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[Page 433]

Eli Grundman, of blessed memory

Eli Grundman was a wealthy merchant, owner of a large steel and building supplies store, in May 3rd Square no.5, a store that has been in the Grundman family for generations. This is one of the oldest and most firmly established families in Radomsk.

Eli Grundman was thin and quick, always in good humor; he was always helpful in private and with caring to his fellow man. He was a pious man and belonged to the Sokacew Hasidic shtibel and was often times even a cantor on Shabbosim and yomim tovim. He was involved in public life and for many years was an active member in the management of the charity fund and the management of the bank (headed by Moishe Berger); he was also active in the Linat Tzedek society.

He was an avid Zionist and in 1924 joined the “spies” from Radomsk, who went to tour Palestine. He came back full of positive impressions, and with a determination to liquidate his businesses, and make aliyah . But this did not come to be because of business and family complications.

The Eli Grundman Family

Pictured from left: The mother Toibe (Teibele): She was shot on the outskirts of town after the first deportation of Radomskers (1942), after she was taken out of the bunker, by the Gestapo, half paralyzed; Eli Grundman: He was shot together with his daughter Lodzja, after the second deportation, (1943) as they were exiting the bunker to breath fresh air; The daughter-in-law Esther (daughter of Yakov Sofer), wife of the eldest son Moishe Grundman. She perished in Czentochow Ghetto with her small son Yakov (1942); The son Moishe: He was killed in Warsaw in 1942; The son Leib (Ek): He was killed in Warsaw; The daughter Lodzja; The son Nechemia: He perished at the liquidation of the Radomsko Ghetto (1942) together with his wife Adzja (nee Epsztajn) and their small son Shimon (some say that they were sent to Treblinka and perished there.); The son Meir (Majorek): he was shot in Skarzysko labor camp (1942) while unconscious from Typhoid fever.

Country, do not cover their blood!

Pola Pechter (Grundman) and family

[Page 434]

We shall light an eternal candle in the memory of our dear family members:

Shmuel and Sarah-Rivkah Goldberg, Eidel and Faygel-Dvoira Koziwoda,
Abraham-Wolf and Rivkah Goldberg and their children – Czeszia, Mordekhai,
Bronya and Dzjonja, Meir-Dovid Goldberg and Becaleil, Zelig and
Chaya-Pesya Yakubowicz and their son Mordekhai, Rachel Goldberg

Haim Goldberg Family / Chava and Mordekhai Goldberg / Chana Rozenman (Yakubowicz) and family

Zainvel and Perl Goldberg, of blessed memory
My father, of blessed memory, was born in Kinsk. He moved to Radomsk after his marriage where he lived for the rest of his life. He was a distinguished man, an Agudas Yisroel activist, a Gerer Hasid, one of the founders of Yissod HaTorah and a member of the Beis Yakov Board. He was among the leaders of the Radomsk community for many years; he was one of the organizers of the Talmud Torah and the charity bank.

The names of their children were: Rivah, Esther, Vital, Arieh-Leibel, Shifrah.

May their memory be blessed forever!

Daughter Chaya Landes

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