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And Thus it Was… (cont.)

These photographs that we include here are from our gatherings on the anniversary of the destruction of Rozniatow and its environs.

We gather together every year to unite ourselves with the memory of our martyrs. We see before us all of those who are near and dear, and we feel that for which the human language does not yet have a name. We dredge up memories that we cannot comprehend until this day.

We indeed sense the grandeur of our gatherings, and we always express the ancient command that remains still with us, written with letters of fire and blood:

Remember and do not forget, never forget!

Our lips never cease to utter:

Yisgadal Veyiskadash, Jewish Rozniatow, Perehinsko, Swaryczow, and Broszniow.

Rozniatow natives in the United States at the memorial service of 1971
First row, sitting from the left: Louis and his wife Eva Rizak, Olive and Shimon
Lieberman, Klara Diamant, Anda Sternkler, Blima Eigenmacht, Blima Laufer.
Second row: Rosa and Feivel Ginsberg, Kalman Katz and his wife, Esther Teffer, Max
Stromwasser and his wife, Chana Landsman, Moshe Lutwak, Fami Axelrad, Dora Unger.
Third row: Mendel Landsman, Yeshaya and Esther Lutwak, Leo and Adela Teffer,
Bronia Kleinhammer, Sala and Munek Enis, Samuel Kirshenbaum, Yehuda Axelrad.


At the memorial ceremony in 5731 / 1971


Nechemia the son of Herzl and Henche Shapiro


The book of Rozniatow is concluded, the gathering of material for the book is finished, however we know that everything that was written did not recreate either the life or the workings of our community. It was impossible to transmit everything, and it was also impossible to include everything that our natives recorded.

We hope that when this book is published, it will serve as an incentive for further gatherings for our natives, and further encounters to perpetuate the value of the great task that has been performed. We hereby thank all of the people who did everything within their power to ensure that this book would appear in the finest and most complete manner, so that it will serve as a literary monument for our destroyed Jewish community.

Zecharia Friedler

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