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Memorial Dedications (cont.)

We Weep Bitterly for our Dear Ones

The family of Leibish Friedler of Rozniatow, murdered in the Dolina ghetto by the Nazis may their names be blotted out on the 17th of Elul 5702, September 8, 1942.

Our father Reb Leibish Friedler the son of Reb Alexander
Our mother Heni-Leah the daughter of Reb Yitzchak Geller
Our sister Frieda-Miriam, her husband Avraham Friedler
Our sister Sara and her husband
Our sister Gittel and her husband
Uncle Mordechai Geller, his wife Gittel from Spas
Uncle Yitzhak Yones, his wife Tauba nee Geller and their children from Spas
Uncle Binem Geller and his wife Gittel
Cousin David Geller and his family
Cousin Eschi Freitag nee Yones and her family
And all of our relatives of the Bitkower family of Spas

Perpetuated by the brothers Sender, Zecharia and Yisrael Friedler

Sitting from right: Frieda and her daughter Heni may she live,
Leibish and his wife Heni-Leah. Standing Sara and Gittel


Land, Do Not Hide Their Blood

The family of Reb Yaakov Yankel Saraf, murdered in the Dolina ghetto by the Nazis may their names be blotted out on the 17th of Elul 5702, September 8, 1942.

Our mother Sara Saraf the daughter of Reb Sender Friedler
Our father Yaakov Yankel Saraf
Our sister Frieda and her husband Shimon Diamand

Sara Yankel


Perpetuated by the brothers Sender and Hirsch Baruch Friedler-Saraf


In Eternal Memory

In the family of Mordechai-Mottel Friedler of Rozniatow, perished in the Holocaust

Our father Mordechai and mother Sara Friedler
Our sister Chana and her daughter Chaya
Our sister-in-law Chana and her children Yosef, Shmuel, Tova and Tzvia
The children of our sister Rivka: Yaffa, Yaakov, Dvora
Uncles Moshe and Yisrael and their entire families
Cousins Rashi, Miriam, their husbands and children
Cousins Bendet, Moshe, Tzvi and their families
Cousins Uri, Fishel and their families

May their names be blessed forever!

Chana Friedler nee Weissman, the wife of Uchi,
with her children Tova Shmuel, Tzvia and Yosef

Perpetuated by Miriam, Max, Chanina Friedler, and Esther Friedler Miller

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