[Page 469]
Translated by Janie Respitz
Boymgartn Simkha, son of Itche Ber and Soreh. Boyman Hershl, son of Yosef and Tobe, his wife Leah, his son Marek and his wife. Birnboym Zalki, wife and children Submitted by Boymgartn Tobe.
Birnboym Hersh Leyzer. Submitted by his father Birnboym Yitzkhak.
Bzhegovsky Yitzkhak, wife and children. Zelker Hershl, son of Shloime and Malke. Submitted by Bzhegovsky Moishe.
Goldman Malkele, her son Motl, her daughters and sons in law. Ayzenboym Jozef, Kestenberg Leah, Kuperberg Tema, Goldshteyn Moishe. Submitted by Goldman Khaim.
Hokman Hershl, son of Shmuel, his wife Soreh, their son Shloime with his wife and children. Submitted Grin Frayda
Goldfarb Yehoshua, son of Zindl and Soreh Dina. Shteynberg Sholem Yosef, son of Zalman and Malke, his wife Khaye Soreh, daughter of Eliyahu and Perl. Submitted by Goldfarb Rivka.
Gringer Soreh Rivka, daughters Fayga anhd Gitl, sons Yosl and Mendl, brother Aron, sister Reyzl, her husband Avrom Rozenblum, sister Feyge, her husband Khaim Finkelshteyn, their son Yehoshua and daughter Pese. Birnboym Yitzkahk, son of Moishe and Hadis Reyzl and his wife and children.
Submitted by Gringer Yisroel.
Heltzman Libe. Daughter of Leyzer and Rokhl, her husband Hirsh Dovid and their son George. Submitted by Abramovitch Khave.
Abramovitch Yenkl, son of Mendl and Perl and their Family. Feldman Abramek, Sala, Kayle. Submitted by AbramovitchFridman Gitl
Aykhenboym Shmuel and children.
Brivtreger Itche and his wife and children. Submitted by Aykhenboym Yitzkhak.
Aykhenboym Yakov and Itche sons of Zelig and Dvoyre. Submitted by Aykhenboym Yosef.
Apatovsky Mordkhai, son of Shloime Yitzkhak and Perl Royze, his wife Miriam, daughter of Yosef Shimon Akerman, their children: Ezriel, Yehoshua, Khaim, Heseh, Shloime, Yitzkhak, Khane, MoisheLozer and Berl. Submitted by Apatovsky Max.
Apatovsky Perl Royze, daughter of Yisroel Khaim Galzman; Shayndl Leah and 4 children: ShloimeYitzkhak, Khave, Aydl, and Yisroel Khaim. Submitted by Apatovsky Ezriel.
Boymgartn Moishe, son of Khaim, his wife Yokhet, daughter of Shmuel and Hinde, their son Nosn and daughter Khave. Fishman Moishe, his wife Yehudis and daughter Sorele. Submitted by Boymgartn Shmuel.
Hokman Shmuel son of Avrom and Hadas, his wife Esther, daughter of Yosef and Toba, their son Meir Yitzkhak and his wife and child, their daughters: Khaya and her husband Borukh Ayzenman and children: Rokhl and her husband Kadish Goldvaser and child.
[Page 470]
Vayntroyb Yisroel Eli and his wife and children: Yishaya Volf and Perl. Boyman Perl Leah and Tzemakh, Bella, Aron. Rozentzveyg Volf. Submitted by Vayntroyb Aron.
Vekselman Shmuel, son of Meir Yakov and Khaye Soreh, his wife Shayndl Miriam, daughter of Hershl and Khane, their daughters: Tobe and Gitl and their son Yehuda Ber. Submitted by Vekselman Yoyne.
Sorele, daughter of Hershl and Golde Mushkatblit, Mushkatblit Benzion and his son. Rozentzveyg Rivkele. Varshever Khane and Yisroel, son and daughter. Submitted by Veysbart[Weisbart] Leybl.
Gutman Moishe, her husband, their son Pinkhas and father in law Shimshon. Father Teneboym Moishe, son of Motl, mother Beyle, daughter of Khaim Volf Baytchman and brother Yantche with his wife Khave, daughter of Gershon Baytchman Submitted by Veysfelner Fela.
Veysfelner Mordkhai, son of Shmuel, his wife Henye, nee Mayertchok, son Mutchek, daughters Yente and Nekhe. Submitted by Veysfeld Mikhl.
Zilberberg Hersh Leyb, his wife Rivka, their children: Borukh Dovid, Velvl, Avrom, Meir Yair and Hadasa. Submitted by Zilberberg Jacques.
Zilberberg Nosn and his wife and child. Frayde and her child. Amberg Hersh Leyb and his children. Zilberberg Borukh and his wife and children. Belzberg Shloime and Tzipa, Yekhezkl, son of Yosl and Frayde Leah. Submitted by Zilberberg Yisroel.
Zaydnveber[Zeidenweber] Meir, son of Anshl, his wife Riveh, daughter of Gedalyahu Zilbershlak. Zaydnveber Avigdor and Hillel and their families, wife Dvoyre, daughter of Gedalyahu Tzingenberg.
Submitted by Zaydnveber Gedalyahu.
Grinberg Yosef, son of Hershl and Reyzl. Submitted by his wife.
Direktor Hodis, her sons: Shmuel and his wife Hene and two children, Feyvl and his wife Maleh. Submitted by DirektorGringer Royze.
Dubrovsky Yosef, son of Tuvyia and Serki, his wife Khave daughter of Shloime Yitzkhak and Perl Royze Apatovsky and their daughter Tzirl Miriam. Submitted by Dubrovsky Shloime.
Haftarchik Avrom Moishe, son of Dovid, his wife Khaye Soreh, daughter of Shmuel and Raitze. Liberman Shmuel, his wife Gnendl, daughter of Yekhezkl. Kimel Ber and his wife Beyle, brothers Yisroel Yakov and Hillel. Submitted by Haftarchik Dovid.
Reb Motl the teacher's four daughters, their husbands and 20 children and the entire Huberman family. Submitted by Huberman Khaim Leybush.
Vaysberg Perl Leah, her daughters Zlate and Frayde and their husbands. Kurtz Aron Volf, Kurtz Paltiel with his wife and child. Kurtz Batche and her husband and 3 children. Fishelevitch Miriam Beyle and three children. Submitted by Vaysberg Moishe.
Varshau Gitl, her husband Khaim, their children Berl and Bineh. Submitted by his sister BirmanYablonka Rivka.
Kapervaser Moishe and his wife Khantche. Korman Leyzer and his wife Dvoyre. Vaysbord Moishe and his wife Soreh Rivka, Nayhoyz Moishe and his wife Dvoyre. Shvartz Leybush and his wife Laniye.
Submitted by Veynberg Pese.
[Page 471]
Lender Yisroel Leyb and his wife and children. Rotenberg Asher and his wife and children. Submitted by Lender Yehoshua.
Mandelboym Yisroel Dovid, son of Avrom Ruven and Khaye Perl, his wife Esther Malke, daughter of Yekusiel and Dvoyre Yocheved, their son Avrom and wife Soreh, daughter of Mendl and their daughter Halina. Submitted by Mandelboym Berl and Moishe.
Mitzenmakher Meir, son of Moishe and Rivka, his wife Feyge, daughter of Leyzer and Beyle, their children: Hersh Yosl, Shloime, Soreh and Mindl Tzigelman. Submitted by Mitzenmakher Khaim.
Sakshneyder Soreh, daughter of Frayde, and her husband Moishe and children. Submitted by Mandelman Hershl.
Husband Zelig, son of Khonen, the brother in laws: Yekusiel and Gedalya; mother Zismanovitch Tobeh, daughter of Khonen. Submitted by Mandelboym Bineh.
Father Shmuel Dovid, son of Yekusiel and Dvoyre; mother Khaye Perl, daughter of Shmuel and Esther, step mother Zisl, daughter of Yitzkhak; sisters: Hinde and Rivka; bothers: Simkha, Avrom, Moishe and Meir. Submitted by Mandelboym Dvoyre.
Husband Meir, son of Yakov and Khaye, brother Heltzman Yenkl, son of Hersh Volf and Rivka, sister in law Royze, daughter of Moishe and Zelde; mother Rivka, daughter of Elimeylekh and Hinde. Submitted by Milman Beyltche.
Malakh Feyvl, son of Berl, his wife Khaye, daughter of Moishe and Rivka Feyngold, their sons: Yisroel and Berl and his wife Tzipora and child. Submitted by Malakh Sholem.
Mendelzon Herman, son of Yekhezkl and Golde Riveh.
Submitted by his wife Mendelzon Roza.
Husband Avrom, son of Gershon and Shayndl Yokheved. Father Gal Binyomin, mother Khaye Dvoyre and family. Submitted by Zegman Manye.
Zaide Borukh, son of Avrom Peretz, his wife Malke Gitl, daughter of Khaye Katznelnboygn, their sons: Moishe Yirmiyahu and Avrom, daughters: Esther and her husband Khaim Zalman Hartman, Khantche and her husband Avrom Vaserman, Khave and Manye. Submitted by Zaide Yenkl.
Zilberman Blume, daughter of Moishe Lozer, her children: Shloime and his wife and children, Eliyahu and his wife, Mirl and her husband and children and Hinde. Shtern Moishe Lozer. Submitted by Zilberman Shimon.
Tashma Shmuel son of Shloime. Submitted by his wife Tashma Poleh.
Telerman Blumeh and Esther Hadis, daughter of Moishe and Miriam, Yisroel and Gitl. Submitted by Telerman Hillel.
Trutenberg Yekhiel Mendl, son of Yerakhmiel and Tzirl, his wife Heneh Soreh, daughter of Moishe Lozer. Their children: Yerakhmiel, Mordkhai and Serl. Zilberaman Avrom Submitted by Trutenberg Khaim.
Luxenberg Moishe Nokhem, wife Khave, daughter of Mendl Goldberg. Luxenburg Eliyahu Hersh, wife Raitze, daughter of Yekhezkl Partinsky. Kampel Yenkl, son of Noyekh and Khaye, wife Golde Blumeh, daughter of Mordkhai and Khane Soreh Luxenburg. Submitted by Luxenburg Yehoshua Dovid.
Luxenburg Nokhem Dovid, son of Itchl Malakh, wish wife Rasheh nee Yangshteyn, their son Borukh and his wife Leah nee Grasvortzl. Kafer Dovid, his wife Khave and their son Yakov. Submitted by Luxenburg Ruven.
Levy Eliyahu, son of Zalman, his wife Hinde nee Hilf, their sons: Zalman, Meir, Yosef and Menashe.
Submitted by Levy Avrom.
[Page 472]
Fridman Hershl, son of Moishe and Frimet, his wife Perl, daughter of Avrom and Khaye Rokhl Bleiweiss, their sons: Yitzkhak and his wife Soreh Rivka and three children; Shmuel and his wife Salke and a daughter: Meir and his wife Salke and a son; their daughters: Frimet and her husband Moishe Melkhior and 8 children, Regina and her husband Avrom Veysfus, his daughter and sister Bronke. Tzuker Blumeh. Submitted by Fishman Elke.
Brother Funk Abush, son of Yitzkhak Shmuel and Perl. Sisters: Rivka and Khane, aunt Maltzman Rukhama, daughter of Shimon Blatman. Submitted by Funk Yisakhar.
Finkelshteyn Khaim, son of Feyvl Mendl and Frimet, his wife Feyge, daughter of Yitzkhak and Pese Fogelman, their son Yishyahu and daughter Pese. Submitted by Finkelshteyn Berl.
Husband Fridman Mendl, son of Leyzer and Frayde, sons: Yitzkhak and Moishe. Brother Kazlovsky Khaim, son of Avrom and Soreh. Submitted by Fridman Esther Beyle.
Fried Hersh, Ezriel and Berl, sons of Meir and Miriam. Submitted by Fried Jean.
Fridman Mendl and his wife Esther Malke nee Sherman. Their daughters: Miriam and her husband and child and Nekhe and her husband; their sons: Khaim and his wife and children and Borukh. Submitted by Fridman Moishe.
Wife Fridman Yehudis, daughter of Shimon and Breyndl Shaynfeld and her daughter Klara. Submitted by Fridman Itzik.
Father Fridman Leyzer, son of Khaim Yakov, mother Frayde daughter of Dovid Boymgartn. Submitted by Fridman Leon.
Husband Mendl and son Khaim.
Submitted by Fridman Soreh.
Fridman Aron, son of Avrom Alter and Gitl, his wife Khave, daughter of Khaim Yenkl and Soreh, son Meir. Fridman Khaye Gitl and Shraga Yair and Soreh. Submitted by Mendelzon Zelde.
Father Nayman Yitzkhak, son of Avrom and Smikha, mother Perl, daughter of Aron and Rivka, brother Moishe and grandmother Smikhale. Submitted by Nayman Avrom.
Father Zilbershteyn Moishe, son of Elimylekh, brother Avrom. Submitted by Nayman Zlate Leah.
Father Sadkovsky Hertzke, mother Perl, brother Khaim and his wife and children, brother Leyzer: Sisters: Golde, Eteh, Rivka and Malke. Submitted by Sadkovsky Leybush and Moishe.
Etner Fishl, son of Avrom: Berger Lozer son of Manele; Ayzenvaser Khaim Shloime, son of Aron and children. Submitted by Etner Yisroel.
Epshteyn Itche and his wife Drezl, daughters Feyge and Etl and a child, son Hershl and his wife and child. Submitted by Epshteyn Moishe.
Fish Volg Motl and his wife Rokhl nee Shmirman Vaynrib. Submitted by Fish Moishe.
Husband Yosl, son of Mendl and Brokheh, sister Ferglut Malke, daughter of Yitzkhak and Esther Zaltzman. Bothers: Manes and Abush. Submitted by Feyntukh Heneh.
Fishman Meylekh, son of Itche Hersh and Zlate. Itche Hersh, son of Meylekh and Miriam. Cousin Mila Ayznberg Beyle, her husband Berl and 5 children. Vigoda[Wigoda] Reyzl, her husband Berl and 5 children. Birenboym Gnendl, her husband Shmuel, Birenboym Khane her husband Dovid and two sons.
Submitted by Fishman Shimon.
[Page 473]
Kadishevitch Avrom Leyzer, son of Mendl, wife Khaye Soreh. Kadishevitch Gitl, Hadis and Feyge. Maltzmakher Soreh Lifthce, husband and children. Submitted by Kadishevitch Khaim.
Kadishevitch Moishe, son of Shmuel, wife Iske and the entire family. Submitted by Kadishevitch Yehoshua.
Katznelenboygn Leybl, son of Yekhezkl and Khaye Rasheh. Fridman Nokhem, son of Moishe and Frimet, his son Shloime. Fisher Gutche and son Yerakhmiel Moishe. Fridman Baltche, daughter of Yehuda and Khaye Soreh. Lasha, Fredzia and Mindl, daughters of Khaim Yenkl. Submitted by Katznelenboygn Khela.
Fridman Serl, daughter of Mordkhai and Feyge. Submitted by Kshak William.
Kanovitch Yakov, son of Yosef and Rokhl, his daughter Rokhtche, her husband Simkha Akerman, son of Yisroel Moishe and Golde and daughter Mali. Layferman Itche and his wife Leah. Submitted by Kanovitch Khaim Yenkl.
Krulik Dovid, son of Itche and Temeh, wife Tobeh, daughter of Shloime and Hene, their daughter Ita Royze and son Abba, his wife and two children. Submitted by Krulik Mendl.
Husband Sholem, son of Dovid and Tobeh. Submitted by his wife Krulik Tzvia.
Mother Mindl, brother Moishe and his wife and children. Uncle Motl Kazalovsky. Submitted by Kazalovsky Rokhl.
Kirshenblat Yekhiel Nokhem, son of Yidl, wife Leah nee Godlfarb, daughters: Soreh Shayndl, Ruzhki and Kheleh, son Shmuel and his wife and children.
Submitted by Kirshenblat Yidl.
Nokhem and his wife Rivka, Aron and Feyvl the sons of Avrom and Feyge Plotzky and Henye nee Ayzenman. Submitted by Plotzky Pinkhas.
Father Leyzer, son of Mendl and Perl, mother Rokhl, daughter of Leybush and Soreh, sisters Blumeh and Mindl, brother Yenkl, uncle Birenboym Volf Itche, son of Leybush and Soreh, aunt Rozentzveyg Khane Leah. Tenenboym Hershl, son of Yosl and Kahve. Feldman Yenkl, son of Godl and Hinde. Zilberberg Yekhezkl, son of Borukh and Raitze. Submitted by FridmanAbramovitch Gitl.
Perlmuter Simkha, son of Aron, his wife Beyle Yehudis, daughter of Moishe Vinder, daughter Esther and son Leybush. Kazlovsky Soreh, her husband Khaim son of Avrom, and children: Moishe, Avrom amd Yenkl. Submitted by Perlmuter Borukh.
Tzuker Mindl nee Handelsman, wife of Yitzkhak Mendl (ritual slaughterer), the son of Sholem, daughters Gitl and Rivka. Submitted by Tzuker Shimon.
Tzeygfinger Efraim, son of Zalman Borukh and Margolis, wife Pese, daughter of Hersh Yakov Fridman and Rokhl, daughters: Shefsman Rokhl, her husband Avrom and 5 children; Goldman Gitl, her husband Yisroel Yitzkhak and their children, and Esther. Fridman Binyomin, wife Gitl and daughters: Feyge and Rivka. Fridman Motl, wife Hesse and their children. Submitted by Tzeygfinger Hirsh Yakov.
Tzitrinovitch Gdalyahu, son of Leybush (father Kohen). Wife Brayne, daughter of Khaim Hanover, their son Moishe, daughters: Simeh and Iteh. Tsitrinovitch Leyzer and wife. Tzitrinovitch Ovadia, wife and children. Hanover Moishe and his daughter Simeh. Hanover Hershl, wife and children. Vaserman Hesse, husband Yakov Leyb and children. Submitted by Tzitrinovitch Yenkl.
Shpilfagel Mordkhai, son of Hershl and Royze. Tzinman Hersh Yehuda, son of Borukh and Hinde.
Submitted by Tzinman Yosef.
[Page 474]
Rozenblum Shmuel Khaim and his wife Hadas, their sons: Yerakhmiel and Lolek. Submitted by Rozenblum Yakov Yitzkhak.
Brother Shteynart Efraim Menakhem, son of Moishe Dovid and Naomi Golde, his wife Breyndl, daughter of Borukh and Shayne Khane and their three sons: Moishe, Borukh and Aron. His sisters Bastzion and Leah Dina. Submitted by Shteynart Yehoshua Pinkhas.
Shenkman Yishayahu Ben Zion, son of Nosn Dovid and family. Tenenboym Beyle and her husband Zelig. Maltzmakher Esther Malke and her husband Hersh Nakhman, Rutman Borkhe and her two daughters. Tzitrin Yisroel Meir and his nieces. Submitted by Shenkman Nisn.
Wife Khane Leah, son Yosef, daughters: Etl and Nekheli; Brothers: Yosl, Avrom, Tzalki, Hersh and Borukh. Sister Esther. Submitted by Shteynbak Itche.
Father Efraim Sherman, son of Shimshon, mother Miriam, brothers Yosef and his wife, Hersh and his wife Leah and their child, wife Khele nee Rozenberg and a daughter. Submitted by Sherman Shamai.
Father Shefsman Binyomin, son of Yakov and Rokhl, wife Khane Beyle. Their children Avrom, Sholem, Shprintze and Pese. Submitted by Shefsman Moishe.
Wife Dvoyre and two sons. Brother Yishayahu son of Shloime. Submitted by Shulimovitch Noyekh.
Father Shafran Zelig, son of Meir, mother Feyge nee Vaksberg. Sister Gitl and her son. Khane and her family; brothers: Tzvi, Shmuel and Moishe and their families.
Submitted by Shafran Shloime.
Kirshenboym Yitzkhak, wife Malke, their son Motek and his wife Miriam and 9 children. Submitted by Kirshenboym Beynish.
Rozenboym Yisroel, wife Rivka Rokhl, son Yekhiel Zalman and daughters Golde and Khave. Vishlitsky Esther. Submitted by Royzenboym Hersh.
Father Moishe, mother Tzipora nee Bergman, brothers Yekhezkl and Avrom, sister Nekheh Shayndl. Submitted by RozenblatBirman Dobreh.
Rozenfeld Zlatele, daughter of Yisroel Tenenboym, son Monyek and his wife Teafila, daughter of Shmuel Rotenberg and their daughter Irka. Submitted by Rozenfeld Khaim.
The sons and daughters of Leybush and and Soreh Rozentzveyg: Moishe, Shmuel, Velvl, Dovid, Mendl and his wife and children: Libe, Soreh, Reyzl, Khaye and their husbands and children Mordkhai and Layke. Submitted by their brother Rozentzveyg Yehoshua.
Raykh Yisroel Yitzkhak, son of Yosef and Rivka, his wife Leah Reyzl nee Taykhman, their daughter Lyuba, their son Moishe and his wife and child. Submitted by Raykh Efraim.
Rozenblat Yosef, son of Hersh Nalkman, his wife sore Gitl, daughter of Zakhrayahu [Zachariah] their sons Dovid and Hirsh Nakhman, their daughter Khayale. Submitted by RayalFridman Malke.
Father Rubinshteyn Eliezer, son of Dovid, mother Tcharne, daughter of Rafael, sister Gitl, brother in law Levy, brother Moishe.
Submitted by Rubinshteyn Dovid.
[Page 475]
Tzinerman Berl, Tzinerman Hersh Yehuda, Lerman Yisrolke, Rozentzveyg Hersh, Rubinshteyn Meir, Zaltzman Zekahryia, Vayntryb Dovid, Vaysband Eliyahu, Smutek Yakov, Danovitch Shmuel, Shevitsky Shmuel, Rozenshteyn Yosef, Goldfarb Fishl and their families. Submitted by the Radom Society in Paris.
Father Fuks Shaul, son of Meir and Estherl, mother Friveh, daughter of Meir and Layele Aybeshitz, brother Yisroel Yakov and his wife Franiye, sisters: Motl and Gitl and their children, uncles and aunts and their families.
Submitted by Yehonatan Fuks, Warsaw.
Father Shteynberg Ziske, son of Leybush, wife Soreh Leah daughter of Mendl. Their son Shmuel, his wife Frayde and son Kalman. Submitted by Shteynberg Mendl.
Husband Yoel, son of Yakov and Khane Soreh, brother in law Dovid, father Kesel Asher son of Berl, mother Feyge nee Sandelshteyn. Submitted by Mrs. Shneider.
Mother Zinger Breyndl, brothers: Zinger Moishe and Leybush, daughter Dvoyre.
Submitted by Sherman Avrom
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