[Page 391]
Bathing in the river, from the right: Sigal Feivel, holding Yaakov son of Scheindel Pelz, a guest from Sokolowka, Frymci Pelz, Sima Sigal, Rachel Pelz. Sitting in the water: Mindel Pelz, near her stands ybla Yosef Chaim Pelz. |
Memorial at Mount Zion [Jerusalem] in 1965 beside a memorial plaque to the victims of the town [Witkow Nowy]. From the right: Yehuda Werner, Rachel Linsker, Dreizel Chari, Yosef Chaim Pelz, Menachem Charag and Moshe Linsker. Sitting, from the right: Shimon Sigal, Rivka Ish Shalom and Yaakov Chari. |
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