Memorial Book of Sanok and Vicinity

49°34' / 22°12'

Translation of
Sefer Zikaron le-Kehilat Sanok ve-ha-Siviva

Edited by: Eliezer Sharbit

Published in Jerusalem, 1970



Project Coordinator

Mark D. Salik


Our sincere appreciation to Isaac Wilner of the Sanok Landmanshaft,
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from: Sefer Zikaron le-Kehilat Sanok ve-ha-Siviva
(Memorial Book of Sanok and Vicinity), E. Sharbit, ed., Jerusalem,
Former Residents of Sanok and Vicinity in Israel, 1970. (686 pages, Hebrew, Yiddish)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Sanok (1969)

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[Title Page]

Memorial Book
Of the Community of Sanok and its Region

Edited by Elazar Sharbit
Published by the Organization of Natives of Sanok and its Region in Israel

{Opposite title page}

Arranged and printed by the Shraga Weinfeld printing press.
Makor Baruch Neighborhood, manufacturing region, Jerusalem

[Page v][1]

Members of the Organization of Natives of Sanok and its Region in Israel

Yacov Elster
Yacov Gurfein (treasurer)
Nusia Wagner
Isaac Wilner
Yaffa Lerner (chairman)
Dr. Shimon Kimmel
Yisrael Shadmi
Tzvi Shamri (secretary)

Members of the Extended Committee

Chedva Blumenfeld
Eliahu Berger
Yehoshea Brochi
Adam Breidner
Aryeh Gozik
Hadassa Herzog
Martha Wagman
Zev Wachtel
Menachem Wenig
Freda Trufa (of blessed memory)
Zehava Treitman
Fela Trachman
Henoch Katz
Yosef Lefelshtil
Chava Maier (of blessed memory)
Yacov Fass
Ozer Paz-Pipe
Zusia Kempler
Moshe Rabbach
Miriam Shadmi
Yacov Shoresh
Yitzchok Schachner
Yisrael Trom

Members of the audit committee: Adam Breidner, Dr. Ascher Silfen

Members of the Book Publication Committee

Azriel Ochmani
Yacov Elster
Eliahu Berger
Gershon Givoni-Pipe
Yitzchak M. Glonder (of blessed memory)
Rabbi Alter Maier (of blessed memory)
Ozer Paz-Pipe
Tzvi Shamri
Elazar Sharbit
Shimon Toder

[Page vi]

About the Book

The dimensions of the book before us are thrice the size of what we had originally thought it might be at the time when we found out about the tragedy of the Holocaust and when we first realized the need for a memorial monument and a perpetuation effort. However, we did not have a clear and complete plan at that time. The sudden and complete destruction of our community, like other Jewish communities in Europe, destroyed all possibilities of accessing material and sources, of searching for documents and of finding data. Without all these – from where would be the plans and preparations?

On the other hand, however, the feelings of duty and obligation toward our dear martyrs did not give us any rest. It reminded us of the duty to remember and to remind. It awakened the vital need to establish a monument and to conduct perpetuation activities for ourselves and our children after us. We will recall here Alter Maier of blessed memory, Menachem Aldobi of blessed memory, and Yitzchak M. Glonder of blessed memory, who were the first to become aroused and arouse others, to become active and to toil, each to his own ability if not beyond. To the sorrow of all of us, all three of them have left us one after another before they saw progress in their activities. They left us with the feelings of obligation and the need to continue the efforts to repay the holy debt.

The decisive turn came with the activities that were started by our friend Ozer Paz-Pipe, that primarily included the actual efforts of gathering material from the natives of our town, and that served as a practical and definitive beginning to the first phase of the preparation of the book. Along with this, he also was able to deal with the issue of choosing an editor for the book and giving over to the editor the material which was already collected or which was about to be collected, to be reworked and edited. It was clear to all of us that the issue of working with the material would require special dedication from the editor, spreading oneself over wide areas to search for additional material, a serious issue of collecting, and a unique type of editing, with a special feeling for our community, the willingness and ability to deal simultaneously with what was present and what was not present, and a special excitement and creative talent to be able to fill in the gaps and missing pieces with his own pen.

To our good fortune, our friend Elazar Sharbit was a candidate. We were right on the mark when we chose him as the editor of the book.

To the good fortune of the book, his agreement to accept the task and carry it out was also right on the mark.

We must now thank and bless all those who participated in this effort and helped us reach this point, especially the editor of the book who performed his difficult task without expectation of reward.

We witnessed and were aware of the dedication of the editor to his work at all stages of the preparation of this book.

The reader will realize his level of success in this work as he reads the book.

The Organization of Natives of Sanok and its Region in Israel

Tel Aviv, the eve of Rosh Hashanah, 5730 (1969).

[Page vii]

Words for the Reader

This book is not meant to be a scientific historical work, convincing in its exactitude and complete in scope. The objective conditions do not even permit this, due to reasons that are hinted at in the words of the committee of the Organization of Sanok Natives[2] on the previous page. Efforts were made to set goals for the book which were still possible to achieve, and to make it into a book of memories, memoirs and recall; a spiritual and physical vessel of connection which will connect us with our former world in our town of Sanok and its region, and with the Jewish life there which once was and is no more.

Indeed, the path to reach even these goals was not easy at all throughout the entire process of producing this book. Difficulties and obstacles filled the entire path: the decisive shortage of material about the life of the Jews of Sanok; the search for information in various ways to fill in the missing material; lack of interest, and at times even disappointment and discouragement from the natives of our town to all the requests of the organization and the editor for the provision of material, information and memories – even the names of the deceased and the martyrs of their own family; and the difficult struggle by the editor with the material that was provided, for various reasons, mostly known and self-evident.

These words will serve as an explanation for the questions that the readers will likely have regarding the apparent “haziness” and “misrepresentations” in the book, and in the lacunae versus repetitions, of brevity versus verbosity, of scanty imagery versus extensive imagery. This also explains the lack of proportion in discussing personalities, or even the complete lack of such; the hiding of the importance of some Jewish organization, or even the complete omission of some (the orphanage!), and also cases of inexactitude in names, dates and the like.

On the other hand, the satisfaction about what the book does indeed have is very high. The degree of gratitude and blessing that the editor owes to those who helped in obtaining the material is very great. We will mention here with gratitude our fellow townsman Mr. Shimon Toder for his constant vigilance and consistent interest in anything relating to the book; my friend Mr. Naftali ben-Menachem, the principal of the Bibliographic Project of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem; and my friends Mr. Leib Rochman and Mr. Efraim Shadletzki for their interest and accuracy with respect to the book.

My friend Mr. Shmuel Herman deserves special mention. He is one of the veteran employees of the Bibliographic Project of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His details and notes were very interesting and useful. Almost all of them were utilized in the book.

I will also hereby thank all of those who donated to the book through the fruit of their pens, or who allowed their works that have been published through other means to be used in this book, such as: the article of Dr. Shlomo Nobel (page 38) from the “Yiddishe Shprach” (Jewish Language) publication of YIVO, New York, September

[Page viii]

1965; The article of Professor Dov Sadan (page 413) from “Davar”; of Rivke Gurfein (page 446) from “Al HaMishmar”; of Yisrael Cohen, the editor of “Hapoel Hatzair” (page 448) in Hapoel Hatzair; of the poet Sh. Shalom, the honorary president of the writers guild of Israel (page 449) in “Meoznaim”; of Chaim Toren (page 450) in bulletin 13 of the FA”N Center of Israel, Tevet 5729 (1969) – and of all other articles whose source is recorded at the bottom of the articles included in the book.

We wish to especially thank here all of those who saw fit, on their own accord and without being asked, to send pictures and other material to the editor. (The photographs on pages 534a and 534b were photographed by the Nazis themselves in Zaslaw. There were made available to us by the members of a German delegation who were in Israel in the spring of 1969 in order to collect testimony from those in Israel who “merited” to have been in the Zaslaw Camp and the Sanok Ghetto.)

Yitzchok Fass, of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, must also accept here the thanks of the editor for the help that he offered so politely, and our friend Mr. Tzvi Shamri for his assistance and professional advice regarding the printing.

I will note here with gratitude the direct and indirect assistance, with advice and actual work, that I received from my wife Esther Sharbit throughout the entire time that I was occupied with the preparation of this book.

Finally, I express my gratitude to the printer Mr. Shraga Weinfeld, who as a native of Sanok forged a special relationship with the Sanok Book throughout the time of its preparation. I wish to also thank his senior assistants and employees Mr. Binyamin Admoni and Mr. Shlomo Pazuelo, who oversaw the efforts of preparation and printing with appropriate patience.


With all of the efforts in editing the material, the book is not immune from several typographical errors. Due to their small number, we will give the details here, after these lines. The reader is requested to fix them before looking through the book.


The responsibility for the content of the articles, the lists, and the photo captions rests with their authors. Items that do not mention a name are written by the editor, and the responsibility for them rests with him.

The editor
Jerusalem, Tishrei 5730 (1969)


Page 19, 9th line from the top, instead of 1792 it should be 1793.
Page 25, second line from the bottom, instead of “in the clothing” it should be “in blossom”.
Page 72, below the photograph, a line is missing: The words – in the addendum, (page 623).
Page 90, second line from the bottom, instead of “Beret” it should be “Bayat”.
Page 429, second line from the top, instead of “on the garden”, it should be “from atop the garden”.
Page 442, four lines from the top, instead of Varda it should be Wanda.
Page 493, line 10 (the heading), instead of Diower, it should be Dinower.
Page 586, the first and second lines should be interchanged with each other.
[Page ix]

{Yiddish version of the Words for the Reader}[3]

[Page xi]

Translated by Leslie Reich

NOTE: This translation is from the Table of Contents on page Yud Aleph (xi) in the original. Translations are from Hebrew unless marked Y (for Yiddish).

Chapter Author Page
With the Book The Committee of the organisation of leavers from Sanok and surroundings Vav (vi)
A note to the reader The Editor Zayin (vii)
A note to the reader (Y) The Editor Tet (ix)
Contents   Yud Aleph (xi)
Table of photos   9
Day by day before daybreak Ron Adi 12
Thou art the town Eliezer Sharbit 13
El Moleh Rachamim (from the “Parchment Scroll”) 14
History & Happenings
Towards the history of the town & its surroundings Ozer Pipe 17-30
A Quick Look at the Town Yisrael Lembach 31-32
The Weiner building (“Veinrovkah”) Zev Wachtel 33-34
On the outside sweetness & beauty – inside hatred & muck Chayah Reiser-Fenig 35-37
Differentiation of Yiddish dialects & a point (Y) Dr. Shlomo Nobel 38-42
Sanctuaries, Synagogues, Beis Midrashes, Kloizes and Houses of Worship
The Great Synagogue Rabbi Alter Meier 46
The “Small” Synagogues Next to the Central Synagogue   47
The Large Beis Midrash   47
The Synagogue in the Pusada Quarter   48
The Bliachowka House of Worship   48
The Kloiz in the Przdamajczia Quarter   49
The Sanzer Kloiz   49
The “Yad-Charutsim” (diligent hands) Synagogue   50
The Hassidic Sadagora Kloiz   51
The Beis Midrash of the Admor of Dynow   51
The House of Worship of the Admor of Bukowsk   52
The Mizrachi House of Worship   52
The Minyan in the Home of Reb Shalom Katz   52
The Minyan in the House of Rabbi Dym   53
The Houses of Worship of the Hassidim of Belz and Bobov   54
Sanok with its assembly halls Shalom Kramer 55
Jewish educational institutions in Sanok – The Talmud Torah E. Sharbit 58
The yeshiva of Rabbi Dym of blessed memory   64
The Safa Berura Hebrew School   65
The Improved Cheder Eliyahu Berger 68
The Yavneh School of the Mizrachi in Sanok  
The Advanced yeshiva Bnei Torah of Sanok A. Sharbit 69
The Beis Yaakov Girls's School   73
On the Gymnasium Bench in Sanok Gershon Givoni Pipe 74
Jewish graduates of the government gymnasium in Sanok Ozer & Gershon Pipe 78
The “Kumerciam” school for trade and book-keeping Chayah Reiser-Fenig 82
Pastors, Parnessim and Public Servants
Rabbis & Dayanim in the last century in Sanok   85
Rabbi Yechiel Kuehl   85
Rabbi Arye Leibusch Frankel of blessed memory Rabbi Alter Maier 87
The Rabbinical Judge (Dayan) Schimshon Michel Feller of blessed memory Rabbi Alter Maier 87
Rabbi Yehuda Katz, Rabbi and Head of the Rabbinic Court of Sanok Ascher Bit 90
Rabbi Natan Nota Yacov Dym of blessed memory Rabbi Alter Maier


Rabbi Elazar Brumer of blessed memory, the Final Head of the Rabbinical Court of Sanok E. Sharbit 92
Rabbi Yossele Horowitz H. Katz 96
Rabbi Yossele Horwitz of blessed memory, one of the Final Rabbinical Judges of Sanok Rabbi A. Meir 96
Rabbi Meir Shapira of holy blessed memory A. Dank 97
The Period of the Rabbinate of Rabbi Meir Shapira in Sanok E. Sharbit 103
The Brothers – Rabbis Avraham-Abish and Pinchas Szikler of blessed memory   109
Rabbi Mordechai Spalter of blessed memory Rabbi Alter Meir 109
Rabbi Elazar Sprung of blessed memory Sh. Sh. 109
Rabbi Chaim Raab of blessed memory, a Military Rabbi in the Polish Army   110
Rabbi Yaakov Geldzahler of blessed memory   110
Rabbi Tuvia Horowitz of blessed memory Yaakov Katz (of blessed memory) 112
The Rabbi, Leader, and Writer Yacov Katz 113
Rabbi Aryeh Leibush Weill   115
Rabbi David Avigdor   115
Admorim and their Courts in Sanok A. Sharbit 116
The Tzadik Rabbi David Spira, the Rebbe of Dynów   116
Rabbi David Spira, the Rebbe of Bukowsk   121
Rabbi Alter-Reuven Spira, the Rebbe of Bukowsk E. Sharbit 125
Shochetim (Ritual slaughterers) in Sanok
R' Shlomo Grossman   128
R' Chaim Schwerd   129
The Shu'b Reb Shalom Rosenfeld   130
The Shu'b Reb Pinchas-Yosef Miller   131
The Shu'b Reb Yossele   131
Reb Dovidl Zukerman of blessed memory, the City Cantor Aryeh Lerner 132
R' Mordechai Ascher   133
R' Ascher Anshel Wachtel Zev Tal (Wachtel) 133
R' Benzion Feller   133
Mr. Alexander Kimmel   134
R' Mordechai Sternberg   134
R' Menachem Shmarlobiski   135
R' Yacov Toder   135
Dr. Shlomo Roemer of blessed memory Yisrael Lembak 136
Dr. Yitzchok Nehmer and his wife Fanny  
Dr. Nehmer – the man and the public worker Yaffa Lerner 138
To his image Zashe Kamfler-Leif 139
Dr. Shmuel Ohrenstein and his wife Zahava (Oren) Dr. Y. Oren 140
R' Tzvi (Hirschele) Abat Yosef Abt 143
Organisations & Federations
Early days of national activity amongst Sanok youth Dr. Yisrael Sobel 147
The Keren Kayemet Leyisrael in Sanok  
The History of the activities of the Jewish National Fund in our City E. Sharbit 149
Activity for the Keren Kayemet and its Activists in our City G. Givoni-Pipe 151
The Mizrachi and the Torah VaAvoda Movement in Sanok   154
The Mizrachi in Sanok, its Founding and Development Eliahu Berger 156
The Mizrachi Organization of Sanok and its Activities Uri Katz 159
Hitachdut and its Organizations Arye Wilk 163
About Gordonia in Sanok Moshe Rabbach 171
The Hashomer Hatzair Chapter in Sanok during the Years 1927–1937 G. Givoni-Pipe 175
The Zionist Revisionist and Beitar Movement in Sanok Y. Alster, Y. Heller (Hal-Or), B. Lazar, E. Leschner 181
Agudas Yisroel Yisroel Trum 188
From Jewish Sporting Life in Sanok Moshe Rabbach 189
Jewish Sporting Activities in Sanok Yosef Markus–Birndorf 192
We are going to Our Land
The Experience of Aliya and Actualization in Sanok A. S. 193
Organisations of culture and Haskalah in Sanok
“Folksfriend”, the Sanok weekly & its editor-founder Avraham Scheinbach E. Sharbit 198
“Ivriya” Organization Chedvah Blumenfeld 202
The Yom Tov Blatt   204
The Drama Circles in Sanok   207
Pioneers of the Hebrew Language E. Sharbit 212
Writers, Artists and Craftsmen in Sanok   217
The Artist Avraham Messer of blessed memory E. Regenbogen 218
Elimelech Zuckerman   219
Lending Libraries and Academies   220
Economy, Business and Labor
The Jewish economic life in Sanok Ascher Bit 221
Mutual Help & Social Work
The Federation of Yad Charutzim in Sanok Ozer Pipe 235
The Tomchei Aniyim Charitable Fund Chaya Reiser-Fenig 239
On the spot charity activity
R' Zushe Hasandlar (the cobbler) Arye Lerner 241
R' Reuven Lieber & his wife Ascher Bit 242
Sarah Kuehl Ozer Pipe 243
Existence and Events
The plague in Sanok Eliyahu Berger 247
Happenings and Adventures, excerpts from a novel Rivke Gurfein 249
The Minyan in our House – the Home of my Grandfather Reb Eliezer Rosner of blessed memory Chedva Blumenfeld 254
Grandfather's Talented Hands Shalom Kramer 255
From the legends of Sanok Shimon Toder 263
Jewish Life in our City in a New Novel in the Polish Language G. Givoni-Pipe 265
Sections of Memories Eliyahu Berger 268
Common cures and charms amongst Sanok Jewry Shimon Toder 271
Those who were but no longer are
Names, details & eulogies on Jews of our town (alphabetic order)   275
S. Z. Pipe G. Givoni-Pipe 292
The Kanner family in Sanok   296
The woman Mrs Sosche Kanner Rabbi A. Meier 300
R' Shlomo Kramer Ascher Bit 302
Reb Elazar Regenbogen and his family Azriel Regenbogen 304
The Brothers Shlome and Yitzchok Schiff of blessed memory Ascher Schiff 307
The Engineer Stanislau Scheinkauf Y.Lembach 311
Names of the departed and martyrs   313
My teachers and mentors Shimon Toder 322
The Holocaust and Destruction
Jewish Life in Sanok During the Time of the Nazi Occupation Hadassah Herzog-Lezer 327
The Shoah of Sanok Jewry Avraham Werner 331
Mother Along with Children Batia Ohren 333
The Jews of Sanok in the first days of destruction Ch. Katz 334
With Patches on the Body (Y) A. Sockower 337
Sanok During the First Days of Nazi Occupation Yehudit Rosenblum-Tratner 338
The Great Beis Midrash Goes Up in Flames Henoch Katz 341
What I saw with my eyes & felt with my flesh (Chapters of the Shoah of Bukowsk and Sanok Jewry) Yitzchok Zuckerkandel 342
“I will look at you” Zev Schick 355
In the Sanok Ghetto – in the Zaslaw Camp – on the Train to Belzec Yaakov Gurfein 356
Twenty years on, it is after the flood Rivke Gurfein 362
A Trip to the Gray Childhood Town Ron Adi 370
With their memory Tzvi Shamari 375
In the wheels of memory & remembrance Yacov Gurfein 376
On the catastrophe and awareness of the Shoah Rabbi Yitzchok Glickman 377
With our anguish and our memories Rivke Gurfein 380
The inheritors are melancholy Azriel Ochmani 383
On the way from a meeting of the Remembrance Z. Leif-Kamfler 385
Moments of thought & doubt on the eve of theRemembrance Gathering Rivke Gurfein 387
Expulsion and Exile
In the exile of Russia and Siberia   393
On the way K. A. Bartini 394
The plight of expulsion, the way of exile & the pangs of Galut Menachem Ben-Moshe 395
From the Memoirs of a Refugee in Russia Azriel Regenbogen 398
With the Mark of Cold and Frost Berel Rabbach 405
From the Life of the Jews Exiled in Siberia David Shmarlobsky 406
In the bonds of life
Aharon Kramer   411
With Yacov Rosenfeld Professor Dov Sadan 413
Landscape and Man (in the company of Yacov Rosenfeld) Azriel Ochmani 416
The Maeir Family of Sanok in the Land Rabbi Alter Meier 418
Reb Shalom-Shachna Meir of blessed memory Ascher Bit 420
Rabbi Alter Meir of blessed memory E. Sharbit 421
Rabbi Alter Meir at Seventy E. Sharbit 422
To the memory of Rabbi Alter Meier Y. Ben-Moshe 425
Rabbi Alter Meier Rabbi Professor Binyamin De Fries 426
R' David-Yoel Weinfeld   427
Rabbi Yitzchok Feller Binyamin Feller 428
R'Eliezer Schneebaum, Liba Schneebaum, Yisrael Arye Schneebaum Yekotiel Schneebaum 430
R'Yisrael Trattner-Brochi A. Lerner 432
Helena Tamari (Trattner) Yehudit Rosenblum 434
Arye Wilk Chaim Karpel 435
Freida Birndorf-Tropf Z. L. Chaya Reiser-Fenig 436
Menachem Aldobi Avraham and Tzvi Aldobi 437

To Menachem Aldobi (a poem)

Natan Mark 439
R' Moshe Strenger Z. L   440
R' Naftali Sternberg Menachem Langsam 441
Dr. Yisrael Sobel Z. L. Eliezer Yisrael 442
On Yitzchok-Meier Gelender Rabbi A. Meier & E. Sharbit 443
Professor BenZion Katz    
The town prodigy Rivka Gorfein 446
Professor BenZion Katz (Benshalom) Yisrael Cohen 448
Benzion Benshalom Z. L. S. Shalom 449
Professor Benzion Katz (Benshalom) Z. L. Chaim Thoren 450
The publications of Benzion Katz Ascher Bit 451
Yisrael Lerner S. Kempler 452
R' Yisrael Wilk G. Givoni-Pipe 457
In the heights of valour
Moshe-Yisrael Horn, Yosef Propper, Tzvi Kituri-Rauch, Mordechi Rauch,
Kalman Shmuel-Rauch, Rina Schwartz, Shmuel Micah Tamari

The one time Jewish Sanok (Y)
A History of Sanok and the Region Ozer Pipe 469

The town seen with a bird's eye view

Yisrael Lembach 482
The offices and open buildings (shops?) on the Mitzkevitch St. Chaya Reiser-Fenig 484
In the Sanok government court Y. Lembach 487
The “Yad Charutzim” (see above) Ozer Pipe 489
Our Rebbes and their Chasidishe “Courts” E. Sharbit 493
Dr. Yitzchok Nehmer and his wife Fanny (Y)
The man and the community worker Yaffe Lerner 504
His personality Zosia Kempler-Leif 504
Aizik Wenig Yisrael Lembach 505
Dr. Shmuel Ohrenstein and his wife Zahava Dr. Julius Ohren 506
Sara Kuehl Ozer Pipe 509
Some Sanok characters Berel Rabach 510
The Sanok weekly “Folksfreind” E. Sharbit 512
The typhus epidemic in our town Eliyahu Berger 514
Twelve folk tales from Sanok Dr. S. Bickel 515
Jewish life in Sanok during the Nazi occupation Hadassah Herzog-Lezer 519
Every hour, every day Avraham Sutzkewer 523
With the Nazis (Y)
A) Before arrival in Zaslaw B) In Zaslaw Mordechai Zilberman 524
The Destruction of the Community of Sanok Henoch Katz 536
A Dirge Aharon Ceitlin 539
Immortalising our heroes and their heroism Yaacov Gurfein 540
My children D. Sfard 541
The awareness of the Shoah Rabbi Yitzchok Glickman 542
To you, Sanok, after the liberation Yaffa Wallach 544
In Russian Exile and on expulsion (Y)
Expulsions, Wanderings And Suffering In Exile Menachem Ben-Moshe 547
The Sanoker Landsleit-Circle In America Pesach Springer 551
Memories of my Shtetl Bukowsk Yehuda Knebel 554
Zagorz and its Jews Freida Birendorf-Tropf 559
Zagorz as I knew her Ascher Adamti (Rubenfeld) 564
I was a pupil in all of Zagors's schools F. Birendorf 565
Jewish Zarshin Moshe Strenger 569
Avraham Bart Eliyahu Leshner 572
A list of deaths and martyrs of the Shoah in Zarshin   575
Bukowsk & its Jews E. Sharbit 579
When did Jewish life start in Bukowsk?  
Economic life and sources of income of Bukowsk Jewry  
Cultural life of Bukowsk Jews  
Rabbi Shlomo Leib of Lantshia   582
The Tzadik R'Eliezer Weissblum (Reb Eliezer der Reisher)  


The Admor and Tzadik R' Meier-Yehuda Schapira  


The Admor and Tzadik R' David Schapira  


The Dayan Isser Eisenberg  


Rabbi Chaim Pinter  


Rabbi Avraham Pinter  


Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum   586
Shochetim in Bukowsk   587
Memories of my town Bukowsk Yehuda Knebel 588
Shabbat in Bukowsk Yitzchok Zuckerkandel 590
Grandmother, possessor of a great soul Yehuda Shakadi 592
Rav Isaac Schwerd Yitzchok Zuckerkandel 594
The family of R' Pesach Dobres David Dobres 595
Commemoration of the martyrs of Bukowsk   597-598
Organisations of Landsmanshaft of those who come from Sanok Pesach Springer 599
The Organisation of exiles of Sanok & surroundings Tzvi Shmari 603
Resemblances and images   605
Additions & Omissions
Sanok (An encylopaedic entry) Dr. Meier Balaban 613
List of the Jewish members of the Town Council of Sanok   614
The History of Hassidism and the Sanz-Sadagora Feud in Sanok   621
The hymn of the Yeshivah Rabbi Meier Shapira 623
On Rabbonus and Rabbonim in Sanok E. Sharbit 625
The will of R' Eliezer Bremer   627
On the perpetuation of the works of R' David Zuckerman   631
On Dr. Mattisyahu Weinryb   634
To these anonymous Rabbi Moshe Kamelhar 635
Lectures & initiatives, speeches and speakers A.S. 636
On the public activity of A. Scheinbach   640
A few memories of the Jewish theatre in Sanok (Y) M. Rabbach 642
Crumbs of existence and being   645
An extract from the words of Yitzchok Messer   647
On R' Moishele Kanner   648
Those who were and no longer are (Continuation)   649
R' Yitzchok (Itsha) Kahn Arye Lerner 652
R' Yisrael Meier E. Sharbit 654
Rabbi Alter Meier A. Roter; E. Sharbit 654
On the activities of R' Yitzchok Feller Menachem Talmi; Yitzchok Feller 658
Arye Wilk T. Fenster 662
In the bonds of life (Continuation)   663
Zionist activities of Sanokers in America   666
Writings of Sanokers round the world   667
Table of names   673
Candles in their memory   686
Index of Names


Translator's Footnotes
  1. These pages, prior to the main page numbering of the book, are numbered in Hebrew letters. I have numbered them in corresponding Roman Numerals. Return
  2. There is a footnote in the text here, as follows: In this book we will use the accepted spelling of the city, “Sanok” (Samech Alef Nun Vav Kuf) in Hebrew and Sanik (Samech Alef Nun Yod Kuf) in Yiddish. Return
  3. I translated from the Hebrew, and briefly checked over the Yiddish to see that it matched paragraph by paragraph. The Yiddish version extends through pages IX and X. The errata is only included in the Hebrew section. Return

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Mark D. Salik
This web page created by Mike Kalt and Osnat Ramaty

Copyright © 1999-2024 by JewishGen, Inc.
Updated 31 Oct 2021 by JH

There have been visits to this page since 19 Aug 2011