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rok265a.jpg [40 KB] - The Folk Bank
The Folk Bank
(first row, sitting right to left)
Shloime Arelovits, Hillel Eidelson, Abba Leib Dovidovits,
Avrum Meyerubits, Leib Segal, Zalman Milner, Israel-Leib Snyeg;
(second row, right to left)
Isaac Panets, Chaim-Moteh Lekach, Avrum Harmets,
Yudel Gafanovits, Hertze Lang, Yosef Caspi;
(third row, right to left)
Velvel Lipovits, Bar, Nahum Katz, Solomon German

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rok265b.jpg [30 KB] - Rokiskis Yiddish Folk Bank
Management and Staff of the Rokiskis Yiddish Folk Bank, 1929 
(first row, seated right to left)
Abba Leib Dovidovits, Joshua Tsin, Leib Segal, Hillel Eidelson;
(standing right to left)
Velvel Lipovits, Devorah Zelbovits, Chayeh Bar, unknown, Nahum Katz

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