Translated by Shuki Ecker
Page Number |
Translation and notes |
4 | From right to left: Zelig Orenstein, Elazar Wilder, Meir Fisch, Yaakov Raanan, Yaakov Kremnitzer |
16 top | The Rabbi Reb Yaakov Unger from Radziechow |
16 bottom | Mr. Simcha Yonah Unger from Radziechow |
1920 | Reproduction of the title page and the first page of the book Yad Yehuda (Hand of Yehuda or Memory of Yehuda) about Tractate Pesachim. Written by Rabbi David Yehuda Leib Lewin. |
28 | From right to left: Mr. Yosef Wasser, Rabbi Yonah Banner, Rabbi Yaakov Unger, Rabbi Asher Rubin, Mr. Leib Barach and Mr. Chaim Kurzer |
34 | First [back] row, from right to left: Brunn Altzi, Gertwagen, Letzter Sara, Adler Malka, Laszczower, Miller Sheva, Brunn Pnina, Ehrenwert Mania and Konig Yaakov. Second row: Chamish, Szargel Breindl, Samet Malka, Barak Zipora, Ober Rivka, Sachs Marie, Chaya Samet, Weissman Shoshana, Barasch Tzevia and Weinberger Batya. Third row: Weissman Mordechai, Wasser Rafael, Aszkenazi Ester, Menaker Rivka, Meir Ada, Kranz Reuven, Letzter Moshe, Leider Yaakov, Schapira and Charap Isser. Fourth [front] row: Szargel Avraham, Orenstein Selig, Szargel Sara, Letzter Israel, Rakower Yaakov, Itzhak Laszczower and Ecker Leib. |
35 | Tarbut Hebrew school in Radziechow the teachers: Karp and Schechter Dvora In the photo: Tarbut Hebrew School in Radziechow class 1 grade 2 5694 [1933/4] |
36 | The Zionist youths of Achva On the banner: …will redeem Eretz Yisrael, then Eretz Yisrael will redeem the people of Israel |
37 | Zionist youth movements in Radziechow Top row, from left to right: 1) Malka Friedman 2) Ester Czop 3) Rachel Steinberg 4) Lushi Kratz 5) Gila Friedman 6) Zippora Samet 8) Scheindel Kupferschmidt 10) Falik 11) Velti Sigal 13) Sara Gerber Schwarzenberg 14) Chatzl Weitzberg 15) Gertwagen Genia 16) Moshe Baranenko 18) Ester Distenfeld 19) Perl Kupferschmidt 20) Aharon Sternberg 21) Feige Lozik 22) Yosef Barij 23) Mindel Drucker 24) Kahane daughter of Shimon 25) Ettel Grunschpan 26) Duni Ecker 27) Grunschpan Ettel 28) Golde Zehner 29) Liba Charap 30) Shimon Barij 31) Golde Laszczower 31) Natan Barach 32) Nunia Gertwagen 33) Tema Schrage 34) Ecker daughter of Tzvi Arye 35) Ester Distenfeld 36) Michel Schrage 37) Chava Barij editor's note: number 31 is mistakenly repeated twice |
38 | Standing, from right to left, first row: Kurzer Henia, Sandel Rivka, Weitzberg Chetzel, Taschme Chana. Second row: Schrage Rivka, Windbeutel Lea, Goldscheider Ester, Weiss Ester, Schwarz Gila. Third row: Menaker Rivka, Wasser Scheindel, Weissman Lea, the Hebrew teacher, Kurzer Toltzi, Czop Ester, Schorr Rachel. On the poster: Hebrew School in Radziechow |
39 | Top row, from right to left: 1) Baranenko 2) Moshe Schwarz 3) Eliyahu Zehner 4) Efraim Menaker 5) Mottel Gertwagen 6) Botknecht Avraham 7) Dov Ecker. Second row: 8) Elefant Yosef 9) Mendel Kitzes 10) Pnina Brunn 11) David Ober 12) Avigdor Kleiner. On the poster: Gordonia Bussel group in Radziechow |
40 | Top, from right to left: Ecker Elazar, Szargel Eliyahu, Menaker Chaim, Schwarz Moshe, Botknecht Avraham, Ober David, Malka Samet, Kitzes Mendel, Klejner Avigdor, Gertwagen Mottel, Kramm Poldi [Leopold], Ecker Dov, Guterman Tzvi. Second row: Letzter Sara, Szargel Breindel, Alzufrom Leiber, Shoshana Weissman, Szargel Sara, Szkulnik Zelig, Brunn Elka, Sender Barach, Guterman Pepi, Barasch Tzevya, Katz Moshe Shmuel, Ober Rivka, Marie Sachs, Ecker Leib. Third row: Taschme Binyamin, Weinberger Batya, Letzter Breindel, Wasser Rafael, Samet Chaya, Barach Naftali, Pepi Brunn, Isser Charap, Aharon Botknecht, Avraham Szargel, Henia Charap, Adler Malka, Miller Sheva. Bottom row: Katz Ester, Zehner Mirl, Barak Binyamin, Kramm Madi [Arnold], Miller Sheva, Ober David, Elboym Michael, Windbeutel Lippa, Wasser Izio. On the poster: Popular Youth Organization, 5697 (1936/7) / |
41 | The Beytar youths in Radziechow |
42 | editor's note: photo of Chana Beila Bruck (Frisch) nee Genauer, mother of Yaakov Dov Raanan |
45 | First row in the back, from right to left: Auster Tzvi, Shechter Shimon, Bubes Dreizel, Sara Frisch, Charap Sh., Gruber Sara, Frisch Rachel, Barach Rachel, Sandel Mindel, Frisch Bluma, Falik Itzhak, Weissblatt Yehuda. Second and third rows: Zeuger Israel, Frisch Moni (Chaim), Leib Mer, Ober Avraham, Raanan [Frisch] Yaakov, Knaul Dov, Ehrenwerth Shimon, Falik Moshe, Gleicher Simcha, Eliyahu son of Rachel, Zapun Shalom. The children: Lippa Frisch, Batya Bubes. On the poster: Torah and Work Movement, Radziechow |
66 top | Palace of Count Badeni |
66 bottom | County administration building [Starostwo building] |
68 | The Tarbut committee From the top row: Dov Weissman 8) Silberman Moshe 9) Leibisch Goldenberg 10) Chava Reis 11) Mottel Schwarzwald 14) Beila Ecker 15) Roni Katz 16) Zeide Barak |
73 | Photograph [of Hebrew school students] from a children's play |
75 | From right to left: Nusik Pfeffer, Herszko Ecker, Munio Schuman, Szanka Wasser, Julek Kramm, Salka Ecker, Lalo Wurm, Tolci Kurzer, Dunek Ecker, Klara Zimant, Lotka Leider, Meir Feuerstein and Guttman from Lwow |
79 | Hebrew school in Radziechow |
81 | Hebrew school in Radziechow First row, from the right: Michael Schrage, Feige Barach, Zwia Barasch, Henia Wittlin, [Beila] Ecker, Malka Samet, Gila Friedman, Nissan Axler [Axelrod?]. Second row: Faki Floh, Shmuel Gertwagen, Weissman Lea, Tolci Kurzer and others. On the poster: Hebrew School in Radziechow |
82 | My parents Yitchak and Scheindel died in Brazil, my brother David and his wife Zosia, who hid the entire family in her house [written by Yaakov Leider] |
91 | From right to left, top row: Kratz Yehuda, Steinwurzel Yaakov, Gertwagen Ettel, Ecker Dov, Friedman, Floh Faki, Barach Matityahu. From right to left, second row: Stricker Kreindl, Kober Reizel, Lewit Hinda, Stricker Gitel, Barak David, Frima Meir, Menaker Rivka, Stricker Rivka. From right to left, third row: Weissman Lea, Maier Eidel, Menaker Peshy, Maier Ester and Kurzer Tolci. |
103 | Editor's note: photo of Emanuel and Rivka Schrage |
104 | Top row, from right to left: Alzufrom Leiber, unknown, Brunn Altzi, Schrage Azi, Friedman Gila, Gertwagen Moshe, Ecker Leib. Second row, right to left: Pfeffer Rushka, Friedman Malka, Schrage Itzhak, Rosen Golda and Brunn Pepi. |
105 | Top row and second row, from left to right: The third Niunia Ecker, Shoshana Goldstein, Feige Barach, Ehrenwerth, Breindel Szargel, Sara Letzter, the Pelz sisters, Golda Rosen, Meir Sachs, Ehrenwerth Mina, Gertwagen, Shimon Barij. Third row: Moshe Weissman, Zelig Kranz, Merwitzer Yaakov, and Natan Barach. |
106 | Activists of the Zionist Movement in Radziechow. Top row, from right to left: Moshe Baranenko, Aharon Sternberg, Zeuger Tilly [Tehila], Yehuda Kratz, Reizel Kober, Linson Shmuel, Floh Efraim, Goldscheider Ester, Goldscheider Avraham, Barij Kalman, Barij Shimon, Lalo Wurm. Second row: Mendel Czop, Avraham Kranz, Moshe Safier, wife of Shimon Baranenko, Chaim Szargel, Mirel Schrage wife of Goldscheider, Moshe Lewit, Friedman daughter of Itzhak Mordechai, Rosen Mima, Awner Schorr, Hinda Lewit, Zeuger Efraim Yosef, Baruch Ecker. Third row: Michael Schrage, Dr. Natan Milgrom, Rivka Schrage, Zelig Kranz, Yehudit Kranz, Dr. Peczenik, Avraham Ecker. |
107 | Reb Shmuel Ecker and his wife Scheindel of blessed memory |
108 | Students of the Hebrew school in Radziechow 2) Sima Pelz 3) Sara Charap 4) Zipora Schwarz 5) Niunia Gertwagen 6) Sima Wittlin 7) Botknecht 8) Scheindel Kupferschmidt 9) Bluma Sigal 10) Ester Salzinger and others On the poster: Hebrew School in Radziechow |
109 | editor's note: photo of Yechiel Menaker |
110 | Standing, from the right: the brothers Yechiel, Efraim and Yosef Menaker. Sitting: the sisters Rivka wife of Modlinger and Mina Menaker, in the middle the father Nissan Menaker of blessed memory. |
112 | Top row, from right to left: Shimon Barij, Yehuda Kratz, Zalman Menaker, Schonenfeld Max, Zalman Sigal, Menaker David, Ecker Baruch, Floh Efraim, Zeinvel Kardasz. Second row: Rachel Sigal, Scheindel Wasser, Hinda Lewit, Tolci Kurzer, Golda Laszczower, Rivka Menaker, Peshe Menaker, Friedman Malka. Third row: Moshe Lewit, Bluma Menaker, Elimelech Lewit. |
113 right | Mordechai Weissman |
113 left | In Kiryat Anavim, winter 1930. Second from the right Mordechai Weissman and in the fifth position G. Kressel, editor of the book |
118 | First row above, from the right: Letzter Moshe, Charap Henia, Ecker Leib, Grunschpan Ettel, Ecker Elazar, Brunn Pnina, Szkulnik Zelig, Kramm Madi [Arnold], Miller Sheva. Second row: Barmasch Moshe, Klejner Avigdor, Brunn Altzi, Ober Rivka, Gertwagen Matel, Ecker Berl, Laszczower Leib, Samet Malka, Botknecht Aharon, Wasser Izio, Kleiner Mendel, Alzufrom Leiber, Barasch Tzevia, Szargel Avraham. Third row: Charap Isser, Botknecht Aharon, Wasser Rafael, Letzter Bruria, Weissman Mordechai, Weissman Shoshana. Fourth row: Goldscheider son of Yehoshua, Windbeutel Malka, Wasser Lotka, Szargel Sara, Elboym Moshe, Katz Ester, Letzter Mordechai. On the sign: Popular Youth Organization, 5698 (1937/8) Gordonia |
119 | Yosef Menaker as a member of the People's Guard takes part in the evacuation of children wounded in a terrorist attack in a house on BenYehuda Street in Jerusalem in February 1948. |
132 | From the right, top row: Menashe Czop, Scheindel Wasser, Yehuda Kratz, Chaya Friedman, Baruch Ecker, Tolci Kurcer, Golde Laszczower, Faki Floh, Hinda Lewit, Shimon Barij. Second row: Moshe Lewit, Michael Schrage and others. |
135 | On the poster: Training company Hashomer Hatsair |
139 | In memory of Yosef Schwarzenberg, who was killed in the taking of Jerusalem |
145 top | Top row: names established: 1) Necha Kupferschmidt 2) Henia Kurzer 5) Moshe Baranenko 7) Golda Zehner 9) Shoshana Goldstein 10) Fischel Fisch 11) Rachel Goldscheider 13) Golda Laszczower 14) Zeev (Wewi) Rocker 17) Mendel Czop 20) Chaya Schrage 21) Zelig Kranz 22) Yehudit Kranz and their son Sascha [Zacharia Daphna] 25) Lalo Wurm. [editor's note: this is the caption for the photo at the bottom of page 146.] |
145 bottom | [Top row, from right to left:] Letzter, Israel Hersch Adler, Ober Avraham. Second row, from right to left: Gertwagen Moshe, Refael Wasser, Ecker Leib, Kupferschmidt Hinda, Taschme Binyamin, Isser Barach, Ela Brunn, Naftali Barach, Meller daughter of Yaakov, Menaker Yosef, Leiber Schapira, Avraham Szargel, Isser Charap, Malka Adler. Third row, from right to left: Sara Letzter, Breindel Szargel, Marie Sachs, Rivka Ober, Shoshana Weissman, Chaya Samet, Sheva Miller. Last row, from right to left: Malka Samet, Sara Szargel, Bruria Letzter, Pnina Brunn, Genia Gertwagen. editor's note: the typographical error in the book is corrected here. |
146 top | Top row, from left to right: 1) Adela Schuman 2) Uri Sternberg 34) unknown 5) Gertwagen 6) Shoshana Goldstein 7) Golda Zehner 8) Shlomo Konig 9) Rosa Zehner 10) Ecker daughter of Zvi Arye 11) Mendel Czop 12) Drock Israel 13) Ettel Rosen 14) unknown 15) Awner Schorr 16) Kalman Barij 17) Ettel Grunschpan 18) Leony Unger 19) Mindel Sandel 20) Rachel Goldscheider 21) Samet Lea 22) Yochanan Gewurz 23) Chatzel Weitzberg 24) Loli Wurm 25) Chava Barij 26) Schapira Leiber 27) Moshe Safier 28) Scheindel Kupferschmidt 29) Rechtsi Laszczower 30) Michael Schrage 31) Ester Czop 32) Zelig Kranz 33) Gely Friedman 34) Golda Laszczower 35) Dov Czop 36) Libe Charap 37) Moshe Baranenko 38) Rivka Zapun 39) Tema Schrage. |
146 bottom | Top row, from right to left: Itzhak Schrage, Gela Friedman, Berl Ecker, Reiter Yosef. Second row: Ecker daughter of Zvi Leib, Rachel Goldscheider, Rachel Friedman and Fischel Fisch. Third and fourth rows: Golda Laszczower, Salka Lipetz, Zelig Kranz, Schrage, Gertwagen Moshe, Gertwagen Nunie. Last row: Golda Rosen. |
147 | Hatikva School, 5683 [1922/3] |
148 top | Top row, from left to right: Jozi Schrage, Avigdor Klejner, Elazar Ecker, Moshe Barmasch, David Ober, Avraham Botknecht. Second row, sitting: Moshe Schwarz, Poldi Kramm, Pnina Brunn, Zelig Szkulnik, Berale Ecker. |
148 bottom | On the poster: The Chalutz (Pioneer) Organization, The Yosef Bussel Association in Radziechow Standing, from right to left: Mottel Zugman, Yosale Reiter, Lippa Schapira, Zugman and may he live long Konig Yaakov. Sitting, from right to left: Szkulnik Meir, Peczenik, may she live long Peshy Schechter, Laszczower Itzi, Adler and the last one Moshe Letzter. |
149 | Top row, from right to left: the sixth: Mottel Alzufrom, Shmuel Bruck, Yechiel Menaker, Tolci Kurzer and Chancie Laszczower. Second row, from right to left: Sara Kratz, Gittel Stricker, Salka Ecker, Lea Weissman, Natan Barach, M. Miller, Szanka Wasser. Third row, from right to left: Menaker, Adel Meier, the young Bruck boy, the young Laszczower girl, Ester Meier, and others. |
150 | Trumpeldor Alliance, Radziechow |
151 | The sign: The Betar training battalion Tel Chai in Stanin, 5690. August 1930. Headed by Zelig Kranz [second row, third from the left] and Moshe Baranenko. |
152 top | From left to right: 1) Meir Barach 2) Shmuel Katz 3) Mottel Miller 4) Zalman Sigal 5) Michael Schrage 6) Anschel Kutyn 7) Avraham Barach |
152 bottom | From right to left: Sonia Guterman, Sabina Apelfeld, Feige Batalion nee Schwarzwald |
153 top | From right to left: 1) Zipora Schrage Kaptzan 2) Zvi Kaptzan 3) Rivka Menaker 4) David Klein. Second row, from right to left: 1) unknown 2) Itzhak Kaptzan 3) Zvi Schrage 4) unknown 5) Adel Meier. Third row, from right to left: 1) unknown 2) Reuven Kranz 3) Grossman Avraham 4) Stricker Aharon. |
153 bottom | The sign: Z.K.S. Kadima Jewish Athletes Union Berl Horowitz, Herschel Miller, Shimon Russ, Elki Kranz, Menachem Kupferschmidt, Naftali Barach, Velti Sigal and Mandel Mottel. |
154 top | 1) Itzik Leib Singer 2) Yechiel Barasch 3) Diwald Baruch 4) Fincek Einrich 5) Moshe Zugman 6) Mordechai Miller 7) Anschel Kutyn 8) Yaakov Leider 9) Meir Barach 10) Meir Windbeutel. Itzhak Barak son of Dov. |
154 bottom | From right to left: Israel Silberman, Izio Wasser, Mottel Klein, Lippa Russ, Lippa Windbeutel |
155 top | Above, from the right: Moshe, Mordechai, Shoshana and Yaakov Shmuel Weissman. Second row: Yehoshua, Nesya and her son Yehoshua, Gittel, the parents: Zvi Arie and Tzila. Zipora and Henia wife of Kraus. Third row: Tusia, Anschel, Ziona wife of Oberman. |
155 bottom | Gordonia youth movement, amongst them: Gimpel Just, Chaim Menaker, Itzhak (Itschale) Barak, Kramm Poldi [Arnold Kramm, standing, first from the left] |
156 top | Sara Lipetz with the Achva training company in Drohobycz |
156 bottom right | David Klein, commemorated by his son Yehoshua |
156 bottom left | Zeide and David Barak |
159 top right | The brothers and sisters. Above: Chaim, Bluma, Eliezer, Lippa, Rachel and Dvora. |
159 top left | The family of Yaakov Raanan [editor's note: refers to both photos at the top of page 159] Sitting: The grandfather Yeshayahu HaLevi Genauer and the grandmother Chaya. Standing: the mother Chana Beile, her sister Ester and the brother Yerachmiel. |
159 middle | Kupferschmidt Nachman and his wife ah'b[?] |
159 bottom right | Itzhak Barach |
159 bottom left | From right to left: Keile Barij, Steinberg Rachel, and may she live long Shoshana Leider |
160 top right | Freida Distenfeld nee Schechter and her son Chaim Mordechai |
160 top left | Mendel Letzter and his wife during a visit to their son, Israel, his wife and their three grandchildren in Kibutz Ein Harod. |
160 bottom | From right to left: Shimon Schechter, the parents Israel Leib and Rivka Schechter, the son Shmuel and one of the grandchildren |
161 top right | Yosef Sigal, Israel Isser Kratz, Natan Barach |
161 top left | From right to left [should be left to right]: Feige Barak, Pepi Brunn, a Hebrew teacher named Schechter [Dvora], Kalman Barij, Sara Szargel, and another Hebrew teacher |
161 bottom right | Sonia Guterman, Feige Batalion nee Schwarzwald |
161 bottom left | From right to left: Zeide Barak and his son Yosef, Sara Feuerstein, Beila Barak nee Ecker [Zeide's wife and Sara's sister] |
162 top | Top row, from right to left: Yocheved nee Steinwurzel, Chaya Barach, Sara Steinwurzel, Shifra Fromm, Korach Chana and Bracha Zapun. Second row: Zipora BenHur nee Grunberg, Rivka Sandel Feintov, Rivka Schrage and Sara Lipetz. |
162 bottom | Standing top [from left to right]: 1) Chaya Alterman 2) Yosef Menaker. Sitting [from left to right]: 3) Ettel Koch nee Gertwagen 4) Shmuel Gertwagen 5) Lippa Kitzes 6) Sofia Letzter 7) Shoshana Leider 8) Ecker Dov. |
165 top | From right to left: Zelig Arenstein, Malka Samet, Bluma Krieger Barak, Lea KavVenaki, Paltieli Sara |
165 bottom | Top: Fromm Shifra, Avraham Ober of blessed memory, Itzhak Kupferman. Second row: Sara Lipetz, Israel Zeuger, Batya Silberger, David Menaker. |
166 top | From right to left top: Shmuel Gertwagen, Yaakov Leider, Sofia Letzter, Shoshana Leider, Naftali Barach, Shifra Fromm, Batya Silberger and her husband Avraham Silberger, Dishon Chava, Yosef Menaker, Chaya Alterman, Moshe Letzter, Michael Elboym |
166 bottom | From right to left: Shoshana Leider, Sara Kitzes, Krieger Avraham of blessed memory, Batya Weinberg, Batya Silberger and her husband |
167 top | Batya Weinberger, Ada Ecker, Benzion Pelz, Zacharya Sigal, and Zvi Kremnitzer |
167 bottom | Front row, from left to right: Sara Kitzes, Lucy Kratz, Malka Friedman, Shmuel Gertwagen, Scheindel Wasser and Etti Koch |
168 top | 1) Tenenbaum Binyamin 2) Naftali Barach 3) Zacharya Sigal 4) Chava Barij 5) Chaya Barach 6) Yosef Menaker of blessed memory 7) Moshe Letzter of blessed memory 8) may he live long Michel Elboym 9) Zmira Leider |
168 bottom | Jurek Rieger of blessed memory, Peshy Grun, Fisch Meir, Weissman Nesya, Sandel Feintov Rivka, Schwarzenberg of blessed memory, Weissman Feige of blessed memory, Batya Weinberg |
171 | editor's note: photo of Abraham Zwi Bernholz |
172 | Reb Zeinvel Distenfeld in the center, his son Moshe and his wife Sara nee Fisch and their children Yaakov and Zipora, may God avenge their blood |
179 | Hebrew course for adults |
196 | editor's note: photo of Benzion Friedman |
212 top | Sitting: Reb Shalom Shachna Friedman and his wife Chana Rachel and between them the son Joseph. Standing, from the right: The daughters Sara, Rivka, Chava, Hudel and the brothers Chaim and Elazar. |
212 bottom | Reitza Friedman and her son Yentzy of blessed memory |
214 | Arye Kurz Wilder, founder of the first Hebrew school in Lopatyn and the first teacher |
224 | Middle row: my parents Gershon Koppel and Yehudit and between them my sister Bela. Top: my brothers Zalman and Moshe, between them my sister Breindel. Below: my brothers Uri, Elimelech and Yosef. [written by David Parnes] |
226 | From the right: my [David Parnes'] brother Zalman, his wife's sister, Yaakov Leider and his wife Breintzy, Uri, Loti Leider and their children |
231 | editor's note: photo of Yosef Parnes |
232 top | Above, from the right: Uri, Elimelech and Moshe Parnes, Yaakov Leider and his wife and their children |
232 bottom | Above, from the right: my brotherinlaw Yaakov Leider and my brothers Elimelech, Uri and Zalman. Below: my sister Breintzy and my sisterinlaw Ester nee Thieman and their children. [written by David Parnes] |
234 | editor's note: photo of Mordechai Yalon |
242 | [Mordechai Yalon] as a soldier in the Polish army |
243 | editor's note: photo of Chanoch Yalon |
262 | editor's note: photo of Asher Barash |
311 | editor's note: photo of Eliezer Dov (Berisch) Yalon |
313 | A group of Chalutzim (Pioneers) in Hachshara (training for life in Eretz Yisrael) and among them Shlomo Suchman and Uri Gasthalter |
315 right | Nachum Dov Gasthalter and his daughters |
315 left | Chanoch Gasthalter died 5644 [1883/4] [editor's note: the date seems incorrect.] |
319 | Uri Gasthalter, his family and relatives in Lwow |
320 | editor's note: photo of Akiva Distenfeld |
330 top | The Zionist youths from Lopatyn before World War I |
330 bottom | Standing from the right: Hirsch Krieger, Hirsch and Moshe Wasser. Sitting from the right: Itzchak Floh, Uri Gasthalter, Chanoch Yalon, Chanoch Gasthalter, Jakob Wasser and Moshe Katz. [editor's note: this photo was in the possession of Benzion Friedman and described in his memoirs now archived at the Diaspora Research Institute, Tel Aviv University.] |
337 top | Zionist youth association Gordonia in Radziechow On the poster: Zionist youth association Gordonia in Radziechow |
337 bottom | From right to left: Izio Schwarzwald, Mimi Ecker, Motel Leider, engineer Rosenberg (soninlaw of Moshe Ecker), Herszko Ecker [husband of Mimi], Hela Senensieb, Pepa Schwarzwald, Nuni[o] Worm. Sitting, from the right: Nulek Heichman, Salka EckerFeurstein [sister of Herszko], Chaim Landau, Nusi Pfeffer. |
338 top | Mr. Moshe Eker, his wife [Ester nee Wasser] and his son Shmuel Milek |
338 bottom | Mr. Arye Leibisch Gasthalter, his son Elyakim and his wife Scheva |
339 top right | Mr. Benjamin Suchostaw |
339 top left | Mr. Heinrich Suchostaw and his family |
339 bottom | Nachum Gasthalter, Motel Friedman, Israel Kardiman |
340 top | Moshe Waldbaum and his wife |
340 bottom | Memorial in the forest of martyrs in the hills of Jerusalem in 1964. From the right: Lippa Kitzes, Batya Weinberger, Sara Kitzes, Rachel Pelz and her husband Joseph Chaim, Meir Fisch. |
342 bottom | Radziechowska street in Witkow Nowy |
343 | editor's note: photo of Yosef Chaim Pelz |
361 | editor's note: photo of Dov Pelz |
365 | From left to right: Yaakov Podhoretz, Rachel Pelz of blessed memory and may he live long Yosef Chaim Pelz. Below: Mindel Pelz and Chaya Podhoretz. |
376 | A photo taken in Ebelsberg camp, Austria, in 1949 before the aliya to Israel: The Pelz family in the company of Rivka Puder and her daughter, Hessia and Nachum Fogelman and others |
377 | On the photo: Regional meeting of Gordonia in Radekhov |
378 bottom | The family of Zvi Yoel and Alte Podhoretz of blessed memory. Of the entire family, the only survivors were the son Shlomo and the daughter Rachel, both now living in Israel. Commemorated by the son Shlomo Podhoretz. |
379 top | School children with the teacher: Itta Charag, presently in KiryatAmal, near the open kitchen for children founded by the Joint, operated by Dreizel Charag, Yocheved nee Pelz and Shimon Silber of blessed memory |
379 bottom | Gordonia youth group in Witkow, lead by: Yosef Becker, Rivka Netter, Itzhak Schuman, Soba Perles, Zvi Barlach, all living in Israel |
380 top | Grammar school children in Witkow, amongst them: Itta Hasten, Podhoretz Rachel, Mottel Meizeles, Hudel Chari, Rachmiel Sigal, Itzhak Letzter, Zecharya Sigal, Dov Pelz, Berisch Schargel, Sender Deutscher, Abisch Furman. On the sign: Class IV |
380 bottom | Top, from the right: Gittel Podhoretz, Hasten Luba, Sigal. In the middle: Pnina and Yehuda Gruber and the teacher Zvi Gruber. Below: Hasten Tzevia, Perles Perl, Lewitas Golda. A group of Hebrew school children in Witkow. |
381 top | From the left: Reizel Lewitas, her husband and their two children and a female friend |
381 bottom left | From the left: Scheindel Pelz, Feige Puder and their children: Yaakov and Dvora |
381 bottom right | [From the left:] Rachel Pelz died in Israel, Chaya Podhoretz and Mindel Pelz both perished in the Holocaust. |
382 | Top, from the right: Itzhak Eidelman, Yehuda and Bezalel Gruber, Israel Perles. |
16 photos | Second row: Feibel Sigal and his fiancee, Yaakov Klein, Aharon Becker. Third row: Yehuda Baldasz, Yosef Neuberger, Abisch Furman, Shmuel Charag. Fourth row: Rachel Pelz, Aharon Becker, Rosa Barlach and her fiance, Kuki Charag. |
383 | Top, from the left: Asher Sigal, Eliezer Kremnitzer and may he live long Shlomo Druker. 4 photos In the group below, from the right: Yehudit Podhoretz, Mindel Pelz, Sara and Feige Sigal, Henia Friedman, Chaya Podhoretz all perished in the Holocaust; Lola Alowicz and Scheindel Baldasz both in Israel. At the end: Matel Meizeles died in Israel. |
384 top | Standing, from the right: Rachel Pelz, Feige Barak, Bezalel Gruber, Matel Meizeles, Abisch Furman, Soba Perles, Feibel Sigal, Hudel Chari, Miriam Puder. Sitting: Yaakov Podhoretz, Witeles Itzhak, Sara Sigal, Yaakov Klein. |
384 bottom | From the left: Israel Perles, Rachel Pelz, Mindel Pelz, Yekutiel Pastel of blessed memory, and may he live long Yosef Chaim Pelz |
385 top | From the left: Chaya Pelz, her daughter Mindel and her daughterinlaw Rachel 2 photos |
385 middle | [From the left:] Mindel Pelz wife of Pozner, her husband Lippa, Frymci Pelz 3 photos |
385 bottom right | Yankale son of Scheindel Pelz |
385 bottom left | From the right: Dvora Podhoretz, Scheindel Pelz, and may he live long Yosef Chaim Pelz, in the middle |
386 top | A group of partisans in the forests of Witkow. 12 photos Top, from the left [should be from the right]: Ema Chaya Pelz and may he live long Yosef Chaim Pelz, Rachel Pelz, Nachum Werner. Second row: Tevl Sigal, Shalom Sigal, Rivka Podhoretz, Rachel Podhoretz. Third: Eliezer Mann, Efraim Auster, Zvi Auster and his wife, and Itzhak Podhoretz. |
386 bottom | From the left: Hinda Sigal and may they live long Batya and Uri Charag 3 photos |
387 top | From the right: Yehuda Podhoretz, Golda Auster and her daughters Perl and Feige. 4 photos Above: the grandson Reuven. |
387 bottom | Feigele Arzt and a cousin from Mosty Wielkie |
388 top | Above, from the right: Rina Baldasz, Shifra Auster, Reizel Gruber, Perl and Henia Perles. |
15 photos | Second row: Nachum Moshe Baldasz, Perl Auster, Yehudit Podhoretz, Hesi Sigal, Hudel Chari. Third row: Yosef Chaim and Shimon Ber Pelz, Berki Podhoretz, Perl Friedman, Chaya Gruber and Sara Sigal. |
388 bottom | On the train en route to Israel. 4 photos On the right: Yosef Chaim Pelz in uniform and in civilian dress. [On the train, from the right:] the mother Chaya, Carmela the granddaughter, and the wife Rachel, with Mania Landau and her child. On the left: Rivka Podhoretz (wife of Netter). |
389 | Top, from the right: Moshe Kremnitz, Yaakov Schmalzbuch, Dvora Lewitas. 4 photos Below: Yosef Schrage and his family. Commemorated by Yosef Becker, TelAviv. |
390 top | From the right: Chaya Yente Friedman and her son Yehuda 2 photos |
390 bottom | Itta Hasten (right), Peissi Kreutschtick, a dentist (left) 2 photos |
391 top | Bathing in the river, from the right: Sigal Feibel, holding Yaakov son of Scheindel Pelz, a female guest from Sokolowka, Frymci Pelz, Sima Sigal, Rachel Pelz. Sitting in the water: Mindel Pelz, near her stands, may he live long Yosef Chaim Pelz. |
391 bottom | Memorial at Mount Zion [Jerusalem] in 1965 beside a memorial plaque to the victims of the town [Witkow Nowy]. From the right: Yehuda Werner, Rachel Linsker, Dreizel Chari, Yosef Chaim Pelz, Menachem Charag and Moshe Lesser. Sitting, from the right: Shimon Sigal, Rivka IshShalom and Yaakov Chari. |
392 top | From the right: Ruchcze [Sigal], and in the group: her husband Asher Sigal and the daughters Miriam and her fiance, Dvora, Sima and Chaya Lea. 2 photos |
392 bottom | Bluma Pelz sitting between her parents and with the entire family before her aliya to Israel in 1937 |
393 top | Members of the cultural club Hitachdot in Witkow Nowy in 1931. Standing, from the right: Itzhak Schargel, Isser Schuman, Shmuel Charag. Sitting: Mordechai Zapun, Arie Gruber, Eliezer Kremnitzer. |
393 bottom | Rachel and Yosef Chaim Pelz in a photo from 1938 |
394 | All these victims were from Witkow Nowy, blessed be their memory |
394 top right | Zissel Baral of blessed memory, perished in the Radziechow ghetto in the Holocaust |
394 top middle | Shalom Sigal of blessed memory, killed in Lwow on Yom Kippur 1944 |
394 top left | Alexander Deutscher of blessed memory, killed in the Radziechow ghetto |
394 bottom right | Mordechai (Mottel) Zapun of blessed memory, killed in the Radziechow ghetto |
394 bottom left | Yekutiel Schargel of blessed memory, killed in the war in Russia in 1943 |
394 middle | Yehuda Gruber of blessed memory, killed in the Sokal ghetto |
395 top right | Keila Barlach of blessed memory, perished in the Sokal ghetto in the Holocaust |
395 top left | Chaim Barlach of blessed memory, killed in the war in Russia in 1943 |
395 middle | Rachel and Yosef Chaim Pelz, we came out of the forests in 1944 after being liberated by the Soviets 2 photos |
395 bottom right | Avraham Dov Pelz, after discarding the priest's dress [disguise] in Krakow, Poland. Now living in Jerusalem. |
395 bottom left | Bluma Friedman (nee Pelz), now living in Jerusalem. Photo taken in 1937 when she arrived in the country [Palestine]. |
396 top right | Reb Feivish and Schprintze Wasserman and their son Eliezer |
396 top left | Henia Wasserman wife of Baldasz and her children. Commemorated by Itzhak Eisik Wasserman in Israel. |
396 bottom | From bottom to top: Lola Aliowicz, Pelz Avraham Dov, Podhoretz Chaim, Pelz Mindel, Yosef Chaim Pelz, Rachel Pelz, Gruber Yehuda, Pelz Frumczy. |
397 top | Itzhak Podhoretz, living in Brazil, and his wife Mania, who died there |
397 bottom right | Eliezer Mann |
397 bottom left | Gina Kupferschmidt of blessed memory and may he live long Shlomo Druker |
398 top | Yaakov Mandelboym, the Consul (see pages 5253) |
398 bottom | Henia daughter of Freiche Gruber, her husband and their children of blessed memory, descendants of Reb Yaakov from Brandasowka of blessed memory |
399 | editor's note: photo of Rabbi Shimon Efrati |
420 top | From left to right: Yosef Floh and his wife Sara and in the middle may she live long their daughter Chaya Furman |
420 bottom | The group of Zionist youths in Toporow |
421 | Fromer Feibisch and his children, may their souls rest in paradise, perished in Toporow. Commemorated by his son Mordechai in Rishon LeZion. |
424 | Rabbi Reb Aharon Laszczower, rabbi of Bnei Brak |
428 | Reb Moshe Bodek and his wife Rachel, from Szczurowice |
435 | The author of the article Mr. David Sitzer and his family |
453 | The grandfather Pardes and the grandchildren |
454 top | Family photo after the First World War in Ruda Brodska. Memorializing: the baby on his mother's lap, the son and grandson Menachem Pardes Holon. |
454 bottom | Standing, from the left: Avraham, Leib and Berl. Sitting, from the left: Yosef, Zwia, Ita. The parents Reuven and his wife Chana Pardes in the center. |
455 | In memory of my dear mother, may her soul rest in paradise [mother of Menachem Dauer] |
458 | Gila Steiner nee Kremnitzer of blessed memory |
459 top right | Reb Moshe Kremnitzer of blessed memory |
459 top left | Berisch, son of his [Moshe Kremnitzer's] brother Schmelki perished in France |
459 bottom | Luba and Anschel Grunschpan, daughter and soninlaw of Schmelki Kremnitzer died in Israel 2 photos |
460 | Yair (Max) of blessed memory [son of Moshe Chaim Kremnitzer] |
461 | The rabbi Reb Yosef Hemerling, may the memory of the righteous be a blessing. |
463 | In memory of my father Reb Eleizer of blessed memory [father of Itzhak Sterling] |
464 right | From the right: Shimon Sterling and his wife Zandel, Baruch Zwi Fisch, Fruma Fisch wife of Sterling and Chana wife of Parnes |
464 left | Bluma Gruber nee Bodek |
465 | Uncle [of Benzion Friedman], Reb Mendel Friedman by the tombstone of his rabbi |
474 | School children in Szczurowice |
480 top right | Nachman Fisch and his relative Tolci Kurtzer |
480 top left | Chaim Zwi Fisch and his wife Lipscha nee Schleifer of blessed memory |
480 bottom | Yakov and Klara and their mother Fruma Sterling 2 photos |
488 top right | Shalom Fisch, Bluma wife of Fischel Fisch and their son, may God avenge their blood (snapshot at the gate of the Brody Ghetto). On the sign: Stop! Ghetto Border, unauthorized exit punishable by death [The sign is in German, Ukrainian and Polish.] |
488 top left | Chana wife of Reuven Fisch and their daughter may God avenge their blood |
488 bottom right | Sundel Reis, Chana Bernstein, Fischel Fisch and Rachel Sterling |
488 bottom left | Standing: Fischel Fisch and his brotherinlaw Yitzchak Dubowy. Sitting: Mosia Eidelheit and Bluma Fisch. |
503 | Mindel and Hersch Zwi Arnstein, parents of the author [Selig Arnstein] and the aunt Chana Mentsch, may God avenge their blood |
504 top right | Fischel and Mieta Arnstein of blessed memory |
504 top left | Zwi Mentsch and his wife Sara nee Arnstein |
504 bottom | From left to right: Mieta Arnstein and Sara Mentsch nee Arnstein may God avenge their blood. |
510 | At the center: my mother Krosia Itta. Standing: my sister Sara, Mindel Tenebaum, Reschi Roychfleisch and the author [Meir Fisch]. |
511 | editor's note: Zionist youths, Uwin Barylow and the vicinity |
517 | A group of women workers in Uwin [The training group Women Workers Group in Uwin] |
522 | Reb Mordechai [on the right] and his son Arye Kremnitzer of blessed memory [on the left]. (The son passed away in Jerusalem.) 2 photos |
527 | From the right: Milek Eker, Yosef Apfelfeld, Refael Wasser [identified by Leon Eker as Izio Eker], Zeev Rocker, Avigdor Apfelfeld. Sitting, from the right: Abraham Apfelfeld, Szanka Rosenberg nee Eker, Yaakov Kremnitzer. |
541 top | From the left: Lea Lowenthal, Chaya Kremnitzer (mother of Jakob Kremnitzer), Arye and Gitel Lowenthal, and Gitel Klein nee Gruber |
541 bottom | Photo of youths from Barylow Wolica Wygoda.Among them: Zeev Rocker (died in German captivity), YenteYehudit Rocker wife of Apfelfeld and [sitting, first from the left] Chaim Suchman, [third from the right: Manek, son of Azriel Ecker] |
559 top | From the right: Sabina Apelfeld and two friends |
559 bottom right | Reb Yaakov Apelfeld and his wife Feige Gittel, deported to Russia in 1940, came to Israel in 1950, died in KiryatChayim |
559 bottom left | David Apelfeld may God avenge his blood, killed by a Ukrainian band (12 November 1943) |
568 | My [Eliezer Kaptzan's] father Reb Benzion and my mother Breindel of blessed memory |
571 | [Members of the Zionist movement in Druzkopol Skryholow] Top row, from the left: Yaakov Meir Kaptzan, Yaakov Linden, Zvi Yanai, Mordechai Tanchuma originally Goz. Second row, from the left: Leib Goz, may he live long E[liezer] Kaptzan the author of this article, Chaya Goz of blessed memory and Eliezer Katz. |
575 | Family celebration at the home of David and Zipora Parnas on the occasion of their son Mordechai's passing his final exams (1947). Top, from the right: Zipora Kaptzan and her daughter Aviva, Mordechai (the honoree of the party), Zipora wife of Zvi Kaptzan, Zipora Parnas, Bracha Kaptzan, Sarale her daughter, and Zelig Kranz. Second row: the father David Parnas, the brothers: Itzhak, Zvi and Eliezer Kaptzan, Yehudit Kranz. The three children of the Kaptzan brothers are holding a photo of the grandparents Reb Benzion and Breindel. |
577 top | Moshe Kaptzan and his wife Chaya nee Goz and their daughters of blessed memory |
577 bottom | The sisters: Gittel and Dora, daughters of Moshe and Chaya above 2 photos |
578 top right | Chaim Kehat Kaptzan and his wife Mira nee Wiener |
578 top left | Gittel Gabbai nee Kaptzan may God avenge her blood |
578 bottom right | Yosef son of Chaim Kaptzan of blessed memory. He made aliya in 5694 [1933/4] and volunteered for the Wingate Brigade. He fell in battle against Arab gangs in the disturbances of 56965699 [19361939] in the village of Daburiyya near Mount Tabor and was buried on 11 Tammuz 5698 [10 July 1938] in KfarYehoshua. |
578 bottom left | Aviva Katz, daughter of Zipora and Itzhak Kaptzan, passed away in Adar 5732 [February March 1972] and was buried in Moshav Batsra. Commemorated by Eliezer Kaptzan |
579 | editor's note: photo of Bracha Kaptzan |
580 | Parents [of Aharon Gruber]: Reb Yaakov and Matel Gruber of blessed memory |
581 | Shalom Gruber and his wife Perl of blessed memory |
586 | Standing: Abraham Gruber, his wife and their children. First from the right: his mother Chana. |
588 | Children of Reb Benjamin Kardiman in Zawidcze. Standing, from the right: Sara, Chana, Baruch and Gitel. Sitting: Lea (Laura), Henich and Feiga Lea wife of Rapaport of blessed memory. |
591 | Sitting, from the left: Fischel Fisch and his wife Tzyrl and their son Leibisch. Standing from the left: the sisters, Dvora and Feige. |
592 top | Our rescuers: Bronislaw Franczek and his wife |
592 bottom right | Shoshana, member of Kibbutz Ma'agan Michael, between her parents Uri Gasthalter and wife Rivka |
592 bottom left | Dvora Charam daughter of Reb Reuven, saved in Uwin, died in France |
593 top | Krieger Gittel Katz Mer |
593 bottom | Gathering for Achva training in Zaliski near Mikolajow. In the background, the engine of a threshing machine. The two farm managers on the sides: Eliezer Rawer and his daughter Rivka and on the other side Diwald on the stallion and his daughter near him. Amongst the others: Yosef Apelfeld, Keila Gold, Zipora Szlajen. Mendel Czop, Miriam Kleinman and others. |
594 top | From the right: Reuven Kurz, Rosa Kohn, Sophia Kurz and her son Leon and others |
594 bottom | From the left: Moni Flasch and his wife Fanka, Lipa Kohn and others |
601 | Of the pious of the nonJewish nations of the world who gave us shelter and saved us, Faranka Muzyka and her children; Tomke Mostove her brother |
609 | [Former Niestanice residents in Argentina.] From the right: Israel Halperin, his mother Tolci, his father Leibish, Binyamin Tenenbaum (author of this article), Reb Refael Rauchfleisch the uncle, Reshi TenenbaumFisch, Amalia Blechman daughter of Eidel and Yehuda Blechman from Pulhany. |
611 | Author of this article: Binyamin Tenenbaum and his wife Reshi Freida (died in Israel 5716) [1956] |
623 | editor's note: photo of Max Ringert |
629 top | [Rapaport family, Dabrowa] Sitting: Dan Rapaport and his wife Hudel from Dabrowa. Standing: Yekutiel, Sara wife of Fuss and Itzchak Rapaport (two sons and the daughter). |
629 bottom | [Group of students and their teachers from Beit Yaakov school for girls] Top, from left to right: Peshi Zwerling, Henia Gutfleisch (teacher), Zvia Rosenberg, Rachel Charap, Chana daughter of Sosi, Nechama Kras, Zvia Waldboym, Sara Zeitler, Rachel Barach, Mindia Miroschnik, Chesi Genauer, Rosa Zwerling, Rachel Ismach and Chaya Letzter. Bottom: Henia Konstantin, Gina Rappaport, Chana Rubin, Rachel Kohl, Sara Kitzes (teacher). |
Translated by Shuki Ecker
Facing the table of contents
Title | Schematic layout of Radziechow scale 1:2000 |
Roads | upper right: To Lopatyn and Szczurowice upper left: To Stojanow middle left: To Witkow Nowy lower left: The road to Lwow lower middle: To Toporow |
Areas | Upper left: Palace of Count Badeni Middle left: Polish residential area Middle: The Market place and Jewish Shopkeepers Middle right: Ukrainian Polish residential area Lower right: Area of Jewish craftsmen |
Numbered buildings |
[Page 170]
Title | Schematic layout of Lopatyn Scale 1=1000 |
Roads | Upper right: Road to Szczurowice Middle left: Road to Radziechow Lower left: Road to Toporow Lower right: Road to Stanislawczyk |
Areas | Stands, Market, Stands |
Numbered sites |
[Page 342]
Title | Map of the town Witkow Nowy |
Credit | Painted from memory by: Yitzhak Schuman with the help of Y. Witeles. Tishrey 5735 [1974] |
Roads | Right: To Radziechow Left: To Krystynopol |
Areas | Upper right: The stream Kvoikrav? Upper middle: Livestock market Middle: The market squares Lower right: The orchard[?] of Khat, The orchard [garden?] of Charag. |
Legend |
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