Podwolocyska and its Surroundings
(Podvolochisk, Ukraine)

49°32' / 26°09'

Translation of Sefer Podwoloczyska ve-ha-sevivah

Edited by: Zunyu Levinson and Dov Brayer

Published in Haifa, Organization of former Podwoloczyska residents, 1988


Project Coordinator

Dov Brayer


Sharon Landman Kabilow

This is a translation from: Sefer Podwoloczyska ve-ha-sevivah Edited by: Zunyu Levinson and Dov Brayer. Published in Haifa, Organization of former Podwoloczyska residents, 1988

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Podwolocyska and its surroundings

Editorial committee:
Dov Brayer
Zunyu Levinson

Editing and translation:
Avraham Ahuvia

Book committee:
Bernard Lerner (of blessed memory)
Joseph Luckman
Ze'ev Wallach
Munyu Greenspan
Dov Brayer
Zunyu Levinson
Max Kestenbaum (former chairman of blessed memory)

All rights reserved to the Organization of former Podwolocyska residents

Published and distributed by Gastlit Inc., Haifa

Table of Contents

Foreword The Editors
Introduction Dr. Aharon Weiss "Yad Vashem", Jerusalem [not translated]
Podwolocyska, My Town Natanel (Sonyu) Farber
Rabbi Yehuda Leibush Babad Encyclopedia of Wise Men of Galicia
About My Grandfather Yaacov Tirhaus David Tirhaus
The Rosensweig Family Zunyu
A town called Podwolocyska Yona Sla'i (Tuvia Barrer)
The Fleishfarb Family Story Reuven and Gershon Fleishfarb
Wolf-Shaul Rappaport - A Jewish Farmer Arye Rappaport
Yoseph Greenspan Tells
Avraham Bar-Tura (Barrer) Tells  
The Mizrahi Movement and Bnei Akiva Sara Rajman (Charna)
The Beitar Youth Movement in Podwolocyska Zunyu
Podwolocyska Dr.Y. Gilson
      Part I  
      Part II  
      Part III  
      Part IV  
Memories Binka Fufer-Friedman
The Story of Shmuel Katz Emil Kon
The Righteous Gentile, Pioter Budnik, and his wife, Adela. relate  
The Story of Dov (Berko) Lerner  
David Tirhaus Speaks  
About the Brayer Family Contributed by Dov Brayer of Kfar Saba
In memory of my family which is gone Zunyu Levinson
Regarding Aryan Documents Zunyu Levinson
Lorka Jack-Friedman Tells Her Story  
List of Podwolocyska martyrs, who were slaughtered on Mt. Feitel on the 7th of Tammuz, 5703  
Our sons who fell in Israel's wars  
In memory of our townspeople  
Forty Years Ago Joseph Dor (Marder)
And all the street mourns Michael Sass (Zweig)
A letter to Chava Kastenbaum, Chairman of the "Helping Hand for the Sick"  
A letter from Josef Horowitz  
As his daughter (To my father Moishe Segal) Susan Segal
Epitaph Dr. Yaacov Gilson

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
Contact person for this translation Dov Brayer
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 3 Apr 2004 by LA