig (The Cherry-wine Maker) | 297 |
Klotz, Mina | 519, 520 |
Klotz, Prof. Nosn | 77, 108, 412 |
Klausner [Kloyzner], Dr. Yosef [world-renowned Hebraist and Zionist] | 108, 134, 136, 328, 389, 458 |
Kleynman [Kleinman], Chaim | 503 |
Kleynman, Tsipa | 503 |
Kalinin [Bolshevik figure] | 74, 75 |
[Page 539]
Name | Pages |
Kalmen The Torah Tutor | 237 |
Kletskin, Boris | 242, 408, 424 |
Kaminisky, Heshl [not found on this page] | 75 |
Kantorovitsh, Mendl [See also Kantorowitz and Kantorovitsh, Page 538, Col. 2] | 42 |
Kasinov (The Governor) | 29 |
Kerenski [post-Czarist pre-Bolshevik Russian leader] | 373 |
Kravets, Folya | 493, 494, 495 |
Krolovets [Error? This seems to be a place-name, Sloboda Krolovets, not a person] | 270 |
Kranitz, Hayka | 523 |
Kranitz, Heshl | 523 |
Krakovsky (Cardinal) | 339 |
Kravetshinsky [Krovetshinsky?], Rabbi Avrohom Mordkha | 500 |
Kravetshinsky, Rabbi Yanke Meyir | 247, 499, 500, 501 |
Kravetshinsky, Frida Dveyra | 500 |
Kravtshik [Kravetshik?], Avrohom Nahmen | 237 |
Kriyakov [Kiriyakov? Kariyakov?] | 188 |
Krigshteyn, Chaim Zusl | 191, 429, 430 |
Krivitzky, Chaim [Error: should be 524] | 235, 502, 523 |
Krivitzky, Sima-Rokhl [Shima-Rokhl] | 239 |
Kreinin [Kraynin. Meir Kreinin, civic leader in Russia, co-founder with S. Dubnow of Jewish Volkspartei] | 59 |
Krayness | 45, 281, 288, 385 |
Krayness, Dovid | 140 |
Krinsky (The Lawyer) | 373 |
Krinsky, Velvl [died storming the Winter Palace] | 373 |
Krik, Avrohom | 455 |
Kremer, Sheftl [Kremer: See also seven entries below] | 77, 318 |
Karasik, Yankev [Karasik: See also third column of Page 538] | 176 |
Karasik, Mikhl | 176 |
Karasik, Nehemya | 176 |
Karasl [Krasl? Karosel? Krosl? Kerasl?], G [writer] | 12 |
Krasnitsh, Yitzhok Chaim | 233, 234, 236, 459, 464 |
Krepkh, Fanya | 60, 115, 300 |
Kremer, Sora [Kremer: See also seven entries above] | 331 |
Krakovsky, Menahem [Krakovsky: See also eleventh entry in this column] | 198 |
Kszivicki [Kshivitski], [Prof.] Ludwig [Polish sociologist] | 347 |
Reysh![]() |
Rabinovitsh, Ester [Rabinovitsh: See also first entries of Column 3 on this page, and last entry of Column 2.] | 441 |
Rabinovitsh, Berl | 301 |
Rabinovitsh, Grunem | 44155 |
Rabinovitsh, Yelena | 443 |
Rabinovitsh, Shleyma | 390 |
Rabinovitsh, Shleyma Yeysef | 492 |
Rabinovitsh, Shimon | 443 |
Rabinovitsh, Sh. A. | 518 |
Rabkin | 240, 468 |
Roginsky, Dr. | 442 |
Radunsky | 196 |
Radunsky, Z. | 59 |
Radziwill [Dukes and Duchesses, historical owners of Slutsk] | 125, 126, 138, 246, 267, 349, 436, 442, 477 |
Radziwill, Bogoslav | 15, 270, 271 |
Radziwill, Jan | 16 |
Radziwill, Iponim | |
Reuven Sheyma's | |
Reuva | 238 |
Reuva Mota Yankl's | 467 |
Reuv'ka | 301 |
Reuv'ka (The Grain Merchant) | 320, 321 |
Ravitch [Ravitsh], A. | 302 |
Ravitch, Alta | 511, 524 |
Ravitch, Eliyohu | 524 |
Ravitch, Yehiyel | 503, 524 |
Ravitch, Meyir Z'ev | 511, 524 |
Ravitch, Nisn | 524 |
Ravitch, Etka | 524 |
Ravitch, Simkha | 524 |
Rozovsky [or Grozovsky or Hrozovsky, all descended from Reb Fayvl Hrozovsky] | 288, 429 |
Rozovsky, Meyir [Rozovsky: See next column, and Grozovsky] | 361 |
Rozin [Razin? This entry refers to a document signature N. Rozin
shown on the page cited] |
452 |
Rozental [Rosenthal] | 330 |
Rozentsvayg [Rosenzweig] | 290 |
Ratshkevitsh, Ahron | 198, 199 |
Ratshkevitsh, Ora Gershon | 441 |
Ratshkevitsh, Yisroel Dovid | 199 |
Ratshkevitsh, Sora Rokhl | 441 |
Rakhlin, Dovid | 516 |
Rakhlin, Hirshl | 516 |
Rakhlin, Haya | 516 |
Rakhlin, Leya | 51756 |
Rakhlin, Sonia | 387, 516, 517, 519, 521 |
Rakhlin, Shmuel | 516, 517, 519, 520, 521 |
Rakhmielevitsh, Itsha | 295 |
Rakhmielevitsh, Leya | 295 |
Rolnick [Rolnik], Avrohom Tsvi | 518 |
Rolnick, Ahron | 75, 262, 280, 518, 519, 520, 521 |
Rolnick, Ester | 518, 524 |
Rolnick, Ester-Slava | 518, 524 |
Rolnick (The Bun dist) | 304 |
Rolnick, Yon-Teff [Yom-Tov] Lipman | 518, 524 |
Rolnick, Yentl (Epshteyn) | 518, 519, 521 |
Ram [Rom?] (The Printer) | 99 |
Roman | 470 |
Romanov | 276 |
Rasin [Rosin?], Reuven | 464 |
Rappaport, Yedidya [Rappaport: See also Page 540, Column 1] | 465 |
Rappaport, Yehudis | 525 |
Rappaport, Yitzhok | 239, 525 |
Rappaport, E. | 256 |
Rappaport, Reuven | 525 |
Rappaport, Rokhl Leya | 239 |
Rappaport | 153 |
Rakevits [Christian para-surgeon] | |
Rosha [Rasha?] | 429 |
Rosha [Rasha?] (The Female Butcher) | 318 |
Rosha's [Rasha's?] [family] [See also Borukh Rasha's] | 429 |
Rabinovitsh [See also first entries of this letter heading] | 240, 242, 468 |
Rabinovitsh, Avrohom | 139 |
Rabinovitsh, Eliyohu Dovid | 256 |
Rabinovitsh, Eliyezer | 30, 208 |
Rabinovitsh, Boaz | 209 |
Rabinovitsh, Chaim | 240, 468 |
Rabinovitsh, Chaim Boaz | 130 |
Rabinovitsh, Yehuda Leyb | 257 |
Rabinovitsh, Yeheyshua | 231 |
Rabinovitsh, Yehiyel Mikhl | 140, 233 |
Rabinovitsh, Yitzhok Leyb | 77 |
Rabinovitsh, Mikhl | 40 |
Rabinovitsh, Mordkha Yeyna | 140 |
Rabinovitsh, Rabbi Neyakh | 198 |
Rabinovitsh, Naftoli | 192 |
Rabinovitsh, Rabbi Akiva | 83 |
Rabinovitsh, Feyga Leya | 239 |
Rabinovitsh, Shmuel Grunem | 200, 441 |
Revel, Dr. [New York yeshiva named for Dr. Dov Revel] | 108 |
Rivka | 404, 405 |
Rivka Reb Isserka's | 315 |
Rivka (Baba Rivka; Grandma Rivka) | 154 |
Rivka Zelig's | 363 |
RaBaSH [acronym Reb Borukh Shklover; alternate acronym SHaYaK, from ancestor Shmuel Yehuda Katzenelboygn, q.v.] | 138 |
Regelson, Avrohom [poet and critic] | 187, 394, 395 |
Regelson, Shmuel Yeysef | 76 |
Rubinok [Robinok? Rubinuk? Ruboynok], Ben Tsiyon Kalmen | 246 |
Robinson Crusoe | 430 |
Rubinstein [Rubinshteyn] | 279 |
Rubinstein, Eliyohu | 32 |
Rubinstein, Aryey Leyb | 29 |
Rubinstein, Zalmen | 276 |
Rubinstein, Rabbi | 77 |
Rubinstein, Rabbi Yitzhok | 517 |
Rubinstein, Meysha | 524 |
Rubnitz | 48 |
Rubnitz Avrohom Reuven (Hinda's) | 462 |
Rubnitz, Ahron Yankev | 527 |
Rubnitz, Itka | 527 |
Rubnitz, Henya | 524 |
Rubnitz, Haya Leya | 239 |
Rubnitz, Chaim Simkha | 465 |
Rubnitz, Yeysef Eliyohu | 115, 527 |
Rubnitz, Yitzhok | 524 |
Rubnitz, Mordkha | 235, 239 |
Rubnitz, Meysha Borukh | 527 |
Rubnitz, Neyakh | 91, 92, 527 |
Rubnitz, Peysakh | 527 |
Rubnitz, Reuven | 239 |
Rodgin [Rod-ghin], Yankev | 239 |
Ruderman, Feygl (The Rabbi's Wife) | 318 |
Rozovsky, Rabbi Yeysef [Rozovsky: See also previous column, and under Grozovsky] | 459, 462 |
Rozovsky, Shimon | 247 |
Rozin, Yeysef [See also in previous column] | 81 |
Rozenboym [Rosenbaum], Ephrayim | 122 |
Rothschild [Rotshild] | 132, 361 |
Romanov [See also previous column] | 102 |
Rumshishok, Berl [Probable error. In text, Rumshishok refers to a location [it is in Lithuania, known also as Rumsiskes], but not as a surname for this resident, Berl] | 464 |
Rusak, Avrohom Yitzhok | 146 |
Rusomkha [Rosumkha? Rosomekha?], Sora | 244 |
Razran, Tsvi [Gregory Razran: later, professor in New York] | 60, 95, 269, 300 |
Rokhl Shimon's | 365 |
Rakhmielovitsh, Yehuda Leyb [See Rakhmielevitsh, Column 2 of this page] | 233 |
Rakhmielovitsh, Dr. Nahmen | 233 |
Ratner | 115, 259 |
Ratner, Avremela | 115 |
Ratner, Ahron | 179 |
Ratner, Ayzik | 47, 296, 299 |
Ratner (The Bartender) | 45 |
Ratner, Henya | 48, 56, 296 |
Ratner, Zelig | 393 |
Ratner, Zalmen | 393 |
Ratner, Chaim | 179 |
Ratner, I. | 62, 67 |
Ratner, Yehudis | 55 |
Ratner, Yeheyshua | 23 |
Ratner, Merka | 301 |
Ratner, Meysha | 47, 296, 299 |
Ratner, Nisn (Nishka the Kvas s-Seller [kvass is a Russian cider made from rye flour and malt, and tastes like fermented tea [editorial opinion]] | 296, 297 |
Ratner The Lawyer | 47, 295, 299, 334 |
RIBaL [acronym of Reb Isaac Baer Levinsohn, a leader of the Jewish Enlightenment, Haskal a, in Russia] | 225 |
RIDBaZ (Vilovsky, Rabbi Yankev Dovid [q.v.] ) [acronym] | 11, 12, 38, 39, 85, 86, 87, 306, 317, 323, 324, 329, 499 |
Rivin, Avrohom Ahron | 524 |
Rivin, Eliyezer | 182 |
Rivin, Alta | 237 |
Rivin, Efrayim | 237 |
Rivin, Berl Khasha's | 318 |
Rivin, Galya | 524 |
Rivin, Yehiyel | 176, 182 |
Rivin, Reuven | 136 |
Rivin, Refoyl | 234, 235, 236, 239, 465, 467, 502 |
Riva's | 429, 430 |
Ritov | 242 |
Rich [Ritsh], Yankev | 515 |
Rich, Fanya | 515 |
Reyzin | 308 |
Reisen [Reyzin], Avrohom [renowned Yiddish writer] | 278, 390 |
Reizen [Reyzin], Zalmen [Yiddish redactor] | 396 |
Reyzela The Orphan | 368 |
Reyzela Zavl's | 438 |
Reytman | 31 |
Reykhlin [Raykhlin, Reichlin], Avrohom | 199 |
Reykhlin, Ahron | 199 |
Reykhlin, Yankev Shmuel | 262 |
Reykhler [Reichler], Yokheved | 501 |
Raykhman [Reichman] | 260 |
Raykhman, Eliyohu (Alex) | 262, 517, 518, 519, 521 |
Raykhman, Alexander | 519, 520 |
[Page 540]
Name | Pages |
Raykhman [Reichman], Chaim | 517, 518 |
Raykhman, Hana Perl | 517, 519 |
Raykhman, Matlya | 517 |
Raykhman, Faytl | 517 |
Reyngold [Rayngold? Reingold] | 452 |
Reyngold, Avrohom Itsha | 470 |
Reyness [Reyna's], Rabbi Yitzhok Yankev | 24, 28, 85, 199, 257, 298, 328, 458 |
Raysser, Meyir | 28, 48, 279 |
Rilf [Rilef? Rilaf?], Dr. [from Memel] | 30 |
Reefess [Reepess? Rifa's, Ripa's], Meyir | 45 |
Riklin, Leybl | 526 |
Riklin, Riva-Dina | 526 |
Riklis, Fayvl | 485 |
Ricardo, David [17-18 C. British economist of Sefardi family; whose theories are still influential in world monetary policy] | 105 |
Rishin, Rabbi Simkha | 317 |
Rambam [See also Ha-RaMBaM] | 313, 479, 483 |
Riskin, Avrohom Abba | 257 |
Resnick [Reznick] | 240 |
Resnick, Avrohom Ahron | 524 |
Resnick, Itshela | 240, 468 |
Resnick, Henya | 524 |
Resnick, Hertsl | 422, 423 |
Resnick, Mikhl | 185, 420 |
Resnick, Malka | 235 |
Resnick, Sender | 240, 468 |
Resnick, Rokhl | 423, 425 |
Resnick, Sh. | 392 |
Resnick, Shmuel | 420 |
Resnick, Shmuel Shoel | 423, 424, 525 |
Repp (The Lawyer) | 68, 293, 295 |
Rekinyer, Yeysef | 117 |
Refoyl [~Raphael], Rabbi | 357 |
Refoyl Yosl (Refoyl Yeysef), Reb | 22, 43, 59, 101, 102, 167, 168, 305, 306, 307, 372 |
Rappaport [See also Page 539, Column 2] | 239 |
Rappaport, Beyla | 525 |
Rappaport, Rabbi Chaim | 34, 272 |
Rekova [Rekuva?] (photograph studio) | 46 |
RaSHI [Rashi, Rabbi Shlomo ben Isaac, medieval biblical commentator of unsurpassed renown [this is an understatement] | 153, 320, 516 |
RaSHaL, Rabbi Yehiyel | 33 |
Shin![]() |
Shakhravitsh ['Sakharovitsh?], Reuven | 341 |
Shaklyuta [Error: name not found on this page] | 281 |
Shor (The Teacher) [See also this page, column 2] | 375 |
Shashkess [Possible nickname = Sabers; alt.: Shoshkess? Shoshka's = child of Shoshka, assuming Shoshka is itself a pet name, e.g., for Shoshana], Meysha | 464 |
Shevaliyov [Shebaliyov? Shvaliyov? Shaveliyov?], Avreml | 154 |
Shevaliyov, Avrohom Meysha Ha-Levy | 138 |
Shevaliyov, Menahem | 138 |
Shabsa [Shabtai] Baal Ha-SHaKH [Shabsa ben Meyir Ha-Koheyn, 17 C. Torah scholar] | 79 |
Shabsa Eyzer [Oyzer] [See Eyzer] | 193 |
Shabsa-Tsvi [Shabbetai-Tsvi, the notorious 17 C. False Messiah] | 11 |
ShaDaL [Rabbi Shmuel David Luzzatto, renowned exegete] [See also Luzzatto] | 104 |
Schwabacher [Shvabakher], Rabbi | 100 |
Shoel [Shaul] (Rosha's) | 429 |
Shoel (The Mute) | 424 |
Schwartz [Shvarts, Shwartz], Yeheyshua Yeysef | 521 |
Schwartz, Rabbi Yekusiyel | 27 |
Schwartz, Morris | 136, 392 |
Shwartz [Shvarts, Schwartz], Rokhl | 524 |
Shwartz, Refoyl | 524 |
Schwartz, Shaya [Yeshayohu] | 60 |
Schwartz, Sora | 510 |
Shvartsbord [Schwartzbard], Haykl | 429 |
Shvartsbord, Leyb | 429, 432 |
Shvartsbord, Faytl | 190 |
Shveydl, Nahmen | 59, 77, 92, 225, 226, 300 |
Shwaidelson [Shveydlson], Yisroel | 260, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 416 |
Shwaidelson, Elka | 524 |
Shwaidelson, Sora | 524 |
Schwedock [Shvedok], Chaim | 524 |
Schwedock, Yitzhok | 524 |
Schwedock, Sheyna Dveyra | 524 |
Shverin, Leya | 239 |
Shverin, Shimka [Simka] | 239 |
Shvertsinovsky, Hirshl | 465 |
Shulman | 430 |
Shulman, Eliyohu | 278, 394 |
Shulman, Borukh | 485 |
Shulman, Yeysef | 436 |
Shulman, Meysha | 239 |
Shulman, Kalmen | 225 |
Shulman, Shmariyohu | 191, 430 |
Shulker, Yisroel | 115 |
Shomroni, Yitzhak | 75 |
Shusterman, Henya | 239 |
Shor [See also third entry of this letter] | 295 |
Shor, Basya | 48, 56 |
Stybel, A. J. [publisher Abraham Joseph Stybel] | 136 |
Shteyman [Steiman] | 144 |
Shteynberg [Steinberg], Dr. A. L. | 31 |
Shteynman [Steinman], Sh. | 382 |
Shteynshnayder [Steinschneider; = Stonecutter] | 140 |
Stricker [Shtriker. A German in Slutsk, early 20 C.] (The Punctilious) | 276 |
Stern, William [psychology theorist] | 224 |
Sheyn [Shayn?], Yoska | 16 |
Sheynboym [Sheinbaum], Rabbi Yitzhok Yankev | 317 |
Sheyna Leya | 447 |
Shaya Avreml's | 465 |
Shaya Zhitkovitser | 292 |
Shaykevitsh | 240 |
Shaykevitsh (The Pharmacist) | 42, 47, 59, 299, 300 |
Shildkroyt [Schildkraut], Dr. Lyova | 45, 47, 72, 105, 113, 114, 122, 202, 220, 309, 334, 337, 338, 364, 411, 472 |
Simkhovitsh (The Teacher) [Simkhovitsh: See next column] | 242 |
Simkhovitsh, Rabbi Tsvi | 22 |
Simkhovitsh, Kopl | 240, 468 |
Simkhovitsh, Roza | 390 |
Simkhovitsh, Shakhna | 104 |
Simkhovitsh, Rabbi Shmuel | 9, 22, 29, 31, 54, 97, 100, 103, 129, 130, 274, 308, 316, 390 |
Shinderman, Binyomin | 196, 440 |
Sheynkman [Shinkman?], Eliyezer | 219 |
Shisgal, Rabbi Avrohom Yitzhok | 110, 114, 217 |
Shisgal, Eyli Meysha | 217 |
Shiffman, Yankev Shleyma | 524 |
Shiffman, Shulya | 524 |
Shifrin | 442 |
Shakhna The Synagogue Sexton | 44, 90, 108, 109, 123, 364 |
Shakhnovitsh | 53 |
Shleym'ka | 495 |
Sholem [Shalom] | 424, 479 |
Sholem Borukh's [Borukh's: See Page 530, Column 4] | 218 |
Sholem The Religious-School Teacher | 297 |
Sholem Yankev Meysha's | 291 |
Sholem from Ostrov | 22 |
Sholem Aleichem [pen-name of Sholem Rabinovitz, one of the fathers of Yiddish literature] | 24, 73 136, 159, 242, 286, 328, 332, 392 |
Shlakhovitsh [Shalakhovitsh? Shlekhovitsh?] | 65 |
Shleymovitsh, Avrohom Ber [Partizan] | 487 |
Shleymovitsh, Yeysef | 237 |
Shleymovitsh, Nosn | 239 |
Shleymovitsh, Sholem | 237 |
Shleyma [Shloyma; Shlomo] | 479 |
Shleyma The Kohen [Levite priest] | 423 |
Shleyma Reb Chaim's | 274, 397, 398, 399, 434, 435, 474 |
Shleyma from Zalkove [Ukraine] (Shleyma the Clever), Rabbi | 34, 272 |
Shleyma Shvizitser | 485, 501 |
Shleyma Perla's | 198, 443 |
Shleyma (from Volozhin) | 464 |
Shleyma'ka | 214 |
Shiltsl [Shlitsl? Shaltsel? Shletsl? Shelatsel?] | 94 |
Shmuel (The Lessee) [meets the Baal Shem Tov] | 126, 349 |
Shmuel Paritsher [i. e., from Parichi] | 186, 187 |
Shmuel (The Tailor) | 190, 431 |
Shmuel (Sexton of the Kloyz Synagogue) | 43, 90 |
Shmuel'ka, Rabbi | 192, 430 |
Shmurak | 247 |
Simkhoni (Simkhovitsh), Dr. Yankev Naftoli [See Simkhovitsh, previous column] | 12, 55, 97, 103, 104, 108, 135, 274, 390 |
Szmigli [Szamigli?], Ridz [Polish Minister of Security in 1920] | 339 |
Shimon Dovid's | 290 |
Shimon (Sexton of the Rabbinical Court) | 86, 341 |
Shimon (The Unkosher) | 295 |
Shimon (The Porter) | 365, 366 |
Shimon Leyb (The Klezmer Player) | 45, 277 |
Shmerl Rizhitser | 423 |
SH.M.R. [SHaMaR? SheMeR? Novel writer] | 158 |
Shmariya The Rabbinical Judge | 190 |
Shmariya Neyakh (Shneurson), [Hasidic] Rabbi | 130 |
Shneur Zalmen, Rabbi | 136 |
Shershevsky, Rabbi | 443 |
Shershever, Yisroel | 388 |
Sheftl, Dov | 60, 300 |
Shpilkin, Avrohom Yitzhok (AYaSH [acronym]) | 59, 60, 115, 117, 120, 121, 282, 284, 300, 372 |
Shpilkin, Ester Malka | 307 |
Shpilkin, Ester Rokhl | 120 |
Shpilkin, Ben-Tsiyon | 43, 59, 91, 120, 191, 284 |
Shpilkin, Keyla | 120 |
Shpilkin, Sholem | 53, 60, 62, 75, 300 |
Spinoza | 189 |
Shapiro [Shapira?] (The Appointed Rabbi) | 47, 98, 131 |
Shapiro, Avrohom Dov | 500 |
Shapiro, Ahron Yeshaya | 459 |
Shapiro, Aryey | 43, 53, 60, 62, 75, 262, 414, 415, 416, 521 |
Shapiro, G. | 224 |
Shapiro, Tema | 60 |
Shapiro, Yitzhok | 198 |
Shapiro, Meysha Ahron | 43, 297 |
Shapiro-Mechanik, Pesya [See also Mechanik] | 60, 75, 296, 414, 415 |
Shapiro, Nakha | 118 |
Shapiro, Refoyl | 436 |
Shapiro, Shleyma Zalmen | 32 |
Shapiro, Sora | 470 |
Shapiro, Sora Rivka | 43 |
Shperling [Sperling], Dovid | 276 |
Shperling, Yudl | 43 |
Shperling, Ezra | 173 |
Shperling, Feygl (The Layered-Fruit-Cake Maker) | 42, 43 |
Shrintsl | 493 |
Shkolnick, Berl | 59, 506 |
Shkolnick, Zlata | |
Shkolnick, Zelig | 524 |
Shkop [Shkap?], Shimon | 233 |
Shklover, Rabbi Borukh | 138 |
Shklyar | 430 |
Shragavitsch [Shragevitsh], Rabbi Meysha Yeheyshua | 199 |
Sora (Baba Sora [Granny Sora] | 432 |
Sora Kusha's | 297 |
Tof (Tav)![]() |
[All surname entries under this letter are the same: T'eymim, teomi m, meaning twins in Hebrew. In each case, it is a conventional surname, not a description.] | |
T'eymim, Yeyna | 20 |
T'eymim, Rabbi Yitzhok Yeysef | 35, 272 |
T'eymim, Yitzhok Meyir | 34, 272 |
T'eymim, Meyir | 20 |
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