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[Page 453]

Yehezkel Skornicki

Yehezkel son of Hershel Skornicki was born in 1910, into a religious, middle-class family. (His father was a retailer.)

Yehezkel worked as a locksmith in A. M. Szpira's iron factory and was counted as one of the first members of Freiheit in the city. He occupied the office of secretary of Freiheit for a time and was very active among the managing authorities of the organization. In 1931, he transferred to the Poalei-Zion party (Z.S.), worked actively in the committee for Keren Kayemet and later occupied the office of head of the Sholom Aleichem Library.

In 1937 Yehezkel left Radomsk to work in Czenstochow and later perished there.

Honor his memory!

Sh. Granek

Moishe-Shmuel Gryn

Moishe-Shmuel, son of Eidl and Yeshayahu Grin, was born in 1909 in the town of Brzeznica near Radomsk, into a traditional family of Alexander Hasids. In his youth he was sent to study Torah and Knowledge in the city of Radomsk, where he stayed until 1926 and became involved in Zionist youth circles.

On his return to Brzeznica he became a tailor and built his home in the town and was known as a man of work, a public activist (a member of the congregation committee and manager of an interest-free loan fund), and as an activist in the Zionist movement institutions. He perished with his mother, wife and daughter in the Holocaust of his Brzeznica community.

May his soul be bound up
in the bond of eternal life

Israel Goren (Gryn)

In Memory
Of the soul of my dear father
Reb Naftali
Son of Reb Haim,
of blessed memory


Who died on 27 Heshvan
In the city of Radomsk
In Memory
Of the soul of my dear mother
Mrs. Shifra
Daughter of Berl, of blessed memory
Who was expelled from the
City of Czenstochow
And was murdered by the Nazis,
May their name be obliterated
On the 29th day of Tishrei 702

In memory

Of the souls of my dear brothers and sisters
Moshe, Zisel, Rachel, their husbands, wives and children
Who were murdered by the Nazis,
may their name be obliterated
On the 29th day of Tishrei 5702

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Sala Dimand
(New York)

[Page 454]

Zusman Epsztajn and his children Kalman and Eliahu

The family of Reb Mendele Epsztajn,
of blessed memory

Reb Mendele Epsztajn, of the Gerer Hasids in Radomsk, was well liked and respected as an activist and an arbitrator in the commercial circles of the town and its environs. As a wealthy, decent and successful merchant who also worked with rich non-Jewish industrialists, he used his broad connections for charity and alms for the poor in his town. He excelled in his help to the downtrodden and the unfortunate in World War I. He probably found comfort in this work after the death of his two young daughters (in one week during the epidemic). Reb Mendele was bestowed with a humane death during the Holocaust (1940) in Radomsk. His grandson, K. Kornfeld, survived the Holocaust and is in Israel.

His only son Zusman Epsztajn, well respected in his own right and part of his family, moved to Czenstochow during the Holocaust and perished there. The daughter Chava and her husband Stephan Rozensztajn perished in Treblinka, while fate led the son Kalman to the Buchenwald camp. Of the entire family all that survived were: the daughter Rachel Sznitzer (Israel), the daughter Rozka Zajdman and the son Eliahu Epsztajn (USA).


The Grandchildren in Israel and the USA

Chava Epsztajn Devorah Epsztajn (ne้ Ickowicz, Kielce) Kalman Epsztajn

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