The Community of Rohatyn and Environs
(Rogatin, Ukraine)

49°25' / 24°37'

Translation of
Kehilat Rohatyn v'hasviva

Editor and Publisher: M. Amihai

Yiddish editing: David Stockfish

English editing: Shmuel Bari

Published in Israel in 1962 by Rohatyn Association of Israel



Project Coordinators

Michael J. Bohnen and Donia Gold Shwarzstein

Our sincere appreciation to: Fischel Kirschen, Chairman, Rohatyn Association of Israel,
for permission to put this material on the JewishGen web site.

Many thanks to Fay and Julian Bussgang for their help in editing the text.

We would also like to thank David G. Roskies for permission to use his translation
of the poem “Es brennt”, “Fire.”

This is a translation from: Kehilat Rohatyn ve-ha-seviva (Rohatyn; the history of a Jewish community),
Editors: M. Amihai, David Stockfish, Shmuel Bari, Tel Aviv, Former Residents of Rohatyn in Israel, 1962
(H, Y, E, 439 pages).

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fulfilling our mission of disseminating information about the Holocaust and destroyed Jewish communities.
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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.

Background on Rohatyn

Other resources

Acknowledgements and Notes to the English Translation of the Rohatyn Yizkor Book


TOC translated by Michael Bohnen

Hebrew and Yiddish Section

Yehoshua Spiegel Introduction 5
Mordechai Gebirtig Fire! (poem) 7
Mordechai Amitai From the Publisher 8
Rabbi Dr. Mordechai Nurok And Their Blood Will I Never Cleanse… 9
History of a Town
Dr. N. M. Gelber A History of the Jews of Rohatyn 10
    A. Historical Background
    B. The Beginning of the Jewish Community
    C. Economic Conditions
    D. The Sabbatians and the Frankists in Rohatyn
    E. The Rabbis – The Census of 1765
    F. Under Austrian Domination
    G. 1848 – 1914
    Surrounding Towns

Royal Charter for the Jews of Rohatyn

  Order of the Sejmik in Sadowa Wisznia following the Dispute of the Jewish with the Frankists in Lwow in 1759 70
Yeshoshua Spiegel Collected Sources on Rohatyn from the Time of the Sabbatean Dispute 72
S. Y. Agnon Rebbe Yudel's Daughter Gets Married In Rohatyn 75
Yehoshua Spiegel The Hasidut of Stretyn 78
The Life of the City
Yitzchak Weissblum Rohatyn 84
Dr. Yitzchak Lewenter The Rohatyn Way 86
Yehoshua Spiegel Our City Rohatyn 101
Chuna Jonas Inside Rohatyn 113
Marcus Tsin A Bundle of Memories 118
Dr. Nathan Spiegel Sounds of Home 121
Leibush Zuckerkandle A City of Torah 124
Uri Mishor The City and its Images 125
Dr. Nathan Melzer Community Life in Rohatyn 128
Joseph Green In Memory of Moshe Lewenter 129
Leah Zuch Cherished Images 130
Chaya Weissberg (Weinreich) My Home That Is No More 131
Within the City
Yehoshua Spiegel The Rohaytn Fair 132
The Wagon Drivers 133
The Bathhouses 137
  The Military 138
  The Jewish Orchestra 140
The Butchers 141
The Slaughter House 142
The Melamdim of our City 143
Avraham Cohen The Image that I Loved 144
Daily Life
Anschel Milstein Buisnesses and Craftsmen after World War I 146
Yosef Jozef The Printing Industry in Our Town 152
David and Esther Blaustein Jewish Merchants among the Gentiles 153
Grina Shtertzer The Professions 158
Zeev Baraban Dramatic Experiments 159
The Personalities of Our Town
Naftali Schein Rabbi Yaakov “Kavi” Schein 162
Rabbi Alter Meir Rabbi Abraham David Spiegel 164
Ben Avraham-David “The Young Dayan” 166
Two Letters of Rabbi Shpiegel 170
Y.B.A. Rabbi Mordechai Lipa Teumim 172
A Selection from the Letters of Rabbi Teumim 176
Y.P.S. In Memory of Yosef Hakohen Laks 177
Rabbi Yosef Yehuda Sofer 178
  Yerachmiel Schwartz 179
Yaakov Leiter and his Wife Sarah 180
“Tall Moshe” 182
Some of the Town's Personalities 183
Mathilda Soferman Raphael Soferman 185
Their Eyes On Zion
Leah Ring (Teichman) Memories of the Hashomer Hatza-ir Movement in Rohatyn 191
Yehosua Spiegel The Hashomer Hatza-ir Chapter 196
Dov Kirschen Ha-Noar Ha-Tsioni 199
Yitzchak Bomze The “He-Chalutz” Association in Rohatyn 202
Y.P.S. “Gordonia” in Rohatyn 203
David Kartin The Betar Club 204
Tzvi Skolnik The Youth of the Town 207
How the City Has Been Destroyed
Rachel and Moshe Nasshoffer The Community of Rohatyn and its Destruction 213
Anna Shweller Kornblei Some Stories of Those Days 216
Y. P. S. Pepka Kleinwachs 221
Aryeh and Cyla Blech Rohatyn in the Occupation Years 222
Rosa Halperin (Faust) A Diary of the Rohatyn Ghetto (in English Section) 229
Tzvi Wohl The Destruction of Rohatyn 234
Sylvia Lederman A Rohatyn Girl's Road Through Hell 239
Rivka Hader From Hiding Place to Hiding Place 250
Dr. Avraham Shtertzer In the Rohatyn Ghetto 277
Y.P.S. A Story of a Bunker 321
Rohatyn Families and Their Images 322
The Surrounding Towns
Yosef Milner Jewish Centers Around Rohatyn 325
Yehoshua Pinchas Klarnet Bursztyn 327
Chedveh Weisman Bukaczowce 336
Leon Gewanter Bukaczowce 337
Leon Schreier Zurow and Bukaczowce 339
Aryeh Rebisch Knihynicze 342
Zvi Fenster (Felker) Life In the Village of Podkamien 347
Yaakov Palgi The Jews of Czesniki 350
Yisroel Chetzroni Lipica-Gorna 355
Ya'akov Galili (Steinwurtzel) Jews in Lipica-Gorna 360
The Rohatyn Association
Tzvi Skolnik About the Organization 363
  Yizkor List of Victims 369
English Section
Dr. Jack Faust Rohatyn: A World That is Gone with the Wind 7
Dr. Golda Fischer A World that Was 18
Morris Grant (Granoviter) In Memoriam 25
Rosa Halperin (Faust) A Diary of the Rohatyn Ghetto 27
S.L. The Death of Chaimke 32
Dr. Abraham Shtertzer How Rohatyn Died 40
Index of Names from the Rohatyn Yizkor book

The English spelling of names that appear in the book in Hebrew are an
approximation, so the reader is advised to look for alternative spellings.


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Michael J. Bohnen and Donia Gold Shwarzstein
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

Copyright © 1999-2025 by JewishGen, Inc.
Updated 15 Mar 2025 by LA