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[Pages 421-431]

These are the names of our saintly beloved ones, the people of our towns, Old Rafalowka, New Rafalowka,
Olizarka, Zoludzk, and the area, who were murdered and slaughtered in the villages and surrounding forests

A * signifies people who perished in our towns before the Holocaust or elsewhere, in Israel or abroad, during and after the Holocaust.[1]

Translation by Rachel Zetland

Donated by Jay Snider


AKERMAN[3] Chaja (Burko), her husband, Genia, Lea and Naftaly
ALTSHULER Aryeh and Idel
AMIR Beila (Kruk[e])*
APELBAUM Szlomo*, Sara, Jakob and Ester
APELBAUM[4] Henya-Rywka, Mosze*, Leja, Arje-Leibel, Pesia and Perl*
ARONSON Mindlia, Chaim-Mordchaj, Pesel, Cypora, Yedid-Szlomo, Hana Lea and her family and Jakob
BABCHUK Mosze*, Riwa*, Tania*, Mordechaj*, Nehemia*, Jkutiel*, Ruth (Goldorin)*, and Henia (Gemple)*
BABCHUK-JAKOBY Michael*, Sonia*, and Jakob*
BARD[5] Roza, Herschel-Cwi, Icchak- Eljahu, Jehszua, Bela and Yokheved
BARIL[6] Efraim, Rywka, Fania, Bracha, Mosze, Eliezer*, Tzvia (Gilboa)*, Ada*, and Tova*
BAS Zelda, Natan (Son), Dawid*, Jakob*, Golda-Lea, Khava Firshtenberg and Natan*
BERESTINER Mans, Haya (Brat), Rejzel, Shlomo and their daughter, Lejbl,
BEREZNIAK Cypa, Mates and Wola*
BEREZNIAK Dawid*, Chaja, Ester, Aron, Rachel, Zlatka, Eva, Mosia[7] and Lea
BEREZNIAK Gdaliyahu* and Gerszon*
BEREZNIAK Herschel, Henia, Mosia and his family, Wowa, Nehemia, and Sonka
BEREZNIAK Jkutiel, Sara and their children
BEREZNIAK Moisze, Yentel, Dojzke and Gula-Golda
BEREZNIAK Wola, Khayke, Khanale, Ahron* and Rachel*
BEREZNIAK Elkana*, his wife and daughter
BEREZNIAK Rivka and Motel
BEREZNIAK[8] Josef* and Itka (Murik)
BIK Jehszua and his wife
BIK[9], BYK Yosel and his wife, Sender, Mosze, Haim, Yrachmiel, and Pesel
BINDES Ester, Mosze*, Jakob, Berl and Pesach
BIRAN Shoshana (Birenboim)*
BIRENBOIM Gerszon, Sheindel (Bekelchuk), and Jehszua, Ben Zion and Gdalia* Bekelchuk
BIRENBOIM Gdalia and Risel
BLIT (GUZ) Mirjam*
BLIZNIAK Bela-Ita, Jakob-Leib, Riwka, Hana, Asher and his family and Herschel*
BRAT Bat Sheva, Avraham, Isaak, Moshe, Rusia, and Sheindel
BRAT Chaja, Dov, Rachel, Feigale, Simha*, Haim-Ziskind*, Jehuda, Mindel, Ziske, Motl-Mordechaj, Reizale, Jakob, his wife and Ziskin, Moshe, Josef, Gitel and their two children, Khaya and Michael*, Rabbi Mosje and Henia (Kirzner) Rabbi Kirzner, his wife, their three sons and Mirjam
BRAT Avraham Tzi the preacher (magid)
BRAT Bela*, and Icchok*
BRAT Yidl, Khaya, Rachel, Riwka, Mosze and Josef (Brat)*
BRAT[10] Lea, Yehuda-Arje-Leib, Michael, Israel, Adela and her son, Dvora, her son and daughter
BRAT[11] Miriam*, Baruch-Josef, Hasia, Shlomo and his wife
BREZNJAK Mosche, Rejzel (Koyfman), Shmayahu, and Ben Zion
BRIK Jakob (Jankl), Chinke, Henia, Melech and Ettl
BRIK Szmuel (Kandivi) and Herschel (from Old Rafalovka)
BRIK Chaja, Jakob and Joszua*
BRIK, BRYK Yehuda, Ester-Rachel, Mojsze, Elka*, Riwa*, and Jakob-Yankl*
BRIL Rachel, Schlomo, Hanania and Jakob*
BRIL, BARIL Icchak and his family
BRIL, BARIL Mendel* and Sarah*
BULBA Israel (the cantor), Gitl, Motl, Beila (Lupa), her family and Lipa*
BURKO Bracha, Berel, Zev, Tzvi*, Mosze* and Dov Sruk*
BURKO Ester, Jchak, Rachel, Etl, Abraham, Naftaly, Mendel, Tuiba, Jshejahu, Yosef, Lea, Motl, Leibel, Herschele, Sara (Ems)* and Batia (Michaeli)*
BURKO Rivka, Joszua, Benindel, and Henia (Szostak)*
BURKO Shmuel, his wife and their children
CHICHIK the parents and the children
CHIZY[12] Brandil, Yojnan, and Nisan
DAWID Dawid (the matchmaker) and his wife
DEKELBOIM Finia, Lea, Mania and Mosia*
DEKELBOIM Joszua, Freidel, and their two children and Mordchaj*
DEKELBOIM Khaim and Riwka
DEKELBOIM[13] Batszewa (Rchanik), Feigale, Abram and the Dizgon and Reznik families
DICHTER Rejezl, Mordchaj*, Sunia, Shikl, Hinde (Grober), Moszke, Shejndl[a] (Wajngertan), Mirjam, Motl, Gitl, Rachel, Malka, Drozna, Shunamit, Mirjam, Khaya-Sara, Riwale and Joske
DICHTER[14] Khava-Rachel, her husband, Rejzele, Etka and Shmuel
DIK Yosel [Yosef] (Belskaya Volya)
DIK Leibche, Bela, Menia, Ester and their other six children
DIKER Tova-Gitl* and Jakob*
DIMANTIN Zev*, and Rina (Meniuk)*
DIMANTIN Mosze, Pesia, Chaja, Sara, Ita, Bracha, Yentil and Fayvish
DRACH Pesia, Josef* and Zcharaia*
DRAZNER Chaim, Bela, Dwora and her family, Eliezer, Noch and his family, Rafael and Asher
DUB Feigel (Brat), Peisach, Aizik, Itzik, Leib(l), Joszua Teodor
DUB Perets, Henke-Henia (Marin), and two children, Basia-Rakhel (Marin) and Baruch*
DUBLIN[15] Tzvia, Baruch and Lejwi
DUDIK Ester, Mordchaj, Herzel*, Roza Tzirulnik, Arje (Liebel) and Michael*
EISENBERG Herschel and Beila
FEINSTEIN[16] Rusia (Brat), Kindl and their children
FELDMAN Nisan (Nisl)*, Israel-Yosef*, Lipshe*, Shmuel Dov (Berel)*, and Icchak*
FINE Malka (Meniuk)*
FISH Josef, Lea, Mosze, Meryl, Koncha, Sheindel, Rivka, Shika and Yentel
FLAJSZER Leja (Gluss) and her children
FLOM Khana, Yona, Faivl, Shmuel Josef, and Mirjam* and Nakhum Bakhrakh
FRAJMAN Alter*, Rivka*, Sara, Dov, Jacob, Sheindel, Ester, and Jechak
FRAJMAN Baruch, Rachel, and Susil (from Komarov)
FRAJMAN Jakov and Mania
FRAJMAN[17] Mosze, Pela, Abraham and Dawid
FRIDMAN Nachman, Bracha and Fridka
FUKS Shkhana*, Zlata, Sosil, Rachela, and Pesach*
GADISH Moshe*, Josef (Grober)*, and Tirtsa*
GALUN Bela (Kruk) and Dov*
GALUN Cvi, Golda, Dina (Hoffman)*, Awraham, Jehudit, Khenia [Henia], Sara and Shlomo
GALUN[18] Pinchas and Haja, Jehudit and her family, Toyvil and her husband, Isak and his family
GEJER Sheindel (Kojfman)*
GIBEL Isaac, Michael*, Miriam*, and Rachel (Gruber)*
GIBEL Malka and her husband
GIBEL Shymon, Chaja, Mosze and Malka
GILDENGOREN Khava, Ahron*, Arje, Ahron, Feige, Henia, Malka, Mosze and Zev
GLASS Reuwen, Malka, Pesia and Hinda
GLIZ Meir*
GLUSS Zoreach’s wife and children
GLUSS[19] Herschel-Shaya, Gitl[a], Rachel, and Abraham*
GOLDBERG Dvora and Hanoch
GOLDBERG Haim, Rahel, their five children and Elta*
GOLDBERG (MURIK) her husband and children
GOLDBERG[20] Eliezer, his wife, Avraham, Mosze, Sara-Henia and Fradel
GOLDBITER the parents and their two children (from Chartoriysk)
GOLDHORN Isaac and his wife, Aidel, Yentel, her sister, her husband and their children, Feigale and Shoshana (Druker)*
GOLDMAN Haim*, Nisl, Pesel, Feigale and Itzik [Icchak]
GOLDMAN[21] Dawid and his family
GOLDORIN Fruma, Avrahm, Yente, Levi, Efraim, and Isaac
GORBACZ Fogel, Khaya and her household
GORBACZ Jkutiel (Kusa), Batya, Pesel (Sokol), Mojsze, Hanania, Fania, Khinkha, Lea, Cipora, Khaya, Hershel and his children, Feigel, her husband and their children, Mindel*
GORBACZ Srulik and his family, Jakow and his family
GORBACZ[22] Alter* and the parents[23], Bluma* and Moshe*
GORNSZTEIN Haja (Blizniuk), her husband and their two children
GORODINSKI Tsila (Blizniuk)* and Szlomo*
GORODSKI Ester-Haya and Abrahm
GRIEBER Cipora and Arye
GROBER Ahron, Chajke, Jeszua, Pinchas, Nahum and Drozna
GROBER Chaia-Sara, Avrahm, Jtka (Meniuk) and their children, Shmuel and his family
GROBER Chajale*, Berel*, his wife and children
GROBER Jakob*, his Wife (Rafalovka) And Children
GROBER Manie, Shmuel, Chayke, Rakhela, Levi, Eliezer*, Bela* and Sank* Yason, Zlatka* and Ahron* Fisch, Gerszon* and Bela*
GROBER Mnashe, Lifshe, Khayale, Gdalia and Esterke
GROBER Shmuel-Haim, his wife and Sonia
GROBER Berel*, his wife and children
GROBER[24] Batia-Lea, Szlomo-Yakow, Moshe and Dwora
GROSMAN Icchak, Sara, Rafael, Rakhel, Yosef and Malka
GUREWICZ Moshe, Ester, Josef, Meir and Duba, Noah*, Cypora* and Hanania*, Meir and his household, Zvi and his household
GUZ Avraham, his wife, Israel and Mania
GUZ Elimelech, his wife and children
GUZ Haim, Riwka, Jakob and his family, Mordechaj, Khaya and their children
GUZ Naftaly, his wife and children
GUZ Batya
GUZ Mosze, Mania, Batia, Charna and her two daughters, Dobroshke, Naftaly, Mordchaj and Chaja and their children, Leizer*, Lea*, Ahron*, Lea*, Yosef*, Chaja*, Icchak-Issac*, Zvi-Herschel*, and Natan*
GUZ Simha, Kalman, Shpesel, Arye and their family
GUZ Zev and Meir*
GUZ[25] Fruma, Arie, Bella, Rivka, Tzvi and Lipa*
HAIM Haim-Mosze and his wife
HAJCZIK[26] Alter and his family, Mosze* and Riwa (Bulba), their children and Dvora (Rotenberg)
HARPAK Haim*, and Rakhel (Feldman)*
HENDELSMAN Khaya* and Michael
HIRSH Mosze his wife and children
HOLAND Khaya, Shmuel and Icchak*
HOLCMAN[27] Alter, his wife, their children and Shoshana*
JADUSZLIWY Froma, Perel, Icchak and Reuwen*
JARCUN[28] Chana, Sara Awram, Meir, Freine, Mosze, Fajbisz, Mendl, Rejzel, Mordchaj-Motl*, Josef Hazan and his family
KACAN[29] Sara-Jental, Szymon*, Motl*, Israel, Shaya, Szejne-Ciril and Zlata*
KANDEL Josef*, Moshe*, Freidel, Feigel, her husband and their children
KANDEL Moshe, Tzvia, Toiveh and Israel
KANTOR Ben Zion*
KANUK Faivel, Sara, Yentel and Eliyahu
KATZ Jakob, Sara, Cipka, Leibel, Etel and Michael
KATZ Nacha (Koyfman)*, Shoylik*, Feigale Tswener* and Etka Lisner
KNAR Ben Zion
KORLAND Idel, his wife and Herschel-Leib
KORN Khava, Noah* and Shlomo
KOYFMAN Dwosia*, Dawid, Sheindel and Abraham
KOYFMAN Gerszon, Luba, Sane, Sima, Mendel and Herschel
KOZIOL Lipsha*, Joszua*, and Malka (Lederman)
KRABCHUK Shmuel, Rakhel, Sara, Shimon and Abrahm
KRECIMAN Vigdor[30], Hasia, Dawid and Teodor
KREJZER Icchak, Khaya, Rakhel, Akiva and Arje
KRITSHMAR Dawid and his family
KRUK Yentel [Yenta], Eljahu, Faivel and Sara, Ziskind*
KRUK[31] Sheindel, Idel, Rejzel, Khaya, Rakhel, Ahron, Baruch and Khana
KRUKE Moshe, Chaya, Zisel, Fina, Haim and Nisan (Nisl)
KUSZNIR Dawid, Lea and Naftaly*
KUSZNIR Fayvish’s widow*, Beila, Sheindel, Masha and Israel
KUSZNIR Feiwish, Bela and Sara
KUSZNIR Luba (Brik), Henja, Israel, Riwa and Jakob*
KUSZNIR Mosze, his wife and children
KUSZNIR Pesia [Pesl], Chayke [Chaja], Itsik (Icchak), Herschel And Israel
KUSZNIR Sloma [Szlomo], Breindel, Szajndel, Chana, Shalom, Hinda
KUSZNIR Yenta [Jentil], Ester, Jakob and Leibel
KUSZNIR[32] Meir, Miriam and Fridel [Frida]
LEIBEL Leibel the [synagogue] attendant, his wife and son
LEIZEROV Cypora*, Beniamin*, Eliezer*, Mordchaj*, Icchak, Simha, Etil, Reuven, Golda, Rakhel Beila, Leizer and Sheindel (Dichter)*
LEJZAROW[33] Brajndl [Brajne], Malka, Szyfra and Zev-Wolwol
LESHETS Avrahm, Cipora (Cypa), Ben Zion, Yokheved and Etia-Riwa*
LESNIK Mosze and Talke, Zelig and Rachel[a], Alter and his family
LESNIK Chawa, Abram, Malka, Zalman and Henia (Zask)
LIBERMAN Ahron, Khayke (Dekelboim) and the two children (from Dombrovitz)
LIN Abrahm, Bronke and Mates
LIN[34] Henia-Rachel and her children
LIPER Arye, Rakhel and their children
LIPSZYC[35] Ajzyk and his family
LISAK Rachel (Diker), Gutia, Tuwia, Sender, Izchak, Chaia-Riwa, Yerakhmiel, Shamai, Yente and Henia (Zelsnik)*
LISAK[36] Hana-Yentil, Jakob, Rusia, Eljahu, Yakhtse Pesia and Zalman
LUFTA Meir, Shifra, Icchak and Khaya
LUFTIN Icchak, Khaya Liba, Meir and Shifra
LUPA[37] Leibel, his wife and their children
MARIN Susya (Pugacz), Jakob, Malka, her brother[s] and sisters
MAZOR Pesia, Fayvish and Jeshayahu*
MELAMED Ahron*, Fejgel and Ester
MELAMED Gitale [Gitl] (Blizniuk), her husband and two children
MELAMED Jechiel, Riwka and their children
MENDELSON Zev, Batya, Jakob* and Dawid*
MENIUK Itka, Zelig*, Moshe and his sister
MENIUK Itzik-Meir, Zlate, Herschel, Khava, Josef[38], Ettel, Sania, Shikel*, Etka, Khayke, Ruwin, Yehuda, Esther-Chaja, Ben Zion, Lea (Grober) and Metl
MENIUK Duba, Netanel-Sania [or Sane], Cvi and Jakob*
MENIUK[39] Rakhel (Menin-Zuk)*
MESTER Ettil (Resher), her husband and two children
MILSTEIN Leibel [Arje] and Chana (Koyfman)
MORWINSKI Isaac* and Liuba*
MOSZE Mosze (from Kolodya) and his wife, Beila and her husband (from Chartoriysk)
MUCHNIK Szmuel*, Riwka, Mirjam* and Baruch
MUDRIK Mosje, his wife and their children
MUDRIK Motl [Mordchaj], Hanke and their children
MUDRIK[40] Shmuel, his wife, their children and Joszua
MUREK Eliezer*, Mosze* and Rachel*, Joszua*, Jakob* and Naftaly*
MURIK Dawid and his family
MURIK Haya-Sara, Mosze and Elyahu
MURIK Itchak, Malka, Rakhel*, Sane, Yosef, Leibl, Elyahu, Rivka and her husband
MURIK Sima* and Lajbel*
MURIK Hasia (Kusznir), Haim, Icchak, Frida, Leibel and Reitse
MURIK[41] Jakob* and Susil*
NA’E Khava* and Nehemia*
NOWAK Rivka, Simha*, Jakov, Irahmiel and Avaham-Ahron
NOWAK Hana-Etl her son and daughter
NUDEL The Rabbi and his family[42]
OLSHINTZKY Zlata-Zula, her husband, Zenia and Liza
PASMANIK[43] Rabbi Pasmanik, his wife, their children and his father-in-law
PELTZ Feigel (Koyfman), Moshe, Ben Zion and Jakov
PHINIA Phinia (the Primak/Frimak [spelling and meaning unknown, R.Z.]), his wife and their children
PIK husband, wife and children
PINCZUK[44] Meir and Reitse
PORTNOY Fajwisz, Ester, Srulik and Haim
PORTNOY Haim, Yakhtse, Pesel, Tzvia, Alt
PORTNOY Khaya-Henia (Glas)
PORTNOY Leivish, Khaya*, Dawid, Bronia, Grisha, Itzik and Misha*
PORTNOY Michle, Moshe-Jakov, Naftaly, Jehszua*, Fajwisz and his family, Berel and his family, Frejdel Maizel, Lea Shteinshneid*, Haim* and Rejzel Reznik
PORTNOY Mindel[45] (Dublin), Hana and Fayvish
PORTNOY Rachel-Lea, Berel[46], Fayvish[47], Icchak, Motil and Pesil*
PORTNOY Riwka, Rejzel and Pesel Burk*
PORTNOY Theodor, Lea, Naftaly, Khaya and Abel
PORTNOY Velfel, Gitl, Srulik, Pesil Ester-Malka and her family
PORTNOY[48] Jkutiel, Sosil, Shaya Sara-Beila (Meniuk), Pesel*, Berel, Sane, Esterke Khajke and her husband Frenkel and their children
PRIMAK Michael*, Henia*, Yehuda (Peri)*, and Natan*
PRYATEL Chana, her husband and children
PUGACZ Eliezer, Sima, Tzipor-Fejgl[Fejga], Malka, Rejzela, Leibl and Joszua
PUGACZ Jechak, Sara (Meniuk), Michael and Malka
RABIN Jacov*, Etel* and Dan
RABIN Herschel, Tova-Yona, Chaja, Dina, Hinde, Freidel, and the brothers Itzik* and Jacov*
RADOMISLSKI Israel [Srol], His father, mother, Nunia and his brother
RANIUK Sender*, Shmuel and Rosa
REPTOR Berele*
RESHER Tajbel, Simha and Ester*
REZNIK Benjamin, Tajbel, Israel and his family
REZNIK[49] Hasia and her family
ROSENBERG Anshel and Cypora
ROSENFELD Noach, Dawid, Rachel and the children, Bella and the children, Munca, and Mendl
ROSENFELD Israel and Khaya
ROSENFELD[50] Gitel, Yona, Isaac, Sender, Israel and Feigale
ROTENBERG Munca and Ester (Rozenfeld) – from Chartoriysk
ROZMAN[51] Shmuel* and Szlomo-Syuma
RUDIN, RODIN Idle and Baruch
SARID (SZNAJDER) Yakob* and Duba (Gruber/Grober)*
SCHAPIRA[52] Shifra (Zuler), Sheindel, her husband and children
Seamstress The seamstress and her sisters (near the house of Zalman the slaughterer in Old Rafalovka)
SHAYA Shaya, Zlata, and their children (from Belskaya Volya)
SHINDEL Shlomo and his family
SHIRMAN[53] Zelig [Zelik], Freida, Shifra and Batya
SHKHORI Rusia (Berman)*
SHMILIK Shmilik (the tailor), his wife and children
SHMUKLER Haya, Lea, Shlomo*, Jshejahu* and Israel*
SHNAJDER Josef, Lea, Lyba and her son
SHNAJDER Baruch and his family
SHNERER Rivka, her husband and daughter
SHOHAM Lipshe (Baril/Bril)*
SHOHET [Ritual slaughterer] Shohet and bodek [ritual slaughterer] (of new Rafalovka), his wife and family
SHOR Wolwal, Yentel (Berezniak) and their three children
SHTERK Arje-Leibel, Hasia-Rachel, Shejndel, Yosef, David*, Pinchas and Tajbel Lerner and their children
SIDELMAN Khaya*, Mordchaj*, Natan*, Icchak*, Josef (Sahar)*, Tova Birenboim, Sarah and Jekhezkel Gutman and their children Hadassa and Moshe
SKLIAR Frida and Szlomo*
SMOLAR Zipa and Berl
SMOLIAR Ben Zion, His wife and their daughter
SOKOL Haya (Brat), Itzhak, Hana and Ziskin
SOKOL Sima-Lea (Guz), Haim-Zvi, Sosil, Libe, Sara, Yoel, Itccak, Jakov, Gerszon and his daughter
SOROKA Gdaliyahu and his family
SOYCHNIK Feivish, Dwosia (Drach), Duba, Henia and Israel
SPIWAK Pesel (Brat), Baruch, Ziskin, Motl and Duba
STEINBERG Batya (Pugacz), Pesach and the children
STEINBERG Rakhel (Blizniuk) and her husband
STEPANSKI Szlomo, Ahron and his household
SUSIL The entire family
SWARCBLAT Baruch and Russel
SWARCBLAT Isaac, his wife and their children (from Belskaya Volya)
SWARCBLAT Bluma, Menahem*, Ester, Szulamit, Abrahm and Simha Liper
SWARCBLAT Isaac, Cipa, Liba, Witia*, and Abrahm*
SWARCBOIM Batya (Finkelstein)* and Kopel
SZERMAN Icchak (Itzik), Pesl [Pesja], Malkiel, Etil, Chinka, Rakhl and her family in Chartoriysk
SZNAJDER Yakob, Keila, Mirjam-Sara, Pitsia and Shaya
SZNAJDER[54] Alter-Baruch, Moshzke, Khava, Lea and Asher
SZOSTAK Sima, Yakob, Riwka, Yente, Ben Zion, Zelda, Pesia (Diker) and Yehuda [Juda]
SZWARCBLAT Getsel and his wife and Awraham*
SZWARCBLAT Khana, Nehemia, Mordechaj Yehuda (Mordechaj-Yidl)*, Ester-Sonia, Benjamin-Mosze-Musia, and Gitl and Arje-Leib Nakhomovits and their children
SZWARCBLAT[55] Icchak-Jacov*, Ester*, Eliezer*, Lea*, Menakhem-Mendel*, Cypa*, Yosef*, Yehuda*, Pesia and Mindel
TAKACH Tova and Shkhana
TAKS Mosze, Fredel and Rivka (Berezniak)
TAKS Ahron*, Mirjam-Halperin*
TALKOWSKI Rivka [Rywa], Eizyk, Jakob, Ahron, Zalman, Mans and Icchak
TEJTELBOIM Elka, Geszon and their children, Josef and Sara-Beila
TENENBAUM Dawid, Leibel [Aryeh], Zlatka, and Khaya
TREGER Khaya and Ladia
TROS Icchak* and Rakhel*
TSHUDLER Wolwol, Zlate and her mother and children
TZUK Josef*
TZUKER Gitel* and Jakov*
TZUR Rachel (Vakhman)*
VAISBLAT Abrahm, Chinka, Jakob and Rejzel, the brother Shimon, Fishel and Pesia Shmuelovits and Pnina*
VAISBLAT Dudik, his wife Khava, his sister Sonia and her son, her husband Israel (from Polovla[56])
VAISBLAT Yona, Masha and Khina
VALMAN Abrahm-Jakob, Hana (Greenglass) and Fejge-Cipora (Drezner)*
VIGDOROWITS Michael*, Dawid, Dvora and their daughters
VITES Ester-Lea*, Simha*, and Israel*
WAJGARTEN[57] Jechil, Henia, Chawa and Lajbel, Icchak*, his wife and son
WAJNER Khaya, Asher, Menashe, Arje, Avigdor, Idel, Zelda, Abram, Odil, and Jakob*
WAJNER Abrahm*, Szlomo, Malka, and their children and Hela
WAJNGARTEN Faivel, Ettel (Koyfman), Feigale and Dinale
WAJSMAN Gerszon and Gitel
WAJSMAN Michael*, Susil (Koyfman)*, Icchak*, Ben Cion* and Ester (Heler) *
WAJSMAN Mindel, Yosef and Jakob*
WARMAN[58] Rozjke and parents (refugees from Poland)
WAWA Leizer*, his wife (Rafalovka) and their children
WAWA[59] Josef and his wife, Jeszua and his brother
WAYNSZTEIN Sura (Berezniak), Zalman and the children
WEITSENTSI Sheindel and Avraham
WINIEK Meir and his family[60]
WORKAL Mendel, Ester Rejzel (Kusznir), their children and Pesia (Kusznir)
YAZRIEL Dvora* and Jakob*
YUNG Mosze, Pesil, and their household
ZAFRAN Mania, Malka and two daughters and Berel, the Rabbi*
ZALMAN Zalman the ritual slaughterer, his wife and children
ZALTSMAN Benjamin*
ZALTSMAN Shmuel, Ronia, Jakob-Ber, Rejzel, Hana-Lea, Mosze, Icchak, Basil and Leibel
ZAMROTSHINSKI Mendel, Hana, Batya (Portnoy), her son and Grdalia*
ZASK Batya (Reevs)*
ZASK Israel*
ZASK Israel*, Jakob, Taibel, Mojsze and his family
ZASK Abraham, Jehudit, Bela, Dov-Berel (Videlguz-Gilboa), and their daughter, Gerszon, Zelig, and his family
ZASLAVSKY Malka*, Meir*, Dawid*, and Khaya (Khiche, Grober)*
ZOLAR[61] Kona [Elkanan], Zlata (Bereznik), Chana, Golda, Fredel and Dudi
ZUK Icchak-Meir*, Pesja, Bruria, Yokheved, Hinda, Shalom, Hana, and Cipora Singel*
ZUK Gerszon, Rachel and Zvi*


  1. I prepared this list thinking of readers who may wish to search for their relatives and refer to the way these names may have been written in official documents. This section turned out to be the most time consuming task in the translation of the book. As I already mentioned in the introduction, the book was compiled in Hebrew without pointing (which would have facilitated the correct English transliteration of names) by survivors who spoke several languages. It is thus difficult to discern the correct sound and hence the correct phonetic spelling of the name in [Roman or] English letters. To minimize distortion, I decided to include the names in Hebrew as they appear in the original book. In addition, I researched the Pages of Testimony gathered by Yad Vashem, assuming they contain the most accurate spellings of people's names. More information on the Pages of Testimony can be found in Appendix no. VII. While this offers some resolution of the names enigma, it introduces new difficulties, because there may not be one original language relatives and friends employed in reporting the death of their beloved ones to the Pages of Testimony project. Where names did not appear in the pages of Testimony, or where the name appeared but in a different form (such as Fajge, instead of Feigale) and where there was a discrepancy between the list in the original book and the name as it appears in the Page of Testimony, I chose to italicize the name. Almost everywhere else in the text I chose English names such as Joseph, and not Yosef or Yosele). This list should not be assumed to be the only way the names were written. In looking for relatives many variations should be taken into account. Return
  2. Names that were not found in the Pages of Testimony appear in Italic. Spelling of these names is either a reconstruction or a learned guess. Return
  3. A Page of Testimony also mentions Efraim Akerman. Return
  4. Pages of Testimony also mention Apelbaum Genia, which is probably another spelling of “Henia” Return
  5. Pages of Testimony also mention Bard Pesach and Mirjam. Return
  6. A Page of Testimony also mentions Frida. Return
  7. Probably a nickname for Mosze (Moses) Return
  8. Pages of Testimony also mention Breznik Resel, Fiszel, Bresnik Seew, Zeeve, and Wolf. These last three names may refer to the same person. Return
  9. Pages of Testimony also mention Bik Pesja and Chana. Return
  10. This seems to be the transliteration of the Hebrew word. I did not find it in the Pages of Testimony. Note that it is written differently [בראט] from the other Brat family name [written ברט] Return
  11. Pages of Testimony also mention Brat Toba, Szmuel, Malka, Mirka, Rachela, Shena, and Chaja Czerna. Return
  12. Pages of Testimony also mention Volf, and Chyzi Szejndel. Return
  13. Pages of Testimony also mention Dekelbaum Zlaty Rosi, Luba, Witia, Batia, Jehuda, Cypora, Sara Hersz, Ajzyk, Pesya, Symcha, Abram, Daklbaum Zindel, and Pesja. Return
  14. Pages of Testimony also mention Dichter Jehoszuha [Jhoschua, Jeshua], Indl, and Shulamit. Return
  15. A Page of Testimony also mentions Henia Riwka Dublin. Return
  16. Pages of testimony also mention Hana and Zendel. Return
  17. A Page of Testimony also mentions Frajman Szmuel. Return
  18. Pages of Testimony mention Galun Henia, Rahel, and Rosa as well as Galon Roza. Return
  19. A Page of Testimony also mentions Gluss Gerszon. Return
  20. A Page of Testimony also mentions Goldberg Golda. Return
  21. A Page of Testimony mentions Natan. Return
  22. A Page of Testimony also mentions Gorbacz Ester. Return
  23. Perhaps Alter's parents. Return
  24. This appears to be the family of Duba Grober who married Yaakov Sarid (Schnieder). Return
  25. A Page of Testimony also mentions Gas Hitka. Return
  26. Pages of Testimony also mention Shlomo, Hawa, and Sara. Return
  27. Pages of Testimony also mention Holcman Rywka and Leja. Return
  28. Pages of Testimony also mention Jarcun Yonas and Jarcin Freida Gitl. Return
  29. A Page of Testimony also mentions Ester. Return
  30. The Page of Testimony mentions Avigdor, not Vigdor, as written in the book. Return
  31. A Page of Testimony also mentions Kruke Pinchas. Return
  32. Pages of Testimony also mention Kusznier Bluma, Mendel, Rejzel, Hasia, Roza, Bronia, and Brana. Return
  33. A Page of Testimony also mentions Leja. Return
  34. Pages of Testimony also mention Lin Chana, Tivka, and Pinkas. Return
  35. Pages of Testimony also mention Sosja and Ciril. Return
  36. A Page of Testimony also mentions Abraham. Return
  37. Pages of Testimony also mention Khana. Return
  38. This is most likely the boy who was injured durign the riots and left to blead to death, related in a few stories. Return
  39. A Page of Testimony also mentions Meniuk Batia. Return
  40. A Page of Testimony also mentions Henia Rachel. Return
  41. A Page of Testimony also mentions Morik Schoani. Return
  42. Pages of Testimony mention Pinchas and Zysel. Return
  43. Pages of Testimony also mention Pasmanik Abrahm/Avraham and Paszmanyk Feige. Return
  44. A Page of Testimony mentions Tyrca Pinczuk. Return
  45. Pages of Testimony also mention Moshe, Pesia, and Batya/Batja. Return
  46. Also appears in a Page of Testimony as Beril. Return
  47. Also appears as Faivish and Fajwisz in the Pages of Testimony. Return
  48. Also appears as Mindla in the Pages of Testimony. Return
  49. Pages of Testimony also mention Zelig, Bela, Reizel, and Yudel. Return
  50. Pages of Testimony also mention Rozenfeld Mose, Lolik, and Nadia. Return
  51. A Page of Testimony also mentions Estera. Return
  52. A Page of Testimony also mentions Mosze. Return
  53. Another Page of Testimony also mentions Szerman Zalman. Return
  54. Pages of Testimony also mention Sznajder Genia and Sznaider Rywka. Return
  55. A Page of Testimony also mentions Szwarcblat Sara. Return
  56. [פולובלה] Return
  57. Pages of Testimony also mention Etel, Sonia, and Sara. Return
  58. A Page of Testimony mentions Ruchla Warman. Return
  59. Pages of Testimony also mention Miriam, Shoshana, Mordchaj, and Frejda. Return
  60. Pages of Testimony mention Dvora, Batia, Mendel, and Rajzel Ester. Return
  61. A Page of Testimony also mentions Elkanan. Return

[Page 432]

In memory of our Heros, people of our towns, partisans and fighters in the Red and Polish Armies who died in the
campaign against the Nazi enemy and their helpers, may they be cursed, during WW II, or who died after the war

Translation by Rachel Zetland

Donated by Jay Snider


ARONSON Yedid-Szlomo
BAS Dawid
BAS Jakob
BRAT Berl-Dov
BRAT Michael
DIK Yosef
DUDIK Michael
KANTOR Eilezer
LIN Mates
LIN Mates
LISAK Avrahm
LISAK Sander
SZWARCBLAT Benjamin-Mosze


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