Encyclopaedia of Jewish Communities:
Germany volume 3

50°13' / 05°59'

Translation from Pinkas ha-kehilot Germanyah

Published by Yad Vashem

Published in Jerusalem, 1992



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This is a translation from: Pinkas Hakehillot: Encyclopaedia of Jewish Communities, Germany
Volume 3, pages 504, published by Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, 1992

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[Page 504]

Marköbel, Germany
(a town, today a section of the town of Hammersbach in the region of Main-Kinzig)

Translated by Jerrold Landau

Year Population Jewish Population Percentage
1835   79  
1861 1,113 73 6.6
1871 1,127 88 7.8
1885 1,162 91 7.8
1895 1,224 56 4.5
1905 1,233 70 5.7
1925 1,374 66 4.8
1933 1,476 46 3.1
1939 1,353 --  

Religious Affiliation by Percentage in the year 1925


History of the Community

In 1588, two protected Jews lived in Marköbel. They lent money for interest, and many of the residents of the town owed them money. In 1632, there were four Jewish families in Marköbel and in the middle of the 18th century there were 33 individuals in Marköbel and Hirzbach. Between the years of 1835-1837, violent acts were perpetrated aganst the Jews. The community opened a cemetery in 1835.

On the eve of the accession of the Nazis to government, 16 Jewish families from Marköbel earned ther livelihoods from the cattle trade as well as the textile and food trades. A few were butchers. The community had a synagogue (with 38 seats for men and 18 for women), and a small cemetery (463 square meters). Kosher slaughter was performed. Three children studied religious studies. The community belonged to the regional rabbinate of Hanau, and was headed by Louis Lichtenstein.

The Jews left Marköbel after the Nazis rose to power. Half left before Kristallnacht (November 10, 1938) and the rest left by May 1939. Eleven of them emigrated from Germany (six to the United States, four to the Land of Israel and one to South Africa). The synagogue was damaged on Kristallnacht and was later destroyed. The Jewish cemetery was desecrated in 1938 and in 1945. Today, the town of Hammersbach tends to it.

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