[Page Alef]
Gallery of Passport Photographs
Rescued from the Hands of the N.K.V.D.
Necrology of the Exterminated Martyrs
During the days of 14-15 Elul 5702 (27-28 August 1942)
This list contains entries of those who were murdered by the Nazis and their accomplices. The list is based on information from their relatives, friends, comrades and those who knew them. However, not all of our questionnaires resulted in responses and there were many cases in which an entire family was cut down without leaving any memory. Therefore, this list is not complete and accurate. |
Transliteration of people's names by Zygi Boxer and Esther Gilbert
(Maiden names and ages have been added in brackets where known)
Yisrael Gutman |
Reizel Gutman |
Rivkah Kaufman (married to Shlomo) |
Aharon Kaufman |
Nechama Kaufman |
Avraham Geifman |
Mordecai Edelstein |
Binyamin Edelstein |
Ya'akov Geifman (64) |
Esther Reizel Geifman |
Moshe Geifman (56) |
Chava Geifman (33) |
Asher Geifman |
Itka (Miriam Itka) Geifman (19) |
Sheintza Geifman (48) |
Manya Flejsz (22) |
Chaim Glick |
Zlata Glick |
Chaya Ita Dorfman |
Yitzhak Glick (40) |
Chava Glick (38) |
Chasia Glick (36) |
Berel Glick's Wife |
Berel Glick (32) |
Noach Glick (34) |
Leah Dorfman |
Moshe Dorfman |
Bella Feldman (17) |
Avraham Feldman (6) |
Chaim Feldman (44) |
Golda Geifman (married to Ya'akov) |
Bat-Sheva Geifman |
Zvi (Hershel) Turkenitz (68) |
Rachel Leah Turkenitz (66) |
Avraham Turkenitz (46) |
Mordecai Turkenitz (44) |
Bracha Turkenitz (38) |
Yosef Turkenitz (13) |
Bella Turkenitz (3) |
Yehoshua Goldman (52) |
Elka Goldman (48) |
Reizel Goldman (16) |
Rivkah Goldman (18) |
Simcha (Yom-Tov Simcha Siyoma) Goldman (35) |
Chaya Gruber (43) |
Berel Turuk (50) |
Gitel Kleid (32) |
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This web page created by Max G. Heffler
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Updated 16 Jun 2022 by MGH