[Page 299]
Tombstone List
Pochayev Jews who lived before the Holocaust
Translated by Ronald D. Doctor
Translator's Note:
Most of the names in this list are followed by his wife and family.
In the English transcription of the list, that phrase has not been repeated.
In addition, some entries in the Book contain explanatory notes. Those notes
are included in the transcription. The names on the list are alphabetized
according to the Yiddish alphabet. Consequently, some names may appear to be out
of order in this English translation. All names, including additional
names within each entry, are included in the Name Index section at the
end of this document, where they are in English alphabetic order.]
Alef |
Avnars |
Yitskhak |
Avnars |
Boris |
Advak |
Eli |
Auretski |
Eliezer |
the rabbi and rebbitsen Tsviya |
Ayshan |
Yosef |
Ayshan |
Yaakov-Dovid |
Averbukh |
Moshe |
Aingver |
Moshe |
Orazshek |
Hersh |
Orazshek |
Khanina ben Meir |
Orazshek |
Yaakov ben Meir |
Orazshek |
Shmeya |
Arbet |
Avraham |
Bet |
Baran |
Shayke |
Barenblit |
Hersh |
Barenblit |
Khayim |
Barenblit |
Yitskhak |
Bumazshnik |
Yosef |
Bumazshnik |
Fayvel |
Burshteyn |
Eliezer |
Bitler |
Velvel |
Bitler |
Yaakov |
Bitler |
Shimeon |
Bluvshteyn |
Kalman |
Bezpayasnik |
Yoshey |
Berezin |
Tasharne |
Brizgal |
Asher |
Brizgal |
A. |
(Krasnopior's son-in-law) |
[300] |
Brik |
Khayim |
Brik |
Yaakov |
Brik |
Shmuel Shimon |
Brik |
Moshe |
Brik |
Shmuel |
Brik |
Shmuel (the mute tailor) |
Brik |
Matatihu |
Gimel |
Gadman |
Aharon |
Galpern |
Yehoshua |
Galpern |
Yaakov |
Gandel |
Leyzer |
Gartenshteyn |
Avraham |
Gartenshteyn |
Yitskhak |
Gartenshteyn |
Leyzer |
Gartenshteyn |
Shaye |
Gornshtayn |
ben Tsion |
Galants |
Shmuel |
Galants |
ben Tsion |
Geler |
Khayim |
Geler |
Yoel |
Gekhtikh |
Abba |
Genzelman |
Khayim |
Grakhivker |
Yaakov |
Grinboym |
Avraham |
Grinboym |
Hersh |
Grinberg |
Krenye |
Dalet |
Druker |
Khayim-Volf |
Druker |
Yehoshua's widow |
Hey |
Hofshtayn |
Yaakov |
Hofshtayn |
Yitskhak |
Hofshtayn |
Mortya |
Hofshtayn |
Meir-Volf |
Vav |
Valk |
Yaakov |
Valk |
Pinkhas |
Valk |
Mekhal |
| [301] |
Vaserman |
Elya |
Vaserman |
Moshe |
Vishnevetski |
Yisrael |
Vayner |
Yaakov |
Vaysberg |
Yosef |
Vaysberg |
Yekhezkiel |
Vaysberg |
Yisrael |
Vaytsler |
Yitskhak |
Vaytsman |
Lene-Rakhel |
Zayin |
Zagordin |
Yaakov |
Zalts |
Beyle (Yaakov Zalts' daughter) |
Zalts |
Binyamin |
Zalts |
Berke |
Zalts |
Gedalyah |
Khana and Rivka |
Zalts |
Khaya |
(Ruben Zalts' widow) |
Zalts |
Hersh |
(Berl's son) |
Zalts |
Yosef-Volf |
(Berl's son) |
Zalts |
Lemel |
(Berl's son) |
Zalts |
Mindya |
(Berl Zalts' wife) |
Zaltsman |
| Khayim-Berl's family |
Zaltsman |
Yonatan |
Zaltsman |
Shmuel |
Zavar |
Shmuel |
Zilber |
Mordekhai |
Zinger |
Avraham |
Zeltser |
Yitskhak |
Zeltser |
Nakhum |
Het |
Khayt |
Fayvish |
Khayt |
Kalman |
Khayt |
Shmuel |
Tet |
Tauber |
Shmuel |
(ben-Tsion Margolis' son-in-law) |
Tesler |
Aharon |
Teper |
Rozi |
Teper |
Khana-Leah |
Teper |
Yekhiel |
Tasherniak |
Aizik |
Tasherniak |
Bozya |
(son-in-law of Yisrael Karman) |
Tasherniak |
Borukh |
[302] |
Tasherniak |
Khayim |
(Binyamin's son) |
Tasherniak |
Khayim |
Tasherniak |
Leibe |
(Moshe Teshernak's widow) |
Tasherniak |
Nakhman |
Tasherniak |
Pinkhas |
Tasherniak |
Perel |
widow |
Tasherniak |
Shmuel ben Tsvi |
(Shamash of Shul) |
Yod |
Yakira |
Khayim |
Yakira |
Yaakov |
Yakira |
Rayzel |
Kaf |
Katz |
Elyakum |
Katz |
Yisrael-Asher |
Lamed |
Lande |
Yehoshua |
Lidekhover |
Yisrael |
Linsk |
Avraham |
Leybl |
Yitskhak |
Leybl |
Yisrael |
Leybl |
Rivka |
Leyter |
Moshe |
Leyner |
Hersh |
Lemel |
Hersh |
Lerner |
Yitskhak |
Lerner |
Mekhle |
Lerner |
Frume |
Lerer |
Yosef |
Lerer |
Yisrael-Natan |
Lerer |
Yaakov |
Mem |
Mozir |
Shol |
Matshnik |
Aizik |
Matshnik |
Shimeon-Yosef |
Malkaran |
Meir |
Mandel |
Khayim-Hersh |
Mandel |
Mordekhai |
Mermil |
Yekhiel |
Mesh |
Gedalyah |
Margalit |
Isser |
Nun |
Nakhtelman |
Shmeya |
[303] |
Nirenberg |
Ruben |
Samech |
Sosenke |
Khayim-Yona |
Sosenke |
Shaya |
Soyvel |
Yitskhak |
Soyvel |
Sarah |
Segal |
Yaakov |
Skolski |
Yisrael |
Skolski |
Moshe |
Skolski |
Moshe-Mikhal |
Peh |
Pok |
Yitskhak |
Pok |
Liove |
Patik |
Berl |
Patik |
Hersh |
Patik |
Khayim-Yaakov |
Patik |
Pinkhas |
Patik |
Berl's son-in-law |
Polis |
Hersh |
Foksman |
Gedalyah |
Foksman |
Yosef |
Foksman |
Moshe |
Forsh |
Yekhezkiel |
Forsht |
Moshe |
Forsht |
Simkha |
Figler |
Avraham |
Figler |
Yaakov |
Feyer |
Yosef |
Fayershtayn |
Hinde |
Fayershtayn |
Shmuel |
Flaksman |
Yosef |
Federman |
Bentsye |
Federman |
Yisrael |
Pekht |
Berl |
Frenkel |
Breyne |
Frenkel |
Mendel |
Tsadik |
Tsatski |
Mendel |
Tsatskes |
Zalman |
[304] |
Tsatskes |
Yisrael |
Tsatskes |
Kalman |
Tsurf |
ben-Tsion |
Tsvik |
Efrayim |
Tsvik |
Hersh |
(the brother) |
Tsvik |
Rivka |
Tsvik |
Shlomo |
Kof |
Kobrick |
Shalom |
Kotelyer |
Khana |
Koltun |
Abba |
Koltun |
Berl |
Koltun |
Yitskhak |
Kalimasi |
Perets |
Kartman |
Hersh-Leyb |
Kartman |
Mikhal |
Kartman |
Nekhemaya |
Korin |
Yudel |
Korin |
Mikhal |
Korin |
Nisan |
Korin |
Kahat |
(daughter of the Midrash Cantor) |
Kuper |
Avraham |
Kuper |
Zalman |
Kuper |
Mikhal |
Kuperman |
Avraham |
Kuperman |
Toyve |
Kuperman |
Ezra |
Kipergloz |
Aharon-Yitskhak |
Kiperfeld |
Meshel |
Kirzshner |
Khayim-Hersh |
Kirzshner |
Yisrael |
Kirzshner |
Leyzer |
Klots |
Anshel |
Klots |
Ruben |
Kligman |
Avraham |
Kligman |
Efrayim |
Kligman |
Shmuel |
Kligman |
Shmeya |
Kliger |
Yosef |
Krasnopior |
Khayim |
| [305] |
Krusman |
Avraham |
Krusman |
Leyb |
Kroyzin |
Aizik |
Krishtol |
Zelik |
Kremer |
Moshe |
Kremer |
Kalman |
Reish |
Rabin |
Perel |
Ravke |
Yitskhak |
Ravke |
Leah |
Ravke |
Leybish |
Ravke |
Malakhay |
Ravke |
Note |
Rozental |
Dovid |
Rudman |
Avraham |
Rudman |
Aryeh |
Rudman |
Gershun |
Rudman |
Dovid |
Rudman |
Yodel |
Rudman |
Yekhiel |
Rudman |
Yitskhak |
Rudman |
Yaakov |
Rudman |
Yisrael |
Rudman |
Leyzer |
Rudman |
Nakhum |
Rudman |
Shmuel |
Rudman |
Shlomo |
Roytbard |
Khaya |
Roytbard |
Khayim |
Roytbard |
Khana |
Roytbard |
Meir |
Roytbard |
Mendel |
Reysman |
Hinde |
Shin |
Shats |
Hersh |
Shuber |
Hersh-Leyb |
Shuber |
Yisrael |
Shvarts |
Avraham |
Shukhat |
Khayim-Dovid |
Shukhat |
Yaakov (Shub) |
Shukhat |
Yosef |
| [306] |
Sher |
Yosef |
(Cantor) |
Sher |
Yosef |
Sher |
Moshe |
Shkolnik |
Asher |
Sharaybshtayn |
Eliezer |
Shikhman |
Shaul |
Shlaun |
Hersh |
Shamash |
Berl |
Shamash |
Yisrael |
Shenker |
Shmeya |
Shayes |
Elyakum |
Shayes |
Binyamin |
Shayes |
Henakh |
Shayes |
Zisye |
Shikhman |
Note |
Shakhur |
Moshe-Yaakov |
Shakhur |
Shmuel and daughter |
Shakhur |
Shlomo |
Shtaynvortsel |
Vove |
[Translator's Note:
A three line Yiddish paragraph at the bottom of p. 299 has
not yet been translated.]
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Pochayev, Ukraine
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Updated 7 Dec 2005 by LA