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The Zionist Organizations (cont.)


Beitar – The Revisionists

The Revisionist Movement grew and encompassed wide circles among all of the strata of youth in the town. These youths who were thirsty for new content found their place, and turned toward serious activity. Militaristic ideas and military actualization enchanted these youths. However, it would be incorrect to state that these youths were satisfied with only physical hachsharah and military training. This was a vibrant and alert movement, that attracted to it all of the youths who were not in full agreement with the Zionist establishment, and wished to see drastic changes in it. Many in the Rozniatow branch acted in the spheres of cultural and spiritual hachsharah of the youth, and in instilling Hebrew as a spoken language.

Stam Chalutz

This was essentially an educational youth movement, connected with the Zionist movement. It educated its members towards the goals of aliya and pioneering actualization. Its goals were: the learning of the Hebrew language, collecting funds for the Zionist funds, and education toward love of the nation and the homeland. With all this, it was a left leaning youth movement, which was not content with the spirit of the ways of Poale Zion or Hitachdut. It did a great deal to raise the level of pioneering, by initiating pioneering education at a particularly young age in order to prepare groups of people whose main motive would be aliya and the building of the Land. Indeed, from among its ranks, many made aliya and became pioneers. Most of their pioneers (chalutzim) were quite capable.

The founders and activists of this pioneering movement were David Rubinfeld Nussbaum, Mordechai Trau, Yehuda Tzvi Stern, Mordechai (Moti) Hoffman, and Izak Barnik.

“The Casino”

In Rozniatow, there was another “casino” were people would gather to read a book or a newspaper, to play chess, or to converse among friends, without any political motives or Zionistic aims.

There was also a workers' organization where the workers would gather in the evenings to deal with their matters. There was also a merchants' organization and a troupe of actors – a drama group that conducted fine activities and performed various plays.

These were the official organizations of the adults and the youth, whose influence was recognizable, some greater and some less, in the communal life of Rozniatow.

There was one other unofficial youth organization, the Communists. They did not have their own hall, but they conducted a reasonable level of activity underground, as the government persecuted them and made things difficult for them. Many of their members were imprisoned, especially on days that were set aside for demonstrations or strikes.


The Trumpeldor Covenant Organization
First row, from left: Dvora Hoffnung, Rachel Barnik,
Chaim Frisch's daughter, and Beiltsha Kassner


Trumpeldor Covenant in 1933
First row on left: Yeshayahu Axelrad
Second row on left: Yosef Shapira


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