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Maltzmakher Leyb Submitted by Bornshteyn Rokhl.
Moishe Mordkhai Ben Yehuda – died in 1945 Leybush Hertzke Ben Zev – died in 1943. Beyle Rivka Bat Yehuda – died 1944. Submitted by Akerman Ruven Yosef.
Nisenboym Avrom died in 1958. Nisenboym Gutche died in 1946.
Mandelman Leybush and his wife Hinde. Abramovitch Meir and his wife Gila. Submitted by their children Mandelman-Abramovitch Itzik and Soreh Rivka
Milshteyn Akiva, his wife Rivka and son Borukh. Died in Radom 1942. Submitted by their daughters Sally and Jenny.
Marenshteyn Aron, brothers Shloime, Yakov, Ber, Yitzkhak. Sisters: Feyge, Rivka, Brineh and Peseh.
Miller – Goldberg Khane and her husband Yehoshua, Miller Moishe Yakov, Hersh Aron, Mordkhai Yehuda, Malke, Beyle, Shayndl and Soreh.
Submitted by Miller Khaim.
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Prezmislav Yosef with his wife Sorele and son Meir, Przemislav Khaim Asher, Moishe Yekhiel and Velvl.
Fridman Shimon and Helena with two daughters, Fridman Yakov and his wife Khane.
Flamenboym Motl with wife and children, Flamenboym Yitzkhak with wife and children. Farmolsky Eliezer with wife Gitl. Submitted by their brother V. Flamenboym.
Potazhnik Yitzkhak with his wife Soreh and children Nakhman and Shloime.
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Firstenberg Shmuel with his wife and daughter. Killed by the Nazis.
Submitted by Henyek Firstenberg
Fried Zelig and wife Nakhe, Fried Fanie, Radomsky Eliezer and wife Soreh, Radomsky Morris, Binyomin, Charles, Hokhman Motl, Krefs Zalte, Rubinshteyn Nakhe.
Potazhnik Khaye Soreh, Peretz, Layke and Hershl; Potazhnik (Tishl) Ruzhke, Mendl and Gavriel; Potazhnik (Ostrovsky) Zisl. Potazhnik (Kershenblat) Perl. Submitted by Potazhnik Gavriel.
Flamenboym Avrom and his wife Pese Mindl, Gold Miriam, Rutmanovitch Bunim, Flamenboym Efraim and wife Yehudis. Kuperman Yitzkhak and wife Tobeh. Flamenboym Yekl Volf and Gitl, Son Ben Zion, Kazalovsky Yekhiel, Blaykhman Shmuel and wife Frayde, Flamenboym Ite, Hershl, Malke, Esther, Mordkhai, Rivka and Ben Zion. Submitted by Flamenboym Shimshon and Shvartz Perl.
Frishman Royze with her sons Yosef and Berl. Killed in 1942. Submitted by Hela Murder – Frishman.
Finkelshteyn Shloime Ber killed in 1942.
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Tzukerhandel Leyzer Ben Leybush with his wife Tzirl. Died in Radom. Submitted by their son Tzuker Menashe.
Kirshenboym Tuvyia Ben Yitzkhak – died in 1932. Kirshenboym Khave Bat Zvi Arye – died in 1947.
Krul Itche with his wife Tzipora and six children: Abba, Leah, Soreh, Rivka, Khane and Dovid, their husbands, wives and children.
Kayler Avrom and his wife Leah and children: Khaim, Bineh (Veysfus) and Shmuel.
Kuperman Shloime, Beyle, Gitl, Khone Leyb, Yekhiel, and Yerakhmiel.
Kuperman Dovid and Sorele. Kurlender Yoel Ber, his wife Dvoyre, Eliyahu and Perl; Graman Yosef, his wife Rivka and five children; Vaysbord Pinye, his wife Yokheved and three children; Direktor Shmuel Moishe, his wife Hadas and children Hene and Feyvl; Verber Moishe, his wife Rivka and children Leybush, Ruzhke, Daniel and Mordkhai.
Submitted by Kurlender Yerakhmiel.
Fridland Shmuel Dovid and wife Soreh Gitl; Fridland (Goldfarb) Guta and child Rokhele; Fridland Shloime Avrom; Fridman Nekhemye and Khayele, (Pshitik) son, daughter in law and grandchild; Fridman Pinkhas and Khashke (Pshitik) and their child; Fridman Izik and Italeh, son Avrom, daughter Tzatl and two children; Fershtenberg Moishe, Feyge, Avrom, Meir, Leah, Elka with her husband and child; Fridland Mendl with his wife and 4 children; (Yedlinks); Gutman Yosef (Yosele Burkazh) daughter Reyzl with her husband, Altale, Milkhale, and Etlele; Kener Yakov and Shayndele, son Moishe; Kener Avrom; Vaysbord Yakov and wife Gitl with children: Khaim, Dovid, Soreh, Tzilke and her husband Avrom Zalber and son Yitzkhak; Vayzer Peysakh. Submitted by Fridland Motl and Tobe (Vaysbord)
Fogelman Sholem and wife Raitze with their daughter Soreh.
Tzukerman – Fogelman Esther and two daughters – killed by the Nazis.
Submitted by Golde and Yehuda Tzuker.
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