Rozhan Memorial Book
(Rozan, Poland)

52°53' / 21°25'

Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Rozan (al ha-Narew)

Edited by: Benjamin Halevy, Rozhan societies in Israel and the USA

Published in Tel Aviv, 1977 (H, Y, E)



Project Coordinator

Ada Holtzman z”l


Efraim Ben-Dor
Jenny Ben-Dor
Ada Holtzman

Necrology transcribed by

Ada Holtzman

Our sincere appreciation to Efraim Ben-Dor of the Rozan Landsmanschaft in Israel,
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation from: Sefer zikaron le-kehilat Rozan (al ha-Narew);
Rozhan memorial Book of the Rozhan societies in Israel and the USA, ed. Benjamin Halevy, Tel Aviv, 1977 (H, Y, E)

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Book Committee Introduction  
Benyamin Halevi Forward  

  The History of our Community Rozan 

  Historical Review (Hebrew) 17
  From the Sources (Yiddish) 24
  From the Sources (Yiddish) 29
  The history of the Shtetl (fragment) 32
  The history of the Shtetl (fragment) 34

  Memories of the Past 

Yehuda Kurnik The first destruction of the town 35
Chaim Raitzik An escape from a certain death (an episode) 37
Yecheskel Gelczinski Government changes but Anti-semitism stays 39
Yechiel Wigoda A blood libel in Rozan 42
Joseph Kwartowicz A story of excomunication 44
Zecharia Chanin Life and destruction of Rozan Community 46
Natan Wigoda Death of Jakob Sapirstejn 49
Bezalel Broide Rozan, nest of brotherly love 52
Mordechai Armoni (Zamek) Pictures from the past 54
Lea Broides Kurlender A market day in our town 58
Menucha Shultzer An epysode 60
Chaim Plotkin Boots (a story from the time of the War) 62
Moishe Przysusker Four poems 73
Alter Rosenfeld Footsteps of the past 75
Shalom Perel Life experiences in Rozan 77
Mordechai Armoni (Zamek) I see you my Shtetl… 79

   Jewish Rozan  

Arie Buchner This was our little town 83
Efraim Ben-Dor (Bender) Chapters of Rozan 85
Natan Wigoda Rozan how can I forget thee 126
Moishe Beilis From the beginning of childhood until the horrible end 142
Zecharia Chenin The holy conmmunity Rozan 134
Nute Rogoza Special Rozan 137
Lejzer Beilis Culture under all conditions 142
Chana Holtzman Buchner The theater in Rozan 143
Eliahu Wilgowicz Memories of the Shtetl 147
Jehuda Chmiel The last religious institutions in Rozan 152
F. R. The life of the religious girls in Rozan 156
Samuel Grushka Rozan, 1936 158
Mendel Burstein Memories from our little town 162
Mordechai Armoni (Zamek) Youth life in Rozan until 1920 172
Itzhak Senderowitz Youth Movement life 182
Natan (Noske) Wigoda "Poalei Zion Smol" (the Workers of Zion - left wing) movement in Rozan 187
Samuel Rosenberg "Tzeirei Zion" (Youngsters of Zion) party in Rozan 194
Arje Buchner "Hashomer Hatzair" movement in our little town 197
Mendel Burstein "Hamizrachi" (Zionist religious party) and "Torah ve'Avoda" (Torah & Labour movement) in Rozan 201
Arye Buchner First football team in Rozan 204
Nachman Shafran Memories of my Shtetl Rozan 206
Pnina Aharonowitz Katz My little Shtetl Rozan 209
Shalom Perel Rozan - town landscape and a dream 210
Mordechai Armoni (Zamek) First immigrants form Rozan to Eretz Israel 213
Natan Wigoda My journey to Eretz Israel 218

  Personalities and Images 

Bezalel Broide Rabbi Naftali Josef Freund 227
Yehuda Chmiel Our Rabbi Naftaly Josef Freund 229
Yehuda Chmiel Rabbi Shimon Margalit (Margulis) 230
Yehuda Chmiel Righteousness Women 231
Efraim Ben-Dor (Bender) The family Katz (“the Mechanic”) 233
Yecheskel Gelczynski Jews in Rozan 235
Becalel Broide Henich Buchner and his wife Chayale 237
Efraim Ben-Dor (Bender) Arie Buchner – head of the youth movement “Hashomer Hatzair” 239
Shalom Perel Baruch Bursztayn 243
Arie Buchner Pessach Bursztayn 244
Pessach Mlinek E. B. The Ben-Dor (Bender) house 246
Chaya Losh-Katz Jonas Beker 251
Efraim Ben-Dor (Bender) Jonas Beker and his undertakings 253
Efraim Ben-Dor (Bender) Abraham Szaja Piontnica (the carpenter) 254
Mordechai Armony (Zamek) Reb Abrahan Segal 256
Moishe Shultzer Rozan and its typical characters 259
Mordechai Armony (Zamek) Characters of our shtetl Rozan 266
Zvi Bender Types of people and curiosities of Rozan 268
Shlomo Pultusker Partycular Types of people and Characters 273

    Tortured And Oppressed… 

Chana Buchner Memories of the liberation of Bergen Belsen, 1945 284
Simcha Shafran When World War II broke out 286
Itzhak Magnushever Testimony of a child 288
Moyshe Gruda That is how it began 289
Pessach Mlinek Notebook of horrors 293
Bezalel Braide From the horrors and the miracles of the Holocaust 301
Mina Mlinek – Magnushever Hardships and terrors during the beginning of the War 305
Moyshe Baran I cannot any more… 315
Rachel Viser Nagel I was only thirteen years old 319
David Pratz From what was engraved in my memory 320
Mordechai Czechanower The boys of Rozan among the fighters and resistance (Hebrew) 337
Mordechai Czechanower The boys of Rozan among the fighters and resistance (Yiddish) 340
Rachel Lemberg – Kopecz From the days of the Holocaust 344
Yecheskel Gelczinski With the Germans and the Russians 347
Elyahu Wilgowitz From Rozan to Germany and back 350
Moyshe Mlinek Only four and a half years old when the War broke out 358
Frida Sarig-Weinberg (Aisenberg) I was fifteen years old 367
Chana Holtzman Buchner In the ghettos and in the concentration camps 375
P. R. From the holocaust to exile in Russia 385
Perel Abramowitz Katz Rozan – Russia – Rozan 388
Chaya Sure Kalmanowitz Russia – a sad chapter in my life 393
Rachel Kagan Elson Bitter memories 397
Nathan Rzepka From Rozan to Russia 398
Alexander Gurbatov The Red Army frees Rozan (Hebrew) 404
Alexander Gurbatov The Red Army frees Rozan (Yiddish) 405
Pessach Mlinek From Bialystok to exile and back to freedom 407
Rachel Glick Wigoda Struggle for life 412
Arye Albik About my wandering during years of Holocaust 418
Zorach Rzepka My wandering to Eretz Israel 421
Moyshe Malowan From leaving Rozan to Exodus 422
Shlomo Pultusker Memories of those days 424

 Pages of Yizkor – Remember 

Abraham Broides We shall remember!


Perished in the Holocaust:
Moshe Beilis Yoel Gru 437
Mother Chana Holcman Meir Holcman H'YD 439
Sara Segal Chatzkowicz To the memory of my father Chaim-Shlomo Chatzkowicz 438
Pnina Aharonowicz - Katz Remember my family 440
Icchak Senderowicz The family Piepsz 441
Zehava Freiman To the memory of my father and his family, Rabbi Yosef-Yehuda Freiman ZTZ"L 443
Mordechai Armony (Zamek) My grandmother, my grandfather, my father and my mother - Bela Nudler Feldman 444
Chaike Serak Wigoda In memory of my sister Sarke Wigoda 446
  List of the Jewish Holocaust Martyrs of Rozan 447
  Commemoration Photographs 462
  Died in Israel and in the Diaspora 471
Efraim Ben-Dor (Bender) Our beloved Arie (recited near the open grave) 471
Luba and Itzhak Senderowicz At the end of the thirty days of mourning of Arie Buchners of blessed memory 472
Pessach Mlinek Spoken during the ceremony of unveiling the tombstone 473
Natan Wigoda In the end of the thirty days of mourning 474
Efraim Ben-Dor (Bender) To the memory of tzvi Bender 475
Natan Wigoda Naftali Vilgowicz 477
Rzak Brand Another victim of the Nazi barbariens 478
Lea Broides – Kurlender To the memory of Chancze Wilogowicz – Wigoda 479
B. L. The Rabbi Chaim Beniamin Wiernik 480
Mordechai Armony (Zamek) My father Abraham Shaul Z"L 481
Shoshana Yatziv - Blum Shlamek 482
M. Platkewicz Rabbi Shlomo Platkewicz 483
Shalom Perel My brother Chaim Perel Z"L 484
Itzhak Senderowicz To the memory of our friend Beniamin Frenkel 487
Arie Buchner A faithful friend since old times 488
Luba Senderowicz Zehava Krampf Meidenboim 489
Natan Wigoda Shmuel Rogoza  
Mordechai Armony (Zamek) Rabbi Meshulam Roshiniak 491
Mordechai Armony (Zamek) Yechiel Rafael Pokshivka 492
  List of the deceased in Israel 493
Fallen in the struggles of the State of Israel:
  Yehuda Matecki 494
Natan Tuvia Taus 495
Dan Margalit Ilan Ganani 496
Efraim Ben-Dor (Bender) Yosef Gamer 497
Luba and Itzhak Senderowicz Yosef Gamer 497
Tzvi G. Ami Sarig (Weinberg) 499
Yoram   499
Upon Completion of the Book 501
  An appeal to our Landsleit in Israel and in the Diaspora (1970) (Hebrew) 502
  An appeal to our Landsleit in Israel and in the Diaspora (1970) (Yiddish) 503
The Committee Rozan Relief Committee in New York 512
The Committee The Rozan Isreali Landsmanschaften and its actiivities 504
Natan Wigoda Motel Zamek celebrates his four-score years 515
The Editing Board The end of the book 516

The English Part

The Editing Committee Preface 5
Bejamin Halevy With this book 6
Aryeh Buchner This was our little town 7
Aryeh Buchner Rozan: an historical sketch 8
Aryeh Buchner On history of the town 14
Shalom Perl Rozan, landscape and a dream 16
Efraim Ben-Dor (Bender) The story of Rozan 20
Itzchak Magnushever Evidence given by a child 31
Simcha Shafran(Shaftanovich) When the war broke out 32
Frieda Sarig-Eisenberg I was fifteen years old 34
Rachel Weiser-Nagel I was just thirteen 40
David Prath What I remember 43
Mina Mlinek – Magnushever Troubles and horrors at the beginning of the war 52
H. H. B. In the ghetto and in the camps 68
Pessach Mlinek From the scrap-book of horror 78
M. Czechanover Boys from Rozan among the fighters 87
A. Buchner I visited Maidanek 90
Nathan Wygoda Rozan, could I ever forget you? 91
Nathan Wygoda Rozan Relief Committee in New York 93

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Ada Holtzman z”l
This web page created by Osnat Ramaty

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Updated 22 Sep 2009 by LA