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Association of Former Residents of Rokitno and its Vicinity in Israel {cont.}

In the second part of the evening Haim Shteinman gave a general report and a special report on the coming publication of the Rokitno Memorial Book. Members Shmaryahu Kravi and Aryeh Geipman gave a financial report and asked those present to pay what they owed so the publication of the book would not be delayed.

Part Of The Audience At The Memorial Assembly In Tel Aviv

Part Of The Audience At The Memorial Assembly In Tel Aviv
Commemorating The 25th Anniversary Of The Destruction Of Our Community

Part Of The Audience At The Memorial Assembly In Tel Aviv

Part Of The Audience At The Memorial Assembly In Tel Aviv
Commemorating The 25th Anniversary Of The Destruction Of Our Community

In March 1968 our member A. Turok, principal of the A.D. Gordon School in Holon, proposed that his school adopt our community. We replied positively and we held a meeting with him where he explained the purpose of the adoption. He wished to implant the memory of the Rokitno and surroundings community in the hearts of the generation born and raised in Israel. It was decided that after the publication of the book a meeting would be held with the education committee of the school and plans would be drawn up.

On 3/25/1968 a conference of partisans from our town and its surroundings was held in Tel Aviv. The secretary of the editorial board, Haim Shteinman, participated. He explained the purpose of the meeting. He asked all participants to write their memories of what happened to them during the struggle with the Nazi enemy. This would serve as educational material for the students of the Gordon School in Holon, which is planning to adopt us. The students will learn from it and will know we did not simply go as sheep to the slaughter, but that there were many incidents of exceptional heroism. These incidents added honor and pride to our nation. This heroism must be told to our children.

Meeting Of Partisans From Our Town And Its Surroundings

Meeting Of Partisans From Our Town And Its Surroundings

Standing right to left: 1. David Burd 2. Bronia Blizhovsky 3. Baruch Negel 4. Haya Volkon (Pinchuk) 5. Asher Binder 6. Issachar Trossman
Seated right to left: 1. Avraham Eisenberg 2. David Turok 3. Nachman Blizhovsky 4. Baruch Shehori 5. Zvi Olshansky
“The river continues to flow”. Rokitno and surroundings is still alive. The fact that the book was written is proof that the cruel enemy did not succeed in annihilating our nation. There is continuity; there is the guarding of the candle, which will not die out. The proof is our attachment to our martyrs and our book. We will keep watch over this treasure – the Rokitno and surroundings book. This is all we have left.

During the writing of this article we marked twenty-five years since our town and its surroundings were destroyed and twenty-four years since the organization was founded.

We did not intend to end our work. As long as we are alive our dearly beloved who were exterminated and erased from the Book of Life, will remain in our hearts. We have a sacred duty to bequeath the story of the Holocaust to the future generations.
Our organization will keep up the fire so it will never go out. Proof of this intention will be seen in our activities in the coming years. Our dearly beloved will not be forgotten.


(Samuel II, 1:19)
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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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