[Page 348]
124. Freight ramp, those who resisted or were weakened were murdered on the spot (photograph by Hubert Pfoch) |
125. After the departure of the train, the bodies of those murdered
during the loading were taken to the Jewish cemetery (photograph by Hubert Pfoch) |
[Page 349]
126. The bodies of those murdered during the liquidation of the ghetto
were taken to the cemetery where they were buried by a group of Poles Among them was Tadeusz Castelli, a member of the Home Army and a photographer. He took a number of photos documenting German crimes. Here is one of them. Out of a wagon full of corpses, a boy looked out from under a tarp. In the moment that he was looking around to determine where he was, Castelli noticed him and took the picture. Unfortunately, the Germans who were at the cemetery noticed him and shot him a moment later. |
127. Fighting for the city in July 1944 (photograph from the collection of the Regional Museum in Siedlce) |
[Page 350]
128. Fighting for the city in July 1944 (photograph from the collection of the Regional Museum in Siedlce) |
129. Jontel Goldman records headstones, which the Germans used as curb stones (photograph from the collection of Jontel Goldman) |
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Siedlce, Poland
Yizkor Book Project
JewishGen Home Page
Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld
Copyright © 1999-2025 by JewishGen, Inc.
Updated 23 May 2015 by LA