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rok211a.jpg [40 KB] - Students in the Lithuanian Gymnasia
Students in the Lithuanian Gymnasia
[Jewish girls in the Gymnasium who came to the Hebrew teacher for Jewish History]
(Top row, right to left)
Hinde Shklear, Julia Segal, Bethsheba Lipovitz, Rosl Abelovitz, Eta Shwartzberg, Chaye Shklear,
Leah Cruk [facing camera with long braids], Zelda Katz, Rivke Kramer, Chana (Hannah) Leah Cruk;
(second row from top)
Chaye Prozer, Breine Rif, Breine Tzindel, Sime Cruk, Devorah Zelbovitz, Rivke Flach, Ella-Leah Kramer;
(third row from top)
Klumial, Mina Galbershtet, Rosl Korbuz, Breine Shamer, Yosef Kaspi,
Chaye-Hinde Snyeg, Gutke Rif, Shayne Nahumovitz;
(fourth row from top)
Chaye-Leah Seitovitz, Nechameh Meyerubitz, Henye Dektor, Henye Katz,
Liba-Leah Meyerubitz, Etl Katz, Friedeh Katz; (fifth row from top) Roche-Ita Dramer,
Leah Trapido, Etl Sitowitz, Chaim Tuveh Katz, Itzak Griz, Freida Matezon

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[Page 212]
rok211b.jpg [25 KB] - School children in the German school
School children in the German (compulsory) school
[during WWI]

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