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May Their Memory Be Preserved For Eternity!
Places marked on the map.Stadium. Built in the years just before the war. Its sports fields and modern swimming pool were for the use of the whole population.
Palace. A very old magnificent building with many statues and ornaments. At one time it was the residence of the local rulers and in later years housed the municipal and district offices.
Bund. One of the first Jewish political parties in the town, active in many areas of public life. Maintained a club room, library and sports club and for a short time, a school.
Jewish Bank. Founded in 1906. After years of growth, moved into its own building and stayed there until the outbreak of W.W.II.
Tarbut (Culture) School. Founded in 1916 under the name David Fishel's School. For a long time it maintained only a few elementary school classes with a very comprehensive educational curriculum. Many of the finest youth studied there. In 1933 it was incorporated into the Tarbut network with seven different classes.
Elementary School. A government school that provided free education for all the children of the town.
Synagogues. Were scattered throughout the town and filled with Jews praying and studying the Torah, the most outstanding of them was the Great Synagogue.
Gmilat Chesed. (Free Loan Association) Founded in 1912. Helped the needy.
Gymnasia. The Municipal High School that had very few Jewish students because of high tuition and because Saturday classes were mandatory.
Hashomer Hatzair. (The Young Guards) Founded in 1915. Included most of the Zionist youth in the town. In 1935 the first members emigrated to Eretz Yisrael. The majority of the Radzyn immigrants to Israel were from among the members. When the war broke out many of its young members joined the Anti-Nazi Underground.
Hechalutz. Educated toward preparation for and immigration to Palestine. Its' members were scattered on training farms throughout Poland.
The Rabbi's Courtyard. It began with the arrival in Radzyn of Beth Yaakov (The House of Jacob) and the discovery of the snail used in manufacturing of the tchelet (the blue color used to color the fringes of their prayer shawls) by his son Reb Gershon Chanoch. During the World War II, the last Radzyn Rabbi Reb Shlomoh, who had called for resistance to the Germans and the Yudenrat, was killed by the Nazis on the eve of Shavuoth 1942.
Library. Founded in 1923 and served all Radzyn readers. When the Communists took over, the local authorities closed it down and its books confiscated and dispersed.
Tziere Tzion Poele Tzion (Young Zionists, Labor Zionists) Among the first Zionist groups in the town. Founded in 1918. Maintained clubhouses and carried on organizational political activities.
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