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Translated by Jerrold Landau
We were better than them all: Jews of Talmud and Psalms In pure landscapes, with the secrets of violins and flutes: With the beauty of all types and of all ages; The few in the world of the nations who were noble And therefore they murdered us our enemies were the judges; |
(A. Tz. Greenberg, Rechovot Hanahar, 118) |
Among you, o you of Israel who were killed, lie my beautiful mother and father My sisters lie like hinds of the field, and their children the doves, Lie the best of my friends, the beauty of my dreams and songs. Had you asked: What is the reason for your end more bitter and rotten than death? You would not be able to answer: We do not know what was the iniquity… |
(ibid. 159) |
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(Jeremiah 8:23) |
![]() Azjenberg, Avraham: The father Kalman Shlomo the son of Issachar and Charna. Brothers: Chaim Yisrael, Yosef, and David. Sister Sheindel. Brothers of his father: Chaim Aharon, Mendel and Chanoch; Herschel and Yechiel; Yehudit Shepsil and Chaya Tzirel Kirszenblat, the daughters of Shalom Yitzchak and Hynda; Chana Kirszencwajg and her brother Yaakov, the children of Hertzel and Ritza Godlfarb. Azjenberg, Bat-Sheva: The father Shmuel Szajnfeld the son of Gershon David. The mother Yutel the daughter of Yechiel Meir Szczenszlibi. Brothers: Berl and his wife Roza with their daughter Esther, Yosef and his wife Sara, Moshe and his wife Bina, Leib and his wife Esther. Azjenberg Chaim: The father Moshe the son of Chaim Mordechai. The mother Chana the daughter of Binyamin Goldberg. Sister Leah the daughter of Moshe. Brother of his father Elimelech Azjenberg, Sisters Rachel Azjenberg and Malka Szwarcberg. Grandmother Chava Pelman and her daughter Sara Zylbersztajn. Azjentir, Rivka: The sisters and brother, children of Kopel and Breindel Zlyger: Yehudit Peiper and her son Chaim the son of Itshe Baruch, Pnina Rozenbaum, Ita Zlyger, Hynda, and Elimelech: Relatives Fishel Zylberberg and his wife Basha, Ita Kohen the daughter of Moshe and Hentsha. Akerman, Pesach: Gitel Akerman the daughter of Pesach and Perl; Chaya Menucha Akerman the daughter of Avraham and Gitel; Lea Godlman the daughter of Mendel and Hadassa. Erlich, Yosef: The father Menachem the son of Rafael Yosef. The Mother Reizel the daughter of Leib and Riva Rotbard. Sisters Bluma and Sara. Aszpis: Matel Rivka Aszpis and her husband Efraim Tuchsznajder, and their two children. Yehudit Aszpis and her husband Gershon Malach and their two children. Sheindel Aszpis and her husband Anshel Malach and their two children. Yisrael Aszpis and his wife Tzimel and their child.
Akerman, Tzila, and Galanti-Najman, Hadassa: Levi Cuker the son of Binyamin and Tova, his wife Rivka the daughter of Chaim and Esther, and their daughter Tova (Guta); David Najman the son of Chaim and his wife Hynda the daughter of Levi and Rivka Nee Grynszpan. |
Blajchman, David: The father Avraham Yaakov the son of Menachem Shochet, the mother Shosha Feiga the daughter of Shmuel Yehoshua and Chaya Wajnman. Sister Shoshana (Blima), and brothers Chaim Eliahu and Efraim; Uncle Shmarya Bergman, and his wife Chancha the daughter of Menachem Shochet, their daughter Rachel and sons Menachem and Mordechai; Friend Shmuel Weizman. Benet, Itamar Yosef: The brothers and sister, children of Meir and Rivka Masha; Shmuel Tzvi (historian and journalist). Yaakov and his wife Esther and their son Aryeh. Chana and her husband Zelig Manela, and their son Itamar Yosef. Sara; Uncle David the son of Yaakov and Hynda Benet. Blum, Zalman: The father Avraham the son of Yehuda. The mother Yehudit the daughter of Zalman. The brother Hertzka and sister Mindel; Reizel Wajsfisz the daughter of Zisha. Blatman Menashe: Grandfather Menachem Blatman. Grandmother Tova nee Hochenbaum. Father David. Mother Rachel nee Rozencwajg. Uncles and aunts: Eliahu and his wife Bronka nee Klein, and their children Iser Wlotek, Leon Lipa and his wife Rodka nee Ajzenberg. Zusha and her husband Bernard Sobelman. Buchman, Yosef Aharon and Yechezkel: The father Yisrael Dov the son of Yosef Aharon. The mother Serka Ita the daughter of Chaim Meir. Sisters: Lea Dvora, Shprintza, Esther Reizel Chajmowicz, Rivka Rachel Szmukler, and their children.
Birenbaum, Moshe: The father Eliezer the son of Zalman. The mother Chana Feiga the daughter of David Leib Rechtman. Brothers Yechiel, Pinchas, and Mendel. The sisters Malka and Rivka. |
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Blosztejn, Sara: Yitzchak Mendel Blosztejn the son of Mordechai Wolf and Tzimel. Esther the daughter of Yisrael Leib. Blas, Breindel: Yosef David Blas. Daughter Yocheved and son Yisrael Leib. Birnbaum, Mordechai: The father Yosef Meir the son of Menachem. The mother Chaya Gitel nee Rozencwajg. Brothers Mendel and Yechezkel. Sisters Tova, Tzipora and Golda. Birnbaum, Dina: The father Eidls Shmuel Yaakov the son of Getzel. The mother Rivka Miriam the daughter of Shimon Yosef Klein. Brothers Yitzchak and Getzel. Sisters Chuma and Bluma. Bornsztajn, Tzvi and Yona: The father Chaim Zeev the son of Yechezkel and Esther. The mother Blima Miriam the daughter of Yaakov and Ita. Brothers Leibel and Yechezkel. Sister Mala; Uncle Yisrael and his family. Bekerman, Binyamin: The father Elchanan Yehuda the son of Binyamin. The mother Perl the daughter of Yaakov. Brother Yaakov, and sisters Sara and Bina. Blonsztejn, Bella: The father Yechezkel Goldfarb the son of Shama and Dova. The mother Miriam Ratza the daughter of Meir and Malka Bilnder. Brother Shamai (journalist), and sisters Malka, Pesa, and Bronya; Uncles and aunt, the children of Meir (Malka Bilnder, Yaakov and his wife, Noach, Alek, Sara and her husband Yosef Zumer and three children); friends Miriam Wajntraub the daughter of David, Celina Winer of Łóź (deported to the Radom Ghetto). Beker, Bina: The father Avraham the son of Meir Yechiel Rotenberg. The mother Blima nee Chmilioz. Sister Yocheved (Jadzia), her husband Yosef Zwikelski and their son Eliahu; Sister-in-law Frania Rotenberg nee Zwikleski, and their daughter Gushia; Aunt Beila (Berta) nee Chmilioz, her husband Yehoshua Boszcki and their sons Witek and Eliahu; Aunt Bracha, her husband Shmuel Pochczewski. Ther son Eliahu and their daughter Sara, wife of Gavriel Frenkel of blessed memory; Uncle Moshe Chmilioz and his wife Genia; Uncle Michael Tauber; Aunt Roiza nee Rotenberg, her daughter Pesa Sankewicz; Husband Yechezkel Bluman (Heniak), his father Moshe, his mother Hynda and sister Adela. Bronsztejn, Yerachmiel: Yisrael Dov Bronsztajn the son of Shlomo and Sheindel. His wife Rachel the daughter of Yaakov Yona and Breindel. Their sons: Eliezer, Herschel, and Yechiel; the sons of Yaakov Yona and Breindel Bronsztajn: Avraham and Eliezer, David and his wife Bina, daughters Sima, Chava and her husband Berish Majcher, and their children Noach and Yona. Bochner, Felicia: The father Yisrael Hirsch Feldman, the mother Miriam Blima, The brother Asher (lawyer) and the sisters Chana, Rachel and Tzipora; Aunt Chasa Kaplan the husband of Shlomo, their son Yisrael and daughter Malka; Friend Pesa Parnas. Berkman, Efraim: The father Zisel the son of Zeev and the mother Golda the daughter of Yehuda. Brothers: Yisrael, his wife Mania, their sons Yeshayahu, and Chaim, Yehuda and his wife Jadza nee Neugebauer. Sister Mania Ajzenberg and her daughter Chava; Zelig Zylberfoden the son of Yisrael and Feiga. Avraham and Binyamin (Yumek) Zylberfoden sons of Zelig and Pesa; Chava Berkman the daughter of Moshe and Luba. Hela Berkman the daughter of Yosef and Feiga; Shmuel Cuker the daughter of Reb Fishel the shochet and Esther nee Kiper, his wife Freida the daughter of Eliezer and Roza, and their son Tuvia. Benker, Asher Zelig: Sisters: Dreizel and her husband Moshe Leib Ostrowicki, their daughter Perl and ten grandchildren. Chana Roiza and her husband Pinchas Ginzberg and her their daughter Sara, Sara Sheindel, her husband Shmuel Goldfeder and five children, Rivka, her husband Leon Den and two children, Motil Smat; Brother-in-law David Grynberg and two children; Uncles David Dawidowski and Yosef and aunt Berta.
Bergson, Esther: Shlomo Grynman te daughter of David and Dina, his wife Reizel the daughter of Akiva and Miriam nee Jakubowicz and their son Aharon. Aharon Herschel and Tuvia Grynman, the sons of David and Liba; Alta Dina Rubman the daughter of Akiva and Miriam. |
Yisrael and Yehoshua Grinc, and Brona Fejersztejn: The father Shlomo the son of Chaim Yosef, the mother Perl Yocheved the daughter of Tzvi David. Sister Chaya; Relatives: Mordechai Gelibter the son of Eliezer, his wife Michal nee Zylberberg (from Kielce), their son Aharon and daughters Malka and Vitel; Perl Lea Cohen the daughter of Eliezer Gelibter, and their daughters: Rivka Vitel (wife of Rozner) and their children Roza, Dvora, and her husband and child; Mordechai (Motel) Horowic, his wife Chaya the daughter of Eliezer Gelibter, and their daughter Sara; David Honigman, his wife Ronia the daughter of Chaim Asher Kirszenbaum, their daughters Brandel and Hutka, and son Mendel; the sons of Chaim Asher Kirszenbaum: Andzi, Chonale, and Mendel; Mordechai (Motel) Cemach, his wife Halinka the daughter of Mendel Bajar, and daughters: Salka and her husband Dr. Wyncberg from Warsaw, Andza and her husband Dr. Klar, Minka (married), and their sons: Moniek and Vitek; Nota Yechezkel, Melech, Moshe, and Yaakov Luksemburg; Yeshaya Ajzman, his wife Chana, and seven children. |
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Gotlib, Mordechai: The father Shlomo Issachar the son of Eliahu HaKohen. The mother Miriam Bina the daughter of Mendel Bulman. Their sons Eliezer, Nechemia, and Yaakov. Their daughters: Chaya Bracha, Sima Esther and her husband Yehoshua Ziskind, and their children Rachel and Eliahu, Ruchama the daughter of Miriam (wife of Eliahu). Gotlib, Eliahu: The father Eliezer Yisrael the son of Eli and Ruchama. The mother Chaya the daughter of Natan and Lea; Uncle Yaakov Gotlib, his wife Bat Sheva, and their twin daughters Dvora and Pesia. Uncle Yehuda Leib Gotlib, his wife Dvora, and their daughter Ruth. Aunt Pesia Parnas nee Gotlib, and her daughters Chaya and Shoshana. Goldblum, Miecislaw: The wife Roza the daughter of Leon and Leonia Mlobnczyk their daughter Rumana; Sara Goldblum nee Lastman and her son; The entire Sztalman family, sons, daughters-in-law, daughter, her husband, and grandchildren. Glat, Tzvi The father Avraham Yechiel the son of Michael. The mother Riva the daughter of Moshe Chaim Weitzman. The brothers Mordechai, Mendel and Asher Lemel. Gertner, Yisrael: The father Chaim Yona the son of Mordechai Shmuel. The mother Gitel the daughter of Moshe David and Sara Rivka Kozlowski. The sister Bronia and her husband Yaakov Grosfeld and sons Samak and Yona. The sister-in-law (widow of his brother Mordechai of blessed memory) Adela the daughter of Yisrael Moshe Malkisman and their son Yona; Sara Rivka Kozlowski, her son Chaim and daughter Lea. Goldberg, Meir: The father Yosef the son of Yaakov and Miriam. The mother Tzipora the daughter of Shalom and Ruchama Diament. Sisters Rachel, Chana and Henia. Brother Berish and his wife Bela nee Speisman. Goldberg: Chana Goldberg (husband of Leib). Her daughtes Sara,Liba, and Fehiga. Her sons Mordechai, Shmuel, Nathan and his wife Chana the daughter of Chaim Rozencwajg. Yaakov Goldberg the son of Moshe David and Esther, his wife Zlata, their son Mordechai and daughter Pesa. Yechiel Tuvia Goldberg the son of Moshe David and Esther, his wife Sara nee Zajonc, and their sons and daughters: Yocheved, Esther, Ita, Matil, Leib, Nota, Yisrael and his wife Sara. Goldberg, Moshe: The mother Rachel Perl Goldberg nee Stern (widow of Reb Kalman who died in Israel). Brothers Chaim, Eliezer and David; the family of Avrahamele Goldberg; Yona and his wife Genia nee Zylber, Yitzchak and his wife Rachel nee Jabitinski, and their daughters Kayla and Dvora. Yechiel and his wife Genia nee Wilczyk. Hillel and his wife Gitel nee Blowat and their sons Avraham, Yisrael and his wife Rachel nee Wigocki, and their daughter Elka. Rachel Lea and her husband Tzvi Lipski, and their son David. Sheindel and her husband Yosef Adelsberg and their daughters Keila and Elka. Tauba (wife of Yosef Cuker may he live), and their daughters Ruth and Sara; Tzvi Pajonk (husband of Miriam may she live nee Goldberg) the son of Shmuel Meir and their son Yaakov: Avraham Swarcbard (from Kalisz), the brother-in-law of Kalman Goldberg, shot in the Radom Ghetto. Goldberg, Tosha: The father Yaakov Lastman. The mother Sara nee Wajsbord. Brother Mendel and sister Miriam. Grandfather Moshe Lastman and grandmother Chaya nee Cuker, their sons and daughters; Tauba and her husband Leibush Hochberg, their daughter Esther and son Yosef and his wife Reizel nee Sapirsztejn, Reizel (widow of Moshe Libhaber of blessed memory) and their daughter Sara, Luba and her son Yisrael Goldberg, Sara and her husband Yosef Rappaport and their two children, Yosef and his wife Reizel nee Cuker and their child; Grandfather Avraham Yitzchak Wajsbord, grandmother Esther, their sons and daughters: Gershon and his wife Regina nee Wegrowicz and their son Mendel, David and his wife Keila nee Frajdman and their daughter, Moshe and his wife Ita nee Margolis and their son David, Lea (widow of Chaim Wajsbord of blessed memory) and her sons: Gershon, Simcha, David, Shmuel, Mendel, and Tzvi; Yudel Hershenhorn, his wife Yocheved nee Frajdman and their children Bluma and Tzvi. Goldberg, Aharon: Sara Etl the daughter Avraham and Malka Kadiszowicz. Their sons Shlomo Tzvi, Shmuel, and Mordechai; Avraham Kadiszowicz the son of Tuvia and Miriam, their sons and daughters; Rafael and his wife Tzvia nee Mezelman, and their sons David, and Tuvia with his wife Miriam nee Wajsfisz, Necha and her husband Yosef Przrower, their son Reuven and granddaughter Rachel. Goldsztejn, Avraham: Shlomo Zalman Goldsztejn the son of Tzvi, his wife Sara the daughter of Miriam and their three children; Yisrael Cohen, his wife Dvora, and their sons and daughters: Moshe, Shlomo Zalman, Tzvi, Rivka, Esther, and Gitel; Dov Liberman, his wife Rachel the daughter of Yechzkel Goldsztejn, their son Shlomo and daughters: Esther, Yehudit and her husband Shamai and two children; Yehudit Kaplan the daughter of Yechezkel Goldsztejn (wife of Reb Natan may he live), and their son Samek.
Goldsztejn Sara: The father Nachman the son of Shifra and Moshe Wajnberg. The mother Miriam the daughter of Gitel and Yechezkel Goldsztejn. Daughters Yehudit and Lea, and son Naftali. |
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Goldsztejn, Simcha: The father Yaakov the son of Yisrael. The mother Chaya Ita the daughter of Reb Simcha Bunim Cuker the shochet. Their son Moshe, his wife Roza nee Gluzman and daughter Osnat. Their daughters Malka, her husband Efraim Szapir and son Moshe, Chana her husband Shmuel Alterman and sons Yisrael and Pinchas. Golan (Goldberg), Pnina: Sister Milka Goldsztejn the daughter of Shmuel Yaakov and Bracha nee Altman. Aunt Perl Majtenberg nee Altman, her sons and daughters: Yona, his wife and children. Zalman, his wife and children, Rachel, her husband and children, Sheindele, her husband and children. Aunt Reizel Goldberg nee Atlman, her sons and daughters: Yona, Zalman, Rachel, Tzirel, Rivka Blima, Milka, Yehudit and their families: Mordechai Grosfeld and his sons Avraham and Yitzchak. Gursztejn, Shoshana: The mother Margalit Liba Rachel (widow of Reb David of blessed memory) daughter of Leib and Zlata. Brothers: Avraham Abosh and his daughter Dvora, Pinchas, and Yerachmiel. Sisters: Zlata, and her husband Dr. Shmuel the son of Chanoch Hertz the shochet and their daughter Henia, Ita, her husband Moshe Wajsbord and their children David and Hynda: Uncle Hirsch David Cuker the son of Leib and Zlata, his wife Rachel Lea the daughter of Aharon and Dvora, sons Yisrael and Avraham, and daughters Bracha, Chana Jakubowicz and family member Zalman, Natan, and David. Zlata Bendikt and daughter Anka. Chava Cuker the daughter of Yaakov. Lusha Cuke the daughter of Yisrael and Chaya. Chana Cuker the daughter of Avraham and Shprintza: Rina Horowicz Warchiwker the daughter of Mendel and Chava. Henia Gutman-Zylbersztejn the daughter of Shmuel: Roza Kirszenblat. Chana Gobszyuw, Chaya Mas, and Dvora Ajzenberg: The mother Bina (wife of Mordechai Jozefowski) the daughter of Yaakov and Mala Landau. Brother Eliezer, his wife Tzipora the daughter of Rabbi Yudel of Aleksander and their sons: Yechiel Mendel, Shraga Feivel, Shmuel, Roza, Chana, and Feiga Malka. Sister Gila, her husband Moshe Chaim Waksman, their son Shraga Feivel, and daughters Roiza Freida and Serl Ita. Sister Mindel, her husband Moshe Orman, their son Chaim, and daughters Lea and Rivka. Gutman Y.: The sons of Yaakov Yitzchak Gutman: Aharon, Baruch, Tuvia, and David. Reizel Wjatrak the daughter of Aharon Baruch: Chaya Lea Gutman. Glancszpigel, Shlomo: Yisrael Glancszpigel. The mother Chaya nee Korman. Their sons Moshe, David, and Alter. Gutharc, Meilech: Yehuda Gutharc the son of Meilech and Adela. Adela the daughter of Moshe David and Perl. Shlomo and David Gutharc, the sons of Nechamia and Rachel. Grynbaum, Yitzchak: The father Pesach the son of Menachem Yisrael. Grandfather Yisrael Menachem the son of Shmuel Chaim. Brother Shmuel Chaim. Sisters Nechama and Lea. Sons Shimshon and Leibel Aryeh. Gutman, Yona: David Gutman the son of Yona and Reizel, his wie Chava the daughter of Yisrael and Ita. Daughters Bluma and Hadassa, and son Avraham.
Gutsztat-Szereszewski, Genia: Father Kalman Richtman the son of Meir Wolf and Ita. Brothers: Yechiel, Yosef and his wife Sabina, Chaim and his wife Dvora nee Chodros. |
Dombek, H.: Eugenia Dombek. Son Salomon and daughter Alina; Roza Szleperman.
Deutscher, Mordechai and Yitzchak: The father Tzvi. The mother Chaya Rachel. Sister Tova, brothers Yaakov and Leibush David. Sister-in-law Feiga and Uncle Yitzchak; Grandfather Simcha Meir Warszawski and Grandmother Zelda; Uncles and aunts: Eliezer Yaakov Grynsztejn and his wife Sara. Dov Szwarcfiter; Son and daughter of his brother (children of Yaakov and Feiga Deutscher): Avraham Abosh, Chana, and Lea. |
Hochman, Chaim: The father Shlomo Leib Hochman the son of Yonatan and Feiga. The mother Perl Riva the daughter of Shlomo and Dvora Bromberg. Brothers: Avraham Moshe Alter, Shmuel David, his wife Tzipora the daughter of Shmuel Isser, and their son Mordechai and Yosef. Sisters: Gitel (wife of Leibel Farbman), their son Yisrael Yitzchak and daughters Feiga Dvora, Reizel Pesa and Chana, Rachel Matel and her husband Yaakov Meir Rozencwajg, their son Chaim and daughter Feiga Dvora. Hochbaum (Eshel,) BenZion: Chana Hochbaum nee Wajnberg, and Rachel (Ula) the daughter of Yosef Chana. Herzenfus (Ayalon), Eliezer: Yisrael Hirszenfus and his wife Rivka. Their sons Meir and Abosh and daughter Chaya.
Horowicz, Esther Rachel: Rabbi Yechiel HaLevi the daughter of Reb Pinchas Mendel Kestenberg, his wife Chana and six sons (from his first wife Chaya of blessed memory):Avraham, his wife Serl and two children, Pinchas, Shlomo, Herschel, Nota, and Ozer. The son Naftali and daughter Bracha from his second wife. |
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Werchajzer, Menachem: The father Anshel the son of Mendel and Lea. Sisters (daughters of Anshel and Keila): Hodel and her husband Shimon Wajzbord, Rivka; uncles, sons of Anshel and Lea Werchajzer: Shimon and his wife Miriam, Yisrael and his wife Lea, their sons Anshel and Menachem and daughters Mindela and Rivka. Asher, his wife Gitla, and their son Leib. Werchajzer, Rozka: The father Moshe Gorfinkel the son of Meir and Gitla. Mother Lea daughter of Hersh Leib and Chava. Brothers Yehoshua and Yechiel, and sister Chana; Uncles, aunts and cousins: Chaim, Yechiel, David and Yaakov (sons of Meir and Gitla). Chaya daughter of Yitzchak and Recha, Esther daughter of Hirsch Leib and Chava. Chaya and Hela (daughters of Yaakov and Yenta). Chana Sara, Yehoshua, Wolf (children of Yechiel and Esther). Yechiel son of Chaim and Chaya. Leib, Yisrael and Gitla (sons of David and Chaya); Mordechai Klajnman, Golda, Yaakov, Moshe, Menashe (children of Hirsch Leib and Chava). Yenta, Necha, Chaya, Binyamin, Rivka, Yehoshua, Gitla, Chaim, Nisan, Sheva, Esther, Yosef, Moshe, Gitel, and Chana Klajnman; Moshe and Chana Milsztajn; Rivka, Izik, Chana Tova, Hadassa, Bracha, Henia, Esther, Machel Ajzenberg; Yenta and Meir Cymerman. Esther Szajnfeld; Shalom, Beila, Aleksander, Binyamin, Yocheved, Rivka, Ezra, Hudza, Rachel, David, and Hela Wajntraub; Bela Zunder; Blima Rozenblat; Yaakov Glinkowic; Hela Holcman; Roma Gutman; Bronka Gutsztat; Efraim Fruman; Lea and Moshe Aharon Gutman; Chanka Rotman. Wolch, Yitzchak: The father Wolf the son of Yechiel and Zlata. The mother Etl the daughter of Wolf and Frimet. Grandfather Yechezkel and grandmother Zlata. Wolch, Sara: The father Mordechai Menachem Mendel Najdik the son of Yisrael Yitzchak the shochet, and Sheindel the daughter of Simcha Bunim Cuker the shochet. The mother Nechama the daughter of Yehoshua and Chava Ita Rotenberg. Brother Yehoshua; Yehoshua Rotenberg the son of Dov Berish and Rachel, his wife Lea the daughter of Perl; Miriam the daughter of David Wajntraum. Wynogrocki, Alter: Sara Wynogrocki the daughter of Avraham and Esther Gotfrajd. Tzvi Hirsch Wyngrocki the son of Yosef and Necha: Sara Finkelsztajn the daughter of Yosef and Necha. Zelig Finkelsztajn the daughter of Yehoshua; Esther Gotfrajd the daughter of Yitzchak and Chana. Chaya Chala Gotfrajd the daughter of Moshe Rubinsztejn. Reizel Regina Gotfrajd the daughter of Avraham and Sara Luria. Wajsman, Elimelech: The father Nota Yitzchak the son of Dobra Yentil. The mother Dvora Rocha the daughter of Yitzchak and Esther Luchsenburg. Brothers: Yechezkel, Nachum, Shmuel, Moshe, Zecharia, and Mordechai. Wajsman, Chana: Sister Dvora, her husband Bendit Koplovic, and their daughter Sarale. Wakszlag (Berkman), Bracha: Parents Gershon and Fela. Wajsman, Rivka: Eliezer Lipsztejn, his wife Malka, and their sons: Yerachmeil, Meshulam, Berish and his wife Chana (Chancha) and their two children Ezriel and Shmuel. Daughter Chava, her husband Yechiel Frajdman, and their son Shimon. Wajsbord, Tzvia: Mother Pesia Medlajon (widow Shlomo David). Sisters: Chana, her husband Moshe the son of Yitzchak Luchsenburg, and their daughter Chaya (Hela). Etel, her husband Avraham the son of Yosef and Rivka Reich, their son Chaim, and their daughter Milka and her child. Dvora Lazjerowic. Werber, Itamar: Shmuel Eliezer Werber the son of Daniel and Roiza, his wife Mindel the daughter of Avraham and Malka nee Goldfarb, their son Manis, his wife Hynda nee Goldfarb and their daughter Chana; Their daughter Malka Roiza, and her husband Bunim the son of Moshe and Feiga Zlata. Peshka Werber the daughter of Natan David and Sara Rozencwajg; Avraham Mordechai Frajdman the daughter of Beila, his wife Chana Rachel the daughter of Lea, and sons: Leibush, Shabtai, Herschel, Itche, and daughter Shifra. Yaakov Frajdman the son of Yitzchak; Motel Glat and Hilda Beila. Wajntraub, Milka: Brothers Hirsch Wajntraub the son of Shlomo and Hodis the daughter of BenZion. Zecharia and his daughter Cutyl, Tanchum and Yechiel. Werthajm, Alter Zeev: Uncles, the son of Yehuda and Dina: Yaakov Werthajm, his wife Reizel Gitel and their three children, Avraham, his wife Esther Malka and their son, Aharon, his wife Manya Etl and their daughter.
Wajsblum, Moshe: Aharon Shmuel Wajsblum the son of Yaakov and Golda. His wife Pesil nee Rozenmer. Sons Yeshayahu, Yechezkel, Imanuel, and daughters Elka, Esther, and Sara. Dvora Wajsblum, Elka and Baruch (sons of Yaakov and Golda); Aharon Recht the son of Yitzchak Meir; Yisrael Moshe Szapira. |
Zebner-Klajner, Shoshana: Father Yosef Leib Zebner the son of Tzvi and Priva. The Mother Malka the daughter of David and Reizel Zylber.
Zajdman, Nachum: Uncles and aunts, the children of Gavriel and Miriam Zajdman: Yosef, and his wife Rachel nee Melchior. Motel, his wife Tzilka, and their children Gershon, Blima, and another girl. Herschel, his wife Dachtsha, their son David, and a daughter. Gitel and her two children. Tzilka and her three children. Blima, her husband and a child. Rivka and her husband. |
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Zajdenweber, David: Wife Feiga the daughter of Yaakov Leizer and Chana Elichman. Sons Yaakov Meir and Gedalia. Mother Rivka the daughter of Gedalia and Esther Cheva Zylbeszlag. Sister Blima, her sons and daughters: Gedalia, Chava Roiza, and Gitel. Brother Hillel, his wife Lea nee Akerman, their sons and daughter: Esther Chava, Velvel, Blima, Meir. Brother Avigdor, her sons and daughter: Baruch, Gedalia, Blima, Yosef, Simcha, and granddaughter Itka. Brother Nisan: Mother-in-law Chana Erlichman daughter of David and Freida Markowic. Her sons and daughters: Yitzchak, his wife Rivka, and their children Muniak, David, Fela, and Sara. Sara Necha, her husband David Schor, and their children Yosef and Chaya Sara. Chaya, her husband Yechezkel, and their son Leizer. Lea, her husband Itche, and their daughter Mania. David. Zajdenweber, Tova: The husband Avraham Kampel the son of Moshe and Reizel, son and daughters: Natan David, Rachel Lea, and Pesa. Brothers and sisters: Miriam, her husband Yechezkel Bluman, and their daughters Lea, Perl and Rachel. Chaya and her daughter Sara. Moshe and his wife Roza nee Olencwajg. Leizer, his wife Rivka nee Goldberg, and their daughter Rivka. Izik, his wife Hynda nee Weitzman, and their children Idel, Basha, and Natan; Mother-in-law Esther the daughter of the shochet of Kunów; Sister-in-law Breindel and her husband Simcha. Sister-in-law Lea, her husband Avraham, and their sons Moshe, Meir and Simcha. Sister-in-law Sheva, her husband, and son Avraham. Sister-in-law Beila, her husband Yaakov David Wajntraub, and their son Meir. Sister-in-law Yonta. Brother-in-law Eliezer. Zylberberg, Avraham: Yisrael Goldberg the son of Nechemia and his wife Henya the daughter of Mordechai Shmuel Gertner, and their sons: Moshe, his wife Malka and their two children Shimon and Nechemia. Daughter Breindel Zylberberg and her daughter Sara; Eliezer Yaakov Grynsztein (circumcisor), his wife Miriam, and their children: Moshe, Rafael, Rachel, Tzipora, and Etel; Aharon, Meir,and Avraham Mordechai Elbaum (sons of Rafael). Zylberfarb (Kaspi), Efraim: Gershon Zylberfarb the son of Yechezkel and Malka, his wife Lea the daughter of Shmaryahu and Feiga. Their sons Moshe, Yechiel and Yaakov, and daughter Tzipora. Zylbersztejn, Tzvi: Natan, Chana, Yerachmiel, Yitzchak, Zlata, and Rivka Zylbersztejn. Meir and Chava Hochman; Gitel, Yaakov and Mohe Rozencwajg. Yosef, Bentzil, and Lea Rozenbaum.
Zylberszlag, Alter: The father Fishel the son of Moshe and Rivka nee Holcman. Mother Beila the daughter of Zeev Aryeh and Ita nee Buber, and brother Zeev Aryeh. Sheindel Feldan the daughter of Yaakov and Rachel; Rivka Zylberszlag the daughter of Dov and Necha Gutman. |
Tenenbaum, Godel: Brothers and sisters, children of Yosef and Masha Tenenbaum; Mordechai, his wife Hynda nee Baumojlgryn, and their daughter Masha. Chaya Malka, her husband Shaul Rotblat, their sons Mordechai, Shmuel, Avraham, Izak, and their daughter Feiga. Perl Rachel, her husband Matityahu Tarcyc, and their sons Motel and Yaakov. Miriam, her husband Avraham Frajdman, and their daughters Masha, Breindel, Rivka, and others. Uncle and aunts, sons of Mordechai and Shifra Tenenbaum: Moshe, his wife Beila, and their son Dr. Yaakov and his family. Rivka, her husband Yaakov Leibish, their sons Avraham, Mordechai, Bunim, and their daughters Dvora, and Sara. Ita, her husband and their son: Aunt Eidel Langleben nee Diament, her husband Avraham, and their sons Mordechai and Pesach; Reuven Bekman. Tenebaum, Rivka: Uncle Pinchas Szutland the son of Elimelech, his wife Shifra the daughter of Rabbi Avraham Tzvi Perlmuter, their sons and daughter: Yisrael, his wife Gitel the daughter of Yosef and Chaya Yocheved Goldfarb, and their children Elimelech, Yerachmiel, and Esther Malka. Chaim Asher, his wife Beila. Bunim, his wife Rivka nee Bilnder, and two daughters. Elka, and her husband Shabtai the son of Chaim Goldberg. Sara Balbin, her husband and child. Yechiel Ozer. Chava (Chavchi); Aunts, daughters of Zalman Baruch and Ita Szotland: Sara, her husband Eliezer the son of Shlomo Finkelsztejn. Son Yisrael, and his wife of the Cuker family. Daughters Genia and her husband Munio Portnoj, Rachel, Esther her husband Yaakov Wilcznik, Rivka her husband Meir Obszni and their children. Tzipra Hochman, sons Zalman Baruch and Shlomo, and daughter Ita. Elka, her husband Shmuel Nisencwajg, and daughters. Andza Mokotowicz, her husband and two children. Children, her husband Avraham the son of Shmuel and Pesa Rotman, and daughters Chava, Dola, and her husband and children. Temkin, Tzila: The mother Yehudit Benker nee Gutman. Brothers Avraham (Mumek) and Moshe, and sister Sara (children of Hirsch and Yehudit).
Trunkberg (Tur), Avraham: Leizer Eli Trunkberg the son of Yerachmel and Tzirel. His wife Chava Sara the daughter of Mordechai and Sheindel nee Frajdman and their daughters Gitel and Sheindel; Alter, Shmuel, Aharon, Perl, Tova, and Henya Frajdman (children of Mordechai and Sheindel). |
Janowski, David: Yisrael Moshe Janowski the son of David and Rivka. His wife Shifra nee Wajnrib and their children: Yechiel, Tzvi, Yosef, Davod, Alta, Bracha, Sara and her husband Yisrael Winerman. Chava and her husband Dov Turnhajm; Berl and Yaakov Janowski (the sons of David and Rivka); Yechiel Janowski the son of Yaakov. |
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Janowski, Menucha: Rivka Binsztok (wife of Naftali) daughter of Yechezkel and Tova Lerman. Her son Shlomo and daughters Tova, Luba, and Feiga. |
Kac, Tzvi: The father Moshe Yosef the son of Natan Alter. The mother Eidel the daughter of David Frajdland. Brothers Shlomo and Yisrael and sister Feiga; Parents of his wife Zeev and Chaya Rachimora. Kaspi, Rachel: The father Avraham Mandelkorn the son of Avraham and Feiga nee Gliksztejn. The mother Doba Mirl the daughter of Yosef and Pesia Sandel, and their daughter Michaela; Gershon Frajdman the son of Yosef and Feiga Warszawski.
Kacman, Simcha Bunim: Rafael Kachman the son of Rafael. His wife Chana Lea the daughter of Binyamin and their son Chaim Yechiel: Yosef Szwarcberg the son of Binyamim. His wife Golda the daughter of Sheindel Necha. Their son Yaakov and their daughter Sara. Chaim Yechiel Szwarcbarg the son of Binyamin. Natan the son of Yechiel, and Yehudit the daughter of Chana. |
Lederman, Meir: Herschel Lederman the son of Pesach and Esther. Sons Yisrael and Avigdor, and daughters Sara, Yocheved, Bracha, and Feiga. Chana and Sara Lea Lederman (daughters of Pesach and Esther). Esther Lederman the daughter of Yechezkel and Frymet; Leibish Chaimowic the son of Yechezkel. Sons Shmuel and Zusman and daughters Lea and Frymet; Leibish Rozenberg, his wife Chana the daughter of Yechezkel, sons Hirsch Yosef, Meir and Shimon, and daughters Esther, Reizel, and Beila; Hirsch Yosef Zalcberg, son Aharon and daughter Chaya; Leibish Chinerman, his wife Mindel the daughter of Yechezkel, son Reuven and daughters Esther, Reizel, and Chaya; Yaakov Trowa the son of Leibel, his wife Rachel the daughter of Pesach and Esther Lederman, sons Feivel and Hirsch Ber, and daughters Rivka and Frymet. Langer-Tenenbaum, Chana: Mordechai Gimpel Langer the son of Aharon, and his son Shlomo Binyamin. Laslo-Goldberg, Gitla: Grandmother Necha Laslo (widow of Reb Yitzchak Meir of blessed memory). The father Ziskind, the mother Rauba nee Rafelowic. Sister Chaya; Uncles and aunts: Moshe his wife Hynda, and their sons Chanoch and Leib. Shlomo, his wife Rachel nee Zelcer, and their son Avraham. Yeshayahu, his wife Chana, and his wife Perla. Chanoch, his wife Lea nee Birencwajg, their daughter Yocheved and their son Avraham. Shmuel, his wife Frajda nee Kopel, and their daughters Chana and Zisel. Chaya Horowic and her daughter Chava Dobracki. Tauba, her husband Moshe Rozenberg, and their son Ezriel. Cousin Yaakov Laslo the son of Dov and Miriam, his wife Regina nee Grynglas and their son David. Cousin Avraham Rozenberg, his wife Liba nee Kaner, and their daughter Miriam. Cousin Miriam Laslo nee Gotlib. Moshe Horowic. Lewental, Yaakov: Wife Miriam Dvora the daughter of Moshe and Sara Birenbaum. Son Moshe Baruch and daughter Chana; Aharon Lewental the son of Yonatan and Chaya, and their son Avraham. Yosef David Lewental. Rachel Lewental. Sara and Lea (daughters of Eliezer and Ita); Kope, Lea, Yisrael, Moshe, Frymatl Percelman. Lederhendler, Yaakov and Yitzchak: Father Gershon the son of Chaim and Perl. Mother Miriam daughter of Moshe Aharon and Chaya Sara Korngold. Brothers and sisters: Moshe and his wife Gitel, their son Menachem and daughter Perl. Rivka, her husband David Huberband the son of Shimon Yosef, and their son Chaim Shmuel. Sara Klapfisz (wife of Yaakov Klapfisz may he live), and their daughters Perl, Tzvia, Dvora, and Chana. Lewin, Yosef: The Father Avraham Gershon the son of Yehuda. The mother Sheindel the daughter of Dov. Sister Hinda Lyuba.
Lenga, Aharon: Chana Lenga the daughter of Hirsch Leib Zylberberg. Mordechai and Lea Lenga (the children of Aharon). Esther Lenga the daughter of Moshe Kryger. Yaakov, Yechiel, Chava, and Pola Lenga (children of Mordechai David); Yisrael Flajszman the son of Berl, his wife Malka the daughter of Yehuda Zylberberg, their daughters Esther and Chana, and their son Yechiel. |
Melchior, Shimon: Brother Avraham Eliahu the son of Natan and Dina, nee Wajsblum. Brother-in-law Max Gelibter. Machrowski-Kirszberg, Malka: Moshe Machrowski, his wife Rachel, their son Yosel, and their daughter Mindel. The children of Moshe and Chayale: Chaim Shalom, his wife Sara and their two children, Shimon, his wife Sheindel nee Litwak, their sons Shmuel and Yosef, and their daughter Chayale. Milman, Nechemia: Yitzchak Dov Milman the son of Moshe Eliezer and Gitel, his wife Chana Rachel the daughter of Moshe and Reizel Zajdenweber, sons Leibel, Avraham, and Shimon, and daughter Feiga. Mincberg, Charles (Paris), and his sister Mrs. Glarwarm: The father Shlomo Mincberg the son of Yerachmiel and Sara. Mother Mania the daughter of Moshe and Dvora Prusak. Brothers and sisters; Yona, Moshe, Regina, Frania Szechter, Hala Goldsztajn, Bronia Fobis.
Mandelbaum, Chaim: The father Yisrael Mandelbaum the son of Chaim Eliezer and Gitel. Sister Lola (daughter of Yisrael and Esther) |
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Mandelbaum, Rina: The father Avraham Tenenbaum the son of Yaakov and Shprintza. Sister Noga (daughter of Avraham and Feiga); Menachem (Miotek) Bornsztejn the son of Alexander and Guta. Mandelbaum, Alter: Daughter Bella (daughter of Alter and Freindel). Leibish Mandelbaum the son of Shmuel and Sara Lea. Daughters: Yocheved Kasztan, Dvora Chelnicki, Rachel Gutman, Beila Rivka, Reizel. Sons: Yitzchak, Yehoshua, and Avraham Moshe (sons of Leibish and Chaya Sara). Mandelman (Shkedi), David: Luba MandelmanBinsztok the daughter of Yitxchak Shmuel and Chana Feiga; Moshe Binsztok the son of Aharon and Dvora: Reizel Hayat the daughter of Moshe and Bluma Fogelman, and her sons (the sons of Yisrael Elimelech and Reizel): Yaakov Mendel (Menachem) and his wife Esther nee Gustinski and their two children, Shlomo, Michael his wife and their children. Mancha, Shoshana: Fishel Wajnberger, Keila Mindel the daughter of Bercha, and daughters: Rivka, Rachel Lea, Feiga, and Dvora; Tova Lea and Reizel Hoizwirt (daughters of Bercha). Margolis, David: Moshe Eliezer Margolis the son of David, and his wife Sara the daughter of Natan Szerok; Natan Szerok, daughter Bronia, and son Vovek with his wife and baby; Etl Fuks daughter of Natan Szerok, and her son Alexander the son of the aforementioned; Chaim Najman and his son Naftali; Mina Najman the daughter of David and Miriam nee Rozenblat, and their son Yisrael. Margolis-Arzi, Aliza: Yaakov Menachem Yechiel Margolis the son of Avraham Yitzchak and his wife Chana Yehudit the daughter of Shmuel Tzvi and Sara Reiszer. Their sons Shamai Meir and Aharon Tuvia; Shmuel Tzvi Reiszer, great-grandson of the Tzadik of Czortkow Rabbi Tzvi (Herschele) Friedman, may the memory of the holy be blessed. Shamai Reiszer, Menachem Avraham and Sima (children of Shmuel Tzvi and Sara nee Kirszenbaum). Margolis, Malka and Riva Zisel: The father Yitzchak Mendel Cuker the shochet the son of Reb Bunim the shochet and Osnat. The mother Mindel daughter of Moshe and Golda Handelsman. Brother Shalom and sisters Gitel and Rivka. Margolis, Shmuel and Malka: Eliezer Kirszenbaum, his wife Hinda Roiza the daughter of David Zylber. Their sons: Yaakov, Yechiel, Itche, Berl, Peretz. Their daughters: Malka and Shifra and their families; Moshe Kestenberg, his wife Yocheved the daughter of Reb Bunim the shochet Cuker. Their daughters: Tehila, her husband Shimon and their children, Malka, her husband Betzalel and their children. Sheindele, her husband and children, their son Bunim. Margolis, Chanina: The father Eliezer the son of Chaim Yechezkel and Dishka the daughter of Reb Bunim the shochet Cuker. The mother Feiga Yocheved the daughter of Yechezkel. Sister Lea and Reizel, and brother Berl Yerachmiel; Friends, the sons of Avraham Plocker: Nachum, Aharon, and Feivel, and their families. Margolis, Chana: Mother Malka Tzutil Mildman (widow of Rabbi Shraga Feivel of blessed memory) daughter of Fishel and Chaya Pucznik. Sister Feiga Sheftil, her husband Shlomo the son of Jozif Szperling. Brother Yisrael Yaakov and his sons Aharon, Mordechai, and Yechiel; Sister-in-law Sonia Mildman (wife of Yechiel of blessed memory) nee Rozenkowic, and her daughter Sharlota; Aunts, daughters of Rabbi Aharon Mildman of blessed memory: Tzalba Altman, her sons Herschel and Yechiel, and her daughters Hinda, Sheftil, and Roiza. Dvora Kirszenbaum, her sons and daughter: Chaim Yosef and his wife and children, Yechiel, Chaya, her husband and their children. Meizels, Yehoshua: The father Aryeh (Leibel) the son of Avigdor and Alta Liba. The Mother Freda the daughter Yehoshua and Ita Chava Rotenberg.
Meizels, Regina: The father Eliahu Korman the son of Mendel and Rachel. The mother Yenta the daughter of Mordechai and Mindel Miller. Brothers: Avraham, his wife Tauba nee Godlberg and their children Miriam, Rina and Marek. Shlomo, his wife Chana nee Slucka and their daughters Miriam and Eva, Chaim, his wife Miriam nee Wynogrodzka and their children Felicia, Irka, and Marek. Sister Perl, her husband Yisrael Berkowic, and their children Sara and Marek. |
Najdik, Shmuel: Brothers and sisters, the children of Yisrael Yitzchak the shochet and Sheindel the daughter of Reb Bunim the shochet Cuker: David, his wife Reizel the daughter of Kopel Pencer, their children Efraim and others. Avraham Yaakov, his wife Feiga nee Freidenreich, their son Moshe, his wife Hynda nee Blas, and their daughter Yocheved. His daughters Chana Zwikolski, her husband Shmuel, and their son Efraim Fishel. Malka Glat, and her son Meir. Chaya Pucnik (mother of Simcha Bunim Shoham who died in Israel). Sara Bekman, her husband Yaakov the son of Shmuel and Czarka, and their son Yitzchak (Itzka). Neijoiz, Esther and Avraham: Yona Shalom Ajzenman, his wife Chaya Liba, son Mordechai, and daughters Freindel, Zlata, and Gitel.
Najman, Menashe: The father Yitzchak the son of Avraham, the mother Perl the daughter of Aharon and Rivka, and brothers Moshe and Simcha. |
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Staszewski, Moshe: Sisters Gitel, Dvora and her husband Dr. Hirsch Kirszstejn and their two children. Strawczinski, Shalom: The father Yaakov David the son of Baruch. Sister Sara Perl. Sytyn, Tova: Shmerl Cytrynowic the son of Chaim and Dina, and his wife Henia the daughter of Tova and Berl Wajnberg. Their children Aharon, Shmuel, Moshe, and Shaul, and their daughters Charna, Rivka, and Vara. Studeny, David: Sara Honigsberg the daughter of Elka and David, her husband Betzalel, and their son Imanuel: Leibush Studeny the son of Elka and David, and Sima the daughter of Natan Gotlib; Shmuel Birnbaum the son of Chana and David, his wife Genendel the daughter of Yehuda and Zlata, and their sons David and Yehuda; Melech Fiszman the son of Yehuda and Zlata, his son Yehuda and daughter Mindel; Berl Ajzenberg the son of Tzipa, his wife Beila the daughter of Yehuda and Zlata, their sons Leibiush and Avraham and daughters Mindel and Tzipa; Etl Optowski the daughter of Yosef and Chaya.
Sargowic, Esther: The father Motel Zylberberg the son of Yosef and Rivka. The mother Pesa the daughter of Yaakov and Henia Goldfarb. Brothers and sisters: Gitman, Genendel and her husband Yosef Frajdman and their two children, Sara Dina and her husband Naftali the son of Moshe and Sara Neihoiz and their two children, Chana, Henia, and Dvora; Her uncles and aunts the children of Yosef and Rivka Zylberberg: Avraham and his wife Beila Gitel the daughter of Keila Kaplan. Chona and his wife and children. Leibush and his wife Rachel the daughter of Shalom and Chana Godlfarb and their children Yisrael Yitzchak, Chana Gitman and his wife and children. Binyamin and his wife and children, Naftali and his wife and children, Gitel and her husband Leibish Cuker, their daughter Ruchama and son Hirsch. Breindel, her husband Aharon Zeleniwski and their daughters Gutsha and Ruchama. Rachel, her husband Flamenbaum and their two children. Esther her husband Abraham Zimelsztern and their sons Motel and Shimon; Her uncles and aunts the son of Yaakov and Hena Goldfarb: Naftali, his wife Miriam the daughter of Natan and Yehudit Goldfarb, and their three children. Tzipora, her husband Mordechai Cuker, their son Yisrael Yitzchak and their daughters Rachel, Genendel, and Chana with her husband and children. Rachel, her husband Nota Tenenbaum, their son Gitman, and their daughters Chana and Tola with their husbands and children. Serka, her husband Moshe Neihoiz, and their sons Mordechai, Yehoshua, and Yitzchak with their wives and children, and their daughter Esther Chana and her husband and children. Sara, her husband Moshe Abramowic and their two children. Yehuda, her husband Natan Goldfarb, and their daughters: Rachel, her husband Yitzchak Fuksman and their children, Esther and her husband and children, Yisrael Yitzchak, his wife, and five children. Hynda; Yehoshua Akerman the son of Chaim and Serka, his wife Dvora, their son Yisrael Yitzchak and their daughter Henia; Moshe Weitzman the son of Avraham and Beila Gitel; Yosef Santor, his wife Mania nee Noigebauer, their son Bernard, his wife Mania nee Szczaranski and their two children; Sheftil Santor the daughter of Leibel and Dina Dancyger; Esther Waksberg the daughter of Batya Koifman, their husband and children; Yaakov Rubinsztejn, Dvora, and their four children. |
Frenkel-Grosfeld, Frida: The brother Pinchas Frenkel the son of Yisrael and Shprintza, his wife Rachel the daughter of Yosef and Sara; Ruchama Diament (widow of Shalom Diament of blessed memory) and their daughters: Sara Lea Grafsztejn and Chana; Mimel Diament (widow of Yisrael Diament of blessed memory) daughter of Yisrael and Shprintza Frenkel, and her daughters: Rachel Lea, her husband Avraham the son of Moshe and Matil Slawa and their daughters Esther and Ariela. Chana, her husband Meir the son of David Korman and their son Yaakov: Yaakov Fishel Kirszenbaum the son of Shlomo and Lea; Sima Boszcki the daughter of Peretz and Bluma; Esther Papelbaum the daughter of Avraham; Meita Herman the daughter of Yona and Reizel; Zeinwil Szpajzman the son of Yona and Priva, his wife Chana the daughter of Mordechai and Dina; Meir Rozencwajg the son of Mordechai, and his sons Chaim and Avraham; Yoel Yehuda Kaufman the son of Hirsch and Miriam; Eliahu Baruch Szpajzman and Shmuel Zeinwil; Beila Monheit the son of Moshe and Beila. Pariz-Weitzman Frida: The father Chaim Mordechai the son Mendel. The mother Rachel Lea the daughter of Yaakov. Brothers: Mendel, Avraham, Leibel, Yerachmiel, and Fishel, and sister Dvora. Fajngold, Mordechai: The father Shlomo Meir the son of Moshe and Rivka nee Grosman. The mother Sara Sheindel the daughter of Avraham Eliahu Cuker, and Esther Perl nee Perlmuter. Brothers and sisters: Yaakov, his wife Sara the daughter and Matel Slawa, and their daughters Chaya and Miriam. Yisrael David, his wife Chaya the daughter of Mordechai Lajchter, and their son Avraham Eliahu. Ita, her husband Yerachmiel the son of Eliezer Lipsztejn. Aryeh, Shmuel, and Birech; Aunts: Esther Pnina Cuker-Perlmuter the daughter of Moshe Yair and Chana. Rivka Feldman-Cuker, her sons Yerachmiel Yaakov and Shmuel, and her daughters: Zahava, Rachel, Beila, and Tzlava the wife of Yosef Tenenbaum. Chaya Sara Fajngold (wife of Izik) daughter of Shmuel Rozenberg and Miriam nee Klinger, their son Avraham Aryeh and their daughters: Ita, Rachle and her husband Avraham Sztrusman, and their daughter Gitel (Tova); Moshe Yakir Cuker the son of Avraham Eliahu and Esther Perl nee Perlmuter, his wife Chaya the daughter of Dov and Bluma Najszewer, their son Binyamin and daughters Bluma and Chaya. Finkelsztejn: Moshe Finkelsztejn, his wife Lea the daughter of Yosef and Necha nee Fiszrower, their son Nachman and daughters Ita and Tula.
Fuks, Avraham: Son Eliahu and daughter Esther. |
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Frydman: Yitzchak Frydman the son of Tzvi and Matil, his wife Lea, their sons Shmul Natan, Yair, and Chaim Yisrael, and their daughter Tova; Wolf Mandelman the son of Shmuel and Miriam, his wife Tova the daughter of Lea and Naftali Goldfarb; Avraham Kirszenblat, his wife Chaya the daughter of Avraham and Malka nee Kadiszewic. Pines, Matityahu: Grandmother Yehudit nee Melchior (widow of Matityahu Pines of blessed memory), their daughters Lea and Chana and son Gershon; The father Yaakov the son of Matityahu and Yehudit. The mother Gisha the daughter of Tzvi Hirsch Zylberberg. Brothers and sisters: Mordechai, his wife Chana nee Milin, and their children Leib, David, Gershon, and Tzipora Fela; Uncle Yekutiel Cwajgenbaum, his wife Sara the daughter of Matityahu Pines, and their son Matityahu. Feldsztejn, Moshe: The father Eliezer the son of Rafael and Sara. The mother Lea the daughter of Hirsch Wold. Brothers: Yaakov, Rafael, Hirsch Wold, and sisters Shifra and Klara. Pisezh, Tova: Moshe and Eta Frydman and their daughters: Tauba, Malka, and Reizel. Avraham and Elka Frydman, their sons Yechiel, Chaim, Palti, and Shimon, and their daughter Batya; Rivka Stejnberg, and her sons Yisrael, Binyamin, and Motel, and daughter Tauba. Frydman, Tuvia: The father Yaakov the son of Pesach and Rivka. The mother Chava Sara the daughter of Yisrael Leib and Tova Lender; Grandfather Yisrael Leib Lender and grandmother Tova the daughter of Tuvia Gruszkewic, and their children: Yosel his wife Esther and daughter Bella, Meir Shmuel, his wife, and their son Tuvia, Hirsch Motel, his wife and two children; Aharon Lerman, his sons Efraim and Yaakov and daughter Hynda; Moshe, Zalman, Herschel, Sara, Sheindel, and Dvora Cohen; Getzel Zajfman and Shmuel Zajfman the baker; Velvel Gruszkowic the son of Tuvia; Berla the daydreamer (from Targowa Street), his wife and three children. Papirblat, Mordechai: The father Shlomo the son of Pinchas and Tzipa. The mother Zelda the daughter of Motel (the teacher) and Beila Mirl Huberman. Brothers: Chaim Leibish and Avraham Yitzchak, and sisters Chaya and Tzipa Sheindel. Puterflam, Dov: Eliezer Puterflam the son of Leibush. His sons Yosef and Meir, and daughters Miriam and Esther. Hadassa Puterflam the daughter of Tzvi. Tzvi Puterflam and Yaakov (children of Dov). Frenkel, Yechezkel: The father Eliezer Chanina the son of Yechezkel and Tamar. The mother Perl the daughter of Meir Wolf and Ita Richtman. Sisters Rivka and Hadassa (Rania). Perl, Meir and Moshe: The father David Mendel the son of Avraham. The mother Miriam the daughter of Shlomo Alter (brother of the Sfat Emes, may the memory of the holy be blessed). Brothers: Eliezer Lipman, his wife and their children, Leibel his wife and their children, Pinchas, and their sister Esther; Menachem Szczaranski, his wife Zisel and the family. Perl, Perla: The father David Abramowic the son of Yisrael Wolf. The mother Malka the daughter of Mordechai Ajzenstat. Perla, Shmuel: Hendel, Riva, Yechiel, and Shlomo Perla (children of Yehoshua and Chana), and their children. Feldman, Aharon: Meir Yechiel Feldman the son of Pesach and Chaya Esther, his wife Chana Sara the daughter of Aharon and Mala, and their daughter Freda. Chana Liba Feldman the daughter of Meir Yechiel and Tova. Perl Feldman the daughter of Shmuel and Rivka.
Feldman, Sara: Yitzchak Meir and Freda Wlanowski, their son Moshe and daughters Esther and Lea. |
Yehuda (Leibush) Cuker: Grandfather Yerucham Fishel Baruch the shochet the son of Reb Bunim the shochet and Osnat. Grandmother Estherl the daughter of Yisrael Yitzchak Kuper. Uncles: Chaim Tzvi and his family, Yehoshua Elimelech and his wife Leonida the daughter of Leibel Zalcberg, David and his wife Chana. Brothers: Levi, Yechiel and his wife Gitla and their son Simchat Bunim. His cousin Lea the daughter of David and Chana with her husband and two daughters. Friends Yisrael Bornsztejn and his family. Fishel Goldfarb and his family (Paris). Brothers-in-law: Rachla Krongold, Matl and her husband Tzadok Tenenbaum, and their son Chaim. Chaim Sztam, his wife Chana Rachel nee Krongold and their son. Moshe Cigelman, his wife Perl nee Zabner, their son and daughter. Yechiel Wyszlicki, his wife Miriam Ita nee Krongold with some of their sons and daughters. Yechezkel Krongold, his wife Chaya nee Goldfeder with some of their sons and daughters. Yona Krongold and some of his family. Yisrael Meir Mantlik, his wife Hitza nee Krongold and their sons, daughters, and grandchildren. Baruch Rubinsztejn, his wife Roiza nee Krongold with some of their family. Herschel Zabner, his wife Priva nee Krongold with some of their family.
Cuker, Yafa: The father Moshe Cuker the son of Reb Bunim the shochet and Osnat. The mother Riva the daughter of Moshe Baum. Brothers: Leib and his daughter Ita, Avraham, his wife Golda, and their sons Yaakov, Mordechai, Meir, Fishel and Avigdor; Yitzchak Baum the son of Moshe and his wife. |
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Cuker, Bunim and Chana: The father Avraham Cuker the son of Fishel the shochet and his daughter Sara; Sheva Grynbaum. Yaakov and Meir (sons of Moshe). Cuker, Binyamin: Sima Cuker the son of Yehuda and Chaya Rozenberg. Her sons: Noach, Yisrael and his wife Miriam the daughter of Yitzchak and Chaya Rappaport, their son Aryeh, and daughters Chaya and Tova. Her daughters: Sara, Rivka Nechama and her husband Menachem Orbach, their son Aryeh Dov and their daughter Rova. Cytrynbaum, Rachel: The children of Shmaryahu and Feiga Gitel Szwarcberg: Mordechai and his wife Shava the daughter of Shmuel Yaakov Baum and their six-year-old son Meir. Shimin, his wife Chana nee Korman, their daughter Pola and son Kalman. Yaakov Tzvi, his wife Hela the daughter of Moshe Szpicbaum and their daughter Yehudit. Reizel, her husband Yitzchak Szwarcberg and their sons: Avraham Moshe, Shlomo, Chanoch, Yechezkel, and Chaim Dov. Sara Hena Rubinsztejn, her son Avraham and daughter Tova; Sara Hamerman the daughter of Yehoshua. Tzidkoni (Rechtman), David: The father Moshe Bunim Rechtman the son of David Leib. The mother Meita nee Rozencwajg. Brothers: Yeshayahu, his wife and children, Yisrael Aharon, and Yosef, and sisters: Chanale Litwak (wife of Yechiel may he live) and her children, Rachel (Ruchche the wife of Naftali Glinowicki may he live) and her child.
Cwajgberg (Ben-Tzvi), Yisrael: Brother David the son of Tzvi and Ita, and his wife Feiga. Sisters Sara Breindel and Golda; Chaim Cwajgberg the son of Yisrael Mordechai, and his wife Esther nee Wilciker; Yoel Goldfarb the son of Yisrael, and his wife Miriam nee Wiciher. |
Kadiszowic, Miriam: Daughter Stela Kosoj the daughter of Chaim Zeev Kadiszowic, and her daughter Ana-Ruth (daughter of Eward Kosoj, may he live). Kurc, Yosef: Chaim Kurc the son of Gershon and Rachel Miriam the daughter of Yaakov and Pesa and their sons Moshe and Hillel. Helena Kurc the daughter of Yaakov and Pesa; Roza and Moshe Wygocki (children of Avraham and Helena). Kincler, Chaim: The father Yaakov the son of Yitzchak David. The mother Bracha the daughter of Yitzchak nee Rappaort. Brother David; Menashe and Menachem Rappaport; Yisrael and Mindela Feldfewer; Miriam Cuker. Kirszberg, Bunim: The father Yeshayahu the son of Eli Mendel and Dvora. The mother Ita the daughter of Aharon Tenenbaum. Brothers: Pesach, his wife Sara nee Kozlowski and their two daughters, Yisrael, his wife Genendel nee Sapirsztejn and their daughter, Moshe, his wife Rachel nee Grynsztejn and their children, David and his wife, Yosef and his wife the daughter of Yosele Goldberg, Shmuel, and Shlomo. Sisters: Gutsha, her daughter Yosef Elbom and their child, Dvora, and Lea. Klajnman, Lea: The father Motel Worona the son of Mordechai and Chana. The mother Sara nee Uryn. Brother Moshe and sisters Chana and Rivka; Aunt Tova Kestenberg nee Uryn, her daughter Tzesha and son Pesach. Klinski, Yaakov: Aharon Klinski the son of Yonatan and Alta, his wife Tauba, their son Moshe and daughters Hynda and Rachel. Kalman, Binyamin: The mother Liba Mindel (wife of David Tewel, who died in Israel) daughter of Avraham Yehuda and Pesach Minkowski, her sons Yisrael and Reuven and daughter Chana Sheindel. Krajndel, Pola: The father Yechiel Moshe Kuperwaser the son of Yisrael. The mother Gitla the daughter of Leibish and Lea Neifeld. Sister Golda (Genia) and her husband and their children. Brother Herschel, his wife Rachel the daughter of Moshe Rozenberg and their son Aryeh; Uncle Nachum Wajnfeld the son of Leibish and Rachel Lea, and his wife Feigela. Kajler, David: The father Chaim Moshe. Brothers and sisters: Yehoshua, his wife Fela nee Pines and their son Feivel (Pawek). Devora Melamed and her daughter Ranyusha, Tzipa, her husband Yosef Korman (Degani) and their children Mitek and Sawek; Aunts: Masha Kuperwas the daughter of Tzvi Dov, Chana Nowopolska and daughters Salka and Dvora with their children. Son Moniak; Avraham Kajler, his wife and their children.
Regina Kotler-Wolf and her husband Yaakov (Sao Paolo Brazil): The son Yisrael (perished in Auschwitz). The father Mordechai Kotler and mother Chana. Brothers and sisters: David, his wife Sonia nee Reines and their daughters Mirilke and Irinka. Moshe, his wife Elka the daughter of Avraham Fuks and their sons Alexander and Nachum. Rachel, her husband Avraham Cidrowic and their daughter Lidia. Natalia Golowjow, and her sons Uziel and Edward; Brother-in-law Pinchas Przemyslaw and his son Yerachmiel. |
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Knobel, Yechiel Nachum: The wife Lea the daughter of Leibel and Golda Wajnzaft; Eliezer Knobel the son of Nachum and Etl, his wife Perl, their son David, and daughter Chaya. Shlomo Yehuda Knobel the son of Shmuel Izik and Chava, his wife Chana Shosha, their sons Yaakov and Akiva, their daughter Perl, her husband Yoel Wajnberg and their son David. Rachel Knobel the daughter of Eliezer and Chana Rivka. Nachum (the teacher) Knobel, his wife, daughters, and their families; Velvel Zeev Portman, his wife Tova the daughter of Yitzchak and Yocheved Bandelman, their sons Yitzchak, Yehonatan and Yechiel, their daughter Chana, her husband and three children; Fishel Bandelman the son of Yitzchak and Yocheved, his wife Perl Lea, and their daughters: Feiga Chaya, Chava, their husbands and children, and their sons: Yitzchak, Yonatan, Kalman, Zeev, his wife and their children; Nachum Sztelman the son of Anshel and his wife Reizel; Yitchak Zagman (husband of Rivka and Roiza), sons: Shlomo Yehuda, Shimon, Zalman, and Anshel, and daughters: Chaya, Genendel and Breindel; Mendel Lewin the son of Yechezkel and Chana, his wife Hadassa the daughter of Yerachmiel and Malka, sons: Yaakov, Natan, Yechezkel, and Berl, and daughters: Rashka and Gitla; Chana, Gitla, Eliezer, Keila, and Malka Lewin. Kacler, Rivka: Reizel Szteinman the daughter of Basha and Zalman; the children of Yitzchak Zigman: Shlomo Yidel, Shimon, Anshel, and Breindel. Malach-Kraus, Naomi: Shraga Feivel the daughter of Dov and Esther, his wife Chaya the son of Moshe and Rivka nee Fajngold, and their sons Yisrael and Dov Ber. Kerbel, Ada: Nachum Wolf Esterzon the son of Shimon and Tova. His wife Feiga the daughter of Leizer and Gela nee Herbst, and daughters: Gitel, her husband Yehuda (Yuda) Strobinski, and their son Leizer. Machcha, her husband Yaakov Fajas, and their daughters Chanale and Chavale; Sheindel Rozenbaum the daughter of Shimon and their children. Matityahu, Shimon, Mendel, Tzirla and Sara Rozenbaum. Kosman (nee Eserzon) Luba: Herschel (the teacher) Kosman, his wife Hadassa, their sons: Motel his wife and children, Meir, his wife and children, Shmuel, and Yitzchak, and his daughters: Rachel, Hena, her husband and three children. Kirszenbaum, Aryeh and Tzipora: Mendel, Mala, and Chaya Kirszenbaum. Kasztan, Shmuel: Shmuel Kasztan the son of Yaakov and Yocheved. Tzipora the daughter of Moshe and Chana Zylberszlag.
Kazdan, Bracha: The father Shmuel Yaakov Baum the son of Kalman. The mother Sara Lea the daughter of Hirsch Leib; Yocheved Baum, her husband Yechiel, and his six children. Yechiel Baum, his wife Chaya, and their daughters Esther and Liba. Yosef Baum (engineer), his wife Dora, and his daughter Gizela. Yehoshua Baum and his wife Rache. Rachel Baum (wife of Moshe Baum), and their children Bat-Sheva and Yair. Mira Baum; Marek Szwarcberg (engineer) his wife Sabina nee Baum, and their son Rishard; Feiga Rozenblum, nee Baum, and her children; Natan Blajcher and his wife Chana; Dr. Pinkus Rozencwajg. |
Rubenlicht, Chana: The mother Pesia Fuksbruner the daughter of Natan Gotlib. Grandfather Natan the son of Yaakov Gotlib, and grandmother Bella; Sisters: Rachel Adler, Chaya, and Menucha; Uncles and aunts, the children of Natan Gotlib: Shlomo Yehuda, his wife Feiga, and their children, Leiz, his wife Regina, and their children, Yaakov, Gitel, Tzipora, Sima, and their families. Redlich, Esther: Motek Winder the son of Berish and Chana nee Goldberg. Berish Winder the son of Mordechai and Janina. Rubin, Meir: Yeshayahu Rubin the son of Yosef. Tzirel Cimel the daughter of Meir. Rozenberg, Yehuda: Chaya Rivka Rozenberg nee Grynbaum. Shimon Rozenberg the son of Yaakov. Rozencwajg, Fela: Parents David and Sheindel. Brothers: Yosef, Berish, and Moshe, and sisters: Basha and Chana Feiga. Rozencwajg, Mordechai: Hirsch (Tzvi) Rozencwajg the son of Yitzchak and Mindel, his wife Sara Breindel the daughter of Pinchas and Hynda Miler, their son Yosef Dov and daughters: Hynda, Esther, and Rivka.
Rozencwajg Sara: Yitzchak Rozencwajg the son of Aharon, his wife Lea the daughter of Moshe Bunim Hofman, their daughters Bella and Chana, and their son Moshe Bunim; Yona Rozner the son of Pinchas, his wife Roiza the daughter of Matityahu Gryn, their sons Reuven, Pinchas, Avraham, and Matityahu, and their daughters Gitel and Rivka. |
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Rotenberg, Moshe: Wife Yehudit and her parents Yitzchak Meir the son of Berish Fiszman from Radomsk, and Freidel the daughter of Natan Minc from Sandomierz; Brothers of his wife: Wolf Leib, his wife Esther Chana the daughter of Matityahu Gryn, their sons Reuven and Natan and daughter Sara. Yisrael Binyamin, his wife Nechamache the daughter of Moshe Warsztatski, and their daughter Esther. Eliahu. David and his wife; Sister of his wife Rachel, her husband Avraham the son of Yisrael Rozenbaum, and their son Yisrael; His brother Yechiel Ozer the son of Yehoshua and Ita Chava, his wife Tova the daughter of Yaakov and Gitsha Sawa, their son Yehoshua and daughter Ita Chava; Brother-in-law Yosef Ceilun from Sandomierz. Rajd, Yosef: The father Binyamin the son of Yosef, mother Lea daughter of Yisrael Yitzchak the shochet Najdik. Rajchendal, Moshe: The father Shlomo the son of Yona. The mother Rizka the son of Michael. Brothers Meir (engineer) and David. Riwkin, Shoshana: Mordechai Asher and Yerachmiel Szapir (sons of Natan and Liba Gelibter). Sender Natan Szapir and Chentsha Zlata (children of Yerachmiel and Lea). Lea Szapir the daughter of Sender and Chana Libfeld. Reichman, Yitzchak: The father Yoel the son of Avraham Yaakov and Tova. The mother Sara Shifra the daughter of Yehoshua Shlomo and Breindel Najman. Brother Avraham Yaakov and his wife Chaya; Lea Reichman the daughter of Baruch Bendel and Perla, and the daughters Breindel and Feiga (daughters of Yitzchak and Lea). Avraham Yaakov and Yehoshua Reichman (sons of Meir Shimon and Chaya); Yitzchak Meir Szydlowski the son of Rabbi Baruch, his wife Rivka the daughter of Yehoshua Shlomo and Breindel Najman; Mordechai Frydman the son of Grunem, is wife Sara the daughter of Ben-Zion and Chana Mincberg. Rakoc (Efrat) Tzvi: The father Efraim Fishel the son of Menachem Mendel. The mother Mindel the daughter of Aharon and Sheindel Bromberg. Brothers Yerachmiel and Gitman, and sister Sara. Richtman-Lewental, Chaya: The husband Herschel Richtman the son of Meir Wolf and Ita. Her son Leibel and daughter Sara Shifra; The father Daniel Zylberberg. Brothers: Yona, Motel, Shlomo, and Betzalel. Rotman-Mandel, Sara: Grandfather Shmuel Rotman; Uncles and aunts, the children of Shmuel and Pesa: Tuvia, Avraham, his wife Chaya the daughter of Zalman Baruch Szutland, and their daughters Dola and Chava. Moshe, his wife Lea the daughter of David Moshe and Esther Goldberg, and their daughters Esther and Matil. Hillel, and his wife nee Zylbersztrum. Yisrael David, his wife Irka nee Frajds. Avner, his wife Shifra nee Hofman, their daughter Pesa and son Dov. Esther and her husband Yosef Mincberg. Feiga; Chana Rotman nee Bornsztejn (wife of Yosef), and their sons Yitzchak and Tzvi; Rivka Frajds. Yitzchak. Chana and her children (children of Leib and Chana) Yitzchak, Alexander, Avraham, Chaya and Miriam; Sheindel Rappaport, Feiga Wajsbord, Chaan Blatman (nee Frajds); Moshe Aharon Frydman the son of Tzvi and Motel, his wife Miriam the daughter of Naftali and Lea Godlfarb; Lea Goldfarb the daughter of Tzvi and Matil Frydman; Children of Lea and Naftali Godfarb: Yisrael Yitzchak, Shmuel, Liba, and Pesa; Yaakov Futer, his wife Miriam the daughter of David Moshe and Esther Goldberg, and their son Shlomo; Yisrael Spiritus, his wife Freindel the daughter of Moshe David and Esther Goldberg, and their daughters Esther and Pesa; Henoch Gluzman, his wife Liba the daughter of Moshe David and Esther Goldberg; Shmuel Goldberg the son of Mordechai and Mindel. Rozenbaum, Lea: Father-in-law Tanchum Rozenbaum, his wife Esther nee Gryn, and their sons: Elimelech and his wife Reizele and their children, Reuven, his wife and children, Yechezkel (Rabbi Shoshani), his wife Perla nee Rotman, Leibel, and his wife Lea and their children. Daughters: Chaya, his wife Eliezer Fluminker and their children, Pola, her husband David Pozner (son of Rabbi Pozner of blessed memory from Warsaw), and two daughters. Ryba (Raviv), Shraga Feivel: Yechiel, Yisrael, David, Esther, Chaya, and Ita Ryba (children of Herschel). Leibel Ryba son of David. Moshe Ryba on of Hirsch, his wife Tzirel the daughter of Yechezkel, their sons Leibel and Avraham, and their daughter Lula. Regina Ryba. Rela Ryba the daughter of Avraham; BenZion Fiszman the son of Chaim Yechiel, his wife Perla the daughter of Yitzchak Ryba, and their son Leibel: Yaakov Shaar, his wife Ruchama the daughter of Nachman, and their son Yaakov; Leibel Zymberszlag, his wife Nechama the daughter of Yechezkel, and their daughter Feiga.
Rafalowic, Yaakov: Rachel Rafalowic. Henryk [Rafalowic], his wife Pola nee Mitelsztot. Yocheved Rafalowic, the son of Yosef, and her daughter Dvora. Hodes Rafalowic, her sons Yosef Leib and Moshe, and her daughter Dvora; Chayale Cweifus and her daughters: Tova, Miriam, Dina, Ava, and Yocheved Preszko, and her son Reuven; Izik Rotblat, his wife Yenta nee Rafalowic, and their son Yosef and his wife; Aharon Frydman, his wife Esther Rivka, and their sons Mendel and Shimon; Laslau Ziskind the son of Yitzchak Meir, his wife Tova nee Rafalowic, and their daughter Hela. |
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Richtman, Leibel: Father Avraham Michael (Mechel) the son of Meir Wolf and Ita. Mother Rachla the daughter of Yitzchak Leib and Chashka Altenberg (from Warsaw). Sister Chashka; Uncles and aunts, the children of Meir Wolf and Ita Richtman: Kalman, his wife and children, Yosef and his wife Sabina, Chaim and his wife Dvora, Yechiel, Moshe and his wife Chanale nee Fuks and their daughter Fredza, Herschel, his son Leibel and daughter Sara Shifra, Yaakov, his wife Chanale (from Włodawa), their daughters Elkale and Gitale, and their son Yosele. Yosef, his wife Sara Lea nee Ajzenberg. Perla, her husband Eliezer Frenkel (from Tarnopol) and their daughter Rivka Hadassa. Gutsha, her husband Yitzchak Tauber, and their daughters Itka and Chaika. Rivka Rachel, her husband Chaim Wajntraub, and their sons Mendel and Binyamin; Uncle Shmuel David Altenberg (from Głowaczów) the son of Yitzchak Leib and Chaska, his wife, daughter and son; Relatives: Moshe Bunim Richtman, his wife Meita, their sons Yishayahu, Yisrael Aharon, and Yosef, and their daughters Chanale and Rachel. Mordechai Richtman the son of Mendel, and his wife Chana. The children of Moshe and Sara Necha Richtman: Feivel, Naftali, Avraham, Eliezer, and Betzalel, their sisters and their families; The families of my friends: Yisrael Yaakov Eibeszic, Avraham Shmuel Adlerfligel, Shmuel Eidels, Shlomo David, Akiva, and Yitzchak Ajger, Moshe Leib Ostrowski, Mendel, Glika, Moshe, Meir, and Sara Lea Ajzenberg. Moshe Eliezer Berger, Shlomo Belcberg, Mendel, Yehudit, and Moshe Blass. Yosef Meir Birenbaum.Yisrael Birenkraut. Yaaakov and Noach Bilnder. Yitzchak Bialsky. Shemarya Berman the shochet. Avraham Birenbaum. Yerachmiel Gutman. Yosef Goldberg. Shmuel Gutman. Cashka Glikler. Yisraelke Goldberg, his son Moshe and family. Shimon Gutman. Yechezkel Goldfarb and his wife Ratza nee Bilnder. Itshe Gryn. Shlomo Grync. Aharon Meir Grosfeld, his wife, and family Itamar Gurfinkel. Yehuda Gustinski. Shmelka Grynblat. Moshe Gurfinkel. Moshe Davidzon. Shlomo Hirschenfus. Shlomo Hochman. Yisrael Yitzchak Hirshman the shochet. Shlomo, and Yaakov Simcha Hendel and family. Yechezkel and Shlomo Hochglober. Leibel Hirschenhorn. Fishel Hofman. Shaul Handelsman. Chanoch Wajntraub. Berish Wajnacht. Yaakov and Mordechai Wajnrib. Shaul Wajsman and family. Yisrael Werchajzer. Kalman Wajsberg. Bracha, Fishel, Chaim, Meir, and Moshe Wajntraub. The mohel (circumcisor) Motel Zelcer. Leibish Mendel Ziserman. Eliezer and David Zajdenwerger. Berish Zylbersztrum. Yaakov David Tajtelbaum. Yosef Lumberg. Avraham Yaakov Landau. Mordechai Libhaber. The shochet Binyamel Librach. Nechemia Milsztejn. David and Herschel Malcman. Yaakov and Avigdor Migdale. Zelig Manela. Shmuel and Leibish Mandelzis. Yisrael Moshe Malchisman. Itshale Margolis. Avraham Mantelik. Moshe and Leibel Morgensztern. David Medaljon. Natan Magniszewski. Chaim Najman. Yechezkel Nirenberg. Yitzchak Najman. Meir and Reizel Neihoiz. Itshe Meir Smiatic. David Sawa. Ziskind Sokolowski. Yechezkel Spiritus. The shochet Eliezer Angelhart. Avraham Yitzchak Alencwajg. Mordechai and Yechezkel Prester. Itsha Fiszman. The medic Moti Frajds. The dentist Dr. Frajds. Avrahamele Finkelsztejn. Mordechai Frajdenreich. Malka Finkler. The scribes Yirmia, Moshe, and Yitzchak Frajdman. Kopel Percelman. The shochet Kopel Fajbiszowic. Motel Cyna. Perla Cuker. Avraham and Leibel Cuker. Chanoch Cymerman. Gedalia Cytrynbowic. Yaakov Klejnman. Yosef Kenigsberg. Moshe Klapfisz. Noach Kampel. Tuvia Klempner. Levi Kalmus. Moshe Krystal. Baruch, Frymet, and Berl Kirszencwajg. David Kuper. Binyamin Kaufman. Yeshaya Kirszberg and family. Matityahu Kuper. Cantor Yisrael Kuper. Nachum Knobel. Tanchum Rozenbaum. Yeshaya Eliezer Rubin. Hendel, Yitzchak Meir, and Yirmia Rozenbeg. Fishel Kakoc. Berl Rozenkranc. Pinchas Rozenblum. Yitzchak Meir Rojal. Yoel Reichman. Moshe Lipa Rambiszowski. The musician Shmuel Ringermacher. Pesach and Gitla Rozenblat. Yaakov Leib, Shabtai, and Shalom Izak Leib Szejnfeld. Avraham Stejnhorn. Mendel Szajnbaum. Leibel Sztern. Professor Elchanan Sicer. Shlomo Sztern. Mendel Szaranski. Yaakov Szapir. Chaim Szternberg. Itamar Sztrajmelmacher. Yisrael Avraham and Aharon Szrejber. Chaim Yosef, and Yisrael Yitzchak Szotland. |
Szwarc, Tzelinka: The father Yosef Richtman the son of Kalman and Chaya. The mother Sabina. Szutland-Sztejnfeld, Hena: Husband Chaim Yosef Szotland the son of Zalman Baruch and Ita. Son Aryeh; Mother Chaya Yocheved Goldfarb the daughter of Yerachmiel and Rivka Rachel Ajchenbaum. Brothers and sisters (children of Yosef and Chaya Yocheved): Yaakov Moshe, his wife Leika the daughter of Eliezer and Malka Ajchenbaum, their sons Yerachmiel and Leibel, and their daughters Rivka and Malka. Mendel, his wife Tzvia the daughter of Yochanan and Sara Kirszenbaum, their sons Shlomo and Yechezkel, and their daughter Tauba. Gitel Lea, her husband Yisrael Yitzchak Szotland the son of Pinchas and Masha the daughter or Rabbi Abraham Tzvi Perlmuter, their son Elimelech and their daughter Estherl. Chana, and her husband Yaakov Bomzecer the son of Simcha and Sheindel; Uncles and aunt, children of Yerachmiel Ajchenbaum and Rivka Rachel nee Diament; Shmuel (from Lublin, tortured in the Radom Ghetto), his wife Malka the daughter of Yaakov and Sara Adler, their son Yerachmiel, daughter Lea and her husband Mendel Grifel, and their daughter Rivkale. Pesach Leibush, his wife Dvora, their son Kopel, and their daughters Hynda and Malka and their families. Freida, her husband Yerucham Rotfarb, their sons Moshe Yosef, and Kopel, and their daughter Feiga and their families.
Szenkman: Parents Yeshayahu and Dvora. Daughters Necha Szpasman and Chaya Neihoiz, and their families. |
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Sztajnker-Benari, Dov: The father Mordechai the son of Eliahu and Golda. The mother Roza daughter of Eliezer and Necha Korman. Brother Kadish and sister Golda. Szlufman, Chaim: The father Aharon the son of Chaim and Gitel. The mother Dvora nee Wajsman. Brother Aryeh and sister Shifra. Szliwka, Miriam: The mother Roza Benker the daughter of Mordechai Kuperblum (wife of Moshe Meir). Her sisters: Regina Nusinowicz and her son Gershon, Sara Frydman and her daughter Miriam the daughter of Shmuel, Esther Benker. David Benker the son of Yerachmiel and his wife Esther. Szenker, Dina (Zusha) : Husband Izidor Szmuzik the son of Issachar and Zelda; Children of her brother Herschel Apelbaum: Gitel and Mendel, Chaya and her husband Yaakov Nisenbaum and their daughter Suzan, Sara Apelbaum; Shmuel Finkelsztejn and his wife Naomi, their daughter Mania and son Lulek; Moshe Kurc the son of Berl; Kuba Chwat, his wife and daughter Eva; Heniek Chwat and his wife; daughters of Itshe Finkelsztejn: Chaya Sara, her husband and six children, Gitel, her husband and daughter; Avraha Gewirc, his wife Gitel nee Rozenszpur, and their children. Szulowic, Hela, Szildkraut Pola, and Yaakov Hirsz: Father Moshe Hirsz the son of Hersch Leib and Chana. The mother Rachel Lea the daughter of Avraham and Bracha Holckener. The brother Hirsch Leib, and sisters: Freda and her husband Mendel the son of David and Minka Blatman and their daughter Chana, Ida, her husband Eliezer the son of Chanan and Chana Lea Adelsberg, their son Tulek and daughter Chana, Roza (Rozhka) and Dina; Uncle Yaakov Hirsz the son of Hirsch Leib and Chana and his wife Luba nee Ajzenman. Szoszani, Moshe: Brother-in-law Tzemach Bauman, his wife Perl Lea nee Rozencwajg, their son Yosel, his wife Reltsha and their son, and their daughter Chayale; The children of Chaim Ajzenberg: Yaakov and Moshe and their families. Sztorch, Avraham: Wife Sara the daughter of Yitzchak and Telcha. Sons: Chaim Pesach and Simcha Bunim. Shlomo Sztorch the son of Yosef and Rivka; Sara Waczet the daughter of Yosef and Yehudit; Mother-in-law Telcha Kozman (widow of the activist Yitzchak Kozman of blessed memory). Sztorch, Yitzchak: Yosef and Gershon Sztorh (sons of Yisrael and Chana). Sztejnman, Yosef: The wife Sima Sztejnman the daughter of Eliezer and Chava; Ezriel Gedalia Zajdenweber the son of David and Perl (wife Justina died in Israel), and their daughter Margalit.
Szefer, Rachel: The father Yisrael Yaakov Gruszkewic the son of Moshe and Tzirla. The mother Feiga Mala the daughter of Mendel and Malka Birnbaum. The brother Moshe (Moniak) and sister Chava (Eva); Grandmother Malka Birnbaum and her children (children of Mendel and Malka): Yechezkel, his wife Ita Lea, their sons Moshe and Reuven, and daughter Rachel. Herschel, his wife Mania nee Blat, and their son Lushu. Berl, his wife Esther and their son Chaim; Uncles and aunts: Yosef Gruszkewic the son of Moshe and Tzirla, his wife and children. Feiga, her husband Mordechai and their children. Sara, her husband Avraham Lypszyc, and their daughter Roza Furman and their children. Rachel, her husband and their three children; Moshe Gruszkewic, his wife nee Sokolowski, and their children; Chaim Abramowicz, his wife Chava the daughter of Mendel and Malka Birenbaum, their sons and daughters: Yechezkel, Herschel, his wife Rivka, and their children Godel, Mendel, Shmuel, Pola, Dola, Rachel (wife of Chaim Zagman), and her daughter; Yaakov Abramowicz, his wife Chaya Sara the daughter of Mendel and Malka Birnbaum, and their sons Chaim and Avraham; Yisrael Galet the son of Leibish and Ita, his wife Perla the daughter of Mendel and Malka Birnbaum, her husband Moshe and their daughters Chana, Mala, and her husband and daughter Roza; Fela Rozencwajg (wife of Itshe Rozencwajg may he live) nee Strabczynski; Shimon Balet and his wife nee Lesec. Hela and Sara Balet and their mother; Pinchas Abramowic the son of Shamai, his wife and child; The son and daughters of Godel and Hynda Feldman: Avraham, his wife and children, Sara (Sal) her husband and daughter Gusha, Klara her husband and their children, Gitel (wife of Yehoshua Najman may he live) and her children: Baruch, Yechezkel, and Binyamin; Eliezer Berman the son of Shaul (the shochet), his wife Sara, their daughter and sons Shmuel and Menachem; Shmerl Lumberg, his wife Naomi, and their daughters Feiga and Sosha; Marisha Adler, and her sister Dola and their parents; Mania Magniszowski, her brother Shmuel, and their parents; Mania Reich and her parents; Matilda Moszkowic, her sister and their parents; Chanka Rozenfarb and her mother; Fulcha Goldberg (and her mother Sara Sheindel); Roza Wajnberg; Irka Rozenfeld and her parents; Niusha Szledzik; Meir Werber, his wife Tirtza, and their sons: Yaakov, Shmuel, and Fishel; Esther Tzserska and her parents; Roza and Fela Zomer and their parents; Yenta Perlmuter, her husband Yaakov and their daughter Miriam; Yoel Goldfarb, his wife and their children; Yechezkel Birnbaum. |
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Radom natives who perished in the Schomberg Concentration Camp (see article on page 263 on the concentration camps on German soil) and whose relatives were deported to near the town of Böblingen, where approximately a thousand other Jews were concealed:
The list was published in the Radomer Shtima in Mach 1962 by the Holocaust researcher Mordechai Bernstein, who visited the place, and received from the authorities a list of 1,700 who were tortured in the Schomberg Camp. He gave the list over to the Forwards in New York: |
Name and Family | Birth Year | Date of death |
Gutman Avraham | 1902 | 27.11.1944 |
Gutman Meir | 1901 | 29.11.1944 |
Gutman Yerachmiel | 1891 | 8.12.1944 |
Gutman Avraham | 1914 | 29.12.1944 |
Dagorski Leon | 1893 | 31.10.1944 |
Hoch Yosef | 1924 | 21.11.1944 |
Haftarczyk Mordechai | 1907 | 30.12.1944 |
Huterman Yechiel | 1924 | 1.1.1945 |
Wyszynski Yaakov | 1904 | 29.11.1944 |
Waserman Shalom | 1910 | 7.12.1944 |
Wajsbord Yisrael | 1924 | 12.12.1944 |
Weitzman Rafael | 1920 | 22.12.1944 |
Weitzman Yisrael | 1925 | 31.12.1944 |
Wrona Avraham | 1916 | 11.1.1945 |
Zalchendler Hillel | 1901 | 26.12.1944 |
Zalctreger Yitzchak | 1914 | 6.1.1945 |
Tenenbaum Yitzchak | 1904 | 2.12.1944 |
Traba Yaakov | 1897 | 29.12.1944 |
Lerer Meir | 1919 | 29.12.1944 |
Majner Max | 1913 | 29.12.1944 |
Mandelman Tuvia | 1925 | 31.12.1944 |
Nisenbaum Meir | 1924 | 4.12.1944 |
Sobelman Blima | 1910 | 26.11.1944 |
Frydman Mordechai | 1908 | 19.12.1944 |
Praktic Yosef | 1909 | 19.12.1944 |
Pomeranc Natan | 1920 | 23.12.1944 |
Policka Feliks | 1899 | 29.12.1944 |
Przytycki Moshe | 1922 | 9.1.1945 |
Cuker Leibush | 1919 | 6.12.1944 |
Cuker Ezriel | 1919 | 8.1.1945 |
Klajnman Tanchum | 1922 | 13.12.1944 |
Kolcki Avraham | 1916 | 14.12.1944 |
Kolodzicki Eliezer | 1922 | 23.12.1944 |
Rozenberg Eliezer | 1909 | 14.11.1944 |
Richtman Feivel | 1899 | 4.12.1944 |
Richtman Betzalel | 1903 | 9.1.1945 |
Rubinowic Pinchas | 1923 | 7.1.1945 |
Rozen Melech | 1925 | 4.1.1945 |
Szpajzer Yisrael | 1919 | 24.12.1944 |
Szenkman Moshe | 1922 | 18.12.1944 |
Szuldman Avraham | 1913 | 29.12.1944 |
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