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Translation of
Kehilat Raysha sefer zikaron
Edited by: M. Yari-Wold
Published in Tel Aviv, by Former residents of Rzeszow in Israel and the USA, 1967 (H,Y,E)
Project Coordinator
Marian Rubin (emerita)
With appreciation to Mrs. Klara Ma'ayan, Tel Aviv, president of the Rzeszów (Reisha) Landsmanschaft, for granting permission to translate the Reisha Yizkor Book and put it on the JewishGen website, and with thanks also for his consent to Mr. Stanley Low, New Jersey, whose father, Irving Low, played a major role in publishing the original book. With appreciation and thanks to Aliya Middleton (nee Senensieb) and Eda (Ester) Senensieb (nee Kraut) for their generosity with their skill and care in proof-reading, beginning in late 2000. |
This is a translation from: Kehilat Raysha; sefer zikaron (Rzeszow community; memorial book),
Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Rzeszow
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Introductory remarks from the emirita coordinator of the Rzeszów Yizkor book Translation Project, Marian Rubin:
Mrs. Klara Munzberg Ma'ayan, Tel Aviv, president of the Reisha Landsmanschaft, has dedicated her life to the remembrance of the Reisha community. Mrs. Ma'ayan arranges the annual yahrzeit (memorial) service for the Reisha community in Israel each year. She initiated a project resulting in a beautiful memorial site in the woods of Glogow where approximately 5,000 Jews from Reisha and nearby towns were murdered by the Nazis. Mrs. Ma'ayan spoke eloquently at the ceremony to dedicate the memorial site on June 26, 1995. In June 1998, Mrs. Ma'ayan and some members of the Landsmanschaft attended a ceremony in Rzeszów to dedicate a plaque placed in the synagogue in memory of their lost community. Mrs. Ma'ayan and her husband Artek Ma'ayan, who died in Israel in 1994, and whom Mrs. Ma'ayan speaks of in her story, have three children, and several grandchildren. |
Hebrew Section
Contents | 5 | |
Photographs | 8 | |
A Note by the Publication Committee | 10 | |
Editors' Foreword | 11 | |
Lament | Shlomo Tal | 13 |
Reisha | Berish Weinstein | 14 |
Map of Rzeszów & Vicinity | 16 | |
The History of the Jews of Rzeszów | Dr. N. M. Gelber | |
Note from translator | ||
Chapter 1: The Development of the Town | 17 | |
Chapter 2: The Beginning of Jewish Settlement in Rzeszów Until 1772 | 25 | |
Chapter 3: Occupations and Livelihood of the Jews | 31 | |
Chapter 4: The Community | 36 | |
Charper 5: The Rabbis of the City | 42 | |
Chapter 6: The Cemetery | 45 | |
Chapter 7: The Period of Austrian Rule, 1772-1848 | 47 | |
Chapter 8: Rzeszów from 1849-1919 | 55 | |
Chapter 9: Rzeszów from 1919-1939 | 63 | |
The Goldsmiths of Rzeszów | Dr. Moshe Yaari Wald | 65 |
Pages of History | Dr. Henry Y. Wachtel | 66 |
Jewish Rzeszów | Zvi Simcha Leder | 68 |
Faith & Tradition in Rzeszów | ||
Rabbis of Rzeszów | Abba Appelbaum | 71 |
The City and its Rabbis | Rabbi Moshe Kamelhar | 72 |
A. The Early Kehilla | ||
B. The Rabbis of the Community of Rzeszów | ||
C. The Rabbi and Gaon Rabbi Shmuel HaLevi and His Sons | ||
D. The Gaon Rabbi Aryeh Leib the SoninLaw of the Chacham Tzvi and His Sons | 80 | |
My Grandfather Rabbi Nathan Lewin | Rabbi Dr. Isaac Levin | 82 |
Traits of Rabbi Nathan Levin | Shlomo Tal | 85 |
The Rabbi, Reb Aaron Levin | Rabbi Dr. Isaac Levin | 86 |
My Father, Rabbi Dr. Ezekiel Levin | Isaac (Kurt) Levin | 91 |
Rabbi Nathan Levin and his Bet Din | Rabbi Moshe Kamelhar | 93 |
My Father, Rabbi Yekutiel Arieh Kamelhar | Rabbi Moshe Kamelhar | 95 |
Rabbi Nahum Reuben Felsker | Rabbi Issachar Berish Halperin | 100 |
Rabbi Berish Steinberg | Rabbi Moshe Halevi | 100 |
Reb Yosef Reich | Shlomo Tal | 101 |
Hassidism in Rzeszów | ||
Rzeszów in Hassidic Circles | M. Sh. Geshuri | 103 |
Hassidic Courts | Rabbi Moshe Kamelhar | 107 |
The Rabbi of Blazowa and His Dynasty | Shlomo Tal | 116 |
Religious Education in Rzeszów | ||
Yeshivot in Rzeszów | M. S. Geshuri | 118 |
Shamashim (Synagogue Attendants) | Rabbi Moshe Kamelhar | 119 |
Cantors and Synagogue Music in Rzeszów | M. S. Geshuri | 120 |
Meir Diener | Pessah Diener | 123 |
Cantor Dov Menachem Konwiser | Herzl Konvisser | 123 |
Prayer-Leaders for the Days of Awe | 124 | |
Synagogues in Rzeszów | Eng. David Davidovitch | 125 |
In the Haskala Press | 128 | |
Before and Between the World Wars | ||
Rzeszów in the Past | Leon Weisenfeld | 132 |
During the Interregnum | Dr. Moshe Yaari Wald | 134 |
The Chaos of 1918 | Rabbi Moshe Kamelhar | 137 |
The Pogrom of Rzeszów | Naftali Hakhel | 137 |
The Sejm (Parliament) Committee, and the Ministers from Rzeszów | Dr. Yechezkel Lewin | 138 |
The Morgenthau Commission in Central Galicia | Yosef Storch | 140 |
Organizations and Factions | ||
Hashachar in Rzeszów | Dr. N. M. Gelber | 141 |
Shulamit | Dvora Abramowitz | 142 |
A. General Zionists in Rzeszów | Dr. Moshe Yaari-Wald | 143 |
B. The First of Poalei Zion | 145 | |
History of Poalei Zion in Rzeszów | Michael Walzer-Fass | 146 |
Hashachar Haivria and Hechalutz | Alter Tishbi (Sitz) | 151 |
Organizations and Societies in Rzeszów | David Tuchfeld | 153 |
Religious Parties | Naftali Hakhel | 157 |
The Founding of the Mizrachi | Rabbi Moshe Kamelhar | 158 |
On the History of Mizrachi in Rzeszów | M. S. Geshuri | 160 |
Agudas Yisrael | Shlomo Tal | 164 |
Revisionist Movement | Avraham Mussinger | 165 |
Organization of Jewish Academics in Rzeszów | Yehoshua Alexander Rosner (Keller) | 169 |
Youth in Rzeszów During the 1930s | Pepa Wachspress-Lisak Tuchfeld | 170 |
The Birth of Hashomer Hatzair | Meir Yaari | 172 |
Hashomer Hatzair in Rzeszów from 1924 | Abraham Mussinger | 173 |
The Hashomer Hatzair Chapter in Rzeszów That Shaped Me | Sara Altman (Batist) | 175 |
Hashomer Hatzair Members Make Aliya | Eva Kirsch | 177 |
Rzeszów Emigres in Hashomer Hatzair Kibbutzim | Tuvia Yaari | 177 |
In Memory of the Hechalutz Chapter | Lotka Kleid (Schlisselberg) | 178 |
Years of Setback | Marcus Dornfest | 179 |
Jewish Members of the Communist Party in Rzeszów | Dr. Moshe Yaari | 180 |
The Noar Tzioni | Yehoshua Strassberg | 181 |
Between the Years 1924-1939 | Klara Ma'ayan (Munzberg) | 183 |
The Hebrew School | Professor Yitzhak Weiss | 186 |
Once Upon a Time There Was a School | Sabina Schneeweiss | 187 |
The Nucleus of the Hebrew School | Dr. Mauricy Ungar | 188 |
Sport in Rzeszów | Lawyer Alexander Joshua Rosner-Keller | 189 |
The Bar Kochba Sport Association | Avraham Ungar | 191 |
The Society for the Preservation of Health | Dr. Mauricy Ungar | 192 |
Workers' Children's House in Rzeszów | Louis Estherman | 193 |
Beit Haam and the Hospital in Rzeszów | Michael Walzer-Fass | 195 |
The Publishing House of M. Goldberg | Lotka Goldberg | 198 |
Demographics of Rzeszów Jewry in the Year 1939 | Manes Fromer | 199 |
Memories and Happenings | ||
A Portrait of Rzeszów at the Beginning of the 20th Century | Dr. Moshe Yaari Wald | 201 |
A Bundle of Memories | Dr. Shlomo Horowitz | 225 |
A Heritage from a Rzeszów Home | Meir Yaari | 228 |
Childhood in Rzeszów | Anda Amir-Pinkerfeld | 228 |
Rzeszów Jews and Censuses | Ben Zion Fett | 229 |
In Rzeszów at the End of the 1st World War 1914 - 1918 | M. Ungerfeld | 232 |
Early Years in Rzeszów | Irving Low | 234 |
One in a Thousand | Uzi Ben-Moshe and Roni Wechsler | 235 |
Rzeszów During the First World War, 1914-1918 | S. Anski | 238 |
Rzeszów | Professor S. I. Penueli | 239 |
Intelligentsia and Writers | ||
From the Sages of the City | Gershon Bader | 243 |
1. Moshe David Geschwind | 243 | |
2. Abba Apfelbaum | 244 | |
3. Yitzchak Holzer | 244 | |
4. Oswald Henigsman | 244 | |
5. Leon Wiesenfeld | 244 | |
6. Moshe Wiesenfeld | 244 | |
7. Asher Simcha Weissmann | 245 | |
8. Wilhelm Turteltaub | 245 | |
On Abba Apfelbaum: | 245 | |
1. Writer and Communal Worker | Raphael Rosenzweig | 245 |
2. The Founder of the Teudat Yisrael School | Dr. Ovadiah Barshal | 246 |
3. Historian and Researcher | Dr. Moshe Alter | 248 |
Dr. Moshe Alter | 248 | |
Naphtali Ashriel-Glicksman | Hanina Mizrahi | 249 |
My Father Chaim Wald | Dr. Moshe Yaari Wald | 249 |
My Brother Moshe | Leon Wiesenfeld | 252 |
Leon and Esther Wiesenfeld | Michael Walzer Fass | 253 |
Berish Weinstein | Professor Dov Sedan | 256 |
Berish Weinstein | Moshe Starkmann | 257 |
Berish Weinstein and his Rzeszów | Nathan Yonathan | 258 |
Dr. Henry Yitzchak Wachtel | A. P. | 259 |
Dr. Binyamin Schlager | Simcha Seiden | 259 |
Tzvi Simcha Leder | Leon Wiesenfeld | 260 |
On Professor Shmuel Yeshayahu Penueli | G. Kressel | 260 |
Simcha Seiden | Zvi Simcha Leder | 261 |
Ben-Zion Fett | Yitzchak Estreicher | 261 |
The Violin of Nahum Sternheim | Manes Frommer | 262 |
Personalities and Characters | ||
Personalities in Rzeszów | Dr. Moshe Yaari | 264 |
A. Yaakov Alter | ||
B. Meshulam Davidson | ||
C. Dr. Felix Hopfen | ||
D. Dr. Aaron Arthur Wang | ||
E. Asher Yehuda Silber | ||
F. Levi (Leon) Chaim | ||
G. Dr. Henryk Tzvi Kanarek | ||
Meshulam Davidson | Tovia Yaari | 271 |
Naftali Tuchfeld | ||
Anna Kahane | Leon Wiesenfeld | 272 |
Elimelech Katz | M. Sh. Geshuri | 272 |
Irving Low | David Ben-Yosef | 273 |
My Father Shlomo Munzberg | Klara Ma'ayan | 274 |
Rabbi Dr. Zvi Koretz | Simcha Seiden | 275 |
Yaakov Elimelech Knecht and His Wife Malka | Yitzchak Oestreicher | 276 |
Yaakov Sheinblum | Zeev Zohar | 277 |
Moshe Wang | Avraham Wang | 277 |
Yitzchak Oestreicher | Leon Wiesenfeld | 278 |
1. Motish Eckstein's Family | 280 | |
2. The Mintz Family | Shlomo Tal | |
Jewish Judges | Moshe Reich | 281 |
Personalities | Naphtali Hakhel | 282 |
The Uniqueness of Moshe David Ashriel | Zvi Livneh | 283 |
Eliahu Ashriel (Gluksman) | A. P. | 284 |
Yehoshua Ashriel (Gliksman) | A. P. | 284 |
Personalities and Occasions | Moshe Kamelhar | 285 |
Reb Menachem Mendel Reich | Moshe Reich | 289 |
My Brother Yisrael | Rabbi Moshe Kamelhar | 289 |
The Dear Ones of Rzeszów | Yitzchak Izak Nebenzahl | 290 |
The Holocaust | ||
Pour Out Thy Wrath (Drawing) | Menahem Ron | 291 |
In the Face of the Holocaust | Meir Yaari | 292 |
Remember! | Klara Ma'ayan | 293 |
The Martyrdom of the Rzeszów Community | Dr. Asher Alexander Heller | 294 |
The End of the Rzeszów Community | Mala Krischer Munzberg | 307 |
Majdanek G-d! | Berish Weinstein | 311 |
I Shall Not Die, But Shall Live | Lotka Goldberg | 312 |
During the Nazi Occupation | Klara Ma'ayan Munzberg | 322 |
I Escaped Death | Dr. Michael Schneiweiss | 326 |
Attempts at Resistance in Rzeszów | Dov Zucker | 331 |
The Last Jews of Rzeszów | M. Hoffstetter | 332 |
Memories of the Occupation | Lola Weis-Immerglich | 334 |
Rzeszów Women in Auschwitz | Dina Strassberg-Einhorn | 335 |
Hava Wuszka Jolles, A Girl Who Fought | Menachem Levenstein | 336 |
Rzeszów in 1946 | Marcus Dornfest | 338 |
Rzeszówa's Rebellious Daughter | M. Weinstein Lazer | 339 |
Gola (Golda) Mire, an Anti-Nazi Fighter | Dr. Moshe Yaari Wald | 340 |
The Fate of Rzeszów Jewry, 1939 - 1944 | Franciszek Kotula | 342 |
B. Synagogues and Cemeteries | 344 | |
C. Some Memories | 346 | |
D. The Catacombs of Rzeszów | 348 | |
Polish Evidence on the Extermination of Rzeszów Jews | Jan Forczek | 350 |
Memories | Professor Juliusz Kyas | 352 |
Map of the City | Abraham Mussinger | 352 |
A Walk Through Rzeszów | Abraham Mussinger | 361 |
Small Towns and Villages in the Rzeszów District | Dr. Moshe Yaari Wald | 365 |
The Liberation | Moshe Reich | 367 |
Rzeszów Revisited in 1962 | Haya Shlisselberg Tamari | 367 |
Five Hundred Years; A Summing Up | Manes Fromer | 368 |
Obituaries | ||
Abraham Altman | Sarah Altman Batist | 369 |
Abraham Teitelbaum | 370 | |
Mordechai Ben Elhanan Lipschitz | 371 | |
Simcha Ben Mordechai Lipschitz | 371 | |
Eighteen Years of the Organization of Rzeszów and the District in Israel | Isaac Estreicher | 372 |
After a Thousand Years | Berish Wajnsztajn | 376 |
I. On the History of the Jews in Rzeszów | ||
Pages on the History of the Jews in Rzeszów | Dr. Abraham Chomet | 377 |
The History of the Reisha Cemetery | Dr. Moshe Alter | 423 |
II. Before and Between the Two World Wars | ||
From Beginning to End | Simkha Zajden | 426 |
The Jewish City of Reisha | Zvi Shimkha Leder | 428 |
Bygone Reisha | Leon Wiesenfeld | 449 |
Poalei Zion in Rzeszów | Michael Walzer Fass | 466 |
The Jewish Workers' Children's Home in Rzeszów | Louis Estherman | 472 |
The Bar Kochba Sports Society | Abraham Unger | 475 |
Hassidim of the Rebbe of Dzikow | Mordechai Sacher Sternberg | 476 |
The Tailors' Synagogue | Dr. Aharon Rosenbaum | 476 |
A Meeting with the Hebrew Teacher of my Old Home Town | Berish Weinstein | 477 |
Memories of the Past | Dr. Aharon Rosenbaum | 478 |
My Home Ticzin | 481 | |
Memories of the Past | Joseph Falk | 483 |
Rzeszów Jews | Jacob Beller | 484 |
Ballad of Radiant Grandsires | Berish Weinstein | 486 |
III. Figures | ||
Some of our Figures | Zvi Simcha Leder | 488 |
Naphtali Tuchfeld | David Tuchfeld | 492 |
The Seventieth Jubilee of Abba Apfelbaum | Simcha Seiden | 493 |
The Philosopher and Poet Dr. Benjamin Schlager | 494 | |
Anna Kahane | Leon Wiesenfeld | 495 |
My Brother Moshe | Leon Wiesenfeld | 496 |
Tzvi Simcha Leder | Leon Wiesenfeld | 497 |
Irving Low | David Ben-Yosef | 502 |
Berish Weinstein | Moshe Starkmann | 505 |
Berish Weinstein's Birthday | A. Tabatchnik | 506 |
Nachum Sternheim | Jonas Turkow | 508 |
IV. The Destruction | ||
Majdanek G-d! | Berish Weinstein | 512 |
The First Days of the War | Joseph Laufban | 513 |
The History of the Destruction of the Rzeszów Jewish Community | Dr. Asher Alexander Heller | 515 |
From Rzeszów by way of Wroclaw to America | Israel Beck | 537 |
What I saw in the Old Jewish City of Rzeszów | Dr. Haim Shoshkes | 538 |
Rzeszówer & Province Landsmanschaft of Montreal | 543 | |
In Memoriam - Memorial Tributes to Families | 545 | |
Index of Names
( Names from pages translated. More will be added as translation proceeds.) There is also an English section of the book. |
Rzeszów Yizkor Book Overview | ||
Notes from the translator | ||
Overview of Hebrew section of Rzeszów Yizkor Book |
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Updated 19 Mar 2025 by JH